First Week Faster :)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Bethany93 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hello all,

    I started the 5:2 on Monday after becoming fed up with my weight and worrying about my health. I did not weigh myself before starting so I don’t know exactly how much I weigh but I have a rough idea from weighing myself around 6 weeks ago (and then some, for Christmas!). I will not be weighing myself every week as I am currently down at University and don’t have a set with me, although I am going home in a few weeks and will have completed 3 weeks on the plan by then so it will be interesting to see!

    My fast days are Tuesday and Thursday and I successfully completed the first day without too many hunger pangs.. although 8.30pm-10pm was not brilliant!

    Today I have eaten a 77 calorie soup for lunch and plan to eat a chicken salad pitta for tea. On Tuesday I had a 200 calorie smoked salmon pitta with a prawn salad for tea.

    I feel encouraged by this plan and not in the least way restricted… being able to eat ‘whatever you want’ within reason is only just a day away. In fact, yesterday, after my first fast day I felt unable to eat the vast amounts of rubbish I had been doing!

    Good luck to fellow Fasters! 🙂

    hi and welcome Bethany!

    well done on completing your first fast and you sound like you are doing great today!!

    happy fasting and let us know how you are getting on, good luck! 🙂

    Hi to all of you, im also on my first week of the 5,2 plan, been reading through the forums and feel quite encouraged, will be good to have the support of others on fast days.

    Hello Angie090465 and mossend, thank you for your encouraging words. Hope you are both getting on well and it will be great to support each other, good luck! 🙂

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