Fat Busting Brits!!

This topic contains 34,941 replies, has 404 voices, and was last updated by  Brads27 6 hours, 54 minutes ago.

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  • Morning all. More rain here. 🙁

    Dave, the wake up shout didn’t work! 😀 I went for a ‘nap’ after dinner… and woke up at 7.15… this morning. 13 hours!!! I hadn’t slept well the two nights before though, so I obviously had some catching up to do.

    Jean, good that your daughter is back in her house. Hopefully things will get better for her soon, and the kids won’t have too many issues settling in at their new schools!

    HH, kingfishers, lovely! I think I’ve seen them but it’s always been a flash of colour at the corner of my eye that vanished by the time I turned. I’d love to see them properly.

    Minols, very organised of you doing all that cooking! I always mean to make stock on the odd occasion I buy chicken but I’m so squeamish with meat I never quite manage it.

    Santana, the evening is definitely the time I struggle, and once I start eating I have trouble stopping – it’s like it wakes up my appetite and from then on I’m ravenous. So I generally don’t eat on FDs. My 200 odd calories on my past FD was from picking at things… half a slice of cheddar, a spoonful of cream cheese etc. It’s stupid but if I get to 500 calories I feel bad like I haven’t done a fast, even though I know that much is allowed on this WOE (way of eating). But that’s just me, if you are keeping to 500 or under I’d say don’t stress it. And have a good holiday, I think everyone relaxes a bit then.
    What you said about the thermostat brought back memories, when I moved into my house I was away for a week and my housemate called a plumber because he couldn’t get the heating to work, and yep, you guessed it, it’s because the thermostat was turned down!

    We will get there…and back ..and there again….we both roughly at goal which moves a bit with holidays…we are much lighter than when we started so a pat on the back for us…life gets in the way sometimes…

    Just talking to Steve we have done this for two years then had a year off, new knee etc got in the way..all weight back on…now in November it will be three years this time…definitely a way of life now with a few hiccups on the way ..lol…

    We always eat up to calories, me 500 to 550..I don’t worry too much..always breakfast and dinner at 5 pm…never snack…..Oh a odd cake out in cafe but not on FD…..plenty of tea and an odd coffee, again love coffee but a age thing, decaf now..don’t count calories now unless my weight alters too much…always a glass of milk before bed, MM says it helps with sleep, I don’t count it he never told me too 😂..I try and fast on the small caravan trips but not proper holidays…next week with friends so it will be difficult change fasting days around…

    I just love FD’s..not much washing up, easy cold food…it’s a treat in its self….nice because we both do it..

    Goodness a long nap you really must of needed it….hope you feel better and relaxed…

    Drawers to fill…busy day..

    Jean x

    Yikes, just got off the phone with uni advisers, seeming very real now!

    Not had any heat on since May,I am always hot so could manage without heat most of the year, Denise is always cold so I can’t win.Fast day for me,I drink lots of tea with Bob milk in it, coffee once or twice a week,I am ok on fasting days until i eat then I feel hungry all the time.At mother in law’s at the moment.

    Bob milk?

    Best Of Both by Arla, skimmed milk but tastes much better.

    Aarrgghh… Why are some days so straightforward and others so very very hard!

    Found today tough, so I ve just spent 45 mins crunching my way through a baking bowl full of lettuce with just the usual amount of dressing, bacon bits and parmesan. Still yum, but I was so hungry I gave myself enough lettuce to find a rabbit family – and you know how big rabbit families are! My jaw now aches from the crunching! I’ve topped it off with a curly wurly and a coffee and I am stuffed!

    I’ll do tea for the others now and then go out for a meeting and try to distract myself from the psychological need for anything else..

    How’s everyone else doing?


    Still going strong,two cups of tea,that’s all up to now.Still at mil so a drive home from Warrington before I can have any food.

    We have had a good day food wise all finished for the day…milk before bed…

    Just booked 4 nights at the coast in caravan joining up with friends at a steam rally on Wednesday for another 4 days….it was really hard to find somewhere everybody’s out it seems..

    Try and relax down, I can’t seem to settle since holidays and decorating…I think Steve was afraid I would start again as I have the paint bought…lol..I got a good deal buy one tin and one free for £9.99..Crown not what I usually buy but it will do, the colours about right…a shade difference but better than £34!

    Just made my muesli ready to go away, I was getting to the bottom…in the oven now..

    Good news on your uni…hope it goes through…

    Sorry your days been hard..it is strange how it changes…

    A good day out at MIL…keeps you off food…like you we are alway hot, I only go in long sleeves for a couple of months max…Steve possibly not at all..

    Keep strong all…

    Jean x

    Thank you all for advice, hints and tips I think I will have to sellotape my mouth shut on a fast day lol 😂 although something must be working as someone noticed yesterday that I have lost weight (down 1 dress size) so I’m now digging out all the old stuff, I did have a major de-clutter last year so not much left as I never thought I would lose the weight, only kept things I couldn’t part with 👗👖

    I’m off to Minehead, have my Aunt (aged 92 and my late Mums last remaining sibling) and cousins there so have to make the most of it, I go there quite a lot sometimes there and back in a day or short weekend visit, it takes about 2hrs door to door, if we time it right can generally have M5 to ourselves 🚙🚙

    Minols – well done on a rabbit family size amount of lettuce and as much as I like lettuce a large handful is as much as I can manage 🥗🥗

    Pseudo – if you don’t eat all day do you feel light headed and how are you the next day? Knackered and ready to sleep for 13 hrs lol 😂😴😂😴 I wish I could sleep more than the usual 6/7 I keep telling myself old age doesn’t come by itself, neither does a wee 3/4 times a night lol 😂

    Brads – I thought you had spelled Blob wrong 🤷🏼‍♀️ sometimes I can be so dull!!!

    I hope you’ve all had a good day xx

    Well done on a dress size down and people are now noticing..it does give you a boost..

    Enjoy your holiday to your Aunts and the catch up with family…have a lovely time..I wonder if anyone will notice there…

    Jean x

    Santana, nope don’t get light headed, doesn’t bother me at all, except the evening seems longer since I’m not cooking. My energy levels are pretty much normal, I don’t even feel that hungry. I did 57 hours straight this week, and was in two minds whether to make dinner or let it roll over to the next day, so not desperate to eat or particularly hungry.
    My mega nap was because I haven’t fasted for a while and made the rookie mistake of drinking too much in the evening, which then led to being up and down all night going to the toilet, I wont be making that mistake again!

    Morning all, rain again here. For the next week we’re forecast one sunny day. 🙁

    EDIT: I stand corrected, on this morning’s forecast that day has gone too.

    Hope all are well.

    Morning All…
    A cloudy humid start…

    A disappointing weigh in both of us we were the same…Steves OK as he has lost a lot this last two weeks and is expected …I think mine was 2 oz down….well it’s not up….

    We are away for 8 days tomorrow in the caravan…4 days on our own not too bad and 4 days with friends so that will be eating and drinking…

    57 hours not eating isn’t doing 5.2 try and not get your body confused….it’s a way of life not starving yourself…it seems extreme…please becareful…hope you don’t mind me passing comment, it’s worrying.

    Out and about this morning and starting to pack…

    Jean x

    Hm. It’s just over two and a half days done B2B, plenty of people do B2Bs on the 5:2. I’m eating normally the rest of the time (the ‘5’ portion) and not restricting my calories to anything crazy so I’m certainly not at risk of starving myself.
    I’ve been watching a lot of fasting videos, Dr Jason Fung particularly, and he references a number of studies that show that benefits actually increase the longer you fast – which is one of the reasons I think doing the B2B is a good option for me. He also talks about studies that show that fasting actually raises the metabolism, whilst calorie restriction slows it. A lot of these studies have much longer fasts than two days, and the benefits go up as the time increases. I may try longer fasts one day, but for now two days seems perfectly achievable and easy to fit into my lifestyle, I like the idea of a reset at the beginning of the week. Additionally fasting seems to be a large part of keto because once you are adapted you are just not that hungry anymore.
    So I’ve looked into it plenty, done a fair bit of research, and I’m not just starving myself willy-nilly with the hopes of losing weight. It’s actually a considered and researched choice, so no need to be concerned. If I am hungry one week (without being TMI, at some points of the the month I’ll eat anything in sight) I’ll either break up my days or simply skip a week. I’m not holding myself to it religiously. But I’m pleased with how smooth it went this week and it certainly seems to be something I can maintain without problem.

    I don’t know what’s going on with the posts. I just wrote out a really long one, tried to edit it, it’s deleted it and now won’t let me paste it in. How annoying. I’ll have to retype the whole thing

    Take 2. Grrr.

    My answer to what you said Jean;

    Hm. It’s just over two and a half days done B2B, plenty of people do B2Bs on the 5:2. I’m eating normally the rest of the time (the ‘5’ portion) and not restricting my calories to anything crazy so I’m certainly not at risk of starving myself.
    I’ve been watching a lot of fasting videos, Dr Jason Fung particularly, and he references a number of studies that show that benefits actually increase the longer you fast – which is one of the reasons I think doing the B2B is a good option for me. He also talks about studies that show that fasting actually raises the metabolism, whilst calorie restriction slows it. A lot of these studies have much longer fasts than two days, and the benefits go up as the time increases. I may try longer fasts one day, but for now two days seems perfectly achievable and easy to fit into my lifestyle, I like the idea of a reset at the beginning of the week. Additionally fasting seems to be a large part of keto because once you are adapted you are just not that hungry anymore. 
    So I’ve looked into it plenty, done a fair bit of research, and I’m not just starving myself willy-nilly with the hopes of losing weight. It’s actually a considered and researched choice, so no need to be concerned. If I am hungry one week (without being TMI, at some points of the the month I’ll eat anything in sight) I’ll either break up my days or simply skip a week. I’m not holding myself to it religiously. But I’m pleased with how smooth it went this week and it certainly seems to be something I can maintain without problem.

    And when I pasted it into another forum and copied it from there it worked fine. How odd. But I dare not edit out the top two lines and risk it going missing again!

    I have read up on Fung and I like his thoughts, yes a lot of his studies do longer fasts……it just seemed a long time, only concerned…as long as you are in control that’s fine…I don’t understand keto…

    I don’t mean to upset you….😍

    It’s a pain when you loose posts, I think I have only lost about three while been on here..

    Jean x

    No worries, I can understand the concern, I think with any fasting there’s a risk of taking it too far. I’ve had questions whether it’s a healthy thing to do (even doing normal 5:2) which is why I wanted to research it further. I wonder if, for some people, it can promote an unhealthy relationship with food – I didn’t like the way I was starting to binge eat on weekends knowing I’d be fasting on Monday, but now I’m on keto it’s too controlled for those kind of shenanigans!

    I find it fascinating that extended fasting is supposed to sharpen mental clarity, but yea, won’t be doing that any time soon.

    I’ve lost posts before, but never had it where it refuses to post what I’ve pasted in. I cleared my cookies, tried a different browser, no joy. Incredibly annoying! I was half expecting to log back in and see the same post repeated twenty times!

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you and yours. Xx

    Still very hot here… lovely in a shady spot. Lol

    Sym and Steve.. Good that you are staying stable… you have done well since your holiday .. things or lbs seem to even out in the end.

    Hope all going well with the Bedroom. Xx

    Hedgehogs… your holiday sounds idyllic … my sort of place.

    Ohh my goodness you have thoughts on a little puppy… how wonderful… nothing like that puppy smell.
    I have no yearns for grand children at all lolol I am sure they are wonderful .. but not for me… ( hopefully) now a puppy would be fabulous. Lol Xx

    Brads .. hope all ok with you .. is it Kirsty today or just mindful eating. Xx

    Pseu.. I too am often losing my posts here … then cant be bothered to redo.

    I don’t think I could manage Keto as I do enjoy some carbs… When alone I do lots of stuff on toast… or in a sandwich…

    You sound like you are doing well with it. Well done. Xx

    Mino … Some days are harder … I really do believe stress related. Hard also with a young growing lad who will eating like mad. Sounds like you re getting back into the swing though. Xx

    Santa Enjoy your stay in Minehead … Xx

    Well friends… I know now is definitely stress related when I have a binge.

    Wed .. on my peaceful walk with a friend.. another lady I walk with came along and really let rip at my other friend… All todo with avoiding her because of her dog being a bit boisterous.

    I was so embarrassing for me… just stood there .. maybe should have walked on…

    Anyway got a mail from both of them later .

    Then went to a dental appointment in town and couldn’t find parking as there was a big event on… just giving up and an old couple came along to their space and I got in… 20 mins late ( which I absolutely hate always early ) lucky my dentist saw me and she said …. after your stressful morning I am happy with your teeth. Lolol

    That night .. drank a bottle of Malbec … ate a large bag of onion rings… 2 coconut yogurts left from Kristy … Yesterday weighed 2lb up. Cant honestly remember the last binge like that. Felt yukky all day yesterday. Lolol.

    Today have lost a lb…

    Brit lovelies….

    Old roads, old dogs, old folks and old ways still have a lot to offer in this sped-up world we all live in. Xx

    I am glad all is well with you…shame about the friends argument you never know what to do stay or walk on…hope it’s all settled now…

    Bedroom is all finished just waiting to get some prints put into frames and something to sit on top of one the drawers..no idea till I see it…paint bought for next bedroom…cheap a good buy 2 for 1 £10…but not yet…

    I think if I was alone I would go down the easy route men always want feeding…I suppose women want to feed them too..

    Nice you can get in the shade and sit out…it’s been too hot for us here…still too busy too…Caravan for us tomorrow for 8 days hoping it’s not too warm I shall take a fan with us…still the last 4 days we have no electricity so no fan..lol

    Glad the dentist went well..I am not keen..I am due soon…

    Have a good evening…


    Been busy all day , watching cricket then out to a funeral,got home around six had food then watched European games,made a pig of myself at the funeral,no food but too much beer,met up with old work mates and other people I used to see.Considering how much I drank I was very compos mentis when I got home,but fear the worst on the weight in tomorrow.

    Morning all! I am back in home mode & up early!! We had a lovely last day on Thursday, sunny, so we sat out & just enjoyed the setting…In the evening some people climbed down the other side of the river, were ripping up flowers! Tempting to yell at them, but I did wonder if there was a reason- googled the flowers which are all around & turned out they’re a non-native invasive species, & volunteers are being asked to clear waterways, so good job we didn’t say anything! Had a good journey home, back to washing & ironing & watering the garden… & we are off later this morning to Holkham, N, Norfolk, for the trip which was re-booked after the snow! Son has survived, but very stressed about work as extra busy & the managers are stressed & piling pressure on, found out one of my nephew’s has posted stuff online to a friend about how low he’s feeling (sister & her hubby are away too), so popped in to see him… can’t say too much as he’d be mortified if he knew I know, but he seemed brighter than normal. Passed it on to his big sister to visit- she’s a community psychiatric nurse, & the one he’d most likely talk to. Will have to have a chat with sis when she’s home, they’ve been ignoring his problems & hoping they’d go away, but he needs help… Sorry for all my waffle/ whinge…
    Sounds like everyone is doing well fasting!
    Pseudo- Fung doesn’t recommend EF if you’re close to goal weight or at it, but I did do some to get myself there, wasn’t shifting that much otherwise. Good luck with the Uni application!
    Jean- hope that you have a lovely trip & that you’re pleased with the bedroom. Hope Steve can get comfortable in the caravan with his hip…
    Hemmy- I don’t know how you keep the weight so stable, mine is up & down by 2-3lbs all the time! Heard back from the puppy lady, & her other dog is expecting a litter soon, so even if the first litter go we can have one from the second…
    Dave- hopefully yesterday won’t affect the weigh-in too much. I’m like Denise & always cold, can’t wait for hot flushes!!
    Minols- I find some FDs suddenly hard too, just when you think you’re an old hand at it! It’s so weird!
    Santana- well done down a dress size already! Good excuse for a bit of clothes shopping!! Have a lovely time with your family!
    Hope everyone else is okay? Kay, Cakey…

    Morning all.

    Well, I registered for my uni course last night, so it’s definitely going ahead, now I just need to sort out the funding. Apparently it’s different in Wales to elsewhere in the country, I have my fingers crossed I’ll get the full amount, the adviser couldn’t see any reason why I wouldn’t. I’m nervous and excited now! I’ll be doing it mostly from home but there are residential modules where I get to be out in the countryside running experiments, it sounds brilliant! I really need to get my spare room office sorted, I want to work my way through prep modules but the only desk I have at the moment is really small and covered in my art stuff.

    HH, yes shouting at the volunteers would have been embarrassing! I hope your nephew is okay and does talk to his sister. I love Norfolk, though I’ve not been for years. Have a nice time! I seem to be stuck weight-wise about a stone above where I want to be, it’s incredibly irritating, I’m hoping B2Bs will help it shift.

    Hemmy, sounds like a very stressful day, very awkward with your friends arguing. I think now and then everyone has a bit of a ‘throw my hands up and do what I want’ day. It’s great it didn’t really affect your weigh-in.

    Minols, I have the same issue, some days are definitely harder! I think sometimes our bodies are in the rhythm for fasting and other days they’re having none of it! Some weeks I’m just ravenous and I know there’s no way I could fast.

    I have a fun day planned, I’m off to a archery and falconry centre. Fingers crossed I don’t get pecked.

    Morning All…
    Hoping to get away about 10 am…we have a problem with a new caravan battery, so hope we are not home by lunch time…heading to the beach for the first 4 days….

    Back home safe and sound and away again enjoy Norfolk….how embarrassing about the flowers, I would of possibly said something, maybe weighed it up first…good it was an organised weed…your away week sounded fabulous…

    Hope your sons work calms down and your nephew gets the help what’s needed…it’s a funny age for them..

    You must be so excited about the puppy, it’s like giving birth without the pain…lol

    Congratulations on getting on your course it sounds really exciting to get outside doing experiments too…hoping the funding comes through…it gives you the enthusiasm to sort your office out…….enjoy your day at archery and the birds of prey..a good fun day…

    Lovely to meet up with friends even on a sad day….

    Have a good weekend everyone..

    Jean x

    I didn’t sleep well last night, talking to old friends at the funeral yesterday,the one who’s funeral it was Mick died of cancer,two of my friends I used to work with both have cancer now,Rhys has got bone cancer and has Lost his sight in one eye and us now in a wheelchair Heidi only a couple of years older than me,the other Keith who I only 65 has been told he only has months to live.Two other friends have had heart surgery or are about to have it,Duncan is only in his 50s.One the brighter side I have lost 1.5lbs,so some good news.

    Afternoon All..
    All settled a beautiful small site..in the middle of no where.. silence with birds singing.. quite away from the road..battery is working thank goodness..

    We are about 5 mins from the beach which we will head and have a look tomorrow..

    Sat reading and acknowledging people on site.. just 6 caravans… should be only 5 shhh..

    Dave ..
    What a lot of poorly people.. as we say live for today as you don’t know what’s around the corner..our age is letting us down now…

    Well done on your weight loss 😁😁

    Quiet on here everyone busy..

    Jean x

    Hi all – turned into a lovely day today – need to go and get the washing in!

    HH – always nice to be home. Good thing you’re on the ball with your nephew. I think you’ve mentioned concerns before. Young men still seem a bit of a breed apart to me (mainly girls in my side of the family) but the stats are concerning. There’s a bike ride at the end of September to raise money/awareness of men’s mental health, and also prostate health that my OH’s going to do – I think it’s ‘the Gentlemen’s Ride’?

    Pseu – very exciting to be starting a new course, and it sounds really varied and involving!

    Treated ourselves to pizza tonight as we were starving having not eaten since breakfast. But I think I’ll go back to my light Sunday’s tomorrow and not eat until I’m done with responsibilities and catch up with the boy’s in the afternoon. Depending on if it’s just light, or if it becomes a FD will drive Monday to either FD or light!

    Right – ironing!


    My son suffers from depression so i know what its like.

    Morning All..
    A very hot start this morning.. heading to the beach for a couple of hours can’t do with it really hot so will see.. in the vicinity of one of favourite fish and chip restaurants.. well I suppose we will visit later..

    No scales have come with us, I forgot to pack them.. so weigh in in a couple of weeks..😁

    Such a peaceful site, we are now 5 caravans a bit of a gem find.. the picture on the web didn’t do it justice..

    Hope you enjoyed your pizza a bit of a treat..are you working today or still on holiday?
    We will be fasting Monday 🤞🏻

    Have a good Sunday ..

    Jean x

    No scales or fasting when I go away, will start all that on my return,got two mini break’s coming up then Cyprus a little later,so the pounds will go on, very hot here today,just been out with Heidi.Football is back again so spoilt for choice sports wise.

    Hi all.
    Busy day back at work completely. But I’ve still managed some domestic stuff. A mini forest of thistles had grown while we were away and I ve been waiting for rain to soften the soil so I could try and get them up by the roots… Got most of them. Had a nerve-wracking 30minutes having forced the mattress cover into the washing machine… Too big really and once I’d committed to it terrified I’d burn out the motor! Phew – got away with it!

    Fasting today, so heading for a bath soon and then enough cals left for a wee something with the OH. Hopefully that will sort out the pizza.

    Hope everyone’s has a great weekend.

    Hi All..
    We have had a lovely different day for us… this morning we walked around a gigantic car boot sale ..bought a Chinese vase to go in the bedroom, wanted a Japanese so close 😂.. also a display basket for my daughters school for displaying things for fetes.. I shall fill it with bags of sweets.. she is trying to make money to send year 5 children away on a weeks trip, she is in a disadvantaged area..

    Then off to the beach we went for 3 hours really enjoyed it, chairs, windbreaks and people watching.. then fish and chips… all very nice..

    Fast day not happening as we have daughter and grandson visiting in the morning…

    Glad you got the thistle forest up.. hope work day went well..

    All these holidays will soon be here..

    Jean x

    Morning all.

    Up all to have coffee and toast in peace – bliss!

    The boy is accompanying me in my work today! We’ve got a drive north to visit a colleague I mentor which will be lovely. We have the last of the Narnia books on audio and I’m really looking forward to it as I don’t really remember that one. And I love a bit of a road trip with the boy! All other work will be squeezed around the a edges of the day until the OH gets home tonight and I can head down to the office for a couple of meetings.

    Should be able to have a controlled but full food day… Hoping to do alternating days this week to really establish any wee losses this month.

    Jean… I can picture you both just chillin’ at the beach! Hope today is as good for you.


    Morning All..
    A very hot day today and overnight too..we ate too much yesterday..a a drink or two….I really enjoy a drink in hot weather especially when relaxing… summers are too short my excuse..lol

    No breakfast for me today .. all set for fasting then daughter has decided to come with grandson this morning, she is talking about a cafe for lunch…😬 .. I don’t carry a lot of spare food in the caravan as space in fridge is tight, I didn’t expect her….so it won’t be a FD.. friends are then with us Thursday so might manage a FD Wednesday as travelling to next site..

    Sat outside reading trying to find a bit of a breeze… I am in North India in 1939, with my book I just love India only fiction but different for me.

    Lovely to have time with the boy.. I like us time with my girls not often now..enjoy Nardia as you go.. daughter starts her job as Head when she goes back in September so it will be school talk, which I don’t mind at all and find interesting.. her hubby never talks school at all..she likes to pass and bat ideas about ..

    Have a good drive and day..

    Have a good fast day to all tasters..

    Jean x

    Morning all

    Phew busy morning so far, still loads to do but taking a quick coffee break – I have a pounding headache, so it’ll be coffee and painkillers. Yum. Hope they kick in soon. Fast day for me, I got up a bit later than usual and have a fair bit to get done this evening so hopefully that’ll make the fasting go easier. The B&Q website for click and collect keeps crashing after it’s taken my card details, then it tells me to retry… I’ve retried a lot, still not working, they better not have been charging me each time. I’ve got to actually go to the shop this evening now and see if they have everything I need in stock, bit of a pain.

    More cloud here, it’s horribly muggy though.

    Jean, hope you have a nice day with your daughter and grandson.

    Minols, have a good day road-tripping with the boy.

    When I was driving to work this morning my phone started ringing in the boot. I checked it when I got into the office, and it was an 0844 number, but not one that comes up on Google. They left a voicemail, I listened to it, and it’s either in Cantonese or Mandarin… wtf?

    Very muggy here,cloudy but warm.Fast day for me and feeling hungry but will resist until later then going to speedway tonight so that will help.First mini break a week tomorrow,then the same a week later,I hope the weather stays fine in Somerset for the speedway,its a long drive for nothing if it rains.Jean forget fasting,your on holiday,can lose any weight when you get back home.I will be disappointed if i dont gain at least half a stone.

    Hi All..
    Had a good few hours with daughter and grandson.. we had lunch out… no FD for us.., she’s heading home now… we are settling reading around the caravan…

    What a nightmare of a site.. hope everything is right for you and only charged once when you collect.

    Hope you are feeling better now..

    I know what you mean but we have too many breaks to ignore them all.. we are usually good but not this one..

    Hope the weather holds for speedway .. enjoy..

    Jean x

    Very hungry today, finding it difficult but still going, only a few cups of tea up to now.The sun has come out but cooler than of late so Heidi is happy 😃

    Phew, only now getting to sit down and relax, so this evening hasn’t been a struggle at all. I should go and clean the kitchen, but that can wait until tomorrow.

    My trip to B&Q was a fail all around, nothing in stock that I wanted, looking at a smaller version of the wood I did want I wasn’t keen on the colour… a right pain.

    Good evening!
    We are home from Holkham, a bit pink from too much sun; our cottage was in shade, we went out walking without realising how hot it was!! Did a 4mile walk to Holkham beach & back, & then later in the evening a 3mile walk round the lake in the grounds. Really beautiful here, wish we’d gone for longer!
    Sounds like everyone’s been pretty good fasting- the keto slipped this break & had some chocolate & flapjack, they left us a mini hamper with yummies in!
    Spoke to my sister as they were home today too; apparently the police had also been round to check up on nephew because of what he posted online to his friend, good that the system worked. Sister will see about getting him help. Eldest had a good day at work so he’s happier, but youngest has just come in from his army cadet camp- after 17hrs travelling, went up to his room in a mood because we wouldn’t let him go out in his car!! Okay for him to go out, but not to drive… very good news on the puppy front- the lady wasn’t happy with the people who came to see the last puppy, so we’re going tomorrow to see her! If we’re all happy, the puppies will be ready to leave early September, very exciting!
    Jean, Dave & Santana- hope that you all have a good holiday/ short break.
    Minols- hope you enjoy the time with your son & can get your work done too…
    Pseudo- the course sounds really interesting, hope that you can get the funding.
    I’m fasting tomorrow, anyone else?

    Hello all!

    Im back here with you all.

    Its been a bit hectic with one thing and another, but now that things are a little calmer, I need to get focused again and reach the end of this month in a better shape than I am now! I did a fast last week,so I still remember how!
    Im fasting tomorrow, but not sure if its going to be fluid only or not, I’ll see.
    There are so many posts to catch up with Ive not got a chance, so sorry if Ive missed anything. From skimming over the page checking for names, I picked up that Jean, something has happened with your daughter? Have they separated??
    And Pseu, are you returning to study??

    I will catch up with you all soon enough, but just wanted to poke my head around the corner to say hi x

    Hi All

    Well done yesterday’s faster… I’ll pick up the baton today with HH – anyone else?

    Pseu – how frustrating that you couldn’t get what you needed last night – B&Q frequently disappoints these days, especially on the basics of a hardware store. We got excited last year with the news that Bunnings was taking over homebase cos they’d been brilliant in NZ… But then they pulled out of the deal. Grrr!

    HH – glad folks are taking notice of you nephew’s cries for help… Will keep him in my thoughts and prayers if that’s alright?

    Jean – glad your daughter was able to talk education yesterday… Really good support for her.

    Working from the car today so as not to waste time going back and forth to drop the boy at shinty… 30mins each way really cuts into the day, so I’ve arranged a meeting at the local cafe and I’ll take my lap top to get some writing done.

    Have a great day everyone.


    Morning All…
    A hot day again before the hot weather reduces a bit ..
    Going off to Bridlington a large busy seaside place, the park and ride 5 mins away so easy, if Steve can walk ??

    Hope you managed your fast day.. enjoy your food today.

    Sorry your B &Q trip wasn’t productive.. hope you can work it out..

    You sound as if you have had a good time and everything went well at home..hope your son has come round a long journey to go out and drive.. our grandson has just got a speeding ticket, luckily he is going into a classroom or it could of been bad as he drives for his job.. a good row on that one!!!

    Glad your nephew is getting help..

    Glad to have you back, I have a few pounds to loose due to holidays too..we are away again so I will be adding a few more pounds as well..

    All well with the daughter just a huge row when we were with her quite awkward for us…

    Have s good meeting at the cafe.. a good one for me lol..

    Have a good day all..

    Jean x

    Kay- lovely that you’re back again, hope today’s fast goes well!
    Minols- thanks for the prayers for nephew, much appreciated. Stay strong in the café for your meeting, that would tempt me too much I think!
    Jean- awkward, being present with arguments! I hope that you have a lovely day out in Bridlington & that Steve’s hip is not too painful for him to walk… Have you managed to speak at all with Florida daughter, how are things going with the repairs?
    Pseudo- hope you don’t get charged 20 times, I hate ordering things online, but sometimes it has to be done… B&Q don’t seem to keep the stock in that they used to.
    Life feels like a rollercoaster right now, lots of ups but then downs- poor eldest has made the break with his girlfriend- not what either of them wants but he can’t keep driving to Lincoln to visit when she goes back to uni, he found it hard enough last uni year, but now with the extra pressure at work it’s going to be too much. I hated him keep driving there after a 10hr day at work, so pleased that I won’t have to worry about that, but really sad for him, such a shame, they were very happy together & we really like her…he thinks they’ll be able to stay friends. Minols- make the most of your boy at this age, less stress!! (I’m sure you do anyway!)
    Good luck all the fasters, I’m aiming for a liquid one!

    Morning all, busier on here than it has been recently, nice to see!

    Very successful FD yesterday – I was on the go until I went to bed, then in bed I kept thinking and ended up getting back up and unscrewing handles for the old bed frame that will make part of my new desk – I’m hoping if I cut down the drawers I can repurpose them into small chests of drawers that’ll form the legs. I’ve smuggled one of the drawers into work so I can cut it down on the bandsaw and see if it’ll work in reality or not. It should do, can’t see any reason why not.

    Kay, yup, I’m going to be doing an Environmental Science degree starting in October. Hoping I’ll get a grant but I’ll be doing it either way, it’ll just take a bit more careful planning if the funding doesn’t come through. I’m trying to whip my spare room into an office so I’ve got somewhere separate from the rest of the house to study. Have you started the new job role yet?

    Minols, Homebase have definitely gone downhill, the one by me is half empty, so the only option is B&Q now. There is a Wickes the other side of the city, but no time to be going there. You’re brave going on a cafe on an FD! 😉

    HH, good that your nephew will be getting help – how old is he? I struggled a lot when I was in my late teens/early twenties, didn’t go to anyone for help and I really wish I had. Shame about your son and his girlfriend, though good about the driving.

    FD for me again today, didn’t struggle at all yesterday since I was so busy so hoping today will be the same. Have a few things to chase up, I wish people would do things when they say they will.

    Fast day yesterday was ok,I lasted until 5pm without food, will try to keep it low today,was thinking of going fishing tomorrow but think it’s going to be too wet so will leave it,the speedway was very exciting last night,it went to a last race decider, unfortunately we lost to King’s Lynn.

    Urgh, drained. Had to do online chat with Amazon for not refunding something, then had to ring the Open University to ask why my application wasn’t showing up, and then had to re-sign up over the phone (she kept going on about a student loan I didn’t want), which took forever. Then I tried to get onto the Student Finance Wales website, but there was an account left over from ten years ago so I had to ring them and get that reset, which also took forever because all my details are different. Eurgh, I’m ready to crawl under a rock and hibernate for a year.

    Not hungry, so that’s something.

    Hows everyone else doing?

    I am sick to death of passwords,also i decided to go fishing tomorrow,i had to drive to Stockpot to get my maggots,not been there before so its difficult to park,found a space and got to the ticket machine only to find i had no money(coins) at all,luckily the was a message on the machine saying no money no problem,use your phone to pay,so i downloaded an app and all was well,could be useful in the future.

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