Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Lynne- prom dress shopping, fun, but good luck! Definitely an advantage having boys with prom outfits! Hope the liquid fast is still going well, & have a good lunch out!
    Minols- hope you’ve sorted the caffeine & hope your first FD in a bit goes okay!
    Kay- hope one of those houses you see Saturday is good…
    Hubby & son looked at 3 cars today- all rubbish & a complete waste of time- some people’s idea of good condition is warped!! We’ll look at one tomorrow for him, he’s not off again now until Sunday…
    Survived FD – had marmite on toast, couldn’t be bothered to think of anything else!


    Just deleted in error the longest post I’ve ever written, maybe it was too long.

    Been conspicuous by my absence today but can’t hide any longer. Too many M&S chocolate teacakes left over from the girls last visit have been my undoing. I did just have home made vegetable soup for dinner but feeling urgh and bloated. Just need to write it off as nothingthat a good fast day won’t put right. Very restless today too. Couldn’t settle after work and although too tired to really do much, roped my poor husband into jobs like putting stuff up the loft and cleaning cupboards out.

    Probably need a new hobby or at least a new book but patience isn’t high on my list of attributes. I would love to go on a weekend retreat eg yoga or spa or mindfulness but never been able to justify the cost. I saw a Reading Retreat advertised last week. A sumptuous hotel with lots of cosy sofas to curl up with a book, no phones or interruptions other than the coffee and cake trolley. Books either provided, recommended or bring your own. Sounded lavish and totally self indulgent with cost to match but secretly rather lovely. In theory there is nothing to stop me planning a weekend at home like that but the ironing would keep calling my name.

    Shopping for new clothes and lunch in bettys has to come a close second though Jean, what a lovely treat. Maybe one day us Brits could arrange to all meet up in Betty’s (coming from someone as shy as a church mouse – are church mice shy or am I mixing my analogies.

    Prom dress shopping together a lovely experience Lynne, hope Becs finds something she loves. One of mine had short satin navy from Coast, the other long, off the shoulder, red and handmade. Two very different girls but equally looked lovely.

    Sorry about the hospital woes Dave and then you’re really pushing yourself abstaining from alcohol – it will be worth it in the long run.

    Good luck with the house views Kay and boys car search Hedgehogs. Hope you both find something just right. Are you going away HH next week?

    Ah Minols, Laura Ashley dresses. I had a navy sailor style LA dress when I was about 18 and thought I was the bees knees. To be truthful I still like Laura Ashley clothes and I’m trying to buy their furnishings by stealth as husband not a fan, but he doesn’t seem to notice and likes the curtains etc once they are up.

    Right I’m going to try and finish my book. Tomorrow is a new day.


    Evening All..

    Returning home tomorrow.. had a lovely time. Picked the right time, picked the best weather. Leave about 10 am..we have eaten a bit too much but no alcohol.

    The Nordic Walking there is a way of learning to use the poles to get a full body workout.. they clip on a glove on your hand. The lessons are over three weeks, cost £45.. two 1 hour and the last 1 1/2 hour.. you get a ‘passport’ which lets you join any local walks in your area, some free and some about £6 in social groups… about an hour long. Different fitness levels.
    Put ..Nordic Walking UK ..on web, if you are interested.

    Cakes Wakey..
    What a lovely idea catching up with everyone that would be nice.

    How can you be shy.. I talk to anyone who will talk..even if they don’t speak English, Steve said he can’t leave me for a minute, talking to someone in Germany and we couldn’t speak each other’s language 😂

    I could fancy a spa weekend, someone fussing around me, eating healthy food what I enjoy, reading..yes please..

    Page turned over and on phone 😬 I can’t catch you all.

    Jean x

    Just realised

    It’s ‘poor as a church mouse’

    Not shy

    But you know what I mean

    Mmm- reading or spa weekend; both sound good! I’m not great at making small talk with people I don’t know, I’m with you Cakey! Jean, you sound like my Mum- she’s legendary for talking to people wherever she is!
    Draw a line under yesterday then Cakey, are you having another go at FD today instead?
    We are going to look at a couple more cars today, & then if they’re any good, son will have to either trust our judgement or wait until his next day off on Sunday & hope that they’re not sold… Yes, Cakey, we’re away next week, Wednesday to Friday, so that hasn’t helped with the urgency! Although Mum has offered my Dad’s services to take son to work & pick him up while we’re away if he’s not got anything. Son’s girlfriend is coming home for a reading week at some point nest week, so it might be easier for him to stay at hers & get a couple of buses to work otherwise, not sure yet…
    Today is going to be hectic, cars first, seeing a friend, picking up younger son, take him for haircut, pick him up & go straight to school for parents’ evening, not home until 7.30 from that- no time to cook dinner, so I have declared a takeaway night!
    Lynne- have a great day shopping!
    Jean- safe journey home!
    Dave- hope the tiler does a good job, & maybe you & Denise can have a nice dinner or something to make up for her not going in yet? My aunt’s op is today, hopefully.
    Typhoo- nonFD? Enjoy!
    Minols- hope settling back into work is okay, & hope all your congregation were okay while you were away!

    Morning all

    FD and feeling good about it. Ctl – alt – del as someone put it a few weeks ago!

    C-W, I hardly ever get time to read anything except Harry Potter or Skulduggery these days, but did start and finish a book on holiday that had me both chuckling and weeping – ‘Me before you’ – a lovely un-mushy love story. And I’ve secretly started the next one and hope to treat myself to a few pages every few days! My dream would be that hotel with the big sofas, food that doesn’t make me fat (!), and no interruptions to several days of good reading. Someone recommended Moby Dick to me the other day – a bit terrified as I haven’t read ‘classics’ in ages, but I thought I might see if I can find it on audible as I have a few long journeys by myself coming up.

    Anyone else on a FD?


    Morning everyone

    CW, some days FD just don’t work, so just choose another day to fast. Loved your post, I’m a bit on the shy side which is maybe this forum works, would never speak to you all face to face. Think Bec wants a long dress, heading off soon.

    Jean, you sound like the chatty one of the group, you always need someone to start the conversation. Glad you’ve had a few good days away.

    Hedgehogs, I’m sure it’ll all work out in the end with the car, but very stressful in the meantime. Hope there’s at least one good one today.

    Minols, are you fasting today? Keep the Bovril at hand.

    Dave, at least you weren’t up at 5 this morning. Hope the tiler is there and everything’s going well.

    Off to town soon, just waiting for Bec to get ready. I remember 4 years ago hunting for a dress for Hannah, but I was about 4.5 stone heavier, bad knees, tired all the time and it was a real struggle. Then my hypothyroidism was diagnosed, I started medication, lost weight and now a healthy BMI, just, osteoarthritis doesn’t bother me anymore, I’ve got more energy and I’m sure the ‘trek’ will be much easier and more enjoyable.

    I’ll report back later, hopefully with good news on the dress, if not this NFD could go badly wrong.

    Lynne x

    The tiler has been here since 8-30 this morning,I was in bed when he came so he peered round the door looking for the dog, Denise said your safe she is upstairs, she is now sniffing under the door trying to get to him.Fast day today but feeling hungry already😬was going to have a sandwich but better not.

    Morning and afternoon Girls…
    A bit late today, I forgot to post this morning….🤐

    Got home safely..left a bottle of milk in the caravan fridge!! Then didn’t have any for a cuppa at home…we have been out shopping and topped up on bits and pieces…Now having a cuppa…must remember the milk!

    I used to work on a busy switchboard and on reception..maybe my chatty ways are from that time…lol

    Could be an age thing me and your Mum….hope you have some luck with a car and get him sorted. Where are you going when away, is it work or a break?

    Yes we are fasting with you…a tight day soup this evening and one slice of toasted bread. Hope you are ok…we haven’t thought of food yet…

    Hope you find the right dress and hope she doesn’t run you round in circles…I have two daughters.. one a good shopper and my younger would visit every single shop and go back to the first…run me ragged…

    You have a really lost a lot of weight you must be so pleased with yourself…..a great achievement and in the 9’s…

    Hope the tiling us going well and the woof is behaving his self..

    Just bought a new loo seat from Lidl, my other is looking a bit worn..fit tomorrow..

    Our best man arriving to see us and staying over tomorrow so we will be eating out..the boys will have a game of snooker I will leave them too it and collect them later…

    Jean x

    Tiles all on,he is returning in the morning to grout them then we can finish off the papering and get all the new things out.

    Hi All…

    All going well here…homemade vegetable soup for tonight…toasting a slice of brown bread into croutons ..so we know we have had something…lol

    Minols…how are you doing?

    Is anyone else fasting today?

    Jean x

    Hi all… Glad the tiling done, Dave.

    Just had a salad. Me veg soup too… But not sure it’s very good. Wondering if it can be redeemed by adding cheese to it… But that will have to wait until tomorrow.

    Hoping the shopping has gone well, Lynn.

    I started off planning a desk day but in the end popped out on the moped to do one visit and came back after doing four. Now need to do some writing this evening as well as a wedding visit… Er..?!

    Oh well. I’m due a broken night of sleep.


    Why is it on fast days once i have had something to eat i am always starving?I have had around 550 calories today,so may have a yogurt later. I just wish i liked soup it would be so much easier then.I do 800 calories not 600.

    Re shyness…

    Once I went to Slimming World. I say next to a lady who said she recognised me. We spent the whole meeting trying to figure out where our paths might have crossed until eventually she asked where I lived. I told her the street and she asked which number. I am ashamed to say we actually lived next door and had done for a couple of years.

    In my defence their house is ‘around a corner’ so we never see each other going in or out and the gardens don’t back on to each other. Then working full time and working away a lot, I kind of dash out in the morning and back again in the evening and the weekends were full on with kids stuff.

    That’s no excuse and it’s quite a sad sign of the times. I’m sure it wasn’t like that in days gone by.

    I would love to be an easy talker like you say Jean. But I don’t even like ringing up to order a pizza or booking a hairdresser appointment. Any ordering in restaurants etc I leave to my confident assertive youngest daughter. Being shy is no fun and definitely inhibited me during my adult life.


    Morning all!
    Hope you’re all looking forward to breakfast- sounds like the fasters did well yesterday!
    I was definitely in ‘comfort eating’ mode yesterday, a bit stressful & rushing about… FD for me today so will be more under control (hopefully!)
    2 cars looked at yesterday, neither were great & son had tried looking at more expensive ones. Texts backwards & forwards when he had a minute at work & a long talk once we were all home, upshot is that he has decided to hire a car through work for a month & hope that they will stick to their word & give him a demo car at the end of March…The money he’ll spend renting the car is the same as he’d have to pay for the first month’s tax & insurance if he got his own, & no repairs to worry about if he got a duff 2nd hand one. Probably for the best, especially as he has so little time left to find one!
    Parents evening with youngest- was so pleased with him, he’s sitting at solid level C in all his A levels; all the teachers said he could do better, but given that he hates school & it’s not his choice to be there, we’re happy with what he’s doing, as long as it doesn’t go any lower! I hate parents evenings- all crowding about & people sneaking in to see teachers before their turn! Lynne- not sure if yours is the same, but the teachers all ask the students how they think they’re doing & what they think they could improve on; both the boys would always find that really awkward & be very uncomfortable, especially youngest… Then I go into protective mum mode…I’m waffling, sorry!
    Dave- hope you’re pleased with the tiles!
    Jean- do you store the caravan somewhere, or keep it at home? Will the milk be smelling? (We’re away for a short break to North Norfolk next week, while youngest is away on a school trip).
    Lynne- hope the prom dress shopping was fun! Hope Becs got one she liked & glad you were able to keep up with her!
    Cakey- what job do you do? I imagine you as being really confident, travelling for work etc., surprised that you say you’re shy?
    Minols- hope you got everything done yesterday, & got some sleep!
    Typhoo- are you fasting as well today- you do Fridays, don’t you?

    Morning All..

    A bright day… back to been muffled up too..😬 hate bad cold weather…I have been wearing my short sleeved tee shirts…

    Weigh in …the same for me…Steve 2 lbs up…he just owned up to when he’s not been sleeping in the caravan it’s a glass of milk and a couple of breakaways!..a couple of times through the night….I always have some biscuits in the fridge when away, as a treat and for visitors but normally taken there and back they are from last summer..no excuses…

    AFDs this week Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday….

    Glad you had a good FD..shame on the soup…

    I was very shy when young…then at 18 I worked in an office with telephone engineers coming and going about a dozen of them..they knocked the shyness out of me, even now I never blush..they use to say all sorts to me I didn’t know if they were joking, I didn’t understand half of it…just laughed it off…they were lovely guys, would they get away with it now possibly not but it was only banter…only one was iffy and I was warned about him….

    Yes .a lovely breakfast this morning..even had a touch of cream….lol..hoping to drop off my tea towels, washing etc back at the caravan and pick up the milk, caravan it’s in storage about 15 mins away. It’s just food and clothes in the car, pick her up and off, as it’s near the motorway.

    It’s not like you to be in a comfort eating mode you are one that puts us to shame…😀

    I am glad the youngest is doing well, wish that was our grandson was more like him..more maths on Wednesday I think with Steve, he is still awaiting some homework he has given him, supposed to be here today.

    A plan for the car for a month, takes the strain off it all…it may slow him down a bit when he’s driving again….enjoy North Norfolk I love that area, we try and have a week or a bit longer in the summer if we can..

    How did the dress shopping go…did she buy?..or is that you…lol

    Visitor for this evening, eating out , could really do without it…but that’s mean we look forward to seeing him…he is single so he likes a full English breakfast too…I never cook for breakfast!..😬..that’s life..

    Jean x

    Morning everyone

    Lovely bright morning, but still frost about so think it’s a bit chilly.

    CW, I’ve lived in my house for over 21 years and am only know the names of about a dozen of my neighbours, and only really know anything more than that for about 6 of them.

    Jean, I think you went home at the right time looking at how the temperatures are set to drop over the next few days.

    Dave, you’ll have to cultivate your taste for soup. Are there none you like?

    Typh00, you fasting today?

    Minols, hope you managed to sleep last night, I don’t seem to have a problem now.

    Hedgehogs, parents evening are always a struggle. Hannah was consistently getting D’s in Biology A level and her teacher was ‘very concerned’. She’d been awarded a scholarship of £4000 by the college so they were keen she reach her potential and they get their money’s worth. But Hannah knew she just needed experience of the questions which required a very specific style of answer. As she completed past papers her grade gradually improved and she ended up with an A. Her advice, just keep doing as many past papers as you can. Waffle over.

    Well, Bec may not have known what she wanted, but she certainly knew what she didn’t. We found a dress in the first shop, had a look at a few others, had a lovely lunch then bought the original dress in a smaller size at a different shop, if you want a look.


    Now just need to find shoes, bag and jewellery, such fun.

    Fasting today, but no other real plans. May take some junk to the tip.

    Lynne x

    Good morning,

    I fast Monday and Friday so still early into it but feeling good and not feeling hungry.

    I have a confession to make I was wandering around Tesco yesterday as you do and those naughty hot cross buns started calling my name again and this time I caved in to my indulgence.

    In my defense as they have fruit in them wouldn’t that be classed as part of my five a day.

    I’m also a great book reader and could quite happily spend an afternoon doing nothing but have my nose in a book.

    HI all – beautiful bright day here…hoping that the cold spell doesn’t bring bad weather – cold and bright and can definitely deal with!

    TyphOO – hot cross buns are amazing! Holy toasted tea cakes (as Batman might say to Robin!) but I’m trying really hard to steer clear of them and their evil cousin – crème eggs – again this year until the day itself. Oh but it’s tough!

    Hedgehogs – I have only primary parent/teacher evenings to contend with, and I thought the kids came just because it’s silly to try and get childcare in place for a 10 minute visit. We frequently leave the boy at the drawing table in the middle of the hall. I know the thinking behind having children present, but actually sometimes those responsible for parenting and those responsible for teaching just need to talk together! ‘In my day’ (!) my parents disappeared off to the school with a card full of appointments and came back and gave me either pelters or encouragement accordingly – and I got to watch the Rockford Files with butterflies in my stomach! (Love James Garner!)

    Have done a preliminary weigh and the holiday weight beginning to shift – thank goodness! Not going to get too excited though, as there’s still the weekend to come!


    Hi All..
    Steve has had a good clear out of clothes..some to go to charity..lots to clothes waste, ( garage work clothes) found some suits which fit, a couple need an inch more off his tummy..found a fair few pairs of trousers he didn’t know he had…we are tidying ourselves up…me next..lol..some new shirts needed..

    The dress looks really lovely…so much money these days we never used to do proms…still it’s a lovely finish to school…very elegant…

    Hannah did very well on her exams..I am sure the girls work harder than boys maybe not so distracted …you must be very proud of them both.

    Glad to see some scales movement..

    Jean x

    Just trying to get warmed up- been to the park with the little girl from my Home-Start family, but the poor love hasn’t got any gloves so we weren’t out that long!
    Jean- at least the caravan’s not too far away! Good for you having a clear out & getting smartened up!
    Lynne- the dress looks beautiful! I am so glad I didn’t have a prom, I’d have hated to have to dress up like that, not my thing! (Still not!) All the teachers said it was exam/ essay technique with my son, so I’m sure that’ll come with practice, he doesn’t need higher grades anyway. Well done to Hannah working hard to get a A! Is Bec’s likely to get the same scholarship?
    Minols- I was always a goody goody at school, so never had the worry of what would be said! I think it’s better without the kids there, the teachers can be more honest… one of the parents had a go at son’s favourite teacher last night, made her cry! He was really cross as he says she’s so nice, it was in front of the student as well, so she’s not going to respect the teacher now! Glad your holiday gain is coming down…
    Typhoo- I indulged yesterday too- Morrisons had chocolate hot x buns! Too tempting… hope they’re all gone now?!
    Very hungry, but staying strong so far…

    I really hate hot cross buns…so no temptation there……Easter eggs is a different matter….


    Keep going, Hedgehogs. Hunger really isn’t anything – just keep yourself busy.

    Hedgehogs, the 6th form college were encouraging ‘top’ students to go there. The girls’ high school doesn’t have a 6th form and is a feeder school for the college, but as Han says all the ‘really smart’ children go to another 6th form. She did really well at GCSE all A/A* so chanced the scholarship and managed to be awarded one which goes to one child from each of the feeder schools. I’ll be delighted if Bec passes her GCSE regardless of grade and the scholarship is also now much less.

    Struggling this afternoon. Was going to paint the kitchen ceiling, stood on some steps to clean the top of the units and noticed there’s been a leak from the bathroom, affecting the corner of the ceiling, coving and wall. Trying not to panic, no water running down the wall so looks like a loose connection, but obviously been leaking quite a while. The plumber is now coming on 12th and will sort it when he changes the bathroom. He told me to just wait until everything is done, let it dry out and then repair any damage.

    So that’s messed up my plans for redecorating. Can’t do the kitchen because of the leak, can’t do the spare room as will be storing the bathroom in there next week, won’t do the hall/stairs/landing until the bathroom is done as there are bound to be ‘prangs’ taking things upstairs.

    Resisted the Easter eggs, but only just. Got ridiculously emotional over it all, but I know it’ll all be alright in the end, just means everything has been pushed back by a couple of weeks.

    Lynne x

    Oh Lynne – it’s horrible when something like this bumps our sense of control which, given everything you’ve been through and the way you’ve stepped up to sort things out in the house this year, is really important just now.

    Deep breaths instead of Easter Eggs – knowing your iron strength! Things will get done…in time!


    Lynne- that’s so rotten, & a worry, & a long wait til the 12th… as long as it’s not running down the wall like you say then hopefully your plumber will sort it when he comes. Rotten to have to sort on your own though… thinking of you. Remember how good you felt yesterday being able to walk round the shops compared to with Hannah, & keep away from those nasty eggs…
    I am only just avoiding the temptation too- found out this afternoon from eldest that the hire car will cost way more after all- they didn’t twig that his age would be a problem yesterday when they gave him the quote. Seems daft as he drives their cars about all day at work, takes customers out for test drives etc., with no worries about his age!! So back to looking at cars again, & definitely running out of time… Comfort eating is getting hard to resist at the moment! (Sorry, this is probably getting very boring, but it’s nice to grumble to the computer!

    Denise has been cracking the whip, the tiles look fantastic but can’t clean then until tomorrow so have been wallpapering, just stopped for food, chippy unfortunately,back to papering now, about another 8 pieces to do them paint the doors again.

    Evening All…

    I am back from our meal out…eaten too much or is it you can’t eat that much now…left the men to a game of snooker, collecting them at 10 pm…usually in bed then…

    A party in the street, loads of cars parked and it’s only small dead end…I will have to turn and reverse around…hoping I can manage it…..don’t like driving in the dark….still getting used to the automatic…😬

    Lynne ..
    Don’t get too stressed the leak doesn’t sound too much if the plumber is coming on the 12th…it’s just stopped your plans for the moment…no panic…you were on a roll…step back and take a break..you can’t change what you can’t change…you are so good…you have shoes and jewellery to buy..

    I did wonder on a hire car when he is so young…still it seems strange when he works for the showroom someone didn’t say…hoping you have luck at finding something…

    Well done at the decorating sounds lovely…

    Jean x

    Morning all!
    Up at 5am this morning- joy!- the forum I help moderate has been really busy overnight so it’s taken over an hour to catch up with everything on there, that’s kept me out of mischief!
    I think the will power is dwindling at the moment, so I might just have to be happy with maintaining rather than losing for the time being…
    Typhoo- I hope that your FD went well yesterday?
    Kay- May one of those houses you’re looking at today be the perfect one!
    Lynne- any more shopping today with Becs?
    Hope that everyone else has a good day, whatever you do. Looking nice but cold here- might have a walk with Mum & sis later.

    Morning All…

    Very very cold here..the boys are having a walk for a morning paper…looks more like a cereal breakfast 🤞 my morning cooking skills stop at porridge…lol..I could push for a full English 😬

    We had a lovely catch up last night, it’s a while since he has been as he’s from Manchester …and still working..

    Sorry you are a bit off track..I think it happens sometimes…better to hold tight and maintain…and then go for it again….hopefully three fasts this week for us…back to old style big dinners which I don’t usually do now…much easier at the caravan in stead of taking loads of bits and pieces….must re think next trip..still the warmer weather should be here and it does make it better.

    Have a good weekend everyone…good luck on the house Kay, hope one of them suits you all…

    Jean x

    Good morning all

    The Fast day was good yesterday I’m not sure if it’s the fasting or I’m getting old but it’s usually an early night for me on those days.

    Having a lazy day so far but will maybe go out for a walk at some point this morning it’s looking cold here too but at least it’s dry.

    Visitor left early as he has some work to do…I got away with cereal breakfast and toast.. so no big fry up…he is watching his weight so all was well…he complained at my whole milk…lol..I told him it is good for him…

    Going out trying on bikers helmets…we both need one..thought mine was ok but it is far too big and unsafe due to loosing weight…Steve wasn’t aware on how big it is…no riding for me till it’s sorted …still not at the moment ☃️..❄️

    Have a good lazy day Typhoo…enjoy your walk if you are brave to venture out…

    Now strip the bed and sort things out and off we go….

    Jean x

    Not a good week weight wise,i gained 4lbs,too much beer and the chip shop dinner last night,on the plus side the kitchen is now finished.No alcohol for a couple of months now,that should help.Ice hockey tonight,we play the Cardiff Devils and i think its sold out,got my season ticket so i am ok,dont think i will renew it next season though.

    Hello all

    Lynne – the prom dress is a absolutely lovely. My favourite colour too. Hope the water leak situation not too drastic.

    HH, I was prowling around making tea and toast at 4 am this morning. Wasnt feeling too well. Think I’m at that age. At work I manage a team of operations managers and they are based all over the country. I seem to cope better with shyness at work, no time to worry about it. Hope your resolve to fast comes back soon, it’s strange how it ebbs and flows. Maybe after your holiday next week.

    Sounds like a good fast day Typhoo yesterday, I haven’t lost anything for about 3 weeks,not being quite as disciplined as I was.

    Sounds like a nice few days in the caravan Jean and def picked a better week by the look of the forecast. Maybe that will be the last cold snap and spring nearly here. Enjoying the lighter mornings and evenings though.

    How’s your H knee Minols? Is he recovering. Sounds like you’re never still for a moment.

    You must be nearly done with the home improvements Dave.

    Kay, hoping today you find a house!

    We went to the theatre last night and I needed to have some maltesars. Today I’ve invited mum and dad to watch the rugby and stay for dinner. Making a moussaka with salad and bought some cheese and onion focaccia which smells amazing.

    Catch up later

    Morning everyone

    Jean, nice to catch up with your bestman, enjoy your shopping.

    Hedgehogs, switching it about can be good. Try maintenance for a bit, sometimes it’s all about fooling our bodies.

    Kay, good luck with the house hunting today.

    Typhoo, enjoy your walk, I’m waiting for the temperature to rise before I venture out.

    Dave, quickly on, quickly off. A good week should see it reversed quite quickly. Enjoy the ice hockey, sorry but ‘Lets go Devils, let’s go!’

    CW, enjoy the rugby and your meal this evening.

    Resisted the Easter eggs and had a good liquid fast yesterday. Scales this morning 0.9lb down, rounding that up. Need to venture to the shop in a bit, but waiting for it to warm up a bit, well a few degrees anyway.

    Really peckish this morning and picking at all sorts. Trying to just direct myself to the fruit bowl rather than the fridge.

    Don’t think it’s going to warm up much more so better make a move. It’s not like I’ve got far to go, not even far enough for the car to warm up.

    Lynne x

    Hi all. Just chilling today watching a movie with the boy. Need to get him to do some homework soon and tidy up a bit. We tend to do 2 meals on a Saturday, so will need to think about tonight’s treat soon and work towards that.

    Have a good weekend everyone.


    Hi All….

    We managed to find two helmets which fit…looking for some navy shoes but that will be tomorrow just too busy everywhere..fast day tomorrow so it will fit in across lunch time…

    Enjoy your ice hockey..I don’t know much about it…weight will soon move…

    Cakey Wakey..
    Enjoy your Mum and Dad evening with the rugby…get into March and the weather will pick up…🤞

    You are keeping the downward trend even after loosing lots of weight…..a bit more off…..let’s have the secret 😀….just keep on I think…..we keep slipping but three fasts this week…and not a lot of food today….

    Have a good day too whatever you get up too…

    Fingers crossed for your house viewings….

    Jean x

    I am really struggling with the ice hockey,I supported Manchester Storm when they first formed 20 years ago,then they collapsed,a new team was formed Manchester Phoenix i really loved watching them,mostly Brits but where the hockey is played now Silver Blades Altrincham they kicked out Manchester Phoenix and reformed Storm,Phoenix moved to north Wales for a while so I went there every week then they moved to Blackpool for a while,I went to some of them then they went bust.My problem is I cant stand where they play now,I have tried to get past it but i am unable to do so,I find myself supporting the away team sometimes,dont think i will be going to many games next year unless they move.The home improvements have only just began,lots more to do.

    It was a good game
    Storm 3 Devils 1 full time very few penalties.

    Dave- glad that you enjoyed the game! Hope that you can get back on track with the ‘diet’ next week now things are settling down at your house!
    Lynne- well done if you’ve been strong yesterday!
    Cakey- hope you had a nice time with your parents & enjoyed the rugby & the meal!
    Kay- were the houses any good?
    Jean- I’m fasting with you today! It’s nice to have the company- I find Sunday FDs quite hard with all the family about (eating!), so it’ll be nice to know I’m not alone!!
    Had a lovely long walk again yesterday with Mum & sis- not as fast as we have been walking though, sis was walking much slower. She lost 4 stone with slimming world nearly 2 years ago, but seems to have put pretty much all of it back on, which is so sad.
    Watching the weather forecast a bit anxiously- they’re predicting a whole lot of snow right over us! (Meaning son’s school trip could be cancelled & our few days away!!) 🙁

    Morning All…

    We are braving the cold..going around ‘junction 32’ a very big outside shopping centre…I would like some navy shoes, they have quite a few shoe shops..were everywhere else they seem to be disappearing..may look for some casual/ walking type trousers but smart??….Steve needs walking shoes too….it’s a funny place we will find everything or nothing!

    Fasting day for us ..so joining Hedgehog, nice to have you about. Glad we will be busy out ..catch a coffee.

    Hoping the school trip goes ahead and you can go on your break…our walking maybe cancelled on Tuesday it will be 2 degrees in the day and snow flurries forecast..

    Shame your sister lost the weight and put it back on again..I think SW and WW, they really don’t help with maintance side…just the happy clapping side to get it off….were ours is a way of life and changing things completely..
    I think my daughter is watching her weight although she has not said and I have not asked….read her like a book..lol…. with lots of walking, yoga and swimming and hubby is quite big has started the gym ( maybe ordered)..new different things happening ( as she said things Have To Change) in the household after her depression…she is back to school a week Monday..she has popped in a few times to see people and going in her class on Wednesday to do some reading and see were the children are at..she is cooking healthy things too…so all seems to be good.

    Have a good day everyone..

    Jean x

    I have had porridge for breakfast so that should keep me full until this evening,just bought a pair of trainers so i can chuck my old ones away.Its the cup final today so i will have to take Heidi out now and then after the game.Roast beef for dinner,difficult to calculate the calories for that so will have to estimate them,any ideas?

    Dave- if you google calories for each thing individually then you’ll get a rough idea, although some websites vary quite a bit with the calories!
    Jean- your daughter’s ‘Things have got to change’ reminds me of my Mum- that was always her favourite expression, especially in the school holidays when we were all extra irritating! (It never lasted… hope your daughter does better, sounds promising!)
    Enjoy the shopping!
    Still no car found for son- put it off again until Tuesday, will have to work something out!

    All going well here…I found some black walking trousers quite pleased see how they go…no navy shoes…had a cup of tea out and now back home a coffee…

    Daughter said..things need to change..and they Will change…no football for 12 weeks now and he has a season pass…Steve said the sxxt has hit the fan…hope it continues….she is at a funny age…

    Shame on the car…our grandson driving to Birmingham tomorrow from Hull..why pick a time when the snows on its way instead of the usual train…they won’t be told.

    Everyone’s portion is different..it’s weighing and then you have a good idea..roast beef dinner sounds lovely…better than two boiled eggs…lol…and one slice of toast….

    Jean x

    How you doing Hedgehog?…we are all finished we have had a good fast day..

    I think we will be with you Tuesday fasting….



    Had a lovely weekend with lots of decluttering done including a trip to the blue and yellow Swedish store for some new storage things for the spare room. It’s the room I work from, the dog sleeps in and seems to be the graveyard for everything else we don’t need or want in any other room. This room will be a big project and I’m looking forward to making it lovely.

    I haven’t worried about food this weekend. But haven’t overdone it. Back fasting tomorrow.

    Could you not find navy shoes jean? I love navy shoes and sometimes the shops are full of them, other times there are none to be found.

    Hope you get away for your few days HH. We are looking at a week in Norfolk in June. I know the next few days are going to be very cold but not sure there will be that much snow.

    Curious what sort of make up you ladies use? My girls, even when poor students always bought expensive branded stuff. I’ve never worn a lot of make up and have never paid or lot. But last week I treated myself to some Liz Earle foundation and it’s absolutely amazing. Am tempted to update my make up bag and skin care products (maybe gradually as things need replaced).

    Stay warm and stay safe


    Cakey Wakey…
    My daughter like you said she loves navy shoes…I thought maybe a bit early…just a plain court shoe 1 1/2 inch heel…I will keep looking…boots back on this week…I find shoes hard to find as they have to be just right and the heel height right or my feet hurt…I have loads I have bought and unworn just can’t wear them..

    You sound as if you have been enjoying yourself..the tins sound nice and a start….more to do..a lovely big project for you…

    A bit boring with makeup…Body Shop eye shadows and Boots no 7 and 17 foundation and eye pencils…I use Nivea primer before foundation ..all reasonably cheap..except Guerlain blusher 😬 at £35. ( dear for me)

    Jean x

    Jean- I bought a beautiful pair of navy shoes for a friend’s wedding, they felt really comfy (& had insole padding) when I tried them on, but walking up to the Church they were sooo painful- we had to nip home between wedding & reception to change! Never worn them since, & they weren’t that cheap 🙁 It’s usually boots or walking type shoes for me…
    Cakey- I can’t wear makeup really these days; I have dry eyes & even foundation is enough to make them sore. Not worth spending much for the very occasional time I grin & bear it!
    Eldest son bought some very expensive makeup for his girlfriend last Christmas- he made sure from her friend that he was getting the right stuff, she’s very fussy, spent way more than I’ve probably spent in my life! (Sadly found out this evening that they’re ‘having a break’- the long-distance thing is getting tough… doesn’t help when you crash your car on the way home & end up car less too! We did like her very much, but it must be hard not seeing each other very often. He’s having quite a rotten time…
    Have survived this FD so far, not long til bedtime!!

    Morning all!
    Breakfast already eaten- very hungry this morning! I need to get a grip of what I’m eating on nonFDs, I’m in a bit of a fast/ feast mode at the moment!
    Update on son- all changed, the relationship break lasted 2 hours! Depending on trains/ weather, she’s coming home for a few days for a reading week, so they’ll try & get together!
    Hope anyone fasting has a good day, not sure how many there’ll be?

    Morning All..

    A laying of snow dust this morning…poor birds waiting to be fed….must buy some more food…

    Leaving Steve behind this morning ( it was garage work but I think not ) while I go and visit my daughter..we were off for a walk but maybe to slippery as we go at a fast pace..see what it’s like later..

    Good luck to fasters today…We are not with you…Tuesday will be our next day…

    Pop in to Lidl on my way back home for bread, milk and potatoes a top up, if the weather gets too bad this week.

    Update on step daughters dog….they are having great difficulty in keeping her quiet she is crying for her walks..she has two good walks per day with ball throwing etc..she is confined to the garden. So all looks good, they are frightened she dislodges the pins until it’s all healed.

    Glad your son has patched it up..hope it works well when she comes to visit…I have just had porridge with chai jam in it tasted like a pudding quite yummy, half milk and water. When is your next fast?

    Have a good fast day everyone..I shall miss being with you..it’s sends the week wrong…lol

    Jean x

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