Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • Hi all,
    I fell off the wagon. I never thought I would do it as I found the first 7 weeks fantastic. I lost 7 kilos and was so determined and dedicated. Then I went on holiday. I had a week and half off and didn’t worry too much because I was starting again when I got back. I have done fast days since returning but I would call them very Laxed. I have had a wine or a coffee and convinced myself I will be back into it properly next week. That started 5 weeks ago…
    Luckily I have only gained back 2kg.
    Any suggestions for getting the focus back are fully welcome and appreciated. Starting coming back on this site is a help and I think I just need to bite the bullet and get strict with myself.

    Can you get a copy of the Fast Beach Diet book? Mimi Spencer has some pretty solid advice and I found it very encouraging.

    Hi PVE,
    I can see how you achieved such wonderful weight loss with both of you doing it together. My hubby doesn’t carry excess baggage and so I cook food for his lunches each weekend and again through the week when he runs out of snacks. Most times I am OK but the colder weather is testing me.
    I am now doing better since I started using my fitness pal, but I have also cut my ordinary intake to 5000Kj and around 1500Kj on fast days.
    Enjoy the rest of the week everyone, and for those who get it, the long weekend. My cows don’t know one day from the next, and weekends are the same as any other day.

    Hi hopeful:

    Plateaus are hard: http://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/on-plateaus/

    If you cut down on both fat and carbs, you are left with protein. However, protein in large doses (over 30% or so of your calories) is bad for you. Research indicates eating a low carb, higher saturated fat diet works best: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRe9z32NZHY

    Good Luck!

    Hi Simcoeluv,

    thanks very much, i think I will source my carbs from veges on non fast days and keep the fats ‘natural’ avo’s, oily fish etc, small amounts of cheese etc for satiety, obviously I will keep to 500 on fast days with my normal veges and soup etc, but think I have to review my non fast days more intently..
    I will watch video soon… cheers for your help xx

    Hi All…..I’m after some advice / opinions. I’m on my 2nd week and down 3kgs so very happy. I have been very good on my non fast days due to the fast days making me realise how I can actually cope with so many less calories, but… On my fast days, I was bringing to work celery sticks / capsicum sticks / tomatoes / grapes etc. all adding up to approx. 150cals, and it can take me up to 3 hrs to eat them all, just grazing whilst at my desk? Is this ok or is this considered grazing? Should I just eat and then be in the Fast state for as long as possible? Or is it ok regardless what and how long it takes if I stay under the 500 cals for the day? I’ve also realised how much less hungry I am if I don’t have breakfast so I have started skipping that on non fast days. Is that ok, or as I have always been told “is breakfast the most important meal of the day?”

    Hi tweety,

    If it works, just keep doing it. When I started out I had fruit for both breakfast and lunch and salad for tea. That was over six months ago, now I have my coffee in the morning, and some days if the worms are biting an apple for lunch, then salad plus some protein for dinner.

    It comes down to what works for each individual. Even on non fast days I often only have my coffee in the morning, and that is instant, with a little low fat milk.

    Keep up your good work. 🙂


    Hi Tweety,
    You just need to find what works for you. I’ve been 5:2ing for about 10 weeks now and have lost 6.5kg. I started with splitting my calories over lunch and dinner, but found I was hungry at night and couldn’t get to sleep. Now I just drink black tea or water during the day and have all my calories at once in the evening. Sometimes I need to nibble something in the afternoon, but not usually. Having one evening meal means I can usually eat what the family eats, without the carbs. So the meat and veg, but not the rice/spuds/pasta. Seems to work well for us.
    From the book, if you stay below your 25% TDEE, you can spread your allotted calories however you like over the day.
    Hope that helps 🙂

    Hi Amy12,
    Every fast day is a new beginning. I like to think of it as pressing the reset button. Start with one fast day. Then the next, and before you know it you’ll be back into you 5:2 routine.

    Hi everyone. I agree with PVE. This is a Way of Life not a diet. Lots of veges, some protein, some good fats and NO sugars and no empty starchy carbs. It was great reading your posts.
    We’re back after 22 days in China. I began 5:2 on 25 January and lost 8 kg in 8 weeks. I was so happy, happy happy that it never occurred to me that I was on a plateau for the next two weeks, also because my shape was rearranging itself. My size 12 pants feel fab. Can’t believe that I can buy off the shelf.
    On 5 May I clocked in at 13 kgs off and a BMI of 24.2 which is almost my goal weight and BMI. On holidays, we had spicy Chinese meals every day with a beer. Very little rice or buns. No desserts and no fast days. Very little lunches. I came home with the exact same weight and BMI on 2 June. We had roughly the same level of exercise as at home. We had a really good time.
    Today as the cold weather sets in, my treat is avocado on rice crackers. In the fridge, I have lots of vege soup with ginger and chili. Ready to go if I feel very hungry on a cold day. I have also reset the amount I eat on a non fast day in line with my reduced weight. It is an eye opener how little food we need, but the food has to be nutritious. Tonight’s meal is salmon and green veges and salad.
    Good luck to everyone.

    Way to go Bayleafoz!!!!

    PS. It’s not clear that I meant to say I don’t believe in low fat diets. You’re never satisfied. However, I do think that animal fats should be minimised and avocado, olive oil and nuts are good for you. I am a total convert to the sugar is poison POV. My only withdrawal symptoms have been from sugar, not from fasting.
    Good luck all.

    Thanks, MM. This blog site is sooo positive.

    I’m new to 5:2 today and south of the lap-band! Can’t say I think I’ve started terribly well as today’s task was to make my brother’s birthday cake… and home is the place it’s all too easy to whip up a batch of sticky buns (and I believe a little too much in my own press)

    I’ve taken the advice from this forum that each fast day is a new day… Onto tomorrow!

    Hi everyone, I am also below the lapband, and new to this site. I had my first fast day yesterday, and did not miss the food at all. I began my fast at 6pm, last night; and broke the fast at 1.30pm today. I think I will wait until next week to weigh & measure again.

    Well done Xiang
    Now, next time begin your fast after dinner (eg 7.30pm) and end it 36 hours later ie breakfast. You eat a very low amount during the fast day (we find 400-500 cals works). Most people eat about 120 cal (multiply by 4.186 to get kJ) at breakfast and the rest at dinner. Drink penty of water and black unsweetened drinks. It is amazing how you get used to, or embrace, your hunger. Remember any hunger pains are temporary and can by read as eating up your fat!
    This gives your body a long time to rest from processing foods and having blood sugar spikes.
    Have you read the Fast Diet Books? They are really good to explain the science behind this and to get recipe ideas.
    All the best from a fellow Southern Hemespherite

    Hey Bayleafoz
    Your ideas sound like me!)
    The most surprising thing my husband and I both found was having to replace our clothes SEVERAL times. Just when we thought we were small (size 12 for me) down it went again. I currently wear size 9 jeans. Whoohoo.
    We have also just been on several holidays, including a winery one. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, ate great food and gained only 1 kg. Fasted yesterday and am back down again. I think the habit allows you to consider more carefully your food choices and seriously shun those fatty carbs (eg pub meals with masses of chips) as you genuinely lose a taste for them.
    I often choose the vegetarian option as they are usually lower in fats.
    As Michael Moseley said “lean protein and plants” is the way to go.
    Some hints: a small egg omolette with a thin slice of ham, tomato of mushroom for breakfast (no oil) or 20g real oats with a handful of blueberries (fresh or frozen) no milk. Have some shop bought felafels or vegie patties in the fridge (read the kJs on them go for low ones) and have a couple with a lettuce leaf, a Tom Thumb tomato and even a dob of hummus for lunch or when desparate. Leafy greens and lean fish for dinner with lots of flavour (chilli, ginger, onion, shallots) Avoid all alcohol, fats, sugars and carbs on fast days. Try to go as long as possible between eating.
    I tend to eat as late as I can as once I eat, it is harder to abstain. I save most cals until dinner to make it easier to sleep (human brains think a lot when they are hungry).
    In cold weather homemade vege soup or green steamed stir “fry” with Shiritaki (sold as Simply noddles in Coles) are very filling with fish. We are currently also adding a tbs of pasata for fun. Make sure you read the cal count on it or make your own. Drink soda water with dinner to have a bit of a pep. It is important to treat yourself with flavour to not feel deprived.
    Seriously avoid snacking…your hunger will pass if you just go off and have a drink of water or black tea or coffee and do something else.
    Good luck all

    Hi fellow 5:2ers,

    I’m an Aussie from Brisbane and have lost 1 kg after 3 fasting days. I started last Thursday and will follow a Mon/Thurs week. I fasted until 3pm, just drinking teas and water (and if out I grab a skinny flat-white coffee). I’m not usually very hungry in the mornings so I found it easy to skip breakfast and then I just stretched it out to mid-afternoon.

    It was so much easier than I expected; my hunger pangs were tolerable with my mindset of ‘nil by mouth’ as in before having surgery. I didn’t wither away and actually have found fasting to be a relief as I don’t have to worry about what I ‘should, can and can’t’ eat. With trying to loose weight before it was such a drag to monitor every meal, however with the 5:2 ‘lifestyle’ I can have so much more freedom…bring it on!

    Hi all,

    I’ve put on 1kg over the past two weeks, doing 3 fast days in that time. (We have house guests this week so only managed one fast.)
    For those who don’t know me, I started last November with a BMI of 26, lost 5kg in 5 weeks and then very slowly (with one long plateau) edged down, losing 10.5kg by mid-May and getting to BMI 22.7.
    From this point I’ve been struggling a bit – onset of cold weather makes it harder, plus one part of me feels like I’ve made it and why keep going? But I do want to keep going, precisely because it’s so easy to put weight back on! Thinking over what’s caused me to put on weight, I’ve been having quite a few days where I eat full-fat [but no added sugar] yoghurt with fruit for either breakfast or dessert and eating more than usual amounts of bread. Even after six months of this, I still have that psychological tendency the night before a fast day to stuff myself in anticipation of deprivation! (I would have made a good cavewoman.)
    Anyway, time to stay calm and keep on fasting…

    Lots of helpful hints here, for which we are always grateful!
    I’ve just added another dart to my favourite size 14 denim shorts.

    I’m a 7pm-7pm faster and get by with hot drinks, especially Black Adder licorice tea.
    In 6 months, 12kgs gone, blood pressure down and tablets gone, and I’ve settled into a much healthier lifestyle.
    As someone else said, it’s not a diet, but a way of living that I’m happy to adhere to!

    Hi PVE, thanks for the advice. I have read a couple of the books and own one. I like to have some of the books with me.

    My problem with the regime is my hubby, he likes to make 3 meals a day, so I have to convince him that I don’t need that much food – but he seems to be listening this time

    Oh dear! I haven’t been very good at all and fell off the wagon already! My first 2 weeks were great and I lost 3kg, then became a bit complacent and put one of those kilos right back on. But I am determined to get back in the 5.2 swing because for those short few weeks the 3kg loss felt so great and made a huge difference to the way my clothes fitted, just a little less snug and it felt fantastic. So – I am now back with a vengeance! While trying to figure out why I came off the wagon I realised that yes, work was a bit stressful, and I do get home from work late, but I also realised that I hadn’t been logging into this site and catching up with all the great stories and support that you all give so freely. So I will try to open this page up a couple of times a week from now on to keep my spirits up and to realise that it really is a change of lifestyle and not just a quick fix.

    Hi Robs girl

    Yes, so easy to slip back if focus is diverted.

    I restarted 5:2 seriously when I went back to work after a month’s leave at the end of January and had put on nearly all I had lost in the last 1/4 of 2013 🙁

    Things went well until Easter and my birthday when I seriously fell off the wagon but refocussed, returned to keeping a food diary for a few weeks for my non-FDs and now have seen steady weight loss and am nearly back to my pre-Christmas low. Still long way to go as weight loss seems to be slow among ladies of a certain age but progress is progress and I’m hoping that my saggy old skin will keep up. My bingo wings, as well as hips and waist, are less than previously.

    Stress is a great ‘undoer’ in all of us because sugar and fat are rapid reducers of cortisol but it’s important for our own good that we find alternatives to our automatic reaching for the Tim Tams, Scotch Fingers or whatever is our preferred stress reliever.

    It’s also important to keep in mind that this is a Way of Living, as you say, and the wagon is always waiting for us to get back on, so don’t be too hard on yourself. The sun will still rise tomorrow.

    Nicky xxx

    Great to hear you are back on the 5:2 wagon Robs Girl. I agree with others that we should not view this as a diet but a new way of living our lives – liberated from all those diets that never worked because they were so artificial and easy to fall off. I have finished another fast day today accompanied by a full day yachting on Sydney Harbour training for this year’s Hamilton Island Race week in August – lots of wind and on boat action to keep my mind off food. But tomorrow is another non fast day – which I find much harder to keep to recommended levels of food intake, especially if I fall into the trap of drinking alcohol!!!!

    Hi all the Southern Hemisphereites who are enjoying a public holiday today. Probably not a good day to fast…put it off until tomorrow, but keep the holiday food healthy.
    Cheers PVE

    Hi all,
    Happy holiday to those of you who have a holiday today. I am back at work after a weekend away but I am back on the fasting and determined to make this a really good week after a somewhat mediocre 5-6 weeks. I have planned my meals for today and Wednesday and I have also got some walks with friends in the mix.
    I hope everyone has a great day.
    Loving all the posts on the forum over the last few days.

    Hello all, I have just finished my second fast day, but it was my first full day fast. Have weighed & measured, and lost …………. 3cm from my waist, and 1 kg, so am back under the 100kg mark – whew …… I haven’t hit that high in over 3 years, so was very upset the day I sw that weight, so glad I am under it again. My next goal is to be under 90kg, so that I can begin to fit back into the majority of my clothes again. Thanks for this forum, it helps for me to share things with someone.

    Hi PVE and all,

    Happy holiday and thanks for your greetings – it’s a beautiful morning down south and regardless of the holiday I’ve decided to do the fast. I certainly went through some shake down fast days to sort out what suits my metabolism. Starting to eat later in the day suits me better and eliminates my bad cortisol mood mid-afternoon. I started at the beginning of December. I’ve shed 18 Kg since 1st July when I decided to lose 20 Kg in a year. I reckon I’ll make it. 🙂

    So – I skip breakfast, have skinny milk in my morning coffee, drink lots of water, then lunch around 1 PM. I have one of a few lunches on my list – smoked trout, tuna, or egg with vegetables or salad. Usually I have a mug of red miso soup (brand Spiral = 7 Cals) around 5 o’clock, maybe with two sesame wheat biscuits. I even have family coming for dinner tonight but I won’t have any alcohol – soda water with a lemon wedge, 100g steak, steamed vegetables. Easy!

    My secret weapons are (1) my mantra is This is my lifestyle choice! I do my best never to say or even think the word ‘diet’ because it has such negative subliminal connections. That’s why I think the word diet in the book title was catchy but not helpful. It’s even mentioned too often on this forum. (2) Achieve everything s-l-o-w-l-y then it will stick and I’ll still fit my skin. (3) Using MyFitnessPal app. I’ve learned heaps about food quantities and negotiating my calories in v. calories out with exercise. I thought at my age (!!!) I should have learned these things but there are levels of learning, aren’t there. There is intellectual understanding and then there is deeply accepted gut level understanding which I needed to deal with addictions – like sugar. Oh the demon sugar!

    And then there are the demons in food manufacturing land and marketing land. Did anyone see “The Men Who Made Us Fat”? We do well to be sceptical and self-determining about what food goes into the mouth.

    Well I hope a few rambling thoughts are useful to someone. Thanks for your sharing too.


    G’day Graham.

    The sailing sounds wonderful. I live by the sea, and these sunny and windy days are such a treat.

    Try to leave tomorrow to the future and stay with today. Instead of being concerned about a non-fast day, make a few decisions about how you’ll behave from now on. For instance, when the drinking gets going, go prepared to have one glass of soda for every beer. I cart soda with me to lots of things, buy it when I’m at a pub. I bought a soda stream so I never drink it flat… at home that is.

    The other thing is not to worry about over-eating. If you recall on the TV program, Michael spoke to some researcher gal (can’t recall her name) who said that her team has shown that fasting works even if people eat up to 140% of normal the day after fasting. Research also shows that most people just eat about 110% of normal amount! Just learn to let the full feeling speak to you AND stop then.

    I went through that show twice or more, and made notes so that I could see the progression of Michael’s investigation. It all makes such a lot of sense.


    Hi RosC,

    Great work to loose 18kgs! I totally agree about using the ‘D’ word; I prefer to define 5:2 as a lifestyle too.

    I’m just starting out and plan to loose 12-15 kgs by years end. I am hoping that is doable.

    Cheers, EatSleepSki.

    Hi all! I’ve been away a week and the site’s gone wild with exciting chatter! So great to hear everyone’s getting into the swing of 5:2.
    I just had the most fantastic week on Lord Howe island and chose not to do any fasting while I was there. I didn’t mind not fasting as there was so much walking, cycling and snorkelling that I did, that I’m sure at I made up for any excess calories I know I consumed.
    If any of you want to come and see the most pristine, friendly and spectacularly beautiful place on the planet, come and see this gem! It’s totally worth it! And the lagoon reefs are the most rich, healthy and diverse I’ve ever seen, also the world’s most southern reefs.
    Getting on the scales this morning, it looks like I didn’t stack on any extra weight, even while eating too many carbs, sugar and fried foods whilst on the island. So getting back into the saddle, and looking forward to fasting today and Thursday.

    Hi IHAW, well done not putting on any weight. Lord Howe is a fantastic place – I’m a fern freak and I was in heaven.

    This site has certainly woken up in the past few days – good to hear from everyone as we all have something to contribute or learn.

    I can’t easily fast at home (husband rail thin and eats anything) so keep my FDs for work, tomorrow and Wednesday due to Her Maj’s birthday holiday today.

    Heaven knows what I’ll do when I finally retire, hopefully by then have reached goal so will be easier to control.

    Have a good week everyone

    Thanks ESSki. I reckon your goal is certainly do-able, and it’s good to notice what other changes happen along the way as well.
    Go for it.

    Hi Nicky,

    I have Lord Howe on my plan for next year so you’ve really whetted my appetite so-to-speak. I recently had a holiday in Tasmania for 3 weeks and during that time I walked a lot. I didn’t fast strictly speaking but a couple of times a week I had ‘light’ days which were alcohol free and fish or egg with salads. Worked a treat with no weight gain. I stay away from sugar these days for different reasons altogether – skin problems and inflammation mainly, both of which have reduced +++


    Hi everybody
    It’s been a while since I’ve posted on this ‘Southern’ group but I have enjoyed reading all your posts.
    Lord Howe sounds like a great place and it’s on my ‘bucket’ list . Haven’t been able to make any firm plans as my husband is still working, albeit part time. Hopefully next year we’ll have more time.

    We’re into our 21st week on the 5.2. And although today is a public hol we decided to still do a fast day. Or I should say I’ve decided. Given a choice my husband wouldn’t have worried but I’m trying to be a good motivator ( that’s not what MM says!!!!). He reckons it’s just me being a pushy female!!!!. Ah well that’s life!!

    Although in the early weeks we saw the kilos go down we’ve sort of come to that so called ‘plateau’. In fact both of us have seen a slight increase some weeks even though we are trying to be reasonably carefully on non- fast days. The really good thing is that we are both fitting into our clothes better and our shapes are definitely changing. It’s good to see my waist come back after many a year in hibernation. Blood pressure is pretty good not sure about the cholesterol yet as I haven’t had a test since being on 5.2.. Generally we both feel better for this WOE and hope we can one day just be on a maintenance routine. I think we’ve got a long way to go yet., but we’re still hopeful. They do say it will take some time so will try and remain upbeat.
    Doing treadmill work at least 5 days a week when possible and the FIT. Feel much better for it all.

    The weather here ( Gosford ) is very cold and wet at present , a good day to watch a movie.
    Interesting, about the eating extra calories on non- fast days. Maybe there’s something in that!!!!!

    Congrats to all those that have lost weight and those that have reached their goals.

    Have a good hol Monday and have a good week.

    Hi PVE, totally agree with all you posted on 5 June. I fasted yesterday, as had grand kids today.

    Hi IHAW, We are looking forward to going to Lord Howe in the next 12 months. Where did you stay? How did you arrange the snorkelling etc? Grateful for any ideas. Thanks. 🙂

    Well done all. So positive and obviously getting your heads around this lifestyle. I actually love the challenge of learning new recipes that are brilliantly tasty and low cal. (Try a version of zucchini slice with grated beetroot and zucchini…delicious!) So many vegetables and so much you can do with them.
    My husband looked very disappointed when I suggested 5:2ing on a public holiday. I gave in. Tomorrow is the day, backed up with Thursday. Two days when I am out of the house and busy…much easier!
    Keep up the good work (despite the cooling weather) we folks at the right end of the earth can do it!!!
    PVE 🙂

    Hi bay leaf, we stayed at the beachcomber apartments, there are plenty of similar low key, cheap and cheerful places, as well as the more expensive resorts. All are close to the action, the whole island is only 11 km long and not far to get to the Eco tour business, who run the snorkelling, glass bottom boat, Mt Gower climb and kayak tours, from the Blue shed on the lagoon beach front. There are other businesses catering to diving, etc nearby.
    There is a good tourist info website including all of the businesses on Lord Howe Island and where they are located, charges, etc. my tip is to do as much research as you can before you go, use the bikes that are for hire, and wear sensible walking shoes and bring rain coats! You’ll have the best time if you go with a friendly attitude and partially self cater, to save on costs.
    We got lots of good healthy food from the co-op. Fresh baked goods are available from Earl’s anchorage, as well as roast chooks and pizza. Good hamburgers from Thompson’s store. Nearly everywhere does great coffee. The museum is worth a visit and has a nice cafe open for lunch, also with internet access.
    I loved the lack of litter, graffiti, traffic, noise and keys. No one locks their doors!
    Hope that helps, cheers!

    Hi everyone,
    I’m fasting today as usual despite the holiday. I started off with a brisk walk with a neighbour and we were scooting along in the cold breeze at a good pace of 9:35mins per km when my tablet lost the satellite just after we turned back for home at 3km. It’s flat land here so the weather has a lot of impact, we’re a lot slower in the heat of summer.
    RosC – I’ve been watching The Men Who Made us Fat, very interesting and worrying – the power Big Food has over governments. Remember back in February a new healthy food rating website was launched for a nano second, them removed…. I wonder whether the Department of Health will ever get the website launched.
    I only started looking for sugar content of food and drinks after my Dr. told me I was pre diabetic and I had to “cut out sugar” for two months – that was nearly two years ago. I went shopping with a magnifying glass plus light so I could read the labels – the hardest to read are black printing on purple labels. I was amazed to find sugar in unexpected items like tuna. We had a great crop of home grown corn but it finally ran out and had frozen corn last night, it was much sweeter than fresh corn and sure enough there was 7.5g sugar per 100g serving.
    So now tonight I’m looking forward to little bit of chicken with lots of green veggies, definitely no sweetcorn.

    Hi IHAW. Many thanks for the advice. Will do the research. Good to hear we can do some self catering.

    Hi PVE,

    I read your post just now, and am intrigued with the altered zuke slice – will do some looking around the recipe books. It would be possible to record it MyFitnessPal and work out the calories per serve, maybe make adjustments.

    I wanted to respond to your comment that your husband didn’t want to fast on a Public Holiday and that got me thinking… Now, I don’t know what your activities were for the holiday of course, but it prompted a general question in my mind – isn’t it interesting how we tend to see food as part of relaxation? Eating at sports events is part of the deal. Having special food or beverage planned for a holiday even if it’s “just us”. Sitting at the desk with tea and a McVitie’s.

    I realise I consciously made a decision to have the usual fast day yesterday. Had a visitor for dinner – steak and vegies done in a pan and fresh asparagus. My vegies were barbecued on a BBQ plate and I had 100g of steak. Easy! My point is, that I needed to make the decision and say to myself, “Well, in this instance, it doesn’t matter”. The hard part was leaving the wine to the others however, there is some left for today. That’s the good part about this system – I’m not deprived forever!


    Hello Violet May,

    I certainly do recall that website disappearing, and that it was linked to vested interest problems. I’m so concerned with the political processes that seem to have some dishonest dealings, especially when it comes to compromising our food bowl, our water tables, and our health. But enough of that.

    I’m gob-smacked about the sugar in frozen corn. WHAT ARE THEY DOING? (sorry to shout) I really thought that frozen fresh foods were just that! Now I’ll be reading those labels as well. In fact, it possibly warrants a letter to Choice/Australian Consumers Association.


    Hi all, I’m another one who did fast on the public holiday yesterday and I feel so good for it. As you’ll recall, I only did one fast last week and had put on weight at my weekly weigh-in, so I was psychologically keen to get back into the fasting routine. I found it very easy. I spent most of the rainy day at home reading and didn’t find it at all difficult to not eat, even when I made lucnh for my kids. In fact we went to an evening movie and didn’t have dinner till 9.30pm and that was fine.
    One thing I found interesting was that I felt very empty (in a good way) towards the end of the day, much more so than when I fast at work. It’s funny all the tricks your mind/body can play on you.

    Hi RosC and others
    I’m regretting not doing the fast yesterday, although we did have a good day cooking and had an unexpected visitor who helped polish off the zucchini beet slice, with salad of course.
    Had one felafel and unadorned salad sitting in the rain in the city for my breakfast/lunch today. Now the long haul until the other “meal” this evening. 4 hours away!
    My husband recorded all the foods we commonly eat on an Excel spreadsheet when we first started. It made it easy to get my head around relative values of different foods. Processed foods do contain all sorts of surprising junk. It is safer to stick to fresh and do it yourself.
    I am becoming keenly aware how the way my grandmother prepared food when I was a kid is the way to go. She only chose fruit and vegetables that were in season and preferably local. (reduces cost and food miles) Prepare them in simple, but delicious ways (steam, dry fry, wrap in paper)
    Buy expensive, lean protein with the money saved on the fruit and veg and by not buying packaged junk.
    I am also rediscovering the joy of using all the leftovers to make my fastday soups (freeze in small portions). With onion, chilli flakes, a bit of stock and any vegetable you can find – not spuds – and Bob’s your uncle!
    Happy winter fasting, gang.
    The happy cook, PVE

    Hi Everyone,
    Great to see so much activity on this site. Just an update on having reached another small goal, today after a normal fast yesterday my weigh in showed that I now have discarded 20 kg since the 12th of November 2013. I am so loving this WOL, 🙂
    On the farm over the weekend we split our cows into their joining mobs and put bulls out, and one mob to be artificially inseminated (AI).
    We still have lots of grass here, but the frosts over the weekend will slow the growth right down.
    At the blood bank today one of the nurses was telling me about a healthy chocolate that you can make yourself, made with coconut oil.
    Does anyone else know whether it is good or bad for us? I made some tonight, it is very very rich so you only eat one piece, but it does not leave you craving for more as there is no sugar in it, just honey. Looking on the web coconut oil seems to have mixed reviews.
    Enjoy the week everyone, onwards and downwards. IHAW, thanks for the info on Lord Howe, someday I may get there, just need better returns for the hours we do on the farm. Looking forward to the documentary this week on the diet industry, not that we diet, we are on a different lifestyle to the masses.

    Hi Charlie and all,
    That’s an impressive number of kilos to lose, must make chasing those cows and calves a lot easier. Our cows are still calving, AI will kick off in August.
    I don’t know about coconut oil, I have a jar in the fridge and have used it instead of olive oil for cooking omelets, mushrooms etc. but I’d be interested to know about it too. I found it a bit overpoweringly coconutty so it’s just lurking in the fridge… sort of unused. Also I have a 500g bag of chickpeas so has anyone any good chickpea recipes? I see it is high in protein and is actually listed in the Fast Diet book in the protein section.

    Hi Charlie and Violet,
    good to hear that you’re getting such wonderful results Charlie! Twenty kilos is a lot! What I love about this woe is that we are the one’s in control, not some diet company telling us what to do.

    I’m also waiting to see the doco about the ‘men who made us thin’ as the other one recently aired called ‘the men who made us fat’ which was truly scary….and the terrible thing was that the whole planet has just gone along mindlessly with whatever these large food corporations demanded. Even our own government is at the beck and call of these same powerful organisations, and backs out of standing up and regulating this industry, which in turn is leading to the terrible health outcomes for our population – ( increased rates of cancer, diabetes and cardio-vascular disease )

    In the mean time, I have to admit that being aware and focused on what I’m actually sticking in my mouth, on 5:2 is a POWERFUL and ENLIGHTENING act of self preservation and awareness!

    Charlie, the coconut chocolate sounds intriguing, I might look it up. And Violet, chickpeas are the basis of many wonderful dishes, but my favourite is hummus. I love making hummus, which is so much nicer than the supermarket ones, which skimp on the lemon juice and garlic making them pretty tasteless. I also like to add in some sun-dried tomatoes or chilli to give it a little twist.

    Chickpeas can also be added whole and cooked, into a salad or casserole/stew/targine/soup for extra protein and texture. If you want to watch another interesting doco, look up ‘make hummus, not war’, it travels the Middle East looking at all the regional variations of hummus, and the strange fact that although all sides seem to be unable to live in peace, they all love hummus.

    Keep up the excellent work everyone, you really make my day by sharing your journey to better health!

    Hi SHs
    Fabulous success Charlie. You have done brilliantly.
    Yes ihaveawaist, chickpeas are tops. Protein, tasty and low GI. Excellent. I love felafels and hummus with a bit of lettuce and a small tomato for a fast lunch/breakfast.
    I’d be careful using coconut oil, Nicky. Not very healthy at all. High cal, bad fats. Better to choose some yummy berries than try to make fake chocolate. A bit like vegetarians eating tofu prawns 🙁
    Talking about tellie….did you watch the one on the Beatles in Aust last night? I’m the same cohort as those screaming girls 50 years ago. The haircuts and clothes were SO familiar. What simple times and how thin everyone was! Interesting to see John laying into the journo….I guess he became a pacifist later 😉
    Have a good one,

    Hi Violet May,
    Nice to have another rural woman here. What breed of cows are yours? Yes it is much easier chasing them around. I sure have a very proud hubby, he is soo impressed with my new energy levels, and how well I am coping with him working off farm full time, which he started the day I started this way of life.
    Have a good week everyone,
    Cheers, Charlie.

    Well done, all.
    Last night I watched the SBS Insight program about alcohol. Listening to them, some in denial, I felt that this is me with sugar. Now, I appreciate that sugar consumption does not inflict damage on others in the same way as alcohol. However, I do feel that I am a person who cannot treat herself to sweet products, and then immediately stop the effects. I always want just a few more.
    Today I went into a fast day ahead of my normal Thursday, precisely because I have treated myself to brownies and chocolate on Monday and Tuesday. And I need it to stop. I made the sweets for grandchildren on Monday and I should have sent the leftovers home with them. Lesson for next time. 🙂
    Congrats to all on the farm.
    Thanks to all contributors for being there. This blog site is a fantastic and positive support group. 🙂

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