Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Hemmy,

    Glad you are having a good FD day….I am the same never have enough water..

    Sorry to hear about your friends it’s always very sad when things go wrong. Was it the friend you thought he was playing away a few weeks ago? Maybe better in the open.

    Enjoy your weekend with Kirsty.

    KT…sounds as if you are on track as well. Day will soon be over….well done..


    Hi KT

    You are really doing well today. .. I think drinking a lot of water … teas..coffee Oxo.. helps a lot to fill you up. I reckon after a while you will lose your sweet tooth.

    Mine was dreadful when I started .. cakes … chocolate.. sweets you name it if its sweet.

    Now .. lots of stuff seems far to sweet for me… quite sickly in fact. My first thought after an FD day initially were McDonalds or the local shops bakery for a large bakewell tart. Lol Never give it a thought now. Feel better not eating all the sugar too. Moods are more even. Keep it up you are doing brilliantly and we can do this together. Xx

    Hi Sym. Like I said to KT defiantly think lots of water helps.

    Yes, that’s the friend . I feel so awful because I had seen something going on a couple of times this year.. of course I cant say anything to her. Oh dear its such a shame.

    Beautiful home … cars .. lots of years married. So sad.

    Kristy coming tomoz morning will take out Mr Pips. Pleased as I feel I have sprained my right wrist. .. I have bandaged it now and trying to rest it as I kept forgetting … using it and it really gave me what for. Lol

    Have a lovely week-end whatever you are doing. Xx

    Just lost a rather long post I’d written by trying to go back a page to reply to someone who’s name I couldn’t remember (!) so forgive me if this is rather shorter.

    Just caught up with the posts – most seem to be doing well so ‘high five’ to you who are.

    KT I think part of the secret is to try not to have cakes/biscuits etc in the house so that when temptation strikes it’s much harder to get hold of them (ask me how I know!) Sending you (((hugs))) and remember you aren’t on your own – we’re all here and all on your side.

    Got the ‘stop smoking’ tablets on Wednesday, but haven’t started them yet. I’m thinking about girding my loins and doing it on my own… the side effects of the tablets sound horrendous!
    Ginette I think it was you who mentioned e cigs – tried them but strangely they set me off coughing which normal cigs don’t! Too much coughing brings on a asthma attack. Too contrary for words, that’s me!

    Managed to lose another lb so feeling rather pleased as I’ve been feeling rather poorly and thought I hadn’t done very well. Thats 1 stone down and my weight now starts with a 14 — wonder how long it will take before it starts with a 10! LOL

    Thanks for all your good wishes I really do appreciate them. Xx

    Morning Brits,

    A dreary morning here seems quite cold also when going to the bin.


    What have you done to your wrist? Silly billie… Take it easy let Kirsty help you out and rest it. I am going to try and up my water intake, we have about 5 cups of tea a day but some more water would help.


    A stone down a really well done much quicker than us. This time around we are much slower in loosing but it’s going down! I am chasing the first stone 3 more pounds to go.

    Hope stopping the cigs works it’s so hard but I am sure you will. Hubby stopped after 45 years, 40 cigs a day person because he met me a non smoker…I didn’t ask him but he felt guilty. He got some tablets just for a month from US which helped him stop. Strange though he still looks in his pockets when he goes out..pats his self down…he said he will always be a smoker but has not had one for 18 years!


    Welcome….you have done great loosing 21 pounds…good luck on the next 10 pounds…keep popping in.

    Have a great weekend everybody

    Jean x

    morning all
    well second week and no weight loss but no gain either and I’m happy with that as had a disaster on my second fast day. made the mistake of going food shopping on a fast day, combined with stopping smoking last Saturday, ended up doing a 6:1 this week. I hope everyone else is having good weight loss, take care

    Morning all

    Have weighed in no loss or gain…

    Back home on Thursday. Good luck to you all


    Hi Hemmy

    Yes I agree, Easter will be here before we know it.

    Hi Jean

    Glad you had a lovely time away. Well done with 1lb off. I am not weighing this week as I have had an attack of the munchies with stress. I am managing to get a lid on it and will be ok once I have made a decision one way or the other! I looked at a car my son suggested. I know what he said is right about the make BMW, I have a Honda Civic that I love although it has been playing up since August 2014 and getting progressively worse. I know by looking at websites there is no quick fix, it is one of those problems that will be hard to trace and could cost over £1000 to fix….if they can find a fix for it.

    I phoned the seller of this car where I had put down a deposit and was going to stop him putting on an new MOT as I was unsure and needed to drive the car again.

    Mine is a lovely drive around town but goes into limp mode on the motorway. Honda Civics have a really good name but I see that looking up problems on the Internet this is a really common fault.

    Oh what to do……

    Hi Audrey

    Hello there, hopefully the weather is brighter where you are, this is the second grey chilly overcast day here in the south although two days ago it was 14 degrees.

    Hi Spence

    I either do a late lunch and dinner or just dinner, like Jean 5 cups of tea, milk counted in. I often have soup for lunch. I buy the packs of prepared soup vegetables from Aldi and use my soupmaker. Then I have either omelette and something for dinner or chicken or fish in sauce with vegetables in the evening. I find that when I eat the first thing it wakes up hunger and so make this as late as possible. As Lynda says we all have different ways of doing it. It may be trial and error to find out what works best for you.

    Hi Lynda

    Well done on your loss, that must feel good to have got that zip up, is it getting loose yet?

    Hi KT

    Well done for trying, even if I am having a bad week. I do stick to my fast days, I even increased them to three to try and not put weight on. This normally works. I am like you I respond in an emotional way to food.

    I have two funerals ahead, one 1st April and I’m waiting to hear the date of the second yet. One was expected, the other a complete shock.

    I can see there are some posts on another page so I may post again.


    Hi Hemmy

    So sorry to hear about your friend, how sad. How did you sprain your wrist? Nice that you have Kristy there to walk the dog and for the company.

    Hi Coffee

    Yes I found that problem, if you go back a page then you lose your post and have to start again, this is why I often post twice. It’s really annoying isn’t it?

    How wonderful that you have dropped into the 14s that is my next target but I’m just treading water for now.

    Did you get an ecig that was milder than the cigarettes you smoke? Some of them I have heard seem quite strong. Maybe the brands differ as well. My neighbour had one with tobacco but also with cinnamon or vanilla and when I walk into his house it smells lovely. Much nicer than cigarettes.

    If you can get then free with the stop smoking courses it may be worth trying another kind. I know many people who use them. My neighbour uses the liquid and so can cut the dose down as he needs to.

    I wish you every success with it. Xx

    Hi Catty

    Well done for your loss. Yes it’s a great way to lose weight. I’m hoping this isn’t spam. Has anybody tried this link?

    Hi Alex

    It must be tough trying to do both things together. Strange that you haven’t lost though. What are you eating or drinking on up your non fast days? Drink counts (apart from water) make sure you aren’t overestimating if you are estimating. Keep looking in and keep on track. As you say not putting on is a bonus.

    Hi Audrey

    That is a real bonus. Well done.

    Hi Plainy

    Have you recovered from Cheltenham yet. My neighbour was telling me about a horse that was taken out of racing for three years and recovered to come back and win in style. I’m sure you probably know which one I’m talking about.


    Hi Ginette,

    Nice to hear from you. Hoping Stu is going on OK and is well.

    We have had 3 civics they are lovely cars, we had to change to a CV because of pulling the caravan and the also a higher height to get in. Hubby had two knee replacements and I also find some cars a bit low.

    It’s a nightmare knowing which car to buy to do the right thing, I am sure your son will advise you. BMW has a good reputation also.

    We are just changing to a VW as the newer Honda won’t pull the caravan hoping we are happy with it. The CV was getting quite high in mileage but we did really enjoyed having it. So we said sod it and went ahead picking it up Wednesday, thing is when retired the money is not coming in to replace what you spend!!

    Have a good weekend
    Jean x

    Hi ginette
    Yes it is spam after 10 min I turned it off

    Lynda X

    Hi Jean

    Are you getting me mixed up with Celtic? No Stu here….

    Yes I know they have a good reputation, looks like I just haven’t got a good one. Lovely to drive. I’m so sad that I have to move on from it.

    I’m not retired but not much money coming in either.

    Hi Lynda

    I have just reported it. So it should dissapear soon. It’s strange as we don’t want to seem unfriendly to newcomers but occasionally one of them is like this.



    Sorry it is Celtic for Stu…got mixed up. Xx

    Lol Sym … put that Merlot away.

    I am going to undo all my work tonight with Merlot … AND Fish n Chips from the shop. Tell hubby I am expecting to lose weight after . Lolol Xx


    I am sure you will….enjoy…..merlot for me later

    Have a good evening

    was desperate for some biscuits – but head couldn’t get into a place where I could go out
    so made some
    have eaten 12!!!!
    threw last few away
    for goodness sake I am like a toddler with food


    Cheers……Merlot in hand…..a few almonds in a dish.

    Cheers to you too. .. As Andrew would have said ” Never above you never below you but always by your side. Lol

    Waiting for my dinner to arrive from chip shop.

    Enjoy your evening…. Fish Chips Merlot and dare I say gossip.. for me and my girl. Yummy and perfect. Xx

    Oh KT what are you like…. Well you are just like me and Sym tonight. Relax we are all going to be there when the flag drops. We are only human and that’s what we are allowed to do now and again.

    We are the 3 musketeer’s Lolol. Xx

    Tomorrow is another day … Yay. Xx

    Just a quick post…

    It seems we are all being naughty today….
    We just had an Indian….. hehe back on Thursday….

    Notes to self must try harder…..


    Ha Ha Aud Xx

    We are now officially the 4 musketeer’s Enjoy the rest of your hols. xx

    Together we are stronger and will be next week.

    gained 2lb this week despite having good fd’s
    not really surprised but it does prove how unlikely it is I will ever get down to a decent weight
    or certainly ever stay there

    There is no point in having good fast days if you consume too much on the other 5 days. The 5:2 is a way of life rather than a diet, so there have to be changes on all of the days which includes learning what the calorie ‘cost’ is of what you consume on the non fast days too.
    I was convinced that I would never be able to lose weight or maintain it…and I have done both although I need to lose more and have been losing and gaining the same 6 lbs for ages. I have had a good look at what I eat and have stopped baking for a few weeks to remove that temptation. I am writing down all that I consume in a little notebook every day and tot up the numbers to less of the TDEE of the weight that I want to be(it is only a couple of 100 calories less). I snack on fruit, handfuls of whole almonds and aim unprocessed food with vegetables or wholegrain bread/brown pasta/brown rice.
    Try and reduce the amount of sugar in your diet. I had a very sweet tooth and have managed to give up sugar in my tea after 40+ years and have tried to have less sweet stuff on a daily basis, which in turn makes in far easier to eat more of the good stuff. The WHO Guidelines are that a daily consumption of sugar should be no more than 24g or 6 teaspoons. I found it very helpful to look at packets and to simply focus on the sugar content and I lost weight by simply counting to 24 every day.
    I am aiming for a waist measurement of less than half my height, which is deemed by some to be the best indicator of health(less visceral fat), while I am not sure what number on the scales that needs, I do know that a downward trajectory is my aim for now. I have a pair of rather smart pink linen shorts that I bought in a sale 2 years ago and have never been able to wear. In January I couldn’t get them up, now I can do them up all the way, but they are uncomfortable. My goal is to be able to wear them for a whole day and for them to look good too.
    Don’t get hung up on the scales,look to your waist measurement and how your clothes fit as well. Look at what you eat now and what changes you could make that you would still enjoy and could therefore maintain. I have become a whole almond addict and now eat several avocados a week and realize that I am not much of a bread fan-so I eat less of it now.
    You can do it. If I can…then anyone can.

    Hi All

    You seem to have been busy yesterday.

    Jean, Hemmy and Audrey

    You seem to have been having an enjoyable weekend. Breakaway days are sometimes good for the soul.

    Hi Annette

    Yes I do agree with you I am gaining and losing the same pound at the moment. I know it’s NFDs and I know that I am eating the wrong foods. All the time it remains as it is I am not too worried. I have got a bit of stress just now so staying roughly the same is good for me. I will get to the point of wanting to push on soon I know.

    KT if you can do the same as I do that would be good for you as well.

    Keep strong don’t bake and don’t have too much that will put weight on in the house. It is early days for you as well.

    Have a good Sunday all.


    Afternoon All,

    A lovely bright day.

    Out and about looking for new underwear….disaster…looking for a bargain at the outlets for bras but no matching knickers..apparently no one matches these days!

    Very disappointed had Xmas money to spend. Looking on line M & S do sets and they are a bit cheaper than Playtex, Gossard, so might go and look tomorrow.

    Hubby made me miss lunch today as we are having Sunday dinner tonight…he said we have been a bit lax of late and need to pull our belt in…..nothing to do with not being able to get a shirt to fit for the wedding do on Saturday…and the swimming is starting again after Easter apparently!!….still nice for him to take the lead…lol

    Hope the 4 Musketeers are having a good weekend for the belt to be pulled in this week…no more baking for the bakers too tempting…nice to have Audrey back Thursday…Ginette get stress free….

    Jean x

    I have been watching some episodes of ‘extreme weightloss’ on youtube

    its great to watch

    but it doesn’t help me

    I just feel fat and bad and hungry

    I KNEW it would all mess up as soon as I lost the strict routine I had going
    – not that it was avoidable, with dad etc
    but I just knew once my routine changed I would lose my way
    and I have
    I am back to needing ‘bad’ foods, any foods, all the time
    back to hating the world
    back to despising myself even more than ever
    back to feeling like it is all a hopeless waste of time

    I feel bad
    and you lovely, lovely ladies, you are so kind and encouraging, and it is so good to be here with you all and read about how you cope day to day

    Hope I’m not intruding but I just saw that reference to “Extreme Weightloss” and I had to respond. I occasionally watch it too but you’ve got to put it in perspective and realize that it’s not only extreme but also unreasonable and probably not healthy. He’s lucky he hasn’t put someone in a health crisis and faced a lawsuit yet! I doubt any — and I really mean any — of them maintain their losses when they’re forcing (and I do mean forcing) their bodies to dump a pound a day.

    Do you fast when you fast? I know it’s not part of the 5:2 regimen but that’s what I, personally, need to do. For 2 days a week I don’t eat at all and it cleans out the residual of anything counter productive I’ve eaten in the previous week and wipes out my cravings. Even if I’ve had a very bad week of compulsive eating (and I have!) I can begin fresh again on my food days and eat sensibly rather than bagging the whole effort in shame or continued compulsions.

    Complete fasting may not be helpful for you but I thought I’d mention it as it’s made the world of difference for me, a compulsive eater and carb addict. But, in any case, why set yourself up for disappointment by comparing yourself to the unreasonable and unhealthy standard of “Extreme Weightless” when so many people here have good, steady results from a plan that’s do-able?

    Best of luck in your realistic efforts! I’m pulling for you to succeed and feel good about yourself and your progress.

    I don’t mind at all
    I wasn’t really comparing myself to those people – as I am ‘tiny’ compared to most of them!!
    and I totally agree about the ‘extreme’ness of the regime, I keep thinking someone is going to have a heart attack any moment

    yes I realise some people fast completely, but I just don’t feel able to do that

    I am fine without breakfast, but I need to eat later

    I had got into a really good rhythm with it all, but then dad got sick and passed away, and visiting him and all that stuff has just blown it all apart

    Oh! I’m so sorry for your pain.

    Yeah, stress and emotional eating is probably the hardest one to master. But in time the great sadness will pass and you’ll have your happy memories of him to keep forever. And somewhere along the line you’ll be ready to take charge of yourself again. I hope that time comes as soon as possible.

    Cheers and happier thoughts to you until that time.


    Haven’t fasted for a week and lost a pound just having lots of homemade soup and casserole, still no heating or hot water going to take longer than I thought with Easter getting the way of deliveries so not fasting until I get the new boiler, just going to. Watch my TDEE and stick to that. Have a good day everyone.
    Here for support if you need it.

    Lynda x

    Morning Brits,

    Miserable day cloudy and dark…I thought summer was coming

    Hoping weekend went well to everybody and we now have to be back on board…lol

    Lynda…well done on another pound off and not fasting either. My daughter swears by homemade soups for loosing weight it always works for her. She finds 5.2 too difficult with her lifestyle and family. Hope the heating gets fixed soon.

    Fast day for us with mindful eating for rest of week. We have been quite lax really!

    Busy out and about today away from food……looking for a loose shirt for the wedding do ( the tummy) and a few bra and knicker sets for me.

    Have a good day fasters ……and a mindful day the rest.

    Jean x

    Good morning friends hope all is well with you and yours.

    A beautiful day with blue sky and lots of sunshine already. Yay a day in the garden I reckon.

    Whose fasting today besides Sym and I… good day everyone whether fasting or normal eating. Xx

    Good luck with the shopping Sym hope you find what you are looking for. Xx

    Take care all…

    Brit lovelies Do more of what you love doing … life is so short. Xx


    All is good…found 2 bras and knickers to match, it’s a start as all need replacing, 2 bought last month! Hubby found two shirts which fit so he’s happy.

    Good day so far…breakfast and had a cuppa out with no extras lol.

    Cold chicken salad for us tonight…leftover from Sunday…now in, I am going to up my water see if it helps very naughty not near enough water drunk only in tea!

    Have a good day gardening…very cheery here now lovely blue skies must be from the west.


    Hi all 🙂

    Jean Coffee Lynda..well done on your losses 🙂 🙂 x

    Lynda..you must be so pleased with your dress. Well done you!

    Annette..good post and very true. Tough to say but you are right..no point in having good FDs if we completely blow the rest of the week!

    Hemmy Ginette Audrey Plainy Alex KT CC Milena..hope you are all OK x

    Think you’ve done well with the weather Audrey..still fab especially now the bitter wind has gone but rain forecast for w/e 🙁

    Hemmy..hope you had a lovely time with Kristy x

    Jean..glad you and hubby had a successful shopping trip 🙂

    Hope it’s been a good FD for fellow fasters 🙂

    Enjoy your eves and stay in control!


    Hi Sym

    You both did well with the shopping. Nice when you find just the right thing.

    Had a busy day in the garden … will think of mowing if we get some more good days.

    Had a easy going FD … Milky coffee and a big omelette tonight. Hoping for a loss tomoz… looking good. Other than the fish and chips and wine Sat the rest went well.

    Lovely to see Kristy but she is again coming home this week. It will be 6 weeks away and 5 week ends back home.

    I am of course pleased to see her but she really needs to create a life in London or there is no point. Not saying anything though.
    Being a mother hen she is also losing her country air bloom. Lolol

    Karen. Hope you have settled back in after your hols. You must be near your goal weight now.

    Hope your Mum is doing ok now too. Xx

    Good posts Annette and LA Chubster

    KT Coffee … Alex… Plainy …Spence… you all ok.

    Hope everyon else is having a good day. Xx

    We can do this!

    I was worried that I might cause upset with my comments(which was not my intention) I have just learned myself that changes have to be made, that are enjoyed and can be maintained. If it can’t be maintained then we are doomed to fail. For me, reducing my sugar intake has been a huge help in retraining myself to choose unprocessed food..and I also feel much much better.

    Sandwiches for lunch at work, bring me no joy-new discovery. Much happier with some homemade hummus and carrots/cucumber/tomatoes/crackers to dip, followed by fruit. Mind you a small and very light pack of crackers can be 500 calories…so watch out fast friends, there are traps everywhere!

    I have been given 2 Easter Eggs-the swines. One can be shared, the other from my youngest son-so I will have to eat that one. Ho hum. Also being taken out to lunch this week at a rather posh restaurant, so my plan is to enjoy and move on. It will be interesting to see what I choose and what I refuse.

    Onwards and downwards fast friends.

    I have reduced my sugar intake massively – and I seldom eat processed foods

    but when I binge, I binge
    and when I am distressed I binge
    and it doesn’t have to be the big things in life that cause it
    today it was something apparently ‘tiny’ which sent me spinning off into emotional hell

    I know its up to me and only me

    I didn’t eat much processed food either, but for me it was those jar tomato sauces that had become a very regular addition to our meals, until I looked at the sugar content and learned to make my own from the Hairy Bikers(chilli and Bolognaise) and Mary Berry(meatballs in tomato sauce).

    KT Do you have any emotional support?

    ah yes those yummy jars of sauce
    although I mostly just use tinned tomatoes and add bits in nowadays
    (my food is pretty bland)
    I like the look of the Mary Berry recipe, have to try it some time

    I have mh support – but as with most things – it is not always there when you need it
    they cannot sit at home with me, grabbing the food from my hands!!!!

    I have to do it
    and I WILL do it
    because I most definitely don’t want to be like this the rest of my life

    so today – again – I do a fd
    – and will try to keep going

    many thanks for the kind support – I AM reading and ‘listening’ even if it sometimes seems like I am ignoring all your advice!!

    Hope you all have a good day xx

    Morning Brits,

    A busy day for us today an ‘at home day’ cleaning, gardening including the car! Looking dreary at the moment hoping for the sun to come out.

    We had a good FD yesterday everything going to plan.

    Hemmy…hoping Kirsty settles down in London I do think it takes time, London is such a bit place to find your own corner. Nice for you with the visits to have girlie chats with wine I miss that with Katie. Still she is coming come for 6 weeks at the end of May with the children for them to find their roots! How long has she been in London?

    Annette…I think you are right with the sugar and bread, both things we all go for. Cooking from scratch helps a lot so you know exactly what you are eating. Another thing which I have done is change ALL our meals as most of the time stuck with our favourite things the body just gets used to what you eat. Throwing large meals in after eating lots of small meals…confuse your body and brain it works for us.

    Karen…are you back on track after your holidays…it took time for our bodies to settle..OK with FD and NFD but no weight moved! seems to be on the move now thank goodness.

    KT….just keep going ..think before you eat anything…ask yourself ‘do you really want to eat it’ you will get there just take it steady. It is very early days after your loss …your mind is not in the right place…don’t beat yourself up…you will be OK X

    Audrey…looking forward to having you back on Thursday..missed your posts

    Hi..Lynda, Milena, Ginette, coffee, catty, Alex, Plainly, Spence…..hope everybody is doing well.

    Have a good day

    Jean x

    Good morning friends hope all is well with you and yours.

    A lovely sunny day again… chilly as yet.

    Hi Annette and KT

    Yes, those jars are positively packed with sugar. When you make your own the taste is so much nicer .. rather that that sweet almost cloying taste.
    I suppose its just getting people started. Lots of young people have never tasted proper from scratch home cooked food…. computer’s have got in the way… time wise. Lol

    Well.. so pleased to report at last I have lost 1 lb this week and now my best loss so far 19lbs. Yay Yay thank bloody god.

    Hope everyone is ok … have a good day what ever it brings. Xx

    How is the male part of our corner doing. Xx

    Brit lovelies… Lets be too Positive to be Doubtful, Too Optimistic to be Fearful and Too Determined to be Defeated. xx


    Well done on the pound you deserve it……19 pounds off great result


    Good morning friends hope all is well with you and yours.

    A very dull day to start here. Early off today as its annual vets check for Mr Pips.

    He is in really good condition … but I am still like a mum taking her child to the Dr. Lol

    Decided on a fast today as its Good Friday coming … with buns and all.

    Probably omelette this evening as I have lots of eggs to use.

    Safe journey tomoz Aud … we are missing your support. Xx

    Hope everyone is ok … come on Brits … spring is about to spring and we need to get going…

    Brit lovelies…

    Trust in our journey … we are right on track. Xx


    Just was thinking……fish and chips worked well. Lol. X

    Morning Brits,

    A dark day here hope it improves later.

    Out and about today a bit of food shopping…then changing the car to a newer one so collecting it later.

    Cooking a piece of ham for dinner may have a few roasties with it. Trying to be mindful a busy 3 day weekend away for us, a wedding night do on Saturday, then visiting daughter.

    Plans altered a bit there she is passing kidney stones and quite ill at moment, she is going for scan Thursday to see what’s happening but at the moment rolling about in agony!

    Hemmy….Doctors for Mr Pips hope all is well on his MOT…have a good FD today…we are back to 5.2 so FD for us tomorrow, we find the 4.3 is so like a diet the two days are so much easier.

    KT….are you on track and being mindful…no naughties.

    Audrey….nice to have you back tomorrow, safe journey, missing your posts.

    Have a lovely day all


    Hi Brits!

    Hemmy..well done on your loss this week 🙂 It’s a great total you’ve achieved overall..well done you!! Hope Mr Pips is fine after his trip to the vet x

    Jean..enjoy the new car. You’ve lots of lovely plans for the w/e 🙂 I agree re 4:3..too much like a diet although it works for some.5:2 are much better numbers for me!!

    I’m kind of holding steady at the mo. 1kg over my original target of 66kg. This is what I thought it said on my Chest & Heart slip..must not have had glasses on as it’s actually 65kg so that’s my target now. I feel comfortable around this weight and think I can maintain OK and live a little 🙂

    Still lovely sun here today 🙂 Off for another dog walk then Nordic this eve.

    Looking forward to the long w/e..off to see my mum nr B’ham for most of it. She’s doing OK at her flat with an extensive care package so that’s good.

    Hi to everyone 🙂 v quiet on here so hope all doing OK x

    Have a lovely eve 🙂


    Hi Karen,

    Well done on your weight…it’s a lovely weight to be. I am hoping for 11.7 stone I am tall at 5.7 so I do feel quite nice at that…if I get to that I may go lower but I think I would maintain and see how I feel.

    Still hoping at the moment…17 lbs to go!

    How long has it taken you to get to your goal?

    Have a lovely time in Birmingham with your Mum she will be looking forward to seeing you.

    Jean x

    oh dear, symba you caught me – had some cake today at mh place
    but did a good fd yesterday and will aim to do it again tmro instead of Friday

    and possibly Saturday – as I will be eating more sunday eve

    but not sure of my will power, alone all day indoors


    Of course you will do it…keep busy……go for a walk ……clean up do some spring cleaning …a hobby…there must be something to keep you busy and off food…something you enjoy. 😄 But not cooking biscuits!

    One piece of cake won’t hurt we have had a piece today but fasting tomorrow…you will be fine..


    Hi Friends x

    Glad to report Mr Pip is tip top condition… so pleased with that.

    Having a good FD,.. been very busy cleaning and pottering with plants… and never gave food much thought.

    Just had a nice mushroom omelette and feel full now.

    Sym Hope your daughter is sorted out soon .. awful being in constant pain. Hope the scan goes well tomoz.

    Yay a lovely new car … nothing like that interior smell all new. Plus not a mark on the paintwork too. Lol I have more chips on mine than paint. Lol

    I am driving Andrews 4×4 a bit big for me but we had it from new and low mileage still. Ideal for the country but will go to a smaller model when need be.

    The ham and roasties sound good… Enjoy it.

    Do you have your clothes sorted for the week-end. Xx

    Hi Karen well done on your weight. Xx…

    So glad your Mum is safe … also it must be a relief for you and your family too. Enjoy your week-end with her. Xx

    Hi KT We are all allowed some leeway this week-end. Not going too mad but enjoying … tradition and life.

    You are a little star .. how you have come through a very hard time. Xx

    Where is everyone…. not started on you eggs already have you. Lolol


    Car lovely it’s a year old ….new to us but it’s lovely car one very careful owner.

    All ready for the weekend we know what we are taking…three days in the caravan back Monday…good FD travelling so no food in sight 😅

    Nice to know Mr Pips is tip top…no problems..

    Hoping scan goes well tomorrow for daughter and get things sorted before we visit.

    Have a lovely Easter with Kirsty


    Hi All

    I’ve been sorting through paperwork and didn’t dare come on the forum as I would have been distracted. I have this going back for many years. More than 10 of teaching materials of all subjects. Many files and folders to sort out. It looked as if I had been burgled at one point. I hope to do a few more days of this sorting out before I get fed up of it.

    Hi KT

    It’s looks as if you are now getting back into some routine. Well done. Don’t let Easter lead you astray through.

    Hi Audrey

    It will be nice to see you back here. At least the weather has been nice this week if still a little chilly.

    Hi Jean

    Enjoy your new car. I have put the thoughts of cars on hold at the moment. I was getting frustrated looking for one.

    Hi Hemmy

    I’m glad Mr Pips is fine. Are you having Kristy with you all Easter?

    Hi Karen

    Maintaining is good, the time to lose that is before a holiday so you have the leeway to put it back on again. I am giving the scales a break at the moment and still doing the three fast days that keeps me about the same two up and then two down. So I shall carry on and wait to get the urge to really be ready for the next push. I know it will come but staying where I am is good for now.

    Hi Annette

    I think that as long as you are giving constructive comments nobody will take it the wrong way. I prefer to cook from scratch now instead of the number of ready meals I used to eat. I still have the odd one now and again. Lasagne for instance…..

    Ah well I am now going to catch up on some TV as I have got a lot building up. I haven’t even let this lead me astray.

    See you tomorrow.


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