First week weigh in..very pleased

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First week weigh in..very pleased

This topic contains 462 replies, has 68 voices, and was last updated by  MakingTimeForMe 1 year, 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 351 through 400 (of 478 total)

  • January 5th 2018……2 years and one month fasting on the 5.2…
    ( With some small breaks on some holidays through the past year)

    Week 100…after 201 fasts.

    We have had a great Christmas, 10 days off plan which is a smaller window than usual….we usually have the 1st of December to the 1st January counting as Christmas ..Why?…it has really shown and helped this year…I made our own chocolates this year 70% chocolate and a few other bits and pieces all with a 8 day eating shelf life. So no processed stuff at all…After a few days I realised I had to off load some of them to daughter and friends to eat…sorry guys….the birds got some shortbread too…

    With thought and planning is definitely the key….

    I have stayed the same…..27lbs off to date

    Hubby has lost 2lbs…..14 lbs off to date

    This last year has been a maintaining year…a few pounds up and down….

    Full forward ahead now…half a stone off for me and hubby at least a stone and a half.

    Hubby is feeling well and fine but has to start some chemotherapy for bone marrow cancer maybe next week so I don’t know if he will manage or can continue these next few months. I will be speaking to Doctor about it. In his mind it’s onward with the 5.2. We will see how he goes..

    Week 101…. after 203 fasts..

    A funny week we had good fasts and weighing all food….we had our Friday off as usual, top end of TDEE…we both put weight on…looking back although everything counted we had bad calorie choices…a few Christmas things finished off…a couple of slices of xmas cake and a few pieces of tiffin, some homemade icecream… proves you can be under your tdee and still put on with bad sugary calories. I should know better after all this time.

    I have put 2 lbs on….25 lbs off to date

    Hubby 1 lb on….13 lb off to date

    Socks pulled up this week for next Friday weigh in.

    We have booked a trip away on a mini cruise the following week…two days of eating as a birthday treat in Amsterdam, we will have to work our fasts different days but I will expect an increase…but there will also be a lot of walking…

    Week 102….afer 205 fasts…

    We have had a thoughtful week and a re think….making it more fasting and feasting…as a fasting buddy reminded me…..having good calories….we have had two good Yorkshire pudd, meat, veg, potato dinners this week, a homemade Indian Tikka Marsala with brown rice, poperdoms dips, Brown chapattis …( maybe not so good on the calories but on our day off) a bottle of red wine between us…upped some walking excerise …

    I have lost 2 lbs…loosing to date 27 lbs

    Hubby lost 3 lbs…loosing to date 16 lbs

    It really proves getting your head into gear and thinking…Works…I think I have been dropping the calories too low on feasting days…gets like a normal diet…instead of a way of life…

    A funny week next week on a three day mini cruise to Amsterdam…big buffets both ways, red wine, a small holiday and Birthday celebration……we will be fasting different days, Sunday and usual Thursday maybe throwing Wednesday in as well…lots of walking….keeping weight increase at the minimum 😬 hopefully..

    Week 103….after 207 fasts..

    We have been away on a mini cruise from Hull to Rotterdam with a day out in Amsterdam …although we moved our 2 fast days about the food and drinks on board took there toll…

    I have put 2 lbs on…lost to date 25 lbs

    Hubby put 2 lbs on..lost to date 14 lbs

    I must say I feel disappointed but it was a break and birthday treat so I expected it…we have walked loads doing between 10,000 and 15,000 steps every day this last week…forward thinking ahead now ..line drawn.

    Week 104…after 209 fasts…

    We are trying to focus and get back on track…slipping springs to mind of late..from having just Friday ‘off’ it’s more like the three days of the weekend…although keeping us stable as we are very good in the week we are not really moving the weight…we know what the problem is…I am moving more but I never seem to move weight, ( I know it’s only 10%)… I have had two weeks doing over 10,000 steps each day, healthy I know but usually my weight stays the same or goes up on excerise…I am not doing enough to call it

    I have stayed the same this week….loosing to date 25 lbs

    Hubby lost 2 lbs…loosing to date 16 lbs

    I am going to up my water this week as I never drink water only as tea…I will still try and move more as I feel better for it…the weather was really cold yesterday and I have missed doing it…maybe it will tone me a bit..🤞

    Summer is looming and getting into shorts and light clothes ….maybe it is the carrot needed….onwards and forwards….

    Week 105…after 211 fasts…

    We have had a anniversary meal out this week but pushed on quite well and thoughtfully.

    I seem to have reached a big weight plateau..batting one pound up and down..looking back over 6 months I haven’t really moved a lot gaining slightly. Last year we had a months holiday, gaining and then loosing coming up to Xmas then away a couple of weeks ago. Trust Me I Am Doctor stated calorie counting on the Apps is way out and up to 500 calories sometimes, I am wondering if this is my problem.

    We have a Hubbys Birthday meal tomorrow and I will have to put in a change of plan for me after that..a re think is necessary maybe cutting a meal out a day but I will think about it.

    I have stayed the same….loosing 25 lbs to date

    Hubby lost 1 lb…loosing to date 17 lbs..

    Onward and forward ….

    Week 106…after 213 fasts..

    We have had the grandson staying with sweet stuff about..we are not used to that…fasts are going fine but I have gained a couple of pounds going up and down for a while, really on the same body and myself are having a battle..😂..the tape measure is telling a different story, I have lost 5 1/2” around my body since early December. My waist is now 32 1/2” the lowest in years, lower than half my height of 5’ 8”..which is what we are aiming for..
    Hubby really much on the same plateau for a year, again a few pounds up and down…he is now winning the battle it seems at the moment…he is on the downward fall again 😀

    I have stayed the same…loosing 25 lbs to date..

    Hubby lost 2 lbs…loosing 19 lbs to date..

    Away next week in the caravan but still fasting..we have started a Nordic Walking Course to learn to use the poles…hoping this will kick start excerise when it’s finished..for health benefits..two lessons left to do..

    Week 107……after 215 fasts

    We have been away this week for three days in the caravan managing our two fasts..although quite good we have had two heavy dinners and lunch out..

    We will fast three times this week to get back on board..

    I have stayed the same….loosing to date 25 lbs

    Hubby 2 lbs on….😬…17 lbs off to date

    He is a bit upset with the gain but he has had some chocolate biscuits through the night with milk, a few times through the night and for a few nights…he is not sleeping well and in pain…enough said!

    A tight thoughtful week…

    Week 108….after 218 fasts

    We decided on doing three fasts this week and we are continuing to do so for all of March..we have to make an effort to get this weight moving…summer will soon be on us and the holiday season starting. We will still have Friday off as the only treat day and a meal out with thoughtfulness…

    I have lost 1 lb …loosing to date 26 lbs

    Hubby has lost 2 lbs….loosing to date 19 lbs

    A hard week this week due to the very cold conditions ..keeping warm is a must and definitely not salad weather..we had a bit of leeway on our fasts days but did our best…

    Hello Symba7
    It’s Bigby here, well done on carrying on with fasting, just to tell you my wife and I have also persevered.
    We’ve averaged 100+ fasts a year for three years now. It’s very much part of our lives, indeed our friends fully understand when we say we can’t join them because it’s a fasting day, it’s saturday where I am (don’t ask) and we are fasting today. Sorry I don’t post anymore but it’s not my strong point.
    However I’m writing a book which relates to fasting a weight maintenance. If it ever gets finished I’ll post details on my page on this blog.
    I’m also thinking about starting a blog!!!! If I do I’ll send you details.
    Keep fasting!

    Hi Bigs…
    So lovely to hear from you and glad you are still fasting..I have wondered and passed by your blog a few times…hoping M is fine too…

    Please send me details of your blog or book I would be interested..if you get started on it..

    We were in Louisiana at daughters in September and I am still carrying about 6 pounds looks like a tug of war between me and my body or a bit of a plateau like my hubby..who knows…the motto ..keep going…

    Hubby has been on a plateau for a year now up and down an odd pound but looks like he is now on the move again….all he says is how much weight would we be after three years not fasting, at least couple of stones up! or more. He is very positive.

    I can understand how you feel trying to keep up with things especially with time zones and work patterns’s different for us when retired…I feel it helps me or us to keep on track. Our first time around we put everything back on after stopping posting due to Hubbys knee’s so easy..I need to be accountable I think.

    Take care and keep warm both of you…safe journeys….my daughter was the same as you as you may remember now at home with children…after 20 years of her fantastic job ( her words) she really misses it big time..the fun times and sometimes not…

    Pass by sometimes let me know were you are both up too…

    Please remember the blog and book. 😀

    Week 109….after 220 fasts…

    We wanted to do three fasts this week but had a power cut for 20 hours so had to visit family to eat ..the artic weather didn’t help too….so only 2 fasts finished….
    It’s frustrating but we seem to be on a plateau, I thought hubby was coming out of it but maybe not…it’s a year for him and about 6 months for me….we are batting a pound up and then taking a pound off…
    The good weather soon be coming, more excerise taken and a better choice of summer food…or maybe we are at goal and that’s it!…I am beginning to think that…the good thing is we are not putting on….Vanity pounds spring to mind.

    I have put 1 lb on….25 lbs lost to date

    Hubby stayed the same….19 lbs off to date

    We are completing our Nordic Walking course this week….so the poles will be out walking…it’s a full body workout so a fair few calories will be burnt….maybe it will help or at least tone up.

    Week 110….after 222 fasts..

    Mother’s Day for us in the UK this weekend and we both have had loads to eat at daughters, although very lovely it’s hard to say no when it was done especially for us..and a meal out too….when a sneaky weigh in on Tuesday showed me three pounds up, I was a bit despondent…we had a low Wednesday leading into our FD…I was pleased that we both held our own on weigh in.

    I have stayed the same..25 lbs lost to date..

    Hubby stayed the same…19 lbs off to date..

    I am really putting to mind to what we are eating on NFDs because I think this is what is letting us down..we have just completed a Nordic Walking Course, it’s an all over body workout and hoping to put into practice once this snowy weather goes, even more for toning.
    We are away in the caravan for three days but are continuing on plan as usual, shifting one fast day to Sunday to work in…🤞 it’s snowing big time here and we are leaving tomorrow…lol..☃️

    Hoping for some weight movement next week..

    Just to say so inspiring reading all your posts on here. I’ve just started and reckon it’s going to take a year to lose 209lbs/95kg but believe in the science of this diet and it does help to see others sticking to it too!

    Hi Aimingforhealth…
    It’s a great way to loose weight…takes a couple of weeks to get into it but well worth it…we have slowed down a lot as we are getting near goal but even maintaining is good even when we need a bit more off, at least we are not putting on..

    My hubby doesn’t mind maintaining he says “what weight would we be if we wasn’t on 5.2 at least two or three stone heavier”

    Good luck on your journey…I would say find a thread what suits every day and get the support and help offered and help with the ups and downs on the way..


    Week 111…after 225 fasts..

    We managed three fasts this week and we have been very thoughtful on our NFDs ..we managed two single hours of Nordic Walking..

    I have lost 1 lb…loosing to date 26 lbs

    Hubby lost 1 lb…loosing to date 20 lbs

    The caravan break was cancelled and re arranged due to the snow…. so we are away in the caravan for three nights this week..we are taking no alcohol and trying to keep treats under control…continuing fasting as normal doing two fasts this week….keeping up with the Nordic walking too…

    Week 112…after 227 fasts

    We have had three days away in the caravan, tried to keep on plan… no alcohol consumed.. We have had a few treats but been reasonably good, a lot of walking…two sessions of Nordic Walking a hour each time.

    I have stayed the same…26 lbs lost

    Hubby 1 lb on….19 lbs lost

    We are going for three fasts this week, some Nordic Walking….a few chocolate eggs about taking them slowly maybe sharing each one in turn..I think taking them out of sight in the spare bedroom might be a better idea.

    Good job! Continue in same way. I would try like you, but i have no motivation for this(

    Course you can do it..just a bit of determination..and you can be slim!…

    I don’t like to feel full any more..rather a bit empty..we both feel the same …hubby had a whiskey last and said no more makes him feel ill…


    Week 113…after 230 fasts

    A good three fasts this week..two sessions of Nordic Walking one hour each…we ate a couple of small Easter Eggs between us…our other Easter eggs have been put away with the rest of our Christmas chocolate to eat slowly over the year..and er a Vanilla Slice as a treat…Friday night, our day off, a lovely meal with a bottle of red wine between us…

    I have lost 1 lb….I have lost to date 27 lbs

    Hubby has lost 1 lb…he has lost to date 20 lbs

    See how we go this week hoping to talk hubby into doing 3 fasts this week again…to keep us moving..

    Week 114…after 230 fasts..

    We are doing three fasts a week just to kick start the weight….this week we had a three day break away on the motorbike, a bit difficult as we had to eat in the hotel breakfast and dinner, including some alcohol.

    I stayed the same…loosing 27 lbs to date..

    Hubby stayed the same..loosing 20 lbs to date..

    I was quite pleased as we have maintained the weight..

    Week 117…after 233 fasts..

    A busy week with different appointments, dentist and hospital…managing the three fasts again…if it fits into the weekly routine quite easy to do…the weather is better so makes fasting much easier, with salads and fruit..

    I have stayed the same..loosing to date 27 lbs..

    Hubby has lost 2 lbs…loosing to date 22 lbs..

    Hubby has really been maintaining for a full year but has continued to fast, going up and down a pound. His body has decided to play again and he has lost 8 lbs since Xmas. Really pleased..

    As for me I am up and down a pound, since September but maintaining, hoping my body starts to play again 😂..but I am fine with it…

    Keep with this way of life without taking the eye off the ball..

    Week 116..after 236 fasts…

    We have had a three night break in the caravan, a few pieces of cake with coffee out in cafes…😬..a couple of one hour walks..we managed three fasts, Sunday and Monday then again Thursday..

    I have lost 1 lb…loosing to date 28 lbs

    Hubby lost 2 lbs…loosing to date 24 lbs

    A good week from both of us considering we were away from home….it proves you can go away and still loose weight…even having a few treats…

    Week 117…….after 238 fasts…

    We only managed two fasts this week due to visiting family over the weekend..
    Hubby had a very bad bleed loosing two pints of blood, Thursday before last weigh in, it gave him a wrong weigh in…loosing three pounds so he is up this week but there is an answer for it.

    I have stayed the same…loosing todate 28 lbs

    Hubby gained 3 lbs….loosing to date 21 lbs…..( due to last weeks blood loss)

    Hoping to do three fasts this week and we are also away again in the caravan…scales are coming on holiday for the weekly weigh in.

    118 Weeks…after 241 fasts..

    We had visitors at the weekend and away for three days in caravan…we managed 3 fasts including lots of walking.. walking between 11,000, 13,400 and 14,000 steps over the three alcohol while away which is unusual.

    I feel as if we have been good but the scales say different…scales where on a different floor, could it have been not level, heat..I am not too bothered the eating doesn’t justify the weight increase hope better and more balanced next week. When back to normal.

    I have put 1 lb on…loosing to date 27 lbs

    Hubby has put on 2lbs…loosing to date 19 lbs

    We are both disappointed but it’s how it is…hope for a thoughtful week..

    Week 119…after 243 fasts…

    It’s been a hard week for us this week which is quite usual…maybe the hot weather a calling of a magnum and a couple of naughty cakes oh and a guilty sausage roll, a blast from the past and I didn’t enjoy it…only two fasts this week…managed a couple of hour long walks..

    A full on focused week ahead with three fasts. See if we can move a pound each…try and get a three walks in too on the fast days…

    I have stayed the same…loosing to date 27 lbs.

    Hubby lost 1 lb…loosing to date 20 lbs

    I am about 4 lbs off goal and really maintaining at the moment…but the weights not creeping up…hubby is on the creep again on loosing…

    Week 120…after 245 fasts..

    I have been really ill not eating at all week, kept to 2 fasts but wasn’t really hard….hubby didn’t get my bug so continued the best he could..

    I stayed the same…loosing 27 lbs to date…

    Hubby lost 1 lb….loosing to date 21 lbs

    A 4 day break planned in the caravan and we will be off plan…trying to get my energy back to normal.

    Week 121…after 247 fasts…

    We have had four days away in the caravan..after last week of being ill and not eating any food this week we have been a bit off plan and I have had the munches…wine, cider, chocolates biscuits, cake, ice cream …not really very good…the first big blip since Xmas…it was a large caravan rally and we had decided to come off plan as it would be too difficult not to indulge ….so we had thought it through…

    I have stayed the same….27 lbs off to date..

    Hubby stayed the same….21 lbs to date..

    I was amazed at the scales this morning for both of us..we had done the usual two fasts…..line drawn now and back to plan..😀😀..very happy..

    Week 122…after 250 fasts..

    A couple of meals out catching up with family so a difficult weekend…we did three fasts to try and catch up.
    No walking at the moment as hubby has a bad back.

    I have stayed the same…27 lbs lost to date

    Hubby put 1 lb on…20 lbs list to date..

    Hubby has only put on a few ounces on but has unfortunately put him to the next pound…we had home cooked ham on Thursday pre our weigh in…not the best food as it gives you water retention so we are not too bothered…

    Week 123…. after 249 fasts…

    We have been visiting family over the weekend, a few cakes unfortunately which were bought especially for us, we knew it would be a hard visit…. so only managed 2 fasts this week…we have not been walking as much due to hubbys bad back, it looks like long term thing, so I must make an effort to go on my own..

    I am trying to cut out bread and potatoes totally at the moment..may be hard on holiday….(not hubby)

    We are flying to Florida for a three week stay with our daughter…shame all these visits are very trying on food as you have to fall in with the family…first 10 days not so bad easy food wise, then son in law is joining us, I think that will be harder as more food will be cooked….bbq etc….red wine may be a big problem as chatty evenings and drinking outside…..special times, so go with the flow..

    I have lost 1lb this week…lost to date 28 lbs

    Hubby lost 1lb this week…lost to date 21 lbs

    We are at our lowest weight for a long time and seems to be moving in the right direction..

    Next weigh in …in a month on 20th July…hoping we have not gained too much weight..

    Week 124…after 251 fasts…

    Hello guys…three weeks holiday and one week fast so a month in all…we have been visiting family in Florida…very upside down food, no regular meal times, snacking..nothing colourful, lots of chips, ice cream and red wine…I bought a lot of fruit in, extra bananas for hubby allowing for the children to eat them…by breakfast no bananas left, he never ate one….apples about gone fortunately my blueberries was at the back of the fridge and survived…my wonderful cherries, also bled red everywhere and the children were banned…😀…
    Over three weeks I put on 8 lbs and hubby 7 lbs, I think just go with the flow enjoy grandchildren, daughter and son in law…..precious times…

    I have put on 4 lbs…loosing to date 24 lbs

    Hubby put on 3 lbs…loosing to date 18 lbs

    We have now drawn the line, back to fasting, eating thoughtfully…over the last week we have both lost 4 lbs each of holiday weight…so a bit more to get back to pre holiday weight…

    Week 125….after 253 fasts…

    We have settled back into fasting with no problem, I went out to lunch and we have had a couple of naughty cakes…generally OK…been busy decorating so keeping out of the kitchen…my hubby has amazed me this week….he was on a full years plateau until Xmas and his body is definitely playing again…I now think it’s my time to be very slow..😂…just keep pushing on it proves it starts to move again… .

    I am the same this week….loosing to date 24 lbs

    Hubby lost 4 lbs…loosing to date 23 lbs

    I am so so pleased with him…we are about the same now in weight loss…😀😀😀

    Week 128…after 255 fasts…

    A busy week finishing decorating…two fasts this week..we have a reasonable week, a couple of treats at cafe, coffee and cake..
    We are away in the caravan this next week for 8 days…4 days will be easy with food, then friends join us for 4 days, then it will be food and drinking as we haven’t seen them in a while….so not easy…we will be fasting before they join us…

    I am the same this week…loosing 24 lbs to date

    Hubby the same this week…loosing to date 23 lbs

    I am very disappointed my holiday weight seems to be sticking…hubby is OK as he has lost a lot these last two weeks….
    As going away again not expecting a lot next week…

    Week 129…after 257 fasts..

    We have had a week away and eaten and drunk quite a lot..we intended it to be a proper holiday as some breaks we do fast…
    This week we had got back on board straight away and it was quite easy..managed two fasts..

    I have stayed the same this week… loosing to date 24 lbs

    Hubby has put on 2 lbs…loosing to date 21 lbs

    We are quite happy it’s a way of life, hitches on the way…back to fasting now as usual..

    Week 130….after 259 fasts…

    We seem to be coasting along and not putting the effort in…afternoon tea at a hotel and a two course curry and wine this week…..we really must get on board and think what we are eating…

    I have stayed the same…loosing to date 24 lbs

    Hubby stayed the same…loosing to date 21 lbs

    I am surprised we have stayed the same we have had a heavy week on food and expected the worse…trying hard this week trying to loose some weight as we are slowly gaining it needs nipping in the bud…

    Week 131….after 262 fasts..

    We managed three fasts this week, we had a weekend of eating out and wine for two days…keeping busy decorating..

    I have lost 1 lb this week….loosing to date 25 lbs

    Hubby stayed the same….loosing to date 21 lbs

    Still trying to stay focused using my MFP again, see if I am going wrong anywhere…all things seem fine….trying to eat normal and not counting….just doing it for a few weeks to keep me in check…

    Week 132….after 264 fasts…

    Still plodding on 2 fasts this week…although very good we had a meal out Wednesday, beer and ice cream, not the best idea for middle of week…hand slapped needed…

    I have stayed the same….loosing to date 25 lbs

    Hubby 2 lbs on…loosing to date 19 lbs

    A big ouch for hubby we have had a good week other than the meal out…hope it balances out at next weeks weigh in…

    Week 133..fasting after 266 weeks and week 134.. fasting after 268 weeks..

    Looks like I didn’t log in last week so a joint one..

    We have been away in the caravan for 3 nights but managed to fast…this week busy decorating…hubby not very well, in a lot of pain, plenty of tablets so not going to the loo and also not walking and moving much…although fasting he is struggling with his weight, I feel quite sorry for him…

    I have stayed the same…loosing to date 25 lbs

    Hubby has put on 5lbs….loosing to date 8 lbs…
    I seem to have lost the counting over the holidays, adding a 1 to the front I think!!

    Well he’s in a sorry state of health..hoping he improves soon…

    AFDs for the next couple of weeks hopefully…

    Week 135…fasting 270 fasts…

    We have only managed two fasts but a mix around with the food we eat…we tend to eat the samey food like many other people…it’s worked for one of us but not the other 😂 a bit disappointed on my side, only ounces up but put me in the wrong direction…we have had a very good thoughtful week…

    I have put 1lb on…loosing to date 24 lbs

    Hubby has lost 2lbs…loosing to date 10 lbs

    I think my body is fighting me, holding tight to my weight but I am fighting back…it’s a long plateau just up and down by a pound…I will win…

    Thanks Amanda…the best way of life ever…you fumble a bit here and there but we are stable…still got a few more pounds to get to target…..but I can see the rope…

    Good luck to you too..

    Well done Symba Keep it up!

    Thanks Mukica

    Week 136…….after 272 fasts

    We have tried to mix a change of food around…hubby is in a very bad way with his back, we are going to see a back specialist this week, so although he’s fasting he is sat about and not moving much. His weight isn’t good. He is happy to keep focused and still fast…

    I have lost 1 lb…loosing to date 25 lbs

    Hubby has put on 1 lb…loosing to date 9 lbs

    We are having a roller coaster of a time both of us..possibly over a year now for both of us, just not really moving in weight…a very long plateau..

    A holiday to the States to see family, which we should be going on Saturday, is on hold until we know the out come with the specialist …so we are very feeling quite down as we need to take Xmas presents with us 😬🤞…we have to make the right choice.

    Week 137…after 274 fasts..

    I have changed my eating plan, just going up and down on a long plateau. I have decided to do, high fat low carb, HFLC…although working on between 20 and 40 carbs, not too strict…it has been quite hard to do and I don’t know if I could keep it up, still fasting two days a week. I am trying to do a month and then take stock again..
    My hubby is continuing with the 5.2…I will log him but he is very unwell and can’t move much, he is waiting surgery and possibly two operations…he is happy to continue…

    I have lost 2lbs this week….loosing to date 27 lbs

    Hubby stayed the same….loosing to date 9 lbs and maintaining..

    A good weight loss for me, back to counting carbs different to watching the calories….see how I go this week ….I am one pound away from goal…then down a bit more for wriggle room….

    Just cancelled two won’t be visiting daughter in Louisiana with the Christmas stash….😢…and our Christmas holiday has been cancelled…

    Week 138…after 276 fasts….

    I have tried to do HFLC but failed miserably lasted 10 days…it feels so much like a diet which I don’t want..a long term WOL is more important maybe cutting down on potatoes and bread may be an idea…I think it’s worth trying to kick start a plateau but not for me…

    I have maintained this week…loosing to date 27lbs

    Hubby has maintained this week…loosing to date 9lbs

    Hubby is feeling much better with his back..he has been bent like a L looking down at the floor for 10 months in terrible pain, just seen a surgeon to have back surgery…he went to bed, he got up to go to the loo in the night and he walked straight and can put his arms in the air, which he couldn’t do….he is back to walking normal a few aches but it’s unbelievable…seeing the surgeon in two weeks but there’s no need for surgery now, he will have to have a chat and see what he thinks. He is taking it slowly…get him moving now and loosing weight again hopefully ..

    Week 139…after 279 fasts..

    It’s been a funny couple of weeks, just starting the week when my sister descended on us for four days stay…chocolate and wine 😬😬 sent the fasting out of the window..just can’t fast when people are with you…so missed the week out….hubby got on the scales and had a major hiss fit as they were sky high..

    This last week pushed three fasts in to pull back, we have had a very good’s life …things happen …it’s good job sister doesn’t appear often..!

    I have stayed the same…27 lbs off to date

    Hubby stayed the same… 9 lbs off to date

    Hubby pulled back his weight so he is so pleased…his back has improved loads, still has 4 prolapsed discs but now off his nerve so his pain is much better…hoping he now can start moving about and move his weight….

    Just booked an all inclusive holiday to Cyprus..a quick week away from Wednesday..a break now he is feeling better..weight will be up when back 😬😬😬

    Week 140….after 218 fasts..

    We have been away to an AI holiday for a week..we have eaten and drank..a bench mark for anyone a 6 lbs gain each….a bit of an ouch but we really needed it after hubby has been unwell for 10 months, he has improved a lot…

    Straight back on to fasting for two days this week. We have both lost 3 lbs on today’s weigh in today, so we are very pleased.

    I have put on 3 lbs….lost 24 lbs off to date…

    Hubby put on 3 lbs….lost 6 lbs off to date..

    Continuing on as usual and trying to get more weight off before Christmas….now hubby is feeling better we are going to try and strengthen his back by walking and we are also discussing swimming….he has agained a lot of his lost weight over this last year..which is a shame.

    Week 141…after 221 fasts..

    We have had a Christmas week delivering presents away and visiting family, then daughter came from Wales for an over night lots of eating out and meals..and cakes 😬
    We managed to fast three times this week, around doing things and trying to pull things back..although I have lost ounces it didn’t make the pound..

    I have stayed the same…loosing to date 24 lbs

    Hubby lost 2 lbs…loosing to date 8 lbs

    This next week nothing planned so a more thoughtful week foodwise ….

    Week 142….after 223 fasts.

    A busy week, Christmas Tree up and decorations then cards posted…all Christmas shopping finished and wrapped, delivered too……just going to start baking for the freezer….then just food to buy later…we will not be going overboard with chocolates as in our ‘fat’ years, last year I made plain chocolate truffles, they helped to keep our weight stable…having a treat and feel you are participating without the guilt…

    We have done two fasts this week…all in all a good week.

    I have lost 1 lb…..loosing to date 25 lbs

    Hubby lost 2 lbs…loosing to date 10 lbs

    This is a normal way of life and it will continue for the rest of our life…..I will keep blogging to keep focused…it’s just passed our 3 year celebration on the 5.2.

    Week 143…after 225 fasts..

    It’s been a dismal week for both of us..we have both been laid up with the chesty cough, sore throats and now coming down with a bad cold..more or less had a duvet day every day all week..not moving much at all.

    We had managed to do two fasts but with having cough medicine and hot lemonade we were possibly no where near were we should be calorie wise..

    I have stayed the same….loosing to date 25 lbs

    Hubby lost 2 lbs…loosing to date 12 lbs

    Hoping we both feel better next week as it will be the last weigh in of the year…

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