Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 27,968 replies, has 833 voices, and was last updated by  Cinque 1 hour, 51 minutes ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 951 through 1,000 (of 28,072 total)

  • yeah u posted this around 3pm uk time didnt u?

    Hello everyone!

    I have decided to restart the 5:2 fast diet with a two day fast starting tomorrow. I have lost 10kgs over the last 3 months but now I am stuck! So as I am not prepared to remain “stuck” at this weight, I am trying something new.

    Really pleased to see that there is a blog/forum specifically for those of us in the southern hemisphere and having read through some of the earlier posts, also pleased to see that some of the frustrations that I am feeling, others on the same journey are also tackling.

    Like Cath B, I was very pleased to find that my size 16 jeans are now very comfortable, whereas before I could not even get them done up!

    I still have a number of what I call “aspirational dresses” in my wardrobe, one of which I want to wear to a friend’s special birthday in the middle of the year. So I need to find a way to shift the weight.

    Diet is about the only thing that I can control as my disability means that I cannot really exercise, unless it is in the swimming pool ( currently doing 2 sessions of hydro therapy each week).

    Look forward to any tips that you might have to help me on my way!

    I am still learning, and also have a medical condition, on each of my fasting days(which turn out as 2 at a time since I start fasting in the morning) I try to take excercise-swimming! since i am no help for much else.

    To Big Pete

    Peter – You are doing so well, I thought 114 a week or so 3 weeks ago was fantastic, but down to 110 !! Think of it as being a LOSS of 7.5% (approx, not too good at maths) of your starting weight – amazing.
    Definitely 90kg by Christmas
    So pleased for you, it’s a great feeling.

    Hello fellow fasters. One of the NZ contingent here. Just wanting to add my words of encouragement to all of you. I started the 5:2 lifestyle in late November, and have lost 7.8kgs in total. I find that if I stick religiously to the 500 cal limit every fast day, I’ll virtually guarantee to lose 1/2 kg per week. And I don’t count calories during the non-fast days. I drink wine with dinner, eat chocolate if I want, and NEVER feel deprived or missing out. That is the biggest win of all. The psychology of feeling like a normal person, 5 days out of 7 keeps me totally committed to the 2 Fast Days. It is by far the easiest diet I have ever done. And I have sure tried a few! The biggest reward is being able to wear lots of my old clothes in comfort again, and actually donate the loose ones to the Hospice shop. It pays not to weigh yourself every day. Once a week maximun so as not to get disheartened. I find using my clothes a better guide, and more inspirational. I’ve got between 4 – 6 kgs more to lose, and am looking forward to all your words of advice. I can see this being a genuine life-style change. It is a much better way to life and surprisingly easy to do. Would love to hear from others and happy to add extra tips if asked. Cheers.

    Hi Joestar. I absolutely agree with you. I don’t deny myself on the non-fast days. It makes me feel like a normal person! I don’t go crazy stupid either, probably because of the “tummy shrinking” phenomenon. But isn’t it nice to enjoy food and drink most of the time without feeling guilty!

    You are right about it all getting so much easier. The first three weeks were pretty tough, but it all feels totally manageable now. I haven’t come across anyone saying it is unhealthy, and if I should, I’d just recommend them to the science of intermittent fasting research. Mostly people just say “well done” and want to try it themselves. We all live in a world filled with far too much food, and this is a totally awesome way to control our intake of it. Keep on fasting! Cheers, Mazzy NZ

    Hello IHAW. I’ve just joined this forum, thinking how nice it is to have fellow fasters downunder. I’ve lost 7.8kgs in a little over 3 months, (with time off at Christmas) So much wisdom in your words. And I love your Forum Name. I think I might call myself IDHAT – “I don’t have a tummy”, when it is totally true.
    I am surprised at how variable the scales are, and have committed to weighing myself only once a week maximum. I also understand that as there becomes less of me, there will obviously be fewer calories needed to maintain me. So thanks for your advice. Looking forward to hearing how things progress downwards and any more hints. It is pretty awesome to be losing weight so successfully. Particularly when I tried and failed over and over again on other diet plans. Cheers, Mazzy NZ

    Sadly, I think I’ll have to go the same way as mazzynz, as the off days calories counting is doing my head in!
    I do manage fast days really well and will be on a limited food intake when hubby goes to NZ for 3 weeks 🙂

    Well done mazzynz, you do us proud, along with all the others here!

    Hey there everyone!

    Posting from Melbourne and have only just started the 5:2.

    Looking forward to coming in here on a Monday/Thursday to get some real time (Aussie time) encouragement!

    Thanks for starting this thread.

    Thanks Mazzynz,
    I’m really just limiting my intake as an on need basis on my off days, I really feel like food tastes better after a fast, I have a fair idea what things are worth so I no longer count calories.Once you recognize real hunger and as your tummy shrinks it all becomes easier not to incessantly eat

    Hi I am a Kiwi/Aussie who started this week on 5:2…so two days of fasting already and a loss of 1.8kg….impressed but hard to shake old mental diet habits !
    Struggled on 2nd fast day yesterday and dreadful night last night and this am with flu like feelings plus “racing”! Better after some decent eating …..is this normal in the early stages? Glad to see such a good forum and support being shown…..thanks for starting this thread.

    Hi Jules 64,

    Bodily objections to drastic changes in eating habits are pretty normal but will pass as you settle into a pattern. You will also find that as your body gets used to he fasting days that without counting calories or obsessing about what you are eating your will also adjust your food portions on your eating days to. Some say that you “naturally” increase your exercise program as it becomes easier to move around but I cannot vouch for that.

    Welcome Davidrob, sorry it has taken me so long to respond, I was beaten to the punch by an influx of kiwis. For those who have mobility challenges, water based exercises are the key. My husband has just hired a recumbent exercise bike so that he can increase his aerobic exercise. I am going to try and get on that for a half an hour a day. Will report how successful that is.

    To everyone joining this thread, keep doing the best that you can today and then restart tomorrow.

    Finally but most encouragingly, to (formerly) Big Pete, you are doing really well. I look forward to hearing when you hit “double digits”. We are with you.

    Hello to all the new contributors. I thought you might be interested to know that there is also an active Facebook page for “The Southern Hemispherites”. It is a closed group (just for forum posters), so you have to click “request to join.” If you’d like to see the people behind the forum pseudonyms, and share encouragement, photos and recipes, etc, in another format, here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groupinvite/ATUp-6qC6M8_B3hAg9WMKoKiMVcuH8BObgaP3LuQwTY5kLhhu2WlHR2GfuJmYF2FJvj03YGgr2GeiVFg8gQoJqzj0N_iJ2bDXytFl5gH37DI0Qdo1V1DgcPB04jfLEialRUzGVCP227aAAPgbReApkaqmKWKwAmj4CBA1j_y28PGfjTdJxBuEcI-zfc7T4LXgjE .

    Hi, I am from Melbourne and have been on the diet for about three weeks. I have lost about 2 1/2 kilos so far. I think the hardest thing I find is to not over eat on the non fast days. The fast days seem easier as I know what my limitations are. I do not want to calorie count on my non fast days and keep trying to exercise control. I guess there is always tomorrow !

    Hi all and welcome newbies!
    Funny how this fasting thing gets easier – and wonderful 🙂 I’m finding that my need to eat has decreased so much. I only had breakfast and dinner yesterday and it was enough so today feels like I’m being super virtuous by doing a proper fast. I really can’t believe how my relationship with food has changed so much – I think about food a lot but in a totally different way. It’s just not the emotional crutch or addiction that it’s always felt like before. Now I get so much pleasure every time I eat and really appreciate each mouthful while being aware of the good that I’m doing to my body… and yes, even the wine and chocolate! (Although I bought a wee chocolate yesterday with my groceries and Forgot To Have It!!)
    Still haven’t weighed or measured myself but I know I’m losing and I’m happy with that approach for me.
    Happy fasting today all!

    Hi! Well for me, it is day one of fasting and its lunchtime:( No lunch for me today :(. A bit of an issue for me is that I am 7 years post lap banding, I traditionally eat less than normal anyway, and then to reduce a % for fasting days leaves me with very little calorie intake. Doing OK so far though.
    I am hoping that as mentioned in the other posts my need for food diminishes. I have Mother-Of-the-bride duties in October!
    I am in Newcastle, NSW.

    Hi Everyone!
    I’m just getting started. I had been ignoring this new diet for a while as I’m always skeptical about really radical fad diets. I wouldn’t have looked at this one if I hadn’t seen Michael Moseley’s doco on exercise a while back. That impressed me enough to try to add more NEAT to my days (I hate exercise) – I have ordered his book on that topic for my kindle.
    I’ve spent the last 3 days watching the Horizon program on fasting and reading his book and another one, as well as buying the recipe book for Fast days for inspiration. I have had good success with a ketogenic diet (using real food, not awful meal replacements), but find it so restrictive I haven’t had the willpower to get back on it after Christmas (and it’s now March and my BMI has crept back into the obese zone – 30.14!). I’m really hoping this will suit me, as I will still get to enjoy family meals (including pasta, rice and potatoes forbidden on ketogenic diets), and the bickies, cakes and slices I make for the kids, as well as guilt free wine.
    My plan is to fast on Mondays and Thursdays, though I’ll start tomorrow (Tuesday) as it’s a public holiday here today. The studies showed that people start consuming less calories on non fast days as they continue on the diet. To test this for myself, I’m going to do a full week food diary on My Fitness Pal this week, and then every fourth or fifth week to see if I start making better choices on my feast days. Other than that, I’ll just count calories on fast days.
    I’m looking forward to my first fast day tomorrow.
    I’m also looking forward to “meeting” fellow fasters.

    Hi Mum:

    It sounds like you have done your homework.

    Here is a weight loss pattern you may run into: http://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/really-no-weight-loss/

    And this ‘diet math’ may help: http://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/tdee-for-the-curious-or-why-dont-i-lose-weight-faster/

    Good Luck!

    Thanks for the links Simcoeluv!
    I hope I can similarly be very angry about missing out on wearing some jeans I have in my wardrobe which have been patiently waiting there for me for……..
    I have also done the calcualtions on estimating my daily calorie requirement, and that means I’ll be starting my fast days on a lower 400 calories to be 1/4 of my DCR – being a shortie doesn’t help.

    Hi MelbourneMum,

    I am in the same boat, needing less than 400 calories on fast days…(I am 5ft 1 inch).

    This is my first day and my clothes are waiting for me also! 🙂

    Words of encouragement to the newbies who’ve just joined the forum. Weight loss can be quite impressive in the first 1-2 weeks, but the adjusting to significantly lower food intake has its challenges. I did have a couple of days of feeling wan and a bit light-headed. So that can be expected. Just push through them, but don’t eat to compensate. Black or herbal tea helps a great deal. Or black coffee if you are so inclined.

    Do hang in there. By three weeks in things settle down a fair bit, and after a while you find yourself not even feeling like lunch every day. See CathB’s comments above. That happened to me as well. It is so much of a relief not to be desperate to eat most of the time. And I love the freedom that non-fast days give me. However, as my weight drops, I am finding I need to be just that bit more careful with food choices on non-fast days. If I really go out of control and binge, then I do sabotage my week’s losing streak. This has only just happened recently, and I think it is because my weight is now down by 7.5kgs, and I just need less to sustain me on a normal basis. Or I could up my exercise regime – not something that “spins my wheels” unfortunately.

    Really want to encourage everyone to stick with it. It is way easier than watching every mouthful of food you ever eat. And choosing your fast days means you can join in the good stuff without feeling guilty. Such a lovely feeling. Cheers.

    Hi all,

    Welcome to all the new folk that have found this wonderful WOE/WOL. Three months down the track and I have lost 15.2kg. Blood bank again today, BP up slightly 110/64, but pulse down to 69, just shows that exercising does help like Doc Mosley said that it would. BP up as I had elderly mother in tow, as she had eye appointment. Stress raises the BP every time.

    To the new folk I concur with others about headaches etc, but you just hang in there, now three months down the track I really enjoy fast days, but I have learnt that once you settle into a routine with them do not change it as it can upset the applecart, and you can get a really bad headache from it. I have only given in once and that was a few weeks ago when I thought that I would be smart and change my fasting day eating. Won’t do that again 🙁

    To everyone, happy fasting for the rest of the week, onwards and downwards we all go.

    Cheers Charlie. 🙂

    Well done Charlie!
    I’m with you on the fast day changing… I’ve done it twice and with negative results.
    I’m sure it’s all in my mind..lol..it’s programmed for Mon/Thur now and hard to make that adjustment.
    Onwards and downwards, indeed!

    Hi all! Great to hear everyone choofing-along so well!

    Charlie, I had to laugh when you mentioned your blood pressure being raised….I totally get it! Exact thing happens to me!! Your measurements are soooo great! Well done!

    Hello and welcome to those of you who are new. Keep contributing to our conversations, it’s fascinating, and keeps us all motivated.

    Last night I had the strangest conversation with my aged mother in law, about my 5:2 experience so far. She was completely engaged with what I said, and she’s now planning on getting my niece on board too, as she’s also been talking about shedding some weight recently. I tentatively suggested that they could help each other trying the 5:2 w.o.e., and my niece could look up this web site to do some research for them both.
    I’ll be interested to see how they go, although we live 2 thousand kms apart…and aren’t that close to me normally. Maybe it’ll be the start of a fresh new way of interacting with my in-laws, as well as a new way of eating!

    Have a great week, cheers!

    Hi all very interesting to hear that some do not like to change their fast days…this is what I love about this WOE – flexibility to fast when it suits lifestyle and events etc

    I usually fast Mon/Thurs but I’m fasting today off the back of a public holiday in CBR which I wanted to enjoy, so I would not discount changing it up if people need too. Luckily I haven’t experienced any of the negatives some others have.


    Hi all,

    Im starting today also, im a KIWI living all the way up here in DARWIN… we are still part of OZ though we are closer to Indonesia!!!
    First fast day today, had Tom Yum Soup for lunch and yoghurt with Chia Seeds, these are great, they swell in your tummy and make u feel fuller, are great for you and for your digestion..home tonight for stirfry veges (minimal oil) My partner is off fishing so will be hard at home alone without visiting the fridge.. good luck to me, have bought some soda water and diet lime cordial so will sip on that…well bring on the next fast day (thurs) and the delicious lunch i will have tomorrow !!!! (p.s new to blogging too) xx

    Hi everyone,
    I’m in Sydney and I’m now in week 4. I’m loving this diet and slowly losing weight about 2.5 kgs so far. I’ve pretty well been on every diet there is but find this one great. I’ve got quite a lot of weight to lose. It can be hard on a fast day at times but I keep thinking tomorrow I can eat more and it motivates me. Also reading the forums helps me keep on track. So thank you!

    Best wishes to all Southern Hemispherites!

    Well, I didn’t know that about Chia seeds…..its on the shopping list for this arvo for sure though.

    Cheers to all….

    Hello everyone! 🙂

    It’s been ages since I posted in this topic; have just had a quick read thru of all the posts since then, and it is great to see so many newbies and, on the whole, everyone doing so well. 😀

    A quick recap on me, for those who may not have read back that far. I am approaching a year following this Way Of Life. I am now on maintenance, having lost 18kg in 36 weeks (in time for Christmas), going from BMI of 27 to 21, and body fat % of high 30s to low 20s. I was one of those lucky ones who lost the weight easily, tho am finding maintenance more tricky!!

    Lots of great advice has been given by others in this topic. Different – often opposite! – things work for different people, so you need to find what works for you.

    – some need breakfast on a fast day, others (most) prefer to wait for as long as possible before eating (ideally dinner time), and a few manage a liquid fast

    – some (most?) significantly reduce or remove white carbs; others have what they like on non-fast days

    – some count calories all the time, some never count on non-fast days

    – some weigh daily, some weekly, some not at all

    So if one strategy is not working for you, do try something else. 🙂

    I have been thinking if I have any other advice to offer, based on my experience over the past year. I did include some thoughts in an earlier post in this strand or the lloacas one – have you all worked out that if you click on someone’s highlighted name, it takes you to their profile and you can access all their posts?

    I really don’t have anything to add that has not been said. Try not to get hung up about what the scales say on any particular day, just concentrate on the longer term trend. I am currently daily weighing (and then averaging my weight over 7 days) and my weight can go up or down over a kg between one day and the next, even with weighing under similar conditions. Water retention has a big impact!

    Stick with it, and the results should follow. If you really overindulge one day, try to make the next day a fast day. If you really don’t feel like fasting, don’t – it can wait for another day. And if you just can’t get down to fasting for many days – well, perhaps you needed the break, but try to find a motivator to get you going again. This is a WOL, and you can return to it at any stage.

    Special hi to those also in Melbourne. A month or so ago I tried to organize a get-together of Melbournites with no takers from this forum, but if anyone is interested, we could try again.

    My very best wishes to you all.
    Sassy 😀

    G’day all!

    Sassy, I was in Melbourne on Monday. I’m 20km outside Geelong, and might only go to Melbourne maybe once a year or so. Cities and me just don’t agree!

    The fasting still continues to go well for me. One thing I’ve found I have to watch on fast days – I have a tendency to think “I’m eating so much less than usual today, so it’ll be all right if I just have a piece of this (insert temptation food here), it’s still less calories than I usually eat.” Yesterday I was out visiting friends on a fast day and someone brought in some iced doughnuts, cut into quarters. Could you resist? I had one quarter, but I know I shouldn’t have.

    Big Pete

    Hi Big Pete
    How did you manage to stop at only a quarter – good for you for managing that! As long as you enjoyed the quarter, then that is the main thing. We are only human and temptation happens. When we do indulge, we should not feel guilty, but make the most of it, then move on. As long as you don’t eat bags of donuts every day, I am sure you’ll get there! 🙂 I generally do always have something more indulgent on a fast day – a small piece of choccie is my thing, and I save it for as late in the day as possible. Something sweet before bedtime can help me sleep too.

    Are you personally affected by the imminent loss of industry in Geelong? We have a house at Point Lonsdale, but we don’t get down their very often – we live in the Dandenongs (thus the name…).

    Best wishes
    Sassy 🙂

    Hi everyone, first week on the fast diet and second fast day today. My first fast day was very hard but I am finding today a lot easier. I like the look of this way of eating for the weight loss as much as the health benefits. Happy that it may be a slow process, makes me more positive I can keep it off in the future.
    I will be looking for support and tips in the next few weeks that is for sure.
    Have a great day!

    Sassy, the doughnuts were cut in quarters and there were about ten people there. I’ve never been big on doughnuts, but I figured a quarter was no harm. Well, not much harm.
    And no, I’m not directly affected by the Ford closure, but I know three people who’ll be needing another job. All with young families, too. 🙁

    Big Pete

    Hi all,
    I had my very first fast day yesterday, and other than check and double check calories, I got through it well. I’m glad we’re coming into winter as I love soups. I had a very late breakfast (boiled egg, berries and yoghurt) and then got through till 6pm before miso soup, and then salad with the family. I even managed to cook a chocolate slice for the kids without indulging (though it is not my plan to bake on fast days). I did have a lengthy wakeup period in the middle of the night, but that happens to me sometimes anyway, so not sure it it’s related. Tomorrow is my 2nd fast day. Fingers crossed.

    Sassy, I might be up for a meetup if you do try again in a while – looks like I joined the site a week late.

    Hi Big Pete,

    Fast day for me today, I’m generally one of those people that likes to get to lunch without eating in the morning, having something light for lunch(of around 200 cal) and then having a 300 cal dinner with 100 cal for coffee’ etc throughout the day. The figure of 600 cal for men and 500 for women was originally derived at 25% of your total TDEE(Total Daily Energy Expenditure).They had experimented with(Dr Kristaan Vardy I think) 0, 25% and 50% as fast amounts and found that 25% worked best, mainly for muscle retention and fat burning.I dont count calories on fast or non fast days because i know the spirit in which these experiments were done was to get an optimal amount for calorie intake on a fast day.To me as long as I am approx 25% of TDEE then I’II be fine. Now , getting back to your 1/4 donut on a fast day, I would not be too worried because you are still basically complying with what is required.For me, however, Fast days are the perfect days for me to just say no to stuff like that, knowing full well that i can have it tomorrow if I feel like.(which i normally dont).
    Amy12/ Melbourne Mum ,welcome to the fold ! IF(intermittent Fasting) is something you will get better at and much much easier the longer you do it. It will be a little hard to begin with but thats normal.The ‘fear’ you associate with a fast dissapates pretty quickly once you have recognised the feeling of proper hunger and realised that its nothing to fear at all. You will find plently of support from posters such as IHAW,Sassy, Aussie Now ,Big Pete and most of the regulars that appear on this forum
    Sassy, a whole year !!Congratulations.. would you be the longest that has been doing this that is currently on this forum ?

    Cheers all

    Morning everyone! A ‘feast’ day for me today, after doing back to back fast days Tuesday and yesterday. That was a challenge, but both hubby and I managed quite well.

    I even slipped a little yesterday and had some chocolate but I quickly worked out the calories I had and deducted that from my evening meal, which ended up being just stir-fried vegetables. I sacrificed my meat for my chocolate – oh well, live and learn. Sometimes we just need chocolate – haha

    Glad to hear everyone is doing well and more people are joining every day. It has been 4 months for us now (less 3 weeks over xmas/NY period) but we are really enjoying the flexibility it gives us and also how it is educating us as to what we are consuming….

    Stay strong and positive everyone, whether you are fasting or feasting 🙂

    Oh, well done, those of you who were tempted 🙂
    Better to have a little and enjoy it and deduct from somewhere else and not feel guilty.

    Fast day for me too, but I’m in control!
    I keep busy and this afternoon we are walking with the dog on the beach and that’s always a distraction from food.

    Try as I will, I cannot equal Cassandra’s 10,000 steps in a day (she’s on FB)
    I am active around the house and am mindful of the need for exercise, but walking isn’t always an option.
    Hubby is away for 3 weeks on Monday, so maybe our Bluey and I will be more inclined to hit the pavement 🙂

    Cheers to those fasting today!

    Hi everyone, how’s it going?

    Isn’t it fascinating how much can be written about a teeny tiny quarter of a doughnut!?
    I smile when I read everyone’s comments, we each have so much in common, and are all caring about the journeys we sharing.

    The really wonderful thing I love is that, no matter what it is that you put in your mouth ( whether it’s a whole meat pie, pizza, Dagwood dog or a plain old carrot)…it’s totally your choice and you can adjust your calorie count and/or exercise to meet your day.

    The other thing I love about this WOE is that it’s for the long haul, and one little quarter of a doughnut won’t wreck anything. What will wreck things is blowing it up into a major event, and telling yourself bad things, and feeling like a failure……!!! Of course this isn’t true, you are worth so much more than the very last thing you ate!

    We are all worth so much more than we acknowledge. The negative voices within aren’t real, replacing them with a clear dose of reality, can help the voices disappear. I like to use my looser clothes, measuring tape and scales to really see the measurable difference.

    We are valuable, unique members of this small blue planet! We can and do make a big difference to each other.

    We are the bosses of our lives, even if sometimes we don’t think we are! This WOE has given me the confidence and self belief to stand up and say ‘no’ to those who kindly offer us sweet treats…. not worrying too much if I’m hurting their feelings; to believe I can continue this WOE, even if I have a stressful day and fall off the calorie wagon.

    I know I can look back and see how much change has taken place within myself in the last ten months. I know I look different, but today’s the day I’m seeing my doc for a through checkup. I’ll even post the results! I could ask you to wish me luck, but I have a strong feeling that I probably won’t need it! I’m even cheekier and more determined than I used to be! (can the 5:2 change your personality?)

    I’m just listening to ABC radio national, Life Matters who are looking at the 5:2 diet…..it might be found on the ABC website if you miss it.

    Sorry about banging on about how much I love this! Cheers!

    Hi all,
    What a lovely friendly supportive community we have here. It is so encouraging to read of everyone’s successes and the hints are amazingly helpful. Here’s my pennyworth. I have lost another 1/2 kg this week, after a bit of a plateau. I realized that I’d loosened the Fast Day restrictions in my head just a bit much. 500 cals is the limit that actually works and it isn’t any good pretending that the extra milk in the flat white (even a skinny/trim one) coffee doesn’t count. It does count, so I have to count it.

    I do regularly find myself saying “not today – but I can tomorrow”. It is extremely powerful if you feel like you will succumb to a temptation on Fast Day. Just waiting another 24 hours is a “piece of cake” so to speak. Back in the bad old days of 24/7 dieting, I used to feel so deprived and depressed I would just give up. Now all I need to do is wait 24 hours. And strangely enough the temptation will often cease to be calling to me by then.

    I have also finally realised my relationship to food was never just that of needing fuel to sustain my body. It was always about solving emotional needs, or covering up pain, or relieving boredom. And I am now realising what actual hunger is, what it feels like and how I can cope with it. All new learnings for me. I feel far more in control and confident around food now.

    As far as measuring the loss is concerned, I have decided to use my clothes as my benchmark. The scales fluctuate too much. But wearing dresses I bought 10 years ago and looking good in them is hugely rewarding. Doing up bra straps on the tighter “settings” and feeling comfortable is another boost.

    I’d love some ideas about motivation to get exercising. It is my biggest “stumbling block” at the moment. I can walk and swim without any discomfort or inconvenience. I just can’t get enthusiastic about it though. Would love to hear how to overcome the inertia!

    Lunch out with a girlfriend today. I’m looking forward to it so much – knowing that I am in control, and at the same time I can eat what I want. This is a GOOD LIFE.
    Cheers everybody.

    Hey there, just reporting in this morning.

    Blood pressure 117 / 60 down from 140 / 90!!! YAY!!

    Waiting on other tests, but doc ordered some blood clotting ones to see if I have inherited a familial trait of thrombosis. She’s the first doc I’ve ever met who’s wanted to investigate this, so that’s good. She’s the first doc I’ve ever met who also listened carefully and gave me her undivided attention! I was pleasantly surprised, she likes her job, her clients and is very curious….not all burnt out and jaded like a lot of the medical profession I’ve met in the past.

    My weight is 73.8 kg, down from 88 kg 47 weeks ago. That’s a loss of 14.2kg!!!

    I’m getting that much closer to my healthy weight goal of 65 kg. I’m getting a lot more work recently and started in a new place where I’ve been massaging spa clients all weekend….it sure burns off the calories giving end to end treatments! And so much busier than my home clinic! Everyone enjoys my work, and my body does too! So that’s a double bonus right there!

    I’m another year older today, 51 and never felt younger!

    Cheers and have a wonderful weekend!

    Happy birthday!!!!
    And congrats on those great results and amazing weigh loss.

    What a fabulous way to celebrate your birthday and how rewarding 🙂
    You certainly deserve it!

    Morning all,

    We i achieved my first proper fast day yesterday!!!! it was hard!! very hard but i did it and i slept sooo well and feel great this morning, this is the feeling i need to remember on my next fast day to keep mw motivated..i am actually looking formward to it, and i wanna eat well today…was offered McDonalds for breky and turned it down ..well down…well happy friday to all xx

    Well done and Happy Birthday ihaveawaist!!!

    Hello hopeful@40. I have just finished my 2nd fast day and it was easier than the first. Well done on resisting Maccas. On my feast day on Wednesday, I did have some KFC, and was quite horrified when I plugged it into My Fitness Pal. We all know fast food is packed full of calories, but when you see it on the computer screen as a huge part of your daily intake – well, my next visit to such an establishment is a long way off!

    thanks Melbourne Mum, yeah i use my fitness pal too and can be quite horrified by some calories!!! good to be informed thou..we are out for dinner tonight, i know i will choose healthy options because i just feel healthier..and thats only after 1 day !! bring it on, well done to you too xx

    Hi all,

    I have just completed my third fast day, (Mon, Thurs for me). I happened to be off work ill yesterday (not sick per se), so it was a bit of a challenge not having my work to keep the hunger pangs at bay but I didn’t really have a problem at all. V proud of myself!

    I do seem to find that my stomach must shrink considerably as the day after fasting, I am not all that hungry and it is much easier to face any temptations put before me, just like your comment on the McDonalds!

    I am looking forward to stepping on the scales on Monday morning, and THAT is a first for me to ever be happy about.

    Happy fasting to all

    IHAW, fantastic results! What a way to celebrate your birthday, well done you! I’ve done two fasts this week and weighed in this morning, it came in at 75.8 so only a very small loss this week but I really have only myself to blame – again – having had far too good a long weekend! Still, a loss is a loss and I have no big plans for the weekend so should be able to be good and stay on track. Happily, I have lost an inch off my bust which I’m completely delighted about!
    Nice to hear from all the new folk on here as well, well done to you all on resisting the fasting food!
    Have a good weekend everyone, stay focused and keep up the good work!

    Greetings all,

    Happy Birthday ihaveawaist and what great blood pressure, so pleased about your comments about your doctor, I hope that she stays around for some time. Here the good ones move on quickly and we are left with the ones that don’t always seem to care.

    Welcome to all the new people that are finding this site. You will find it very helpful like a wise old owl, and if you have any problems please post them and someone will come back to you with a solution, as many have done for me. There is always someone that has been through it before.

    Fasting today, for at present I am doing 4:3 I find it easier to do Monday, Wednesday and Friday, then I get to enjoy the weekends and I intend to do this until I get below 100kg, then I will drop back to 5:2 to take off the last 25 kg. Currently I weigh 124.3, having lost 15.2kg in four months. It is not a race I am just enjoying the benefits of this WOE/WOL.

    At least I can run fast enough to catch the newborn calves this year, you have no idea how good that feels and hubby is very proud of my efforts so far.

    Have a great weekend everyone, Cheers, Charlie

    Thanks so much for the wishes everyone.

    Well done on your progress Charlie, and running after calves sounds like a great way to burn up calories, as well as being totally useful to the running of your farm. I just had a flashback remembering old Cliff Young in gumboots running to and from his farm. He managed to win the ultramarathon with his steady shuffle…..he’s the tortoise personified. Charlie, I’m sure you’d be way faster than Cliff, even if you need to wear gumboots!


    Hi Sassy. I am in NSW. What is the 4:3. Am I missing something.

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