Fat Busting Brits!!

This topic contains 34,940 replies, has 404 voices, and was last updated by  KellyClarkson 1 hour, 31 minutes ago.

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  • Paula..

    Brad has a lot to loose so he’s easing into 5.2 more steady…he is reducing his TDEE by a 1000 a day on NFD …after a month he might want to go down to usual 600 calories instead of 800 calories on a FD or he may continue for another month on 800 calorie FD if he’s happy…

    If you have a lot less to loose you have to follow the book…. as women we have 500 calories…

    Jean x

    Been shopping (food) we go every Tuesday and Friday,I have these lovely wholemeal seeded cobs when I go so it was extremely hard not to buy them today.But I managed to resist them, feeling a little peckish now but will wait until 6pm football tonight, so I will watch that to take my mind off food, will take my dog out again in a while and have a cup of tea when I get back to warm me up.

    Well done on resisting the bread…I really love fresh buns…I just can’t buy granary bread because I eat the loaf…once you get going and get the weight moving …you can have them on a treat day…

    Steve and I always have Friday off as a treat day, it’s also our morning weigh in day….so it’s a cake day, or a Haddock and chips day or a bottle of wine/ beer day…keeps us going for the week….😂

    Jean x

    My weigh in day is Saturday,I am in another forum for that, not told them I have started the 5-2 diet yet.I think it’s time to make some food.I hope you all have a good day.


    Thanks for explaining Jean!

    So I weighed myself this morning, I have had 500 calories today, I’ve done loads of walking yet I weigh more this evening? Why? I’m so disheartened and ready to grab the biscuit tin 😥😥
    Paula x


    Weigh in first thing in the morning with no clothes after the toilet..morning after your FD.

    You will weigh more at night….even water, tea and light food will weigh heavy…

    Jean x

    Ok thanks Jean 😥😥xx

    I think I would keep quiet on the other forum some people poo poo this diet…let them see the results first. They think you starve yourself which is so far from the truth…loose a stone or a bit more people will then notice…you will have good feelings then….you are doing really well..

    Jean x

    I forgot to say well done to you too….keep strong tonight…tomorrow you can eat…😀


    Hi all
    Hedgehogs – so sorry about your FIL…so proud of what you and your partner achieved though in ensuring his care in these last days. thinking of you as you prepare for his funeral…hope the family tensions don’t cause too much of a problem.

    Paula…for future days, if you feel light headed part way through the day, it can sometimes be a salt thing…I keep Bovril handy and try to pretend it’s a filling soup (!), and I seem to remember Jean just goes straight for licking salt off the spoon (or was that Hemmy or Audrey?!) You’ll get the hang of things. I’m with some of the others – I can’t start to eat on a FD or I’m done for! Bovril is my absolute life-saver.

    Brads – I get the bread thing…toast or a good cheese sandwich cant’ be beaten…hope you’ve managed to have a lovely, satisfying evening meal.


    I have noticed that when i weigh myself in the morning,i am always lighter,i only get weighed once a week on a Saturday morning.

    I will Jean,its the NHS website that i go on,so will wait until i have lost a stone,i will get a badge on there for that :o)

    I can’t take the credit Jean. After the weighing incident I went over my 500 calories. I’m still under my TDEE but I’m not doing very well at this 😥.

    Paula x

    Hi Guy:

    Re your formula – I tried some others:

    170 pound woman – TDEE Calculator – 1,591 Your Formula – 2,380
    220 pound man – TDEE Calculator – 2,177 Your Formula – 3,080
    Mine – TDEE Calculator – 2,186 Your Formula – 3,640

    I could go on and on, but it would be a waste of time. Perhaps your formula is like a stopped clock – accurate twice a day?

    But it is your spirited defense of this wildly inaccurate and unreliable formula that speaks volumes.

    Having been on this forum a whole day, you have managed to suggest I am dense, and even mad. My gosh, if my wife ever saw your comments I can’t imagine what she would say . . . . Oops, she has been looking over my shoulder. She is laughing – uncontrollably.


    After all these years I know who I would like to follow….you are there lurking when we need help…thanks a lot much appreciated…

    Jean x

    Hi symba:

    Thanks! I stop in occasionally for various reasons. This thread is filled with nice, helpful and interested people (as are other threads). I think big is taking some time off because a poster or two did not agree with the way he offered his low carb philosophy and posted some what I thought were unkind remarks. I have not seen a post from him since.

    I urge everyone on this thread to occasionally check out the ‘Recent Posts’ thread to see what is going on all over the site. I realize many don’t have the time, but if you do, you may find quite a bit of information you may be interested in that does not make its way to this thread.

    With that in mind, I recommend that you consider picking up a copy of Dr. Longo’s new book ‘The Longevity Diet’. You can purchase it in English now, and it will probably be in libraries fairly soon. It is not a weight loss diet book, so does not ‘compete’ with Dr. M’s ‘Fast Diet’. There is actually a short section in the book on 5:2, though.

    Dr. Longo was featured in Dr. M’s ‘Eat, Fast and Live Longer’ program. The book is a must read for anyone who came to 5:2 not only to lose weight, but also to benefit from the possible ‘other health benefits’ the Fast Diet book alluded to. It covers the impact of fasting on diseases from cancer to Alzheimer’s and explains how fasting can actually cause the body to kill old, worn out and diseased cells and replace them with brand new healthy ones. Sort of like a fountain of youth.

    Take care, and don’t quit 5:2. It works if you do it right and just give it a chance!

    Evening everyone

    Hedgehogs, so sorry to hear about your FIL. You were with him in spirit if not physically and have done so much for him, with your husband you made his last days more peaceful.

    Brads, I used the NHS site for about 6 months last year, but the ‘eat less move more’ thing doesn’t work for me. I left last Christmas when there was a big falling out between the admin team. I think there’s a few people on there that follow 5:2, but you’re right, most probably won’t get it.

    Paula, don’t be so hard on yourself. If you’ve only gone a bit over class it a FD and plan another for later in the week.

    Had a good NFD and trying to plan meals for the next few days. Usually I don’t worry too much about my fat consumption, but the blood results are making me rethink. I’m not going to completely cut the fat, I know it’s better for me than sugar, but need to plan out a few days to make sure the balance is right.

    I’m fasting again tomorrow. Anyone joining me?

    Lynne x

    Thanks all for your kind wishes x
    Lynne- I’m fasting tomorrow 🙁 ! Comfort eating today, so I need it !
    Paula- if you’re finding the 500 cals hard on a FD to start, what about trying a slightly higher amount for a week or two to get into the swing? Better to do that & carry on than to feel so guilty that you give up completely… Best to try to weigh the same time of day like the others suggested, it’s amazing how much the scales can vary in one day & that does get you disheartened! Also have you measured yourself? I didn’t, but wish I had as that can give you a boost even if the scales don’t seem to be moving!

    I have noticed on my other forum i use that people gain weight but lose inches,some of the girls prefer that.A couple of months ago i got weighed before i went to bed then as soon as i got up and i was over 4lb lighter in the morning.

    Morning all,

    I would also like to say thank you simcoeluv for checking in on this thread 🙂 Your advice is invaluable, and I was so relieved to see a post from you!! I agree checking the “recent posts” is a good idea. I usually post here, and then read the ‘recents’ to see how everyone else is doing 🙂

    Paula, don’t get disheartened, keep going. Its rough at first, but you can do it, and it really does work! We’re here for you 🙂 Also, as Brads said, you can lose inches as well, so sometimes the scales don’t reflect how your body is changing! Hang in there …

    Minols, I agree Bovril is a life saver on FD’s!!

    Brads, great job on resisting the bread .. its hard to do! I adore bread, perhaps too much 😛

    Hedgehogs, did you say your fasting today? I’m joining you, and again tomorrow, trying to go for three this week, wish me luck lol.

    Lynne, I’m with you today 🙂 Lets do this!!

    Jean, hope you and Steve have a good day. Much milder thank goodness, what are you up to today?

    Thankfully I’m feeling a lot better than this time yesterday, stomach still a bit delicate, but better. Must have been a 24 hour bug or something. I’ve decided to do an extra FD this week, so today and tomorrow! I’m glad a few are with me.

    Have a nice morning, back later.


    Morning all

    I hope you are all well?

    So I weighed myself this morning and my weight was lower! But when I got out of bed I was really dizzy. Do you know what’s causing that? I can’t have bovril as I’m a Vegetarian! I don’t know whether to try another fast day or have a normal day?

    You are all so amazing and I really appreciate your support 🙂

    Paula x

    I’m not an expert, Paula, but cutting down calories like on this diet is safe, so shouldn’t leave you feeling dizzy, I wouldn’t have thought… unless someone has diabetes or something, I don’t know? Perhaps you’ve got a bit of a bug, or maybe not been drinking enough- you do need to drink more than normal on FDs? I’ve done B2B FDs & not felt bad. On the home page, there’s a link to FAQ’s, one of those asks about feeling faint & this is the answer given:
    ‘If it has been a long time since you went for several hours during the day without eating then you may find the first couple of weeks quite tough. People think that after several hours without food they will feel faint because their blood sugar has fallen, but this is a myth. Unless you are a diabetic, your body is extremely good at preserving your blood sugar levels and will do so for many days without food.’
    I’ve never tried it, but wonder if a spoonful of marmite dissolved in water would do the trick instead of Bovril, if you like it? Otherwise some of the cuppa soups are low cal & could help keep you going?
    DF- hope that you have a good one today, & Lynne
    Dave- I’ve given up making bread, as I can’t resist it!

    Hi all

    NFD for me today – although I’ll be going off sick in a little while once I’ve done a couple of things that just have to be done…up most of the night sneezing, coughing, shivering, sweating! So I maybe won’t be eating too much. I’ll leave the actually fasting until tomorrow, though.

    PJ – you did a FD yesterday? It’s concerning if you felt dizzy this morning. Watch that, and see if getting up more slowly, going to bed with a glass of water by your bed ready for sipping before you swing your legs over the side…that sort of thing. If it persists, then you may need to think again. As for a Bovril substitute…essentially, Bovril is a stock, and it’s useful because it’s salty, so is there a vegetarian equivalent that you could use? When it comes to good stocks, my mum swears by the Kallo range? Oh, and I’ve just remembered, someone else (Hemmy?) always swears by lemon juice first thing in the morning…

    Good luck to all the fasters today.


    Thanks hedgehogs and Dragonfly! I think its possibly just my body adjusting to the 5:2 diet. I felt better once I had eaten. Even before diets I found that if I went a long time without food, I got dizzy until I had eaten something so maybe its just me! I don’t have diabetes so maybe as you say I may have a bug or something! I will just keep an eye on things today. I am going to have a non fasting day today I think. I do love Marmite so I will try that instead of Bovril!

    I do get disheartened easily unfortunately as I am trying so hard, so when I saw the weight gain last night I felt awful! I tried Slimming World a couple of years ago and I lost weight at the beginning which was great, but then my body shape started to change and when I got weighed at SW, I had put on some weight. SW were not happy with that, even though I had to buy smaller trousers, my bras were too big for me, I couldn’t wear my rings as they kept falling off, but SW gave me no recognition because on their records ‘I had gained weight’! I decided straight away that SW was not for me!

    Good luck with your fasts today everyone! 🙂

    Paula x

    Morning All..
    What a misty drizzley sort of day…

    Hospital appointment later but not much else today a bit of shopping…

    I usually have a ferret around the site, maybe once a week to see what everyone is up up and on the new posts and recents….the new book Dr Longo ..interesting ‘a fountain of youth’ I could do with some of that…i am always up for a new book, a collection now growing Dr Fung, Robert Lustig and of course all Moselys…

    Good luck on fasting today….hoping re think help your health problems and gets them balanced out again..

    Hope you are all looking after each other ..a sad few weeks ahead of planning…have a good FD…

    Yes the scales are not kind sometimes and it’s the inches we can loose…hope you have measured your waist and neck and made a note, it’s good at the beginning to do, then once a month..

    Looking at my scales today it looks like this will be my worse week ever in the last two years of 5.2 not good at all…strange my belt and clothes are fine and not tight??…🤞🤞it happens sometimes..I am very disappointed 😡

    Pleased you are feeling better…and managing the three FD’s ..after the scales we are having a low day and fast tomorrow too…maybe a back to back…

    I would do two fasts days a week to start with…you need to take some salt as I said a couple of wet fingers tips and take lots more water…your BP will be going low making you dizzy but just continue on…more water!!….it’s only when you first start the diet it will settle..( I was like that my Doc said take more water)

    Hope you soon feel better back to bed for you…..there’s lots of bugs about…take care..

    Have a good day…

    Jean x

    Paula, when I started 5:2 I used to get dizzy on fast days and the following morning, a teaspoon of Marmite in a mug of hot water worked for me. Only 10 calories. I still drink it on fasting days as it takes the edge of hunger too 🙂

    Afternoon everyone

    Paula, don’t get disheartened, just keep popping by and if you feel your resolve failing on a FD come onto the site and have a read.

    Minols, has your OH given you the lurgy? Hope you’re felling better soon.

    Jean, hope everything goes well today at Steve’s appointment and you get the info you need.

    DF & Hedgehogs, hope the FD is going well. I’m managing on just coffee so far.

    Brad, did I read that you went to the ice hockey the other night? I’m very jealous. Used to go to all the Cardiff Devils home games before I had the kids, so 20 years ago.

    Not too bad at the GP this morning. They agreed to leave my thyroid meds alone despite my bloods suggesting a change. No sign of enlarged liver and liver function and hepatitis tests being repeated in 2 weeks and. No worries with the cholesterol as although it is high they’ve assessed my risk of developing vascular disease over the next 10 years and it’s only 1.27%, which GP advises is about as low as it can go. So generally a good MOT and happy to be 26kg lower than when I was diagnosed with my thyroid problem in December 2015.

    Off now to collect Bec from school and then to buy some more filler and paint, ready to get cracking on the decorating tomorrow.

    Back later hopefully.

    Lynne x

    Afternoon All…

    Hope all fasters are doing well….I have done 800 today so doing a proper fast tomorrow..

    We have been to the hospital we had a good talk to the specialist and we have decided to hold back on the chemo tablets and be monitored every three months…his platelets have been the same for 5 years looking at the graph on the computer going up and down very slightly, a bit down at the moment…if they go up by another 200 we have decided he will start the tablets, the doctor said at 350 higher we have no choice then.

    We are quite happy at that..

    We are going to book a three days away in the caravan next week just for a break…keeping on 5.2 of course.

    I am glad things are quite OK for you…the weight off must make a difference…I am looking at dietary things for Steve although specialist said nothing will help but I have seen things which I may try…eg.raw garlic, fish oil tablets, but must look again…

    Dinner calling….lol

    Jean x

    Yes I follow Manchester Storm,I started going on 1995,I remember Nicky Chimney,Hilton Ruffles,James Manson, the Cooper brothers John Lawless.We signed half of them.We then went bust and a new team Manchester Phoenix were formed, I really liked them but where the Storm play now the owners threw Phoenix out and re- formed as Manchester Storm.I just wish we could move to a new rink,I hate where we play because of what they did to Phoenix, Phoenix moved to Wales so alot of fans went there to watch them,I enjoyed it there, then moved again to Blackpool, not so good there, then they went bust.

    Baked potato, chicken breast grilled and green beans I am drooling more. 😁😲

    Hope everyone’s done well? DF- you’ve been quiet? I’ve been okay, made some banana bars for breakfast tomorrow to use up the overripe ones!
    Jean & Steve, & Lynne- really glad that the doctors are happy to keep an eye on the blood tests for a bit & are leaving treatment for now. Where do you think you’ll go in the caravan Jean? Definitely would need to be warmer for me to go away!! & don’t envy you starting decorating either Lynne- I love decorating only when I can open all the windows!
    Paula- I have recipes for sweet potato chilli & a Thai curry if you want them?

    Chills and fever…may not have been OH’s fault but I need it to gp away so I can prepare for Sunday as our Admin deadine is Friday!

    Feel like something on the bottom of a stable hands boot.


    E198vening everyone

    Good FD for me today, boiled egg salad and a few cups of coffee – all finished now. Hedgehogs and DF, hope FD has gone well for you.

    Jean, great that you’ve got a plan with the specialist of when treatment would need to begin. If things remain stable then no point rushing into treatment.

    Minols, sorry you’re feeling like the smelly stuff. Hope you’re soon on the mend.

    Brads, some names I haven’t heard for a while, but brought back lots of memories. My sister-in-law started watching the Devils when they formed in 1986 and hubby a year or so later, but definitely when they won Playoff Championship 89/90 as I know he threw a sickie to go to Wembley and had to avoid TV cameras. I started going in 1993, but have only been a couple of times since 1998. Great memories, off to watch some YouTube bench clearances from days of old.

    Hope the scales are kind in the morning, back at Christmas Day weight, but still need to move the Christmas Eve excesses.

    Lynne x

    Morning everyone, hope your all well.

    FD for me, I did okay yesterday but I think I was over 500, it wasn’t my official FD so not too bothered. I’ll nail it today lol

    Work has been a bit busier this week, which is helping. I miss being busy, its been quiet for too long now. We’ve been told its going to get busy soon, so fingers crossed. Its always really unsettling when its quiet, and most probably overstaffed!!

    I think a few are fasting today .. I’m feeling positive 🙂 Did some exercise before work, it always helps .. makes me feel better and ready to face the day. Its funny, when I skip my exercise I feel so much more tired and sluggish!

    Back later xx

    Minols- hope you feel better soon. The lurgies are hitting our house too- not surprising for me & hubby as we’ve been in with germs at hospital & then youngest has been ill at home… Hope your son doesn’t get it if he hasn’t already!
    DF- hope your FD goes well, well done doing the exercise as well. I need to get back into it soon…
    1lb down of my Christmas weight- pleased with that as I haven’t done well on my non-FDs!
    Good luck to anyone else fasting today, Jean & Steve I know…

    Morning All..

    Up early for us….very dark….lol

    FD for us too…we were having a good day when Steve fancied a Magum last night…I didn’t have the heart to say we didn’t have any…I sat for a bit then he went to find them…..still it made us at about 1100 so never mind…he must of had the need…..😂

    We are going to the North Yorkshire archive centre doing more re search on our friends cottage, we may make a book for them or should I say the ‘cottage’…if we can it depends how much we can find…

    Hope the chicken went down well..I think when fasting you enjoy every little bit…my plate is unusually clean…

    Banana bars? They sound different…enjoy..

    Hope you feel better and it’s not a long one….keep the boy away from you…they say the Aussie flu is on its way maybe we all should buy masks if it’s that bad…😷…in case…

    Hope the scales are kind this morning for you and at least a pound gone…my weight isn’t good this week did have last piece of Xmas cake and some tiffin all gone now..😬😬 but really quite good other days..

    Have you started the decorating yet?

    You did better than us yesterday…glad it’s getting busier at work for you…we will be busy so back late pm…good for a FD..

    Well done on the pound off…hope everybody soon gets better…hospital germs are the worse…..I am hearing a lot more people around us getting ill……so it’s starting to hit everywhere…

    Have a good fasting day girls and boys….back later..

    Jean x

    Hi all

    Good to hear the weight is beginning to slide of (sorry, Jean, yours WILL happen…I reckon there’s a time lag of a week between starting to be good and getting g the benefit…likewise being bad – it’s what makes me think ‘phew, I got away with it’!)

    Still really grim…got up, got the boy to school, gave the dig his mercifully short walk…and that was me. Done. Back in bed for a bit, but hopefully just an hour or so before I can start doing g a bit of work or i’m stuffed!

    FD…Hopefully easy to resist temptation today!


    Morning everyone

    The lurgy really seems to have hit hard. Minols, hope the extra hour helps and you can do clear what needs to be done, but only do the essentials and try to take it easy.

    Hedgehogs, not really a surprise you’re a bit under the weather. We had it Christmas and New Year and I think part of it was our bodies relaxing after all the stress. Hope the family is feeling better soon.

    Jean, the Aussie flu sounds a bad one. Hope we all manage to avoid it. I’ve got plenty of masks from when Hannah went on work experience to Tanzania and had to take masks, scrubs, scrub caps and gloves, I’ll be supplying the street. Enjoy your day of research.

    DF, another FD today so good that work is picking up to keep you distracted.

    Brads, CW, Paula and Pseudo if you’re about, hope you’re all having a good day.

    Have started the decorating, well the prep really. Need to reseal the window and have taken the windowsill off as it’s loose. Today is filling and a bit of sanding. Tomorrow sanding and maybe some washing down and hoping to start actually painting on the weekend.

    Still can’t decide on flooring. The laminate that’s down needs changing, but not sure whether to put more down or try luxury vinyl planks. May go to a local carpet shop and have a look at them all and see if any catch my eye.

    Off to finish my coffee then start with the filler.

    Lynne x


    Back home after couple days away. Well back at my parents house. My own house is hopefully as bad as it will get but after today will slowly start to improve as the decorating starts and then flooring is put in. Hopefully we will be back in it by next Friday although several weeks before it will be finished.

    Stayed the same this week, not surprised as struggled with the fast days. I’ve been to reading your posts for motivation but not able to post back.

    Sorry to hear about the lurgy some of you are experiencing. I think there seems to be some nasty viruses and flu bugs about.

    Very interested in the work you are doing Jean about the cottage history. What a lovely thoughtful project. A cottage alway been my dream home but always found practical reasons why not. Maybe in retirement.

    Take care, have a good day and stay warm.

    Hi All

    Hope you are all well! So I had a fairly good day yesterday, I didn’t do a fast day and just went over my calories and I did lots of walking! But when I weighed myself this morning, I had put on weight :(. My clothes are feeling slightly loser and when I went to the hairdressers yesterday my hairdresser asked me if I had lost weight! Also my son’s driving instructor the day before said the same thing so why are the scales being unkind to me?? So i have decided to weigh myself once a week now to avoid the torment!

    Hedgehogs – hope you are well? I would love your sweet potato chilli and thai curry recipe if thats ok! Is it vegetarian?

    Going to try a Fast day today and I have water aerobics this evening so I’m feeling quite positive at the moment despite nearly throwing my scales out of the window this morning!

    Good luck everyone on your fast days!

    Paula x

    FD for me … Shirts and trousers are starting to hang off me definitely not a 17 inch neck anymore. Been naughty consuming choc last night from Xmas stock. Today will be tough, spinning class at lunchtime. So if I can avoid the lingering array of cakes and a heavily discounted box of roses somebody has unhelpfully provided I might see a drop on the scales this weekend. Here’s hoping!

    Hope everyone’s doing okay, thanks for your messages 🙂

    Been for my walk, I found a different route, I like to do that. I’m not at all familiar with the area where I work, so I was a little scared in case I got lost, but I managed 🙂 It just means I can vary it for a change of scene!!

    Feeling a bit hungry, but must keep going 🙂


    Minols, hope you soon feel better and you manage to get your work done by tomorrows deadline.

    Hedgehogs, sorry about your FIL, at least he is at peace now.And well done on the 1lb off.

    Jean, are you eating enough on your NFDs? Some times you go down to 800….
    Glad that Steve can delay things a bit with the treatment and reassess later. Worth trying other things too. Ive done that with Ellie, even though vet says no point!

    CW, at least the house is progressing. It always seem slow and then suddenly things start to look different.

    Mstar, thats a good sign, if clothes are feeling looser!

    PJ, stick with it, sometimes the readings on the scales dont make sense, believe me!

    Lynne, glad you have started the decorating prep. Good to be busy 🙂

    DF, glad that things are busier in work, makes the day go quicker.

    Brads, hows it going? Is today your fast day?

    A few of us on FDs today, lets make it count!

    Im on a fluid only…just herb teas, black coffee and sparkling water.
    Prompted by the scales this morning!

    So after my FD on Monday, my weight was up on Tuesday, annoyingly. First time Ive seen that happen, although I have been taking IBS medication which maybe interfering with things.
    Tuesday we went out for a walk and I clocked up 25000+ steps and although I did have a couple of treats, nothing over the top. Weight the same yesterday and just a normal day eating and weight back up.
    Hence the fluid only! At best I will be the same in the morning as last Friday, at worst I will be up!

    Going to start doing some exercises tomorrow. Ive bought a resistance band and Im going to try and tone up a bit. Since Ive stopped running, Ive lost the strength in my legs and I really need to improve that and my core, so my back doesnt suffer.

    All being well Neils mum is going home from hospital today but we will have to see how she gets on overnight, as thats when her breathing is worse. I cant really work out whats happening with Neils uncle, they seem to have sorted out his pneumonia but he still seems confused and not with it and I dont know what they are doing about the blood clot in his brain as his dad doesnt ask the right questions.

    My mum is back and to to the hospital and gp surgery. They have started her on warfarin but not got the dose right yet. She also is scheduled for an eye op
    at the end of this month, as she has build up of pressure in her eye from glaucoma which the eye drops havent helped with.

    We are still house searching, nothing yet to view…

    Check back in later to see how everyone is getting on.


    HI all

    Got my work done for tomorrow’s deadline – just waiting in the office now to see if the people who wanted to see me at 1pm are going to show up…I’ll give them until 1.30!

    Oh there’s the buzzer!


    Well, Fd going fairly well so far – just one locket…trying to stay off the cold sweets, but needed something with flavour cos I’ve got that horrid ‘breathing through my mouth’ thing going on.

    Anyway, but get to my meeting – keeping it brief!


    Sheffield v Nottingham for bench clearance.

    Fast day today,up to now all i have had is one cup of tea.Just took the dog for a walk,its not too cold at the moment,going to look online for something i can have to eat later.I fancy lemon chicken or turkey even,not got any rice so will have to buy some.I hope you are all having a good day.

    Afternoon All…

    Back from our trip to the archives nothing picked up…we are doing it the wrong way around and it’s very hard …we need a name but we are having to work off house numbers…. back to a re think…

    We are both feeling really hungry today…having a coffee at home and a warm…I couldn’t risk a cafe today..

    Sorry you are feeling not well…hope you pick up to do some work…

    Hope you are getting your preparations done and ready to start…and sort what floor you are putting down..

    Cakey Wakey…
    Lovely to see your house start taking shape maybe soon…glad your weight stayed the same at least it’s not up..

    We have both been doing our social history and family tree, after we retired, 8 years now…Steve has gone back to 1550 and to Latin! and I have gone back to about 1630…Steve has now finished and I am at proof reading stage…my book is going to print with a copy to all my grandchildren. Looks quite professional even if I say it to myself..😂

    Something must be happening if people are noticing your weight…my weight is up but I feel slim, my belt is on the usual hole…hoping tomorrow’s weigh in has improved from Tuesday.

    Well done on the baggy clothes..Steve refused to buy new clothes at the beginning …he looked like a sack of spuds!! A curly top above his belt…lol

    I hope a new route got planned for lunch time walk…don’t get lost…that’s me all over getting lost!!

    What a lot of steps..25,000…poor Ellie..lol….still a few people unwell at your end. Let’s hope your Mum settles soon to new meds and ready for her op….

    Do you eat to your tdee every non fast day?…I know what you mean, I nearly do most times but throw and extra low day in…you get fed up of the weight not moving, although I am a good 7 lbs from goal now 😬

    Find something nice to eat for tonight….you are doing really well…

    Keep strong everybody who’s fasting…

    Jean x

    Hi Jean

    My hairdresser commented that I had lost weight in my face! He said last time I went to get my hair done, I had little “chubby chops”!! I want to loose the weight in other areas of my body though which don’t seem to be shifting as yet! I don’t know where my son’s driving instructor was referring to!

    My other half says I need to be patient – I lost weight before so I can do it again! However patience is not one of my strong points!

    It hasn’t been long so its only the beginning for me! I will get there, as will we all!

    Thank you everyone for your support, it really really helps 🙂

    Paula x

    Going to try this tonight,changed chicken legs to diced chicken breast,and will leave the garlic out otherwise i will stick to the menu,not sure i like basil but will give it a go,had 2 cups of tea and not had anything to eat so i could not take my naproxen tablet this morning.

    Hi Brads. ..when I was on naproxen o had a stomach protecting tablet, too, maybe because I have history with an ulcer. Might be worth talking to a doctor to see if that’s an option for you FDS?

    Haven’t felt much like eating today…never happens! Going to do burgers and chips for the boy’s and might have a few oven chips with them. Then i’ll retreat again for a ‘medicinal’ bath with eucalyptus.

    Loving hearing about house renovations…hope things go smoothly for you, Lynne and C-W.


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