Feeding 4 young men on a fast day is tough

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Feeding 4 young men on a fast day is tough

This topic contains 18 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  leevee 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • I have four young men to feed and like to cook from scratch. On a fast day, I try and stay out of the  kitchen(where temptation lies) as much as possible. I generally cook something that doesn’t take much time, or reheat a dish that I have made previously. It is getting easier to do, but i generally need to eat something like a banana to get me through the cooking! I then sit down with them with whatever my meal is at the same time. It is getting easier. Any baking of cakes happens on non fast days and then put in a tin(so that i can’t see the contents)….bonkers, but seems to work.

    I like fish and none of the boys do, so that is what I often eat on a fast day and give them something like chilli(which they like and i’m not that keen on) on a fast day. It’s working so far, 15lb lost since Jan. If I lose another  13lb that will be 2 stone and a BMI of 25. I haven’t been that for 30 years!

    Well, that is tough indeed! But you seem to be doing fine. Way to go! 😉 Good idea to eat a banana before cooking.

    Try as well to drink a lot of water before cooking or while you’re at it. Maybe even chew come chewing gum, if you like it. Some people find it assuages their hunger. It has the opposite effect on me, though =/ Funny thing!

    Hi Annette, I am Michael’s wife and I too have been trying to work out ways to weave the Fast Diet into a busy family life. Like you we have hungry young men to feed. It can be hard for Mike on a Fast Day. It sounds as if you are finding really good strategies so as not to be tempted, by cooking what they like & you are not so keen on. We have found that we are eating more healthily as a family now, so we eat the same food as Mike on a fast day – He skips the carbs and just eats a smaller portion, whilst we are all eating more greens and healthy stuff. In fact one of the boys is now cooking from Mimi’s recipe book too.
    I have to confess I found it a bit frustrating when Mike first started intermittent fasting as he would arrive home and announce that he wasn’t eating supper (which I had just cooked..) as he’d decided to fast. He now tends to have breakfast, fast during the day and have a 300cal or so supper with us in the evening on his fast day. Much more sociable and only one meal to prepare! Good luck and well done for losing 15lbs. Very impressive!

    Thanks Clare. I am completely delighted  with a loss of 15lb and 13lb to go.

    I have always menu planned.As a single working mum, it has been essential to work within a budget too. I have really struggled to figure out a way to fit this into our lives, without it being a complete pain or unaffordable. Throw into the melee the various likes and dislikes, and it is rather challenging!

    I am lucky enough to have lunch provided at work. I usually eat my main meal at work and then have something light in the evening. I plan which days I will fast from the weeks menu and never fast when sticky toffee pud is on the menu! As there are 4 chaps to feed and most recipes are for 4, it is just easier for me to cook something that they all like and i don’t care for much. I also batch cook and freeze various things, which helps too. I also munch through a pile of raw carrots when I cook too.

    I really like fish and salad. But if I never eat soup again it will be too soon! I am waiting for Mimi’s recipe book to arrive for some more inspiration.I tend to fast until lunch, have lunch and then something light in the evening. I have also discovered that I’m a secret eater too, so there are no lovely things lurking in the cupboards to call to me on fast days…or on any other now.

    I like to cook and bake, so it is hard but not impossible not to do either for 2 days a week. Although I do find myself looking through cook books on a fast day!



    I’ve lost almost 30 pounds on this way of life. I have four kids and a hubby and like to be in charge of the meals at home. I’ve found that I do best if I don’t eat at all until supper time, when I eat with the family. I like to focus my fast-day meals on some sort of protein and vegetables. Most of the time, my meal is a huge bowl of salad greens – romaine, spinach, chopped fresh vegs – I cut up my vegs for my salad while the rest of the meal is cooking. Most of the calories of my salad come from the dressing – I can’t eat a salad without a yummy dressing. I currently have a delicious recipe for a honey-jalapeno dressing that is only 60 calories for 2 tablespoons that I really enjoy.

    The family eats the protein (steak, pork chop, chicken breast), some sort of potato and some sort of cooked vegetable dish. I eat the protein, the huge salad, and if I’m still hungry, I eat the vegetables but avoid the potatoes. I do best if I do a very low carb diet on my fasting days.

    My salad ends up being about 150 calories and my protein ends up between 250-350 and I’m comfortably full. Salad takes a long time to eat, so I don’t feel ‘deprived’ when everyone else is eating other stuff, I like knowing I’m getting lots of great nutrients in there and so on. The family didn’t even know I was fasting for weeks. 😀

    I know everyone does things a bit differently. I tried Dr. Mosley’s breakfast/supper pattern, but I’ve never been a good breakfast eater and I found that when I did that, I was *starving* all the rest of the day. If I just skip/don’t eat, it doesn’t bother me at all. I drink lots of water – and yes, I do drink sugar-free/artifically sweetened beverages now and then. I don’t like tea or coffee at all.

    Anyway, I think it sounds like you’re doing great tweaking the lifestyle to fit your needs. I love it that it doesn’t cost me anything – no special meals, foods, ‘coaches’, etc. It really is so easy to incorporate it into a normal, healthy, active lifestyle!

    Week 21 and now 19lb lost!Just 9 lb to go until a BMI of 25 and a weight that I haven’t been for 30 years and hopefully a blood pressure to match too!
    Meal planning is entering a new and challenging phase.Only one chap working Mon-Fri 9-5, the other 3 are working shifts over the summer.
    Ho hum.
    I will continue to cook mainly fish based food for me, which i love and they don’t like. That way I have something that I really look forward too on a fast day.I have a jar with some of Mimi’s salad dressing in the fridge all ready for Monday.
    I am using less sugar in my tea now and manage ginger and lemon tea without any sugar on a fast day.I am finding that i am eating less because I don’t like feeling really full anymore.My Sunday roast is shrinking.
    I am more aware of what I am eating and I feel sure that the quality of food has improved too.Plus, I am saving money in the quantity of food consumed.

    My husband came in tonight and asked what I was reading (I only bought the books today). When I showed him, he said,
    “I suppose that means I’m on another diet, then?”
    He got it in one!

    Hi Essie,
    I wonder if he will still feel he’s on a diet when you start cooking some of the recipes?I know I don’t. I still have loads more to try.Keep us posted.

    Hello fellow fasters,
    like yourselves i have a family to feed on my fast days (4 adults excluding myself) my trick like some of you already mentioned is to cook foods for the family that i myself don’t really enjoy, i eat my meal first before i start cooking theirs.
    the upside is they get a meal they like more often and im much less tempted, its been so long now i dont even think about it any more.

    It’s my first day today, I’ve cooked the recipe cottage pie for me and hubby who’s doing it with me and made a stew non fast recipe for kids, I’ve made so much stew that me and hubby will have it Tom so as kids eating there’s it helped that I knew we had a portion for Tom to look forward too!

    Husband has yet to notice he is on a “new” eating plan!

    Fantastic Essie. I shall try the cottage pie out on my chaps and see what the verdict is.

    I feel for you annette52! Though I don’t myself have four young men to feed, it’s tough enough feeding my two girls, the older of which (11) eats as much as any boy her age (and is still very thin!). And the younger one is a somewhat fussy eater, who nearly always leaves leftovers, which I used to eat as I hate wasting food, but now of course can’t (on fast days at least)… This thread has given me several ideas & suggestions, many thanks! 🙂

    Essie … I am new today infact… you have made me laugh so much!!!! my fella came in yesterday and said what am I reading… once I informed he knew he’d be on it too or at least his ears get a good bashing of the new diet.. he fell asleep so much quicker last night!!! lol lol lol

    Angie xx

    I feel for anyone doing this with children. It’s tough for me. My six year old always has some snack around, which is why I probably ended up gaining in the first place. Luckily, my husband has been somewhat on board. He makes food for our son, that I wouldn’t necessarily touch anyway on my fast days (like pigs in a blanket-not a big fan). I have been lethargic and had headaches, and he has encouraged me to eat, something, anything. It doesn’t work that way. Instead, I drank more lemon water and headed up to bed early. The stress of doing this with a family can prove a bit difficult but I am surviving. WE don’t eat supper together as a family (we hardly eat the same thing anyway)

    I have just spent ages making x3 Shepard’s Pies for my hoards, on a fast day.
    I am starving now. So ,will it be a small piece of Shepard’s Pie or will I hold out and have the fish and salad as planned???????????

    Hi Annette, Shepherds Pie Hmmmm, I use a recipe on the BBC food site for 10 portions for Cottage Pie. It is the best I have ever tasted. Not that yours is any less tasty.
    You are not starving, just feeling comfortably empty.
    Good Luck.
    P.S. Am I the only male to reply to your post?.

    Hi Couscous,
    Chaps are working shifts so rapid menu change required. Had planned to cook Chilli(yuck!)on my fast day.
    It is my youngest sons favourite.
    I tried a new recipe from Economy Gastronomy(Allegra McEvedy and Paul Merrit)and it was gorgeous.I am weak, but it smelt delicious and it was full of vegetables and left over roast lamb.I also had a teensy bit of mash. We ate one and have two more to pop in the freezer.

    I have no idea most of the time who is male or female.

    Thanks I will try that recipe for Cottage Pie.I have yet to find a really good one.This might be it.

    I’m glad to read this thread as I had thought that mums wouldn’t manage to fast. I know I’d have struggled when my children were young. Note I let my OH or my son cook their own meals and I stay out of the kitchen.

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