Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Morning All…

    Brrrrrrrrrrr this morning..no snow for us….

    Fast day for us today…really had a heavy weekend ….so need it…

    Steve’s coming down with Manflu..flu..cold..sniffles..I think I have heard three sniffles no tissues yet….he will be resting today..😂

    Hair colour for me this morning..really don’t feel like it but it has to be done…

    Glad you keep popping by even if you are not fasting..a worrying time again another house move, the year has passed very quickly..hoping you find something better what you both like and Ellie too….she has done very well holding her own this year it’s all the love and care you give her…

    Hoping your nephew does well in the new year, he is very positive..

    Hope the painkillers kick in and feel better…

    My poor bum feels so bruised….it must be unused muscles …the bathroom looks so much better now so it was worth it…

    Have you done a lot of packing over the weekend..exciting move on Friday…good luck..😀

    A few of us fasting today..DF, Hedgehog, Lynne and both of us…anyone else?

    Keep warm..

    Jean x

    Morning everyone, no snow or ice here but bitterly cold.

    I’m joining the mass FD too. I haven’t been doing well at it at all lately, pretty sure I’ve put on weight. Decided there’s no point stressing about it until January though. I have a few outings this week, a few outings next week, so I’ll do my best with the FDs and trying to be low but hold off weighing until January when I can make a real go of it.

    It’s a hard time December with all temping things about at home and work…do’s and meeting up with family ..January will be the big push to shed Christmas pounds and onwards to the new year…

    We have a few bits about now at home..Steve has his Xmas head on… we are managing Monday to Thursday but lapsing the last three days of the week…

    The garage door has been a god send as it’s so hard to get in and out…mince pies, apple pies and scones are out of reach…fancied a magnum the other night…still there…😂…new door being fitted on the 22nd!

    We will all be in the same boat so don’t worry…just the very hard fasters will do well…but that’s not us ..life’s to short and it’s Christmas…

    Well my colour is on and being processed so having a cuppa…

    Grandson has just texted he is safe at work after 4 hours of driving..first time in snow and ice…😬

    Have a good day ….keep warm..and safe

    Jean x

    Christmas cakes are finished- yay! They don’t look too bad at all!
    Glad the grandson’s safe, Jean!
    Lynne- nice to ‘see’ you…
    Pseudo & DF- hope that you both survive a chilly/ boring? day at work!
    Filthy weather here- luckily snow has gone, just raining hard now- my poor old dog mopes about if she doesn’t get her walk, as she’s used to that routine in the morning, but there’s no point trying to get her out in this weather as she would only stand in the garden & refuse to walk anywhere, she’s very contrary!

    Hi all – late at my desk because I sorted out another shelf in the school library on my way into town to get more socks for nephews and nieces…they asked for them! Not going to work too hard today, as yesterday was pretty full on with an extra service for those of us who are bereaved. Always do it a couple of weeks before Christmas. Got a few more things to write, but essentially once I get to Wednesday I have stuff to ‘stand up at’ every day until Christmas day, pretty much!

    So fasting today – not because I’m expecting to lose particularly – fairly resigned to the idea that something is happening in my body that makes loss unlikely – but I think it stops the gaining!

    Hi Bev – take a modicum of comfort from your success! I’m the same height, and have the same goals. So glad it’s working for you, and hopefully if I can relax about things, and put up with the hormonal changes I think are going on, it’ll eventually work for me, too!

    Kay – wish we could magic a perfect pet-friendly house in the right place for you…the worry at this time of year isn’t fun. But so glad Ellie is holding her own.

    No snow here – just beautiful, still, freezing, but bright days. Just lovely!

    Right, better put off the work no longer.

    Stay warm, everyone, and stay strong!


    sorry to ask this but ive posted but i cant see it on the forum any ideas ? thanks

    Not very good at technical stuff myself, emstiemsti, but check you’re logged in (I’ve written posts before & they’ve disappeared because I’m not logged in!), check that you did press submit underneath… it does go a bit awol every now & then. Sometimes my posts haven’t appeared until a little while after I’ve posted them! Hello, anyway!!

    I would try and re post again…do what Hedgehog has suggested…

    If it does not post go to the bottom of page…of the threads….to Bugs and Fixes…tell them what’s happening and they will get back to you by e mail…

    Good luck..

    Think I’m going to head home and make chorizo soup…feel like I need the substantial warmth!

    How’s everyone else doing?


    Been doing okay this morning since it was busy, but the afternoon is usually quieter and more boring. Only just getting my morning cup of coffee.

    I tried the cashew and mushroom loaf, it wasn’t very successful. Not sure what I did wrong, but even after putting in the over for an extra hour it had a weird texture – you know when you bake a cake and it’s not quite done so the inside is compressed and stodgy? I clearly messed something up somewhere.

    We are doing OK here..could feel peckish if I thought about it…

    Hair done I look more presentable now…lol

    Made some seed cakes for my birds with lard….frightened of them at the moment, walking around very carefully……Please really we had a pair of blackbirds, which had three babies early this year…they have all returned feeding…she must be a good Mum…resident Robin too…

    Debating whether to venture out for a few Xmas food bits only thinking at the minute…it’s brrrrr….lol

    Keep strong everybody…small pork dinner with veg tonight…

    Jean x

    It’s that difficult time of the afternoon for me- tea’s not staving off the hunger pangs!
    Did you go shopping Jean? You’re going to be so tempted with all the Christmas food… At least you did some baking- ‘bird cake’!! Haven’t made any in a while, keep forgetting to top my bird food up, poor things!
    Pseudo- sorry the recipe didn’t turn out very well after all that work!
    Minols- soup sounds good! Glad you have an easier day today…


    Thinking of dinner now, just a bit early…No we didn’t go out we will leave it till tomorrow…..faffing on my phone having bother with face time to ring America…no idea why it keeps freezing…Steve’s phone works fine but mine won’t work properly..

    She’s gone out now so will try in a couple of hours when daughters back in…see if I have fixed it…😬

    Another hour for eating…days gone well…everybody OK?

    Jean x

    You know when you get to the point of hunger that you start feeling physically sick? I don’t usually get that on an FD, but I’m feeling really really sick right now. Not hungry, just sick, so I suppose it could be something else.

    Hi guys,

    New to here but reading through posts helps motivate me, especially on fasting days.

    I did the 5:2 a couple of years ago with good results but gave myself a week off and never got back to it…have had a couple of half hearted attempts since but am ready to fully commit now that I’m at my heaviest – blaming it on going from an active job to a sitting on my bum all day job! I thought that joining the forums would really help even more than just reading through pages and pages for inspiration.

    Coming to the end of my first fast day and sooo looking forward to dinner, only a tin of soup but I find it easier to monitor calories this way as I’m so lazy with weighing/measuring food! Any advice?

    Hi All…

    That’s us both done now…enjoyed dinner…457 cals for the day……better than I thought breakfast was higher than I wanted….

    Hoping everyone is doing alright…

    Welcome and come and join us…a bit of a funny month but everybody will be going strong in January..
    You have done it before and we know it works..you know what to do ..keep strong and get your head around it..

    We have done it before…lost it all..put it all back on..a few try’s again…this time all off again…let’s get you on board and get you in those summer clothes…

    Hope you are OK..a few bugs about…have a bit something to eat might calm you down…

    Jean x

    Thanks Jean, I read your story on another thread, you are definitely an inspiration!

    Starting 2 weeks before Christmas is not ideal but better than waiting til after, hopefully the most damage I’ll do is just putting back on what I lose before then!!

    I’ve had soup for lunch and for dinner, coming in at 400 cals, leaving me with an emergency 100 if I feel the need for snack later on. I know including protein would be a lot better, must be more prepared!!

    What meals/recipes do others have on FD?

    I have homemade 2 tablespoons granola, 1 tablespoon homemade chai jam and berries for breakfast, about 100 cals depending on fruit.. ( not this morning forgot to make my jam so cornflakes not a good idea)

    Dinner tonight, roast loin of pork, small Yorkshire pudd, peas and gravy 232 cals..

    5 cups of tea with milk..

    Trying to have hot meals can’t face salads at the moment…Steve has more veg than me..must admit we have a glass of milk before bed I never count that…MM in his book said to have one to help you sleep..

    We are a chatty lot on here….pass by each day the support helps a lot..

    Keep strong the days nearly over…

    Jean x

    Hi Ebella! Brave starting now, but I guess it makes sense how you put it! I’m doing Alternate Fast Days, going well, only occasionally change them around. I’m getting a bit lazy on FDs cooking for myself (hubby & 2 teenage boys are fussy, so end up quite often doing different things at different times for them, get fed up with cooking!), so I tend to have soup on FDs now it’s so cold- either homemade or one of the ‘healthier’ gourmet chilled ones. Otherwise I have avocado & poached egg on toast, don’t have to think too hard! I’m finding mostly it’s easier to not eat during the day & have more in the evening- I’m hungry anyway whether I eat or not!! You’ve done it before anyway.
    Jean- hope you get your face time sorted, I hate technology!
    Pseudo- hope you feel better- I used to feel like that quite often on FDs at the beginning, but not recently. Hope it’s not a bug?!
    Hope everyone else has been okay today?

    It’s gone now luckily. I used to get a lot of abdominal migraines when I was younger, and now I have bouts of feeling sick but am not actually sick too often luckily. I can usually work through it, so I think it was just a brief bout of that.

    Hello Ebella.

    For tips… I second soup, it’s definitely good for FDs, especially now it’s so cold.

    For me, the only way I can manage a successful FD is to pretty much not eat anything. Once I start eating in the evening, even soup, I start snacking and before I know it my FD day is ruined. So far today the only thing I’ve had with any calories in it was a cup of coffee at lunchtime. Luckily I drink black tea without sugar so I can get away with that. I will sometimes have carrots with reduced fat hummus in the evening if I’m really feeling hungry. Another handy thing to have is an oxo cube drink, low cal but tasty and makes you feel like you’ve had something.

    Hi all,

    Thanks for the tips and I think the support and motivation of others who are following the same WOL will be a big help with staying on track.

    Looks like soup is the way ahead, especially at the mo, I do love salads but they are not very tempting when it’s freezing cold! I guess if I make a homemade soup, I could graze on that throughout the day? I know part of the FD is to actually fast for as long as possible but like Pseudo I’m a snacker, constantly feel like I want to eat… so on FD I have found it easier to go as long as possible without, but I couldn’t do it without endless cups of coffee (I have black, no sugar anyway) and if I’m really struggling, a can of Diet Coke helps me feel full up. Oxo cubes sound like a good idea though..no caffeine.

    I ended up wanting more after my soup so I roasted some peppers, carrots and tomatoes with a drizzle of very hot chilli sauce. Poached eggs and avocado on toast is one of my favourite meals at the mo so I’m looking forward to making that my meal on weds 🙂

    Good on you hedgehogs for being able to do AFD, do you find you lose more that way?

    Hi everyone 🙂

    Welcome to our little group ebella .. nice to have you here 🙂

    Hope everyone did well yesterday, I wasn’t around much as I was helping a different department at work, so ended up mega busy! That’s a first in SO long!

    NFD today. Its so cold .. -6 in the car when I set off this morning, really not good!

    Have a good day everyone, stay strong anyone fasting 🙂

    Keep warm!

    Morning! Nice & bright here today, a little bit of snow…
    Anyone fasting today? I’m hoping to go to kickboxing tonight if it’s on, so am planning a small meal early tonight- don’t want to end up like my son!!
    ebella- I’ve tried 5:2 before & after the first week didn’t lose anything, & I was counting calories on nonFDs too, so have finally got some willpower & decided to try ADF. It is working so far, about 2lbs a week lost, although there’ve been a few weeks where I’ve lost nothing still… I’m in a routine now so don’t find it too bad. I think it’ll be hard getting back to it after Christmas though!

    Morning All…

    White over this morning thought it was snow but a really heavy frost….brrrrr

    FD went well yesterday so NFD for us today….hoping to keep it thoughtful until Friday..

    We will be venturing out for a couple of hours…feeling housebound been in for three days….my aches, pains and sore bum from working in the bathroom feel much better today…thank goodness..

    I think soup is a good idea but Steve needs at least three slices of bread so I can’t take us down that road…lol…I like to keep him on board with me..

    Glad you were busy it makes it pass quick for you…I hate clock watching… -6 a bit on the low side, I possibly prefer snow to ice at least you can see it…

    If you think of Xmas as a couple of weeks holiday…thinking for us our last FD will be Thursday 22nd….straight back on board…..2nd January will be our first fast of the year….so about 10 days off …..hoping to throw some low eating in between if possible…

    Enjoy your kick boxing tonight..

    Jean x

    NFD after FD yesterday. No change in weight. V cold -3.5 degc on the way to work. House contents slowly being boxed up for Friday’s move, kids will come back from school to a new home!. Spinning today and week 2 of my head cold!..Stay warm people.

    Good morning everyone.

    Some of you have some pretty extreme temperatures! It feels super cold here, but the BBC says it’s 3deg, feels colder though.

    Just took my car in to get my punctured tyre replaced. £44, could be better, could be worse.

    I’m doing a back to back FD today… that is unless I decide on going to a pub quiz later. I quite fancy it at the moment, but once it’s dark and cold I probably won’t.

    Just the thought of moving house makes me cringe. I don’t know about you guys, but the amount of stuff I manage to assemble is shocking. Hope it’s not too bad for you Mich!

    Accumulate, not assemble. Thought it didn’t sound quite right!

    Afternoon all,

    Very cold here today but not a single flake of snow in Cornwall 🙁

    Good luck to those on FD today and also to those who are not

    What are people’s plans for over Christmas? I’m thinking of Christmas Eve as I have a long drive so won’t have the temptation of nibbles etc. and then the Wednesday as normal when I’m back at work. New Year week will be trickier for me as I have friends down and a (heavy) night out for NYE

    I don’t know, Christmas is going to be tough. I can’t fast when I’m at home as there’s too much temptation and I have a party on the 22nd so cant do that day either. I’ll just try to fit them in as and when I can I guess, and try not to stress if I can’t. I might resort to those fasts some people do where they do 24 hours, starting half way through one day until the same time the next day. Not something I would do usually, but might be the best way to manage it over Christmas.
    Planning to do it when you’re driving is a good plan – will it be tough in the evening?

    Afternoon All..
    Hope all the fasters are going well today..

    Out this morning and picked up my turkey crown…we are going to daughters for our main meal ..so it’s just something to have in when we return home..top up of wine, bits and pieces as I remember things..

    Just faffing with my phone as I can’t seem to get a face time call through to America, ringing Steve it’s fine…had to reset phone to factory settings so hope it works…daughter is still in bed for another two hours..🤞

    Did you manage your daily walk, a bit on the cold side..

    Good luck on your Friday move..stressful but exciting…

    Hope the fasting is going well….keep going…

    As I mentioned 21st to 2nd January…about 10 days..we will be off plan…may try and throw some low days in…plenty of meat will be low calories…just drinks and naughties the problem…lol…but not going overboard…

    Hope your fasting day is going well….keep strong…

    Jean x

    Hi all – got in to work to a few issues this morning, and then had to be out walking round the schools – 5 miles at pace (4miles an hour, I reckon).

    Dog getting his legs a little bit under him, thank goodness. it’s going to be a long haul, though. Amazingly, a lovely gentlemen has offered to both house-sit and dog=sit over Christmas, so the holiday is back on!!!

    As for fasting – well, i’ll try to get 3-4 more in before Christmas, but forget it, while we’re away!

    My tip – soups again…chorizo is my most substantial, but I also made a pot of carrot with giner and star anise last night that I really love.


    Jean- it’s a nonFD day for me today- I just want to go easy as I don’t want to feel icky when I do the kickboxing. Eldest son is coming with me again- he’s been off, snacking all day but no big meals so hopefully he’ll be fine!!
    Popped out to the Co-op today & got tempted by some of their Christmas goodies- stollen bites & brandy snaps- really silly as probably no-one else will eat them!
    Mstar- hope the packing is going well! When I was 10 we moved, Mum & Dad did it all in the day while we were at school- it was weird but fun coming home to a new house! Hope it all goes well, & hope you can shift that cold!
    Ebella- I’m thinking that I’ll continue ADF until Christmas Eve, then depending what’s left over to tempt me I’ll perhaps do the Thursday or Friday, maybe B2B days, I don’t want to slip & get out of the fasting habit! I know what I’m like, if I leave it too long I won’t get started again…
    Pseudo- hope you’re not too chilly at work- only made it up to 1 degree here!
    DF- hope you have safe journeys to & from work…

    Pretty chilly, but the office has finally warmed… well a bit at least.

    God, I’m bored. Was manically busy this morning, but now I’m in the afternoon lull. Luckily I don’t have anything tasty to hand to snack on because I would be chowing down. Am starting to get a bit hungry, not sure whether to have soup tonight or if I can just stick to another oxo cube.

    Avoiding buying the Christmas goodies is so hard! I saw some orange truffles in Lidl a couple of weeks ago that are still tormenting my thoughts. I managed to not buy them, but towards the end of next week they’ll definitely be coming home with me.

    Hi, Im here again 😉

    Yesterday I did manage the fast with you all, so I still have it!
    And I weighed myself and its not too bad, but still need to shift half a stone! Realistically that now wont happen until the new year, but I do want to keep the lid on things, so I’ll do some fasting in the day when it needs.

    Its been cold hasnt it! No snow here in Devon though….I was disappointed at first but now Im glad. I think its turning warmer and wet now.

    Minols, how are are doing up in this busy time of year, buzzing I guess! Glad the dog is doing better and a holiday is on the cards.

    Jean, what have you been doing in the bathroom? And how much have you got stashed away in the garage? Have you got anything left from last year…lol

    DF, Pseu, Hedgehog, Lynne, (and anyone Ive missed) glad to see you still here and hope all is OK. And hi to all newcomers too.

    Kay x

    Hi Kay- I think we’ll all be back with a vengeance in January!!
    Kickboxing went well last night, looking forward to getting a skipping rope for Christmas so I can get practice in & not look such a numpty!! Off doing Home-Start this morning- Christmas crafts planned, which I’m looking forward to- I miss those days with my boys… FD for me- anyone else on board?

    Morning all!

    Hi Kay, good to see you still dipping in, well done on the fast!

    That’s my back to backs done, though I’m going to keep it as low as possible all week until I go out to a deserts place on Friday evening – yum!

    Another awful nights sleep. Does Michael Moseley say in the book why eating less seems to make you sleep so badly? Is it our bodies telling us we should be out stalking deer and picking berries rather than sleeping? I hate tossing and turning all night.

    Morning All..

    It’s not so white this morning…don’t like this very cold weather at all..

    Paying more money out for a Xmas present for the car…two new front tyres 😬..could of done without that..it’s like shaking the money tree…😂

    Minols…we are like you about three more fasts before Christmas…no chance the in between week..big push for us all in January…..lovely to have the dog sorted out for the holiday…nice break for you..

    Hedgehog…I have only bought a small slab of Xmas cake…I look and take it all in and slaver at it all..my fingers are wiggling to make my naughties but we would start eating them straight away…so I have to wait….some I will make on Sunday..I have found an ice cream from Nigella Lawson..fresh cream, plain chocolate shards, meringues bashed up, rum optional, you do it in a fruit loaf tin and cut in slices..sounds interesting…( no ice cream maker)

    Pseu…I hate Aldi and Lidl they have too many lovely things in….we have plenty of Lidl wine 😂
    Well I was out stalking last night looking for berries..we could have met up…😬

    Kay…we have a wet room..as we prefer showers, Steve could never get out of a bath…about twice a year I replace the sealent as it starts getting black and unsightly…around the wall edges on the floor and the glass screen…I replaced a bit of grout on the floor too…all looks like new now..it’s kept good for about 9 months this time I must have done a better job last time…..it took me a good two days..

    Last years stash truly gone gone…lol…up to now 24 mince pies, 6 small apples pies and scones..

    Hedgehog….skipping ropes are good excerise …a nice present…I can see you skipping Xmas morning with everybody riding bikes..😂

    Jean x

    Morning all,

    Work was so busy first thing, so I’m late with my morning post here! Weather a lot milder now thank goodness, the cold was really getting to me!

    Jean, I had two new tyres on my car at weekend .. Xmas present from my other half. Not very romantic, but practical is sometimes better 🙂 He said he needs to know I’m safe, which is nice I suppose lol 🙂

    Three more fasts before Xmas for me too .. can’t believe I’ve done a year now! I’ve actually enjoyed it, and will definitely be back in January with a vengeance 🙂 I’ve made some lovely friends here which has helped me enormously, so thank you everyone!

    Now, on with today .. NFD for me. FD tomorrow 🙂

    Stay strong today Hedgehogs and anyone else fasting.

    Pseu, sorry your not sleeping well, I get so frustrated when I keep waking up at night. Hope you get some much needed sleep tonight!


    Seems to be the season for tyres, I had a new one yesterday too!

    A year has passed quickly and two years for us….I think it gets very much a way of life…we eat so much less than we used to so noticeable…

    I laughed the other day, I buy biscuits in for visitors…would you believe it they have gone out of date…we would have eaten two or three packets a week!

    I agree with you I enjoy coming on having a banter getting to know everyone…so a big Thankyou from me too to everyone for the support on here and ups and downs on different parts of our life…which contributes to extra eating at times…at least we all understand …

    Have a lovely day..

    Jean x

    Afternoon all,

    Wow you all seem to be well on the way for preparing for Christmas! I’ve only just bought about 2 presents so far let alone even thought about what food to buy.

    Soo today was supposed to be a FD but I’m in a slight pickle now, as I’m busy all afternoon and evening, I thought I would have lunch instead and stupidly didn’t tot up the calories until after eating it…due to a large avocado, I’m now 150 over. Not sure whether to make sure that is it for the day and call it a FD or admit defeat and do it tomorrow instead.

    Congratulations on the 5:2 anniversaries Jean and DF 🙂

    Just checked my profile and I joined 5:2 and I joined 18 months ago. My weight loss to date looks pathetic…lol
    I know it works, just like any other weight loss diet, but Ive obviously not adopted it as a way of life.
    Fact: I eat too much!!

    Just sat waiting for tyres to be fitted..

    Ooh you have a lot to do for Christmas.. my friend does everything Christmas Eve, cards are always last minute…
    I just hate crowds and I have a daughter in America so I have to start early as I take her bits over in October..

    We have to get you motivated in January..it’s the camping and walking out you do it’s hard as I well know.. at least most of our caravanning is on our own so I have more control.. except Steve thinks he is always on holiday.. he had a hissy fit when I didn’t take all our naughties last time he thought I was tormenting him… it all was left in garage at home !

    Well done on 18 months here.. think what you could weigh if not fasting that’s how I look at it..I could be two or three stones heavier..😲

    We will get the pebbles moving in the jars in January, I think we will all need it…

    Jean x

    I am so bored. This week has been never ending – how is is only Wednesday?!

    Even though I suspect I’ve put some weight on in the last couple of weeks, I got out my sparkly Christmas jumper from last year to try on. It fit last year but was I was pretty uncomfortable with how clingy it was around the middle. It’s looking good now. 😀

    I’m hoping that by January I will be so fed up of eating rubbish, and feeling gross because of it, that I’ll be more than ready for our challenge. Right now though… I’m looking forward to eating that rubbish. My mouth is watering whenever I think of Pringles.

    Pringles- yum, yum, yes please! Hope you sleep better, Pseudo, it doesn’t seem to affect me. Enjoy your Christmas jumper!
    Kay- well done on your 18 month anniversary! Like Jean says, even if you stay almost the same it’s better than keep putting on weight!
    DF- well done with your anniversary too! I’ve found this forum really helpful to keep me on track.
    Ebella- have you decided whether to have a FD today or go bust?!
    Minols- sorry I missed your post yesterday- glad the dog is up & about & that you can go away!
    FD going okay for me so far- just had options hot chocolate when I got in, soup tonight. Enjoyed doing crafts with the Home-Start family. One more visit with them before Christmas, so will plan stuff for that as well.

    HI All – very late today…a bit crappy, and so I’m a bit crabbit, I’m afraid. Love the season, but it can be so tough for so many people, and this week I’ve had an accumulation of folk at my door and today it all got to me. Wish I could do more than listen and pray, but you can’t fix people or their lives.

    Anyway, not helped by an absolute disaster of a family start to the day – you know the kind when the boy has lost his packed lunch tub but you don’t notice until the sandwich is made (all other tubs having been lost one by one through the term), so you get snarky, he gets upset, the pineapple juice goes flying all over the stuff on the table when he trips up (because you live basically untidy, indecisive lives, so a whole of of paperwork is always piled up), and then when the OH tries to step in to fix things he makes it worse, so you snap at him, then he goes to work in a huff, you walk the lame dog and the boy falls on the ice and jumps up shouting at weather forecasters who had only mentioned ice tonight not this morning…and the day then just spirals from there!

    Oh, but I’ve managed a really successful FD! So hopefully tomorrow I’ll wake up and feel amazing, my short fuse will have had an extension seamlessly tapered into it and there will be no explosions.

    Someone has just walked in. Better go…


    Bless you Minols- I’ll pray for a better day for you tomorrow! You did well to stick to the FD with that start to the day!
    I guess lots of you are fasting tomorrow, Thursday seems to be a popular day!
    I have a Home-Start Christmas do tomorrow with food, then cake with my sister’s family for nephew’s birthday in the evening, so definitely won’t be low tomorrow!

    Hope tomorrow is better for you.. you can’t put everybody on your shoulders.. a stressful time for a lot of people.. sending hugs to you 💕

    You also doing good deeds tomorrow.. have a nice day too..

    Jean x

    Minols…make sure you take time to enjoy the time for your and your family as well as being there for others 😉

    Thanks for your kindness…just got a bit much yesterday, but all good this morning. Still have a mad dash today, and need to balance the fast and the slow stuff, giving people time when they need it, but built in joy, not just because of the primary rehearsal, but a couple want to talk about getting married.

    Going to keep it light today, and finish getting the place clean and tidy for visitors from NZ tomorrow.

    I know it’s a FD for lots – stay warm and good luck.


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