Welcome to The Fast Diet The official Fast forums Body Weight loss

This topic contains 745 replies, has 54 voices, and was last updated by  metatauta 5 years, 10 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 401 through 450 (of 748 total)

  • Atlanta, GA- USA

    3rd FD this month and I’m down 3 lbs. Probably water weight, but I’ll take it. It’s a great motivator. Thanks @flourbaby for your encouraging words. I’m back, and here to stay. I missed this WOL. Question… How do you make a name from the forum a link? I forgot…

    Atlanta, GA- USA

    3rd FD this month and I’m down 3 lbs. Probably water weight, but I’ll take it. It’s a great motivator. Thanks @flourbaby for your encouraging words. I’m back, and here to stay. I missed this WOL. Question… How do you make a name from the forum a link?

    Day 13 UK CD

    It seems to be National Whoosh Week cos I had one too! My cursury morning weigh-in involved the full cartoon “get on.. do double take…get off..get on..shake head… get off, check scales are in regular place…get on …stand with open-mouthed amazement while wiggling around in case pointer settles elsewhere”.

    After yesterday afternoon’s listen-to-my-body Rice Fest – hot red rice salad & chocolate rice pudding with poached apples – I’m down to 65kg/143.5lb today, the new low last glimpsed in mid-December 🙂 If that’s the effect of skipping my regular gf oat bread in favour of occasional carbs I’ll bank it…. Who knew?

    Feeling a bit better after a second night of 12hr sleep – not healthy, but definitely improved. And taking my intercity trip out of the middle of the week has left it wonderfully spacious, looking forward to catching up with yoga & meditation, reading & writing as well as some gentle project work.

    Consciously focusing on Balance this year is beginning to pay gentle dividends, making me more mindful of both my time and my needs, more likely to stop and look after myself or to consider before accepting either an invitation or a complaint. Slowly, with gentle goals seems to work so much better for me than quick changes or single focus – success is in the breadth and the breathing spaces

    Here’s to wise choices and breathing spaces today 🙂

    Day 13 Canton OH Fast800

    I am so sleepy and tired today – nursing my first cup of coffee trying to get a bump.
    Day 9/21 day challenge went well

    Sugar: small slice of cake

    Pocket list for Day 13:
    @neilithicman (800)
    @elektron (800)
    @basyjames (800)

    Day 13, UK, FD

    Congrats everyone who had a Whoosh 👏 👏 , I’m still waiting for mine 🙏
    I will weigh myself tomorrow so lets see …. 🙏

    @daffodil2010 I don’t have space indoors, so they will have to be planted outdoors. I didn’t realise March would be too early 😮 , but you are right, it could still be cold at that time of the year. I better get organised and buy some seeds 😄 . Thank you for the advice xx , me and @snowflake56 are taking notes. If I saw my seeds, can I leave them outside?

    @gretta have a wonderful honeymoon ❤

    @missybear I make my own kefir and it made a huge difference to the health of mu gut. Plus, its so delicious 🙂 . I buy it from this site : https://bacillusbulgaricus.com/ , its the best I found and they give instructions how to make it and the guys who is running it is very helpful if he is asked for help (I’m not in any way affiliated with them, just a happy customer) . Its very easy to make it 🙂 . I think few people from here tried it.

    @therealwil78 to make a name clickable (a link) just add “@” before the name (without quotes) , as you did it 🙂

    I noticed that @anna6 hasn’t been here for almost 10 days, which is unusual, I hope she is ok 😕

    Pocket list for Day 13:
    @neilithicman (800)
    @elektron (800)
    @basyjames (800)

    Day 13 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Shoveled some wet heavy snow yesterday, so I kind of counted that as a workout! Although our driveway is done by our local guy with a pickup truck plow, the walks and bit right in front of the garage door is what is left. So glad I go to the gym and have some muscles! This is what we are calling the “never ending winter” as snow and/or ice just keep coming. Crazy.

    Meetings, Silver Sneakers, lunch with a friend, then a massage are on my docket. Hope to get time to read and reply to posts.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 13, Idaho USA 20/4 FD

    Dug out from 10+ inches of snow in the last 24 hours. Or, more honestly my Husband dug us out 🙂 Kids stayed home from school yesterday, but are on the roads today. Oldest boy is driving this year, glad He’s had a little snow practice already, but I can’t help but feel a few nerves each morning that the roads are slick.
    I fasted as scheduled last week, but ate so much on the weekend that it was basically a wash. Hopefully that was just a problem from the first week back at it! I need my clothing to fit again! I’m tired of juggling sweaters to find the least muffin-toppy option!

    @michelinme your description of the weigh in was just what I needed this morning!

    Pocket list for Day 13:
    @neilithicman (800)
    @elektron (800)
    @basyjames (800)

    Day 13 UK Fast 800.
    I have been AWOL for far too long! So sorry for not tuning in over the past few days. I have been away to Yorkshire with my other half and four very dear friends. It was a wonderful visit and we had a lot of laughs. Needless to say the calorie counting went out of the window. That said, I made a pact with myself at the beginning of the year that I would be kind to myself and not worry and mither about the days I made a hash of Fasting. So although up I have probably gained significant pounds this week I will just keep fasting when I can. I have read most of the posts on here since I last looked and it appears many plateaus have crumbled and lots of us are being kind to ourselves when we stumble. Good luck everyone. Hopefully I’ll be reporting back more regularly.

    Day 13: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD but being quite good actually…

    @gretta: have a great time.
    @shinything: I think @anna6 said she was going to be away for awhile. Holiday?
    @redrockgirl302: Is your dog ok?
    @daffodil2010: Congratulations on your whoosh. Hope you dad continues to improve and will soon get home.
    @therealwil78: Welcome back and three pounds down already!
    I feel sorry for you people in America with all that snow. How does the post get through, I wonder?

    Day 13 – NC, USA – FD

    Did decent yesterday with my TDEE but went a little over and since I have a get together with the other French expats tomorrow morning I figured I would add another FD mid week in anticipation. I’m doing it with stevia in my tea though and I’ll probably have some lettuce at lunch and dinner. so I don’t show up at my krav maga class feeling too weak. I’m a bit of a mess right now: I am feeling under the weather (lymph nodes in my neck are swollen and my throat is killing me) and I ruptured a tendon in my hand so my right hand is in a splint until the end of the month… I still want to get to krav tonight though since I have not been in 10 days… (I hit with just one hand and my daughter who is my partner takes it easier on me until I get the use of my right hand back)

    I’m planning on doing another FD on Friday since I’m going out with some girlfriends on Saturday night. Normally I fast the day after but I’m hoping this fasting prior to events will work out nicely. Has anyone tried it both ways and come to a conclusion?

    @matpi, thank you for the info about Dr. Eric Berg. I will look for his talk. I agree with you girls that fast in the summer is a whole lot easier. I’ve been sipping a lot of tea throughout the day but I will try adding 5 to 10 minutes of stepping have a couple of hours.

    Welcome @therealwil78! Glad to see you on the board! And congrats on the loss already 🙂

    Thanks @daffodil2010, That is FABULOUS news about the cooling and heating of carbs!!!! I try to keep it all to a minimum too but I love my flax pita bread with Hummus or with some of my cheeses (shouldn’t really have those either I suppose…) And Pasta and rice once in a while sound so good!!!

    And congrats @michelinme on that nice whoosh!!!! It’s so encouraging and fun to hear about those! And you made me laugh so hard when you were describing your discovery! That’s so what I would have done too!!!!

    Adding myself to the pocket list

    Pocket list for Day 13:
    @neilithicman (800)
    @elektron (800)
    @basyjames (800)

    Day 13. UK. Fast800

    Hello All

    Just a quick visit. It’s been a none stop day and now about to jump in a nice hot bubble bath 🛀.

    Ended up being a OMAD today as I didn’t get chance to eat until 5:00pm. Kitchen now closed.

    I’m going to enjoy reading thread and catching up later.

    Peace & Love

    USA Day 13 FD800 (16:8)

    Hi, all! Sorry I am so late in posting but spent the morning shoveling snow and ice! Where is Spring???

    Adding myself to pocket list:

    @neilithicman (800)
    @elektron (800)

    Still jealous of all of you who have had a whoosh!! Where is mine???? Well, these water FDs and FD800s are working well for me. I think tomorrow will be another WFD. Recently, I have found water fast, so I thought I would try to figure out why I am not struggling at it! Think it has to do with what I eat the night before, roughage and protein! It really fills me up, so that I continue to feel full even during the next day. I will see if that continues!

    Gretta, have a wonderful romantic honeymoon! 🙂

    Take care, everyone!

    Day 14, Wellington NZ, FD

    Happy Valentine’s Day one and all – love yourselves!

    Am riding out a Hot Cross Bun induced blip and have gone up 1kg in the past couple of days. Disappointed in myself, but as everyone says – being kind to myself and not dwelling on it – other than to plan how to avoid similar pitfalls in the future.

    Away for a few days at two weddings so will report in again after the weekend.

    Stay strong all, and have a great weekend (I know it’s only Thursday, but my first wedding is tomorrow)

    Day 13 second post

    @flourbaby thanks for sharing your Mojo – going down a treat 😀
    @shinything thanks for the kefir link – @at recommended it last month & i kept forgetting to ask 🙂
    @chipmunk13 I did that with hot cross buns last year – had b2b wfd then ate 4 hot cross buns on Gd Friday. I felt so sick, and puffed up like a tyre! Don’t beat yourself up – we live & learn… (tho some of us make the same mistakes a few dozen times before changing course!) Have lovely weddings 🙂
    @songbirdme @foodfreedomgirl @matpi I don’t envy you the snow – hopefully winter is nearly over? Today felt like Spring in London – blue skies, green shoots and very chirpy birds! I enjoyed watching sparrows, blackbirds & starlings having a bath together in the lunchtime sunshine 🙂
    @basyjames you are doing brilliantly with your 21 day challenge – almost halfway there!
    @ccco your turn will come – and in the meantime you are doing brilliantly. Hopefully you’l have lots of energy for when your new Grandbaby arrives 🙂
    @diggly welcome back
    @gretta have a wonderful honeymoon in Japan 🙂
    @emma1202 @foodfreedomgirl thank you – & i love the idea that i made people laugh in NC & Idaho! I know how much I’ve been inspired to hear & learn from others’ experience, pick up ideas, recipes etc over the last 15 months. When I frist started I used to pore over the numbers and be inspired by what was possible. It’s been life-changing for me – as much in the sharing other health ideas as in the 5:2 company

    it’s wonderful to be able to share our experence, learn from & encourage each other across so many divides of culture, experience – and even language! We have far more in common than divides us 🙂

    Day 13 California NFD
    Day 12 NFD
    Day 11 NFD

    Sorry I haven’t posted in a few days – work is very demanding mentally right now.
    Tomorrow will be my fast day – OMAD has been working for me the last couple of FD’s. Most of my non fast days have been 16:8.
    Raining again here today and for the next three days.

    Day 13 California NFD
    Day 12 NFD
    Day 11 NFD

    Sorry I haven’t posted in a few days – work is very demanding mentally right now.
    Tomorrow will be my fast day – OMAD has been working for me the last couple of FD’s. Most of my non fast days have been 16:8.
    Raining again here today and for the next three days.

    2nd post

    If your finger slips while hitting the submit button and you accidentally hit it twice you get a double post!

    USA Day 13 FD800 (16:8)
    Second Post

    Thank you, michelinme! Next weekend is my daughter’s baby shower. The time is going fast.

    Anyway, my kitchen is closed and I just began another water fast! I am really hoping for a great weigh-in at the end of this month’s challenge. So far, my mindset is bringing me along!

    Hope everyone had a wonderful day!

    Day 13, Rocky Mountains, US, NFD

    Having the munchies today. Kitchen is closed now.
    Tai Chi in the morning, walked home from campus, got my 10.000 steps and more. Walking the dog. @ciren2: Thanks, my dog is feeling better. His diarrhea seems to be under control now (fingers crossed) after getting ‘imodium’ doggie pills from the vet. He is fasting as well, only very little food at the moment. His heart condition remains the same. No worse, will be kept on the same pills. Also @ciren2 the mail carriers are heros here with all the snow and ice. When it is really bad they have to put chains on their little cars to get around. But walking un-shoveled sidewalks and paths to houses with mail and packages is no picnic.

    Hope everyone had a good Wednesday! ⚘⚘⚘

    Day 13 & 14 – Japan – NFD

    Day 13 Ohio, US FD(#53) ✔️
    Day 12 — NFD ✔️

    Yesterday was a really odd one: The whole day was a series of unexpected events, each one not all that stressful, but because they were non-stop from the time I got up, by mid-evening I was pretty fried. That could be why that then I got very strong hunger pangs. That led to eating over the TDEE, so I made today a FD. Fortunately I kept the added sugar levels low. Another reason for a FD is that I slept warm last night. It appears that if I eat too much on any day my body temperature goes way up when I sleep. That may be a good “tell” for when I need a FD. Yesterday didn’t get a chance to get any exercise in, but this morning was able to do my yoga practice before work and will come close to 10K steps by bedtime.

    @redrockgirl302 Hope your pup keeps on feeling better!

    @rafiki44 Hope your work situation eases up fast!

    @emma1202 Ruptured tendons are no fun. I once messed up the tendons in my left hand and wrist in a toboganning accident and had to wear a splint for six months. So I hope that yours heal up very fast! Will you need to do some physical therapy afterwards?

    Enjoy the day!

    Day 14 New Zealand FD
    Weekly weigh in tomorrow – hoping for a smaller number!

    Day 14 NSW Australia FD
    3.30pm Thursday

    Hi everyone, just checking in.

    Having a good FD – so far only 190 Cal’s and it’s 3.30pm Thursday here!

    Pocket List Day 14:

    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now xx

    Day 14 Melb Aust FD (5:25 p.m. Thursday)

    Just about to cook some fish to have with vegies for dinner – second FD, and going okay. Will try for a third tomorrow, as I still haven’t lost the weekend hot cross bun (and other things!) indulgence weight. Congrats to all those who’ve had a “whoosh!” – still waiting for mine, but…. won’t happen until I stop slipping. Watched a couple more of Dr Jason Fung videos last night, so am inspired to keep on keeping on.

    Please put me on the pocket list for the rest of today plus tomorrow – not sure how to do it!

    Day 14, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Did my second fast day of the week early yesterday so I can have a Valentine meal with my OH tonight who is cooking my favourite roast meal (cauliflower and chickpeas with tahinni and lemon sauce – OK – i have strange tastes!). And Prosecco. Have to weigh myself this morning and hope this is my Whoosh Week too. Will update later.

    On the matter of growing tomatoes. I too like to start them early in Feb or March as I have somewhere to grow them frost free as you can’t put them outside until mid/end May. Its OK to sow later in April, especially further south, always indoors/greenhouse, as the seeds need heat to germinate. Or buy plug plants in May. Look for varieties that crop well outdoors, as opposed to a greenhouse. Eg for outdoors – Gardeners Delight for cherry toms or Ailsa Craig for salad toms, or ask your neighbours what grows well for them as local conditions affect the crop!

    Happy Valentines to you all! ❤❤❤

    Day 14 – Ireland – FD
    Happy Galentine or Valentine’s Day ♥️

    Felt ropey all day yesterday but much better this morning.
    Hoping to have a nice galentine lunch today with one of my best pals today and then a nice meal tonight at home with my man..

    May you all feel the love today whether it’s self love (sorry @flourbaby 😂) or just the good people around you ♥️

    Pocket list for today:

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    Day 14 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Morning all. After the whoosh, I am back on the plateau….I checked and every Thursday I weigh the exact same. Been this way for nearly 3 months. Hey ho, there we go. Wearing size 10 skirts still so it’s only an added inch or two in the waist that needs to go.

    Soldier on as always.

    @flourbaby ha ha you made me giggle with the Frankie Howerd impression with talk of “self-love”….ohhh matron!!

    @shinything I am one of the folks who bought kefir from that link you recommended, it was last year, and I love it! I also make yoghurt from this online store, the rose flavour is yum. Put it this way……a year or so ago DH had to be on antibiotics for a while and developed very bad stomach pain. Last Autumn, he had to take antibiotics for the foreign body in his ear(still don’t know what it was 😱), but drank a daily glass of homemade kefir and no gut issues whatsoever. It’s great!

    @cornish-jane Glad you came in with your wise words re tomatoes. I guess the most important thing is to always sow seeds indoors in a seed tray, a warm windowsill is usually fine……my house is dotted with little seedlings on every windowsill come April…just waiting to be potted on and for the last frosts. Luckily DH is understanding of my horticulture love and does not mind peering out through green leafy seedlings! I dont have a greenhouse as such at hone so it’s needs must. Love this time of year, full of promise!

    Right, got to go. Happy Valentines Day everyone, and practice Self Love always….@FlourBaby..now, now, I see you giggling there at back of class, take your mind out of the gutter there 😆

    Have a great day!

    Day 14, London, UK, FD800,

    So, the positivity continues. I’m boosting my self-confidence with successful fasting, throughout January I was swinging from fasting to binging on NFDs, I think I need the strict limits of fast 800 at the moment, then when the bad habits are controlled and brain re-training is successful (finally!!) I’ll be ecstatic to get back to 5:2 …………………… my first love (very apt today)!!!

    @foodfreedomgirl, you know you’re on the right forum when everyone nods their head in agreement with you ……………………………….. “the least muffin-toppy option!” ………………………………………… I hear ya!!!!!

    @michelinme, you’re very welcome, I’m chucking this stuff about like confetti!!!! It’s once again becoming a pleasure to fast, there was a point when I thought about hurling myself off of the wagon, sooooo easy when you’re feeling sorry for yourself. A swift kick up the backside, a stern talking to and remembering the mantra @at introduced me to …………………………


    seems to have done the trick!!!!

    @jaifaim & @daffodil2010 ……………………. I have to amuse myself in some way!!!!! Whether in or out of the gutter!!!!!

    On another note, to those on the plateau, the one, single solitary thing that tipped me off of the lonely plateau????? …………………. Zero alcohol!!!! Even one glass (don’t roll your eyes, I have been known to have just ONE!!!) stops weight loss dead in its tracks for me, just saying!!!!

    Today I’m aiming to increase my water intake, I’m slacking in the chilly weather & making excuses because of the water content of my lunch & dinner soups!!!! 2L unadulterated water is today’s aim.

    Stay strong everyone, think summer shorts!!!!

    Day 14 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Thank you for helpful comments about making kefir @emma-taylor I’m encouraged to hear that its easy to do and @shinything I have looked at the link to the company you and @daffodil2010 use and I think I would prefer the freeze dried kefir starter to grains. Looking forward to going into production.

    Need to have a good healthy FD today as I have another celebration dinner tomorrow and I am already at the top of my maintenance range 😱

    Pocket list for today:

    Happy Valentines ❤️

    Day 4 – Atlanta, Ga _ USA

    Happy Valentine’s Day to you all! Had a good workout this morning. I fell off some this week as I have to get my workouts in at 5 a.m. due to my work schedule (elementary teacher). I also am the director of our after-school program, so I work 11 hour days. Too tired to go to the gym after. Today is a NFD for me, but the OH is planning a big dinner for us tonight. I’m planning on watching my portions and no dessert for me! I’m going to do a FD on Friday to balance things out though. Onwards and Downwards!

    Day 14 Canton OH Fast800

    Day 10/21 day challenge
    I was really tired yesterday; I kept to my feeding window but did not track my calories yesterday, I also only logged 11247 steps. I probably went over because I decided not to count my calories. I ate an apple, some cashew nuts and some bacon slices, and then settled in front of the TV with a nice slice of the honey bun cake (no frosting) that I baked last weekend. I am 2 pounds down this morning, so total of 8 pounds lost so far.

    I am planning to make a nice Asian-themed Valentine’s day dinner this evening for my family, I don’t plan to over indulge- I will stick to my allotted 800 calories and drink tons of water – no nuts (finger’s crossed)

    @therealwil78 I hope you don’t mind if I make a small correction, I know you joined us 4 days ago but we all post the day of the month as the first sentence in our post. Since we are an international forum in different time zones, it keeps us all on the same page. If you want to track how many days since you started the fast diet, you could post it as your second sentence, some of us do that to keep track.

    is anyone here a fan of Kimchi? I haven’t had any in a while and I am craving some – I think my gut will thank me too 🙂

    @michelinme thanks! Like flourbaby said I really needed the structure, I was doing well on my FD but out of control on NFD and this keeps the guradrails on a bit, my twin already said it (uncanny) I was aiming for some brain retraining and it takes 21 days to learn a new habit – so here we are 🙂

    Happy Valentine’s day Everyone!!! Be good to yourself and those around you.

    Pocket list for today:
    @basyjames Fast800

    Day 14 – NC, USA – NFD

    Happy Vaklentines’ Day everyone!

    I’ve decided my body and I are currently not seeing eye to eye on things. I felt great during yesterday’s FD (just had stevia sweetened tea, lettuce and red bell peppers + the delicious Trader Joe’s Green Goddess dressing) and I kept it to 250 cal, but the scale did not agree with me this morning. It gave me nothing. Not an ounce! Didn’t go down or up. I’m going to assume my body is very confused and will come to its senses for tomorrow’s weigh in. With 250 calories, I think I should be entitled to a little dip. Sounds reasonable to me, but my body seems uninterested in my opinion evidently :p

    All Joking aside, I’m still feeling very good about the process and I’m glad I listened to my body and didn’t do a full WFD since I’m still under the weather. I feel much better today and I was glad to start my day with 3 delicious crepes this morning to break my fast. It’s all about flexibility and remembering I have another 40 years of the WOL so slow is okay.

    @matpi, Thanks for your words of encouragement about my hand. We’re trying a splint for 6 weeks hoping to avoid surgery. If it works, my surgeon thought I might not need physical therapy so I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

    Happy fasting to everyone on the pocket list today!

    Day 14: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    Very foggy to start with this morning. Could hardly see where I was going on the way to work! Thank goodness for white lines in the centre of the roads….turned out to be a lovely spring-like day once the sun came out around midday.

    @redrockgirl302: your posties are amazing…our mail would never get through in anything like those conditions. A bit of snow and this country grinds to a halt!
    @ccco: you’re really getting into the water fasts, aren’t you? You’ll certainly get results.

    Day 14, Rocky Mountains, US, NFD

    Happy Valentine’s Day! 💐⚘😊

    Picking up our chocolate covered strawberries and eclairs soon from our new French patisserie. Definitely a NFD!😊😊😊

    New winter storm coming as well, starting with rain🌧 turning into snow🌨 at some point. It is freakishly warm right now (9°C) with strong south winds🌬.

    @matpi: Thank you, my pup is doing much better. 🐕❤

    Have a good Thursday everyone! ⚘⚘⚘

    Hello all day 14 fast day 800

    Happy St Valentine’s day everyone and just to let you know I love you all – you wonderful supporting people x

    Not caught up on all the posts and have not even been on for a while so some of you may have already noticed it if you have the book Clever guts recipe book. My copy arrived the other day and I was flicking through it and our own @fatrabbit gets a mention as one of her recipes is used in the book. I also purchased the 800 fast book but I haven’t really had a chance to get into it.
    I am being more active again and while I can’t say that circuits at the gym are my favourite, they certainly make you work and I am trying to be more accountable regarding my water intake – I am just sorry the loo at work isn’t further away. The amount of times I need to go I could very well reach my step goal by just going to the loo.
    The guy at the gym asked me to lower my step goal, surprisingly, from 10,000 to 8,000 and you know what I feel so much better in my head. It was only perhaps a few days a week I attained 10,000 and always felt a little downhearted but now I have reduced the steps and I am attaining 8,000 almost every day, I feel like a winner. So maybe perhaps there is a lesson for us all to think about. Maybe we should lighten up a little, set our goals to a more attainable target and we will still get to where we want to be. Instead of sticking to the previous 500 I am doing 800 finally getting my head around that it was somehow ‘cheating’ and finding it a little easier. I don’t need to beat myself up. On this special day love yourself enough to be kind to yourself.

    Hope all is good with all and I will try to catch up soon before the month is up. Can’t believe we are half way through already.

    Day 14 California FD

    The rain is intense today and lots of flooding and leaking since we aren’t good at dealing with rain. My daughter’s college just kicked everyone out as they had no power. Hope it clears up before my drive home!

    Pocket list for today:
    @basyjames Fast800

    Day 14 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Really being careful as to eating today, mostly because at our 100 Women Who Care meeting tonight, there will be wine and hors d’oeuvres -maybe even some sweets. Every 3 months, we women meet (now there are about 135 in our county) and listen to the needs of 3 non-profit groups who are chosen at random. Voting is done, then everyone writes a $100 check to that organization. Our Children’s Museum won 2 years ago, but we are still needy. It is a great way to secure about $135,000 in one fell swoop.

    Crazy, freakish weather continues in much of the U.S.A. — hopefully everyone is safe!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 14 UK FD!

    I’m knackered, so brief post. Got caught up in project work and never got to do the things I’d planned at the start of the day eg yoga, meditaiton, going shopping, drinking water! One project took over (grrrrr) with lots of urgent stuff not looked at the others at all – feeling v topsy-turvey – like @matpi yesterday!

    On the bright side, at least I was able to get some stuff done and – while not yet feeling well, i certainly feel better than yesterday. Right now I’m knackered but then I haven’t eaten for more than 24 hrs just now. Defrosted spicy veggie stew has been sitting in the microwave calling my name for the last couple of hours!

    Today was definitely spring-y – I even sat outside on a phone call at one stage, enjoying the feeling of warm sunshine. Had a quick dig through the wardrobe to get ahead with prepping smart clothes for next week’s 3day conference. And Everything from last spring now looks HUGE! I’m too tired to try it on today, but will do it after tomorrow’s weekly weigh – and start writing a shoppping list!

    Caught up with posts but too tired to reply…except lovely to hear from you @coda, wise words about achievable goals. Happy Valentine’s day all!

    Pocket list for Day 14:

    @flourbaby Fast800
    @basyjames Fast800

    Day 15 – Japan – WFD (#12)

    Still people finishing up day 14 fasts. I hearty wish that all goes well for them.
    Last night we had chocolate fondue. Way too much sugar so the fast today is welcome.

    Day 15 Melb Aust, FD

    Well, day 14’s FD became a CD in the end, almost exactly 1200 cals (fortunately not a NFD!!!). But, I’m trying again today, aiming for just OMAD, at dinnertime.

    One disappointment – I was 80.2 kg a.m. last Saturday, over-indulged a few days, but not drastically, and was 81.6 kg Tuesday (I blame the hot cross buns! 🙂 ). Now I’ve had a FD and a CD, yet today I was still 81.4 kg – where is the justice in that???!!! Well, maybe another FD will kick it down again. @emma1202, I guess I do have to remember that this is not just for now, but is an ongoing WOL (just not another 40 years for me, though – I’d be happy with 30 🙂 )

    @coda, I so agree with you re the steps, and for me I think it’s age-related. What I could do when younger is considerably more difficult now at 69; I just don’t have as much stamina. And my feet hurt more! When I got my new fitbit several months ago, I set my steps goal at 8000 steps instead of 10,000, and it’s much more achievable. And it feels good to have a goal that you can sometimes not just reach but surpass and give yourself a pat on the back over.

    @dykask, enjoying a FD with you.

    @songbirdme, what a lovely charity idea!

    Okay, got my mojo back – just reading and interacting on this forum is a great support.

    Day 14 Ohio, US — NFD

    At noon I went for some deep-tissue work on my neck and shoulders. I’m not exactly in pain, but it’s clear that the body is making some major re-adjustments. One consequence of that seems to have been a steady urge to snack since the treatment. With any luck a good night’s sleep will help to restore equilibrium.

    @michelinme Hope you continue to recover and that you feel 100% by the time of your conference!

    @rafiki44 That “pineapple express” can really dump a lot of water on an area. When I lived in Oregon, we’d occasionally get soaked by it. Sounds like it’s worse this year than it’s been for some time.

    @coda Yeah, that 10K step goal isn’t really a “one-size fits all” matter. I keep a record of my steps every day, but I don’t really obsess over getting that 10K in. Rather I just pay attention to the trends in the step count over several days. It seems that if my count goes way down, it’s an early warning sign that something is perhaps amiss, such as a cold coming on. By using the trends, I can sometimes get a jump on a cold and keep it from getting too bad. Today, for example, my count is way down and I think that that’s a sign of the body recalibrating itself after the deep-tissue treatment.

    Have a great end of the week everyone!

    @betsylee – Don’t let the scale drive you mad. There are a lot of variables in our weight. However I hope you have a good fast day now!

    Day 15, Emden Germany, FD

    @daffodil2010 thanks for the information on growing tomatoes and the change in white carbs. I bought seed trays and seed, our compost is very grainy, perhaps not good enough. We do have an old greenhouse but it doesn’t get much sunlight, so we use it as a shed now. We had the tomatoes in it, didn’t work, plants grew large but no tomatoes. @cornish-jane thanks to you too. We should just try it @shinything (how is your shoulder doing, did you start physiotherapy?).

    @gretta happy honeymoon!

    @therealwil78 welcome back, you had a good start!

    @at friends and family (and my DH) think we run an orphanage for unwanted things. Most of the things are out of the house now, my DH went to the tip and to the charity shop twice, he knows he can’t expect I spend my days dusting and cleaning things we don’t need. I’m glad we both don’t like my DH’s parents teak furniture, we only took books (who wonders) and a lovely old sewing table.

    Time to get out of bed and take a paintbrush, the weather looks promissing, Spring arrived in this part of the world.

    Pocket list day 15


    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 15, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Sitting firmly on this plateau despite 3 fast days this last week at 71.8kg. I was convinced i had lost. Grrrr.

    Maybe its because I’m feeling a bit over stretched workwise as orders are piling in and i have a lot of planting and repotting to do and we are trying to progress on a building project.

    I read somewhere if you feel stressed then cortisol levels in your body increase. And when cortisol is raised, it raises insulin and when insulin is raised your body can’t burn fat for energy! Even when fasting. Hmm. No idea if its true as there is so much rubbish published online. But we are cooking for friends tonight so must remember to relax and have a good time and not fret about cleaning the house, making the food perfect, etc. And get out the 🥂 and enjoy myself! Mid life seems to be full of obligations, commitments and responsibilities. How did that happen?!

    Day 15 – Ireland – FD

    @betsylee and @cornish-jane I’m sharing your frustration today… have been so so so good… except for yesterday … which in my naivety thought might bring about the elusive whoosh but no…… but I really enjoyed my day, it was a beautiful day here and the food I had was so good!
    I am wearing a pair of trousers I rarely wear because of the shape and fit so that’s a good sign and I’m taking @emma1202 and @dykask’s advice and trying to ignore that number 🛑
    I’m going to try another FD today though… out with friends again tomorrow so that will be an EFS and there may be some alcohol..I’ve managed to stay dry until now…

    May you all feel the love again today 😀

    Pocket list for today:

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    Day 15 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Lovely frosty morning. This week it has suddenly got brighter. I no longer have to use my full beams driving home from work at 17.30, and I can see light in the east on my 630am walk. Spring is springing! We have had our daffodils blooming super early this year too, I love it.

    DH cooked a great meal last night witch calamari and shrimp for starters and a lovely chicken pepper dish for main. Red wine too 🍷 Tonight we plan to go out to dinner.

    Like @cornish-jane I too am feeling stressed, though stressed about the situation with my Dad, he is like Jekyll and Hyde with his moods, it’s very tough….anyway I found myself sooooo hungry yesterday in work that I snacked…on fruit! Not too bad I suppose.

    Yeah midlife does seem harder these days. Positive thoughts needed. Ok, it’s the weekend…..enjoy it everyone!

    Day 15 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Forced myself to step on the scales again this morning and 2 lbs down from Tuesday….phew…so comfortably within maintenance range but still a pound up on 1st February. I was hungry during yesterday’s FD and suspect the birthday treats are messing with my blood sugar.

    @cornish-jane and @daffodil2010 I’m taking note of the tomato growing advice and I am going to have a go this year. I too can relate to the midlife stresses comments as my 82 year old dad’s health has been deteriorating recently. It seems whatever age we are there is always something to worry about, all the more reason to keep healthy so we can cope the best we can.

    Out for dinner and to see a Gary Barlow tribute singer tonight…..there will be pudding and wine. Oh well, it will soon be March and I will be much better behaved.

    Keep on keeping on everyone 🤗

    Day 15 NSW Australia NFD
    Hi everyone, just checking in.
    Enjoy your weekend xx

    Day 15. Naples NFD
    This is what I ate yesterday. Fruit yoghurt, ice cream, crisps, those weird Italian savoury pastries that look like puppy dogs tails, peanuts, ham sandwiches, fried carbohydrates bought on the street ( not entirely sure what they were but they were white and fried). That is the worst days eating in my entire life, I think. Oh, and some beer. Just to top it off. How embarrassing.

    Day 15 2nd post

    @emma-taylor are you working for a carb induced whoosh? 😂. Enjoy Naples 😋

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