Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Hi all, a late one tonight, it’s been a busy day, stomach back to normal, not having a good nfd, and out tomorrow night, think it might be a fast on Sunday but that will depend how I feel, I don’t get how I can have perfect will power on a fast day and none on a nfd, have to work on it, have a good weekend if I don’t manage to drop In.

    Weigh in today not good. 500 gr up. I thought I would stay the same but no. I did successfully complete 2 liquid FDs but my NFDs were all over the place and clearly well over what I should have been having including quite a lot of wine. I am going to lay off the wine for a start. I do need to get real with this NOW?

    Nail it November – bring it on!

    Good luck to any fasters and crucially for me non fasters!

    Morning all

    The christmas cakes are in the oven and the house smells wonderful. ..

    I am feeling a lot better today, I am rejoining you all on the 1st of November for nail it challenge. ..

    Sarah, I too struggle with my non fast days more than the fast ones, that’s why I am giving up sweet things for November alcohol doesn’t float my boat but chocolate and biscuits. …I am going to try to nibble on apples instead or grapes! I would like to lose 6 lbs in November as milena would say aim for the stars!!

    Hope everyone has a good day fast or non fast keep in touch together we are stronger


    Afternoon All,

    A beautiful day here. Daughter and family have visited this morning so up and running for 10am for breakfast all around.

    Audrey I can smell those Xmas cakes, I cooked two for a few years on the trot but I really can’t they put so much weight on…lol…I shall buy just a small slab to say I have had some.

    Sarah sorry on the gain but it’s not much about a pound, a bit like Steve you may have a better loss next week.

    Shirty well done on your sons loss looks as he has it together, soon will start to notice takes about a stone when people notice.

    Going out for a walk about to the local town this afternoon, just for a bit of air and a leg stretch such a lovely day.

    Back later …..have a lovely weekend whatever you are doing.

    Jean x

    Hi Everyone,

    Unfortunately I went to bed at 11pm feeling sick and woke up feeling sick 😷, bad nausea. So I have googled my symptoms and what keeps coming up is low levels of salt!!!! So I’ve eaten an oxo cube and feel so much better…go figure πŸ˜‚.

    Anyway having a doing nothing day today. I’m just back from having my hair coloured and might even go for a nap. Awful night sleep last night 😞.

    I hope everyone is having a good day and happy fasting 😊.

    Louise πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ’—πŸ’—xx

    Hi again all πŸ™‚
    It’s great to read everyone’s posts and how everyone is getting on, both with the diet and with life in general.

    I did my first FD on Thursday. I knew it’d be hard but OH BOY…! It was bloody awful! I guess partly because I didn’t really plan – but it’s hard to plan when your options are lettuce or cucumber lol.

    I was hungry for much of the day and didn’t feel like I had much (a boiled egg, few rice cakes, cup-a-soup, piece of fruit) but somehow it added to up to 650cals !?! That’s a fair bit above my 1/4 TDEE but there’s no way I’m not counting it as a FD! Just very annoyed that I found it so hard and that wasn’t even with 450/500cals.

    Fortunately yesterday went better – well, it’s was a NFD so it couldn’t go wrong really. Unless, that is, 2 hob-nobs, 1 bourbon, and about 7 fig rolls is wrong :-/ I’m still trying to work out what’s “okay” on NFDs…

    A bit of last minute decision but I decided to do another FD today, determined to cope better than Thursday! Still got 350 calories to go so am trying to think of the most filling and satisfying way of consuming 350!

    Btw, I had some toast before bed last night, just before midnight – that’s allowed, isn’t it?!

    Jean, oops durr, I weigh in pounds so meant to say half a pound not grams. Still the wrong direction though. determined to make November count.

    Glad you have found the solution Louise. An oxo is a handy little thing!

    Maz, firstly I have lost 10lbs so far and there are many others on this thread who have lost much more so I am not the expert but IMO what you are doing is not wrong exactly but you are making it harder for yourself. The first FD is really hard anyway but I promise it gets easier as you adapt to it. I now have nothing but tea and coffee with a splash of milk plus a 12 cal mug of vegetable stock. I actually find this so much easier than eating anything at all because otherwise I am thinking what and when can I eat all day and then the very matter of eating just seems to make me hungrier. Despite initially thinking I may faint, want to eat my own arm or somehow implode without any food, I actually find FDs quite ok and have more problems on NFDs. I think what you are choosing to eat on fast days is also making it harder. Fig rolls (yes yum) and hobnobs etc won’t fill you up and will cause your insulin levels to spike making you very hungry indeed. Try to not have those types of foods and as few refined carbs as poss on FDs and really limit them too on NFDs.

    It is probably a bit early to be worrying about eating just before midnight but only do it if you have too. And remember that toast or other refined carbs will just make you more hungry the next morning. As you get going the longer your fast is the better you will find it and again it really does get easier. If you haven’t read it I really recommend Jason Fung’s The Obesity Code. It explains all the above properly and compellingly. And demonstrates that people can go ages without food with no ill effects. The whole must eat breakfast and have three meals a day stuff is just actually nonsense.

    Basically refined carbs and esp sugar really bad, full fat, protein and veggies good. But whatever you should not exceed the calorie allowance. I am not counting cals at all on FDs because I don’t need to as i am so well under and don’t on NFDs because I really hate to have to do it and have lost steadily until this week when I think a lot of wine plus family staying was the problem. If I don’t start losing again though I will end up counting on NFDs.

    Keep going and good luck.

    Hope everyone else is ok and Vi even though you might not be reading this….and you could blame you! Sxx

    Sorry Maz just reread your post and realise the biscuit bonanza was a NFD…anyway within a month you will probably think FDs are a breeze…almost….

    No toast at bedtime! As it was last minute decision we will let you off….lol

    Fasting starts after dinner 6 pm into your fast day and to the next day’s breakfast 8 am ish …keep off the carbs on a FD.

    Have some protein on your FD it keeps you full with vegetables or salad. Decide how you are going to do it, one meal or two, really no snacking. Keep off the rice cakes!

    Go for 500 calories..30 calories up or down or there about. Non negotiable!! That’s the only way to look at it.

    Keep off the biscuits they don’t help, we might have one at a costa or one at a friends house, must be over 6 months since we had them at home. The pain is having them in for others.

    Good luck for today

    Jean x

    Hi all

    The cakes are now baked and safely wrapped up out of the way.

    It’s Ians last night tonight he is still full of the cold so time to rest up I think.

    Maz I agree with the above comments, it does get easier once you have one or two under your belt. .. I personally find it easier not to eat at all on a fast day..

    Off now will check in tomorrow have a good weekend everyone


    Hi all

    Its been busy on here!

    I have to confess to having to resort to writing down names and add notes before posting!!!!!! Our little group is growing πŸ™‚

    I had an ok day on my NFD yesterday, although I didnt count the cals as I planned. Last night I just chilled out and watched a bit of tv. Sarah, what did you reckon to the last episode of The Fall??!!
    Today my dress for my nephews wedding in December arrived. I love it hut I cannot afford to gain any weight before then, in fact it would be better if I lost a few more pounds so thats my focus for NiN (Nail it November)!
    Ive got more apples and pears from the garden, so more baking this afternoon and I just hope most of it makes it to the freezer!
    A relaxed day on food today. Tomorrow Im going to fast during the day and eat normally from late afternoon as I relax and watch the F1 so hopefully it will end up as being just an acceptable NFD rather than a feast day!

    We are all the same!! Willpower on the FDs then falling apart on our FDs. Lets help each other throughout November and start putting our will power to better use

    Thats only a marginal gain although I know its annoying. But at least your 2 FDs pulled things back from what it could have been, exactly the same as me!

    Christmas cake….mmmmm….Its been a while since I made one. I do like homemade christmas cake. I occasional buy a small slab of luxury shop bought cake but havent done for past couple of years. Glad you feeling better by the way.

    Well done on the weight loss. I know that Steve will be frustrated but Im sure all will be ok next week, he is quite consistent usually.

    Glad your son is still sticking with it. Once he or others see a difference, it will hopefully spur him on into digging in a bit deeper.

    I hope you are feeling better and the salt does the trick and you catch up on your sleep.

    A lot of great advice already. It will get easier and I advise you to really plan your FDs. Split your cals into 2 and have only 2 meals.

    Hope you have had a lovely day but also managed to stay low on food until this evenings reception. Are you having a similar day tomorrow, as in low on food in the day and then fuel for the brain for later in the day?

    Just in case you are reading this. I hope you are bearing up ok and enjoyed your pizza last night.

    Have a great halloween party tomorrow with the family πŸ™‚

    Graham, Bryn, Miffy and Claire….how is your weekend going.

    Im sorry if Ive forgotten anyone, its not intentional! Our daily posts now go over 1 page!!

    So just a couple of days before we start Nail it November (NiN) and for any of our newcomers who dont know what this means….its our challenge month we are going to really concentrate and focus on being stricter for the 30 days.

    Audrey, I think is going to give up choc and biscuits for 30 days. Im aiming for a 4lb loss and will have 1 additional goal for each week, which I will work out tomorrow. Im sure there will be more to add to the list. Where possible, if we can, we wil post every day so we can stay accountable to each other which will definitely help.

    Enjoy your extra hour tonight FBBs.

    Kay x

    Hi Guys..
    Feast day yeasterday as always, seems to have overlapped into today re visitors this morning.

    Line drawn now a low day tomorrow get back on track.

    Nail it November for us (me) he doesn’t know it yet …he does as he is told…lol

    2 x 500 days plus a 800 day
    No alcohol ( only if invited out with friends for a meal)
    Try and do a bit more walking…up steps for me
    Keep light and on healthy food
    Friday’s off as usual

    Jean x

    Hi Maz,

    It does get easier after about a month. So hang in there. Your first fast day does highlight our distorted concept of how much food we think we are having on a “normal” day. You hardly had anything and yet it was 650 calories. So when its a non fast day and we aren’t watching what we eat, do you think we are well under 2000 calories? Just goes to show you how distorted our concept of a normal amount of food has become.

    Good luck, it works.

    Thank you so much Sarah, symba, audrey and Kay! This is all really helpful – I think I work better with rules so “no toast before bedtime” has been noted! πŸ˜€ I think it was a bit of a “quick, it’s not midnight so it’s still my NFD” moment πŸ˜‚

    But seriously, thanks all. Symba, yes, I’m going to make sure I’ve got some chicken or tuna on hand for FDs. Rice cakes were a baaaad idea – just wasted calories. I will have to see if I get on better with 1 meal or split into 2 on FDs. Full fasting won’t be happening anytime soon!

    You can probably tell I’m a newbie since having an hour extra tomorrow *on a NFD* is making me happy haha! πŸ™Š (I’m sure I’ll actually be sleeping through my extra hour πŸ˜‰)

    My stomach is going crazy – I might just have to go to bed now so I stop thinking about how hungry I am.

    Thank you again! And enjoy your extra hour everyone x

    Oh bb, I totally agree – that’s why I was worried (on another thread) about NFDs. Reading “eat what you want” sounded crazy as I know how quickly cals can add up and I felt sure that if I don’t count I’d very quickly be in the thousands of cals! Or at least not under 2000.

    I think the main thing I’ve learnt so far is that the basic idea of the diet is *very* different to what it really consists of. For now I shall be roughly counting my NFDs πŸ™‚

    Im sure Michael Mosley had some pressure from his publishers when writing the book. Something along the lines of “You cant say its hard doing 5:2 and that it takes commitment”. “It will kill book sales”. Having said that I think this 5:2 concept is very do-able. So keep doing it!!

    Hi all

    My goal for November is to continue with two liquid fasts a week as usual but to really concentrate on NFDs certainly no biscuits, cake etc at all but also to keep carbs in the form of bread, rice potatoes and pasta to an absolute minimum. No alcohol at all during the week (this is reasonably usual) and a max of a single glass of wine Friday/Saturday (this is not usual).

    I want to lose 6lbs during the month and will secretly be aiming for an over optimistic 8lbs. I feel I have messed about a bit in October. NIN is going to be a great focus for me.

    Kay, re The Fall, I thought it was very good indeed and stylish (despite the blood!) if you know what I mean. GIllian Anderson is utterly mesmerising I think. I loved the whole good vs evil, faith vs reason symbolism and religious imagery. I had a very strict catholic childhood and although that is not the path I follow now, I am still very interested in all of that. I am totally not into magic realism but I loved Life of Pi for similar reasons. TMI. November will be great to make sure you feel totally great in that new dress. Hopefully one day I will also be talking about the last few pounds. It is an ongoing stuggle at the moment.

    Audrey I am glad your cakes are wrapped and away. Hoping to stop thinking marzipan thoughts now.

    Happy fasting or NOT feasting everyone. I feel more positive about November this year than ever before….

    Morning all

    So will someone please tell my dogs the clocks have changed…2 dogs sat looking at me at 6 this morning almost saying come on get up its breakfast time!!,

    An easy day for me today, chicken pasta and garlic bread for tea, it’s Ians first night off so he does enjoy a good meal and we are both hoping we can taste this one…no wine though…

    Have a great sunday everyone back later enjoy your extra hour…


    HI all – just a quick one as computer low on battery…so many lovely posts to catch up that I’ve been reading for ages, and now have so little time to write!

    Love the support on here – everyone else’s comments and advice to newbies are spot on, so you don’t need my ha’porth.

    Kept it low yesterday – fantastic day. First time I’ve been part of a whole wedding day in a while, and us guests were really spoiled. Confess to being quite nervous before the wedding…marrying people you know felt a weightier responsibility than people you’re still getting to know – weird! Really glad of the extra hour’s sleep this morning…don’t usually get the luxury of partying on a Saturday night, what with always having work in the morning! Anyway, the time on the dance floor has paid off and I’ve lost 2pounds of the ones I put on on holiday.

    Today will be a low food day, but not a FD…I’ll look at the diary later and figure out when to do those through the week.

    Better get ready for work – have a good day everyone

    Morning All,

    We have had a lovely two days off plan now serious thoughts for the week ahead. We are going ahead with a low day maybe 800 cals ish. Hoping to get out for a walk later ( not Kay or Minols sort of walk…lol)

    A few odd jobs about the house a bit of washing, general things so nothing much to do…a lazy day.

    Audrey glad the Christmas cakes are done and wrapped up, the smell is so lovely….the eating so much better….lol..enjoy your pasta bake today.

    Sarah nice you have thought November through and a plan is in place. I would like 5 lbs off but I think that it is too much to expect for me….I think I would be at goal then, just a little more for leeway!

    Well done on yesterday and the loss of 2 lbs, lovely the wedding went well must be lovely marrying people you know it must make it extra special for everyone.

    Have a good Sunday all,

    Jean x

    Morning Everyone,

    Busy on here today 😊😊.

    Feel so much better today 😊. No exercise, more water and scrambled eggs and the infamous oxo cube have done the job. So thank you so much for your support and advice. If it had gone on much longer I think I would of stopped eating completely and that is very unlike me. Brought back memories of pregnancy sickness 😞.

    So, I have been thinking about nail it November 😊. I finish the 8 week sugar diet on Sunday 20 November. So, for those 20 days I am going to stick to 800 calories a day, 3 litres of water a day and exercise (not sure I’m gonna go so hard with exercise as I don’t want to get low salt levels again (might have to have a daily oxo cube lol πŸ˜‚) to prevent illness.

    I will then transfer to the 5:2 on the 21st. I’m nervous I’m not gonna be able to eat enough lol. But I’ll av a good try. So 5 days of sticking to my TDEE, then two non consecutive days on fasts of 500 calories (two meals). So fast days will be meat, fish n veg and non fast will be Mediterranean and still no sugar (withinin reason as its social/party time πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ˜€πŸ˜€.

    I have seen my party dress I would like to buy, which is my incentive 😊😊. So, I would like to loose 2lb a week. In total 8lbs would be nice πŸ‘.

    Hi Maz,

    Well done on yr first fast. I’m on 800 calories a day and I manage to keep hunger at bay with drinking 3litres of water and lots of veg and protein. No sugar it just causes cravings which gets you into a vicious circle of hunger and eating for no reason. Good luck it does get easier I promise 😊. Also, I found helpful was to calorie count until you get used to portion size n calories. 😊X

    Hi Sarah, hope you are well 😊X

    Hi Audrey, love doggies 🐢, and tea sounds scrumptious. Have a nice day both of you 😊X

    Hi minols, glad you had a lovely wedding. Reminds me of mine (loved every minute) 😊😊, and fab fab fab on your 2lb weight loss. There’s a lot to be said for a good boogie on the dance floor πŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸΌ. Have a nice day 😊X

    Hi Jean, sounds like you are gonna have a nice lazy day. 😊X

    Hi vi, I hope you are doing ok 😊Thinking of you x

    Hi, caspdexy, shirty, carol, graham, bryn, Miffy and Claire I hope you are all well.

    Have a nice day, fasting or non fasting. Weigh in for me tomorrow, so will speak tomorrow.

    Louise πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ’—x p.s sorry if I have missed anyone not intentional, goldfish brain lol xx

    Hey guys

    Just a quick post. A FD for me. Some soup tonight. Hoping to stay under 250. That also goes for tomorrow. Still unwell. Hope you are all doing well, or at least better than me


    Today is another NFD for me but Im not eating til later. We are going to have a roast dinner (with quorn) and loads of veggies. I dont usually have roast dinners but we fancy one. I may have a small portion of the apple and pear cobbler I made yesterday with a couple of spoonfuls of custard too!

    Ive been out on my bike this morning for the first time in ages and I enjoyed it, so Im going to build that in to my weekly exercise where I can, the odd half an hour here and there will be a start.
    Ive had no long walk this week so it was good to get outside πŸ™‚

    Last 2 days of October!
    So far, Ive noted 5 of us with plans…

    No choc or biscuits for 30 days and aiming for 6lbs

    2 x 500 and 1 x 800 days p/w and alcohol only if out for a meal

    2 fluid fasts p/w, watch the alcohol and carbs and aiming for 6lbs

    Final 20 days of 800 sugar diet and 10 days of 5:2

    **still working on my 30 day plan** but aiming for 6lbs (eek!)
    Im tagging on the first 2 days in December too, so I will finish NIN with a final weigh in Fri 2nd Dec which is the weekend of my nephews wedding so perfect timing.

    Hope everyone is having a nice Sunday, Im just off out to walk the dog and its Grand Prix for me to watch later πŸ™‚

    Kay x

    Well done Kay, I think you have just nominated yourself to be our nail it in November secretary …..you can keep us all on our toes and make us stick to our targets..lol 😁

    I have spoken to ginnette this afternoon and she is hoping to join us soon on our nail it challenge also… I for one have really missed my friend…

    Keep going everyone not much longer till NOVEMBER. ..Eeek πŸ˜‰


    Hi All,

    We are starting our Nail it November with tomorrow’s fast as it’s Monday with our usual weigh in Friday. I am with Kay for us finishing 2nd December as it’s a weigh in day.

    Kay you have something to aim for the dress and the wedding. We all will possibly start and end a bit different depending on FD and weigh in.

    On the 6th November we are away in the caravan for 4 days and the 21st November in the caravan for 4 days, the second one maybe more difficult as it’s a Xmas market so hot Gluhwien will be on offer and treats but I will try and be nearly good. I am still aiming to keep to it.

    Glad to have you popping by, hope you soon feel more your self.

    A lovely party dress on offer, hope it fits after the month all ready for the party season….those were the days…lol…..all tucked up by 10 pm now.

    My lazy day turned out to being busy….all Xmas cards wrote and all Xmas pressies wrapped….not many more to do, get them finished this week then I can enjoy December.

    I really can’t cope with the crowds, I enjoy walking about with the atmosphere but not pushing looking for things. January Sales is out as well, shopping starts again February.

    Hope everyone is enjoying family time today.

    Jean x

    Hi all

    Hope the weekend is going well. I feel I have already lost the extra hour though!! I was talking to my sister this morning. She has lost 3.5 stones on Cambridge diet and has stalled a bit but has loads more to go. I have been telling her about 5/2, this forum and Jason Fung. Anyway she was telling me more about Cambridge. The food she has in the evening is pretty good. Quite a lot of protein, veggies and small amount of carb. But she is also meant to have 3 ‘chocolate’ shakes a day. These are 200 cals and Β£1.80!! per small carton shake. I can’t believe it. What a rip off. Β£30 a WEEK for a lot of artificial sweetener which will just make her hungrier.

    Apparently she can’t continue with Cambridge weigh ins etc unless she also has the meal replacements because they say ‘they are essential nutrients’. (Insert expletive of choice!) I did tell her that she might as well have a mars bar and a multivitamin! I hope she is going to just use the Cambridge food plan and forget the shakes and just weigh at Slimming World which she also does weekly with her friend. Honestly those Cambridge diet people are just making money out of misery. In the end I really hope she joins us here for free!!

    Minols your day sounds really lovely and very well done on 2lbs off despite a wedding. Personally I love a dance and can bop away for hours. Not a pretty sight but I never care! I am not very physically adept at all but on a dance floor I am just up and away.

    Kay, you have clarified all that brilliantly re plans and I think to finish on Dec 2nd a great idea. Given that others with much less to go are aiming for 6 off I think I should really try hard for the 8.

    Jean, i am starting NiN with a fast tomorrow also. Can’t believe you are so ahead with Christmas things!! I bought nice wrapping paper while in Suffolk recently but there is actually nothing to be wrapped or written come to that. Lol (not!). I was reading your posts on another thread charting your and Steve’s weight loss. It was very inspirational for me esp when you got to the bits about buying skinny jeans etc.

    Louise, glad you’re feeling better and are keeping going with BSD. Keep those oxos handy!

    Vi, so good to hear from you. Was thinking of you today. Hope you begin to feel better and well done on continuing fast days even when not well.

    Everyone else, hope your weekends are fab. Tomorrow OUR MONTH starts!!

    Ps just looking back at the posts, mine are always like War and Peace cf others. I am so wordy! Need to keep it more succinct.

    Audrey meant to say would be great to see Ginette back. Hope she is doing ok and ready to continue her journey.

    Must be the day for people to get in touch today….

    Lynda had contacted me her mother in law is still ill, she is still fasting and hopes to be back with us soon….

    Will be back tomorrow off to cook my meal now….

    Sarah I love reading all your posts… keep writing…



    Lovely that Ginette is coming back, I think we all have missed her input.

    Lynda coming back also, always difficult when someone’s ill. Good news.

    Have a lovely evening

    Jean X

    Ha Sarah, I thought the same about my posts! Ah well we give people something to read!
    I cant believe that about the Cambridge diet! Well actually I can, what a huge rip off and not even healthy. I hope your sister listens to what you have to say about the 5:2 and she is tempted to give it a try.

    Its great that you have heard from Ginette and Linda. It would be good to see them back on here soon.

    Im glad you posted and I really hope you can get on top of things soon. You know where we are. I have to say Im in awe of you maintaining tHe FDs when you’re not well.

    Ive just been working out what to do on my first week of the challenge and was working out my TDEE again, then I got to doubting myself for allowing myself to eat my full TDEE on NFDs. Previously I was aiming at TDEE minus 5 or 10% to give a deficit over the week but I guess I dont need to do that now, as long as I can achieve that deficit over my low and fasting days. I know the jury is out on whether reducing 3500 cals does actually equal 1 lb fat loss but Im still going to aim for that overall deficit.
    This of course means I have to ensure I dont overeat on my NFDs, so I need to return to calorie counting to be accountable to myself. NIN is really going to help with this.

    So Im with Jean and Sarah, the challenge starts tomorrow for me too πŸ™‚

    Monday = day 1/32
    Fluids only during the day plus a walk, then restrained food and drink at halloween do in the evening, to stay within calorie allowance.

    I think Jean and Steve are 500 cal fasting tomorrow and Sarah is also fasting, with fluids only I assume. Louise of course is already there with her 800 cal day.

    Can we persuade you, Audrey, to join us a day earlier and let no chocolate, cakes or biscuits pass your lips??

    Lets kick those pounds into touch so we can put them into a Fast Busting Brits rubbish bin at the end of the month and wheel them away never to be seen again!!


    I re read my blog sometimes it puts me back on track…we did so well then the bad knees and all the weight went back on…when Steve came out of hospital the gifts of chocolates and visitors we just crashed without much thought.

    We are on the down slope again and it really makes me realise how easy it is to fall back in the old ways. My weight, I have just gone past 29 lbs of before to 30 lbs, there is no way of going back and putting the weight back on now and I am back in my skinny jeans again.

    I find it really hard visiting people, my sister especially she just offers chocolate biscuits, cakes pushing them onto Steve and he takes them, I declined yesterday. I sometimes get cross and quite rude when we say no and she says would you like again, I say no and she asks again….another time I said which part of No does she not understand! She just makes me so cross.

    She is 5’2″ and a size 6 so hasn’t a problem.

    A few of us fasting tomorrow so here we go …..hope it going to be a good month for all of us.

    Jean x

    Just a quickie (!) as my next meeting starts in 10mins…it’s been a frantic old week so looking forward to tomorrow, building in a little hideaway calmness and probably fasting.

    My November plan is stolen from Audrey – no chocolate (not even my after dinner treat) or sweets, to be replaced with fruit. Hoping to lose 5lb.

    Will hopefully be able to read everyone’s posts in more detail tomorrow…see you then.


    PS Jean, don’t tell me the GP result…still hoping I can cram in watching that on record, along with Strictly.

    Hi lovelies, just a quickie I am gonna join you tomorrow on nail it November till the 2nd December.

    Love reading all your blogs they make me smile 😊😊. Just real life…..love it.

    Hope everyone has a lovely evening.

    Speak tomorrow.

    Louise πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ’—πŸ’—xx

    Hi forgot to say, good luck to everyone on nail it November 😊. Let’s go for it. Looking forward to daily blogging as this will keep me on track. It’s gonna b a busy month.

    Louise πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ’—πŸ’—xx

    Hi people

    I am joining you tomorrow just had my last lollypop and piece of chocolate. ..

    Out for lunch tomorrow after blood tests it’s been arranged for ages so 1st fastday Tuesday


    Hi Everyone

    so far since I started last week I’ve lost 4 pounds so I’m happy because it JUST tips the scales under into the 14 stone!

    the dreaded 15 has edged to one side slightly!

    still feeling really motivated because it’s a learning curve – for example I do not know how to cook small meals! (I live alone) so I need to crack that

    A lot od stuff is habits thatneed a bit of tweeking rather than huge will power dramas

    what is Nail it November?

    I might try and join in and give myself some structure

    another fast day tomorrow which I’m looking forward to -I want to get this done

    Evening all. Had our Halloween party. Everyone dressed up so it was a good day. The grandchildren really enjoyed it and my zombie outfit didn’t frighten them at all. I’m way behind on reading everyone’s posts so I apologise.
    It’s a FD for me tomorrow and I must try and be a bit stricter on NFD’s. I’m ready for nail November and hoping to get back to losing.
    Good night all.

    Morning all

    Fasting blood test for me so no coffee this morning πŸ˜•…

    Hope we are all ready for our Nail it challenge, bad day for me to give up sweeties on Halloween when I have got a bit bowl full to give away…

    Will be back later lunch out today no pudding for me!



    Really well done on the 4lbs off and moving in the next stone range. Steve is very like you but he reached 16 stone now 14.12lb and going down ( up last week!)..lol ..it happens.

    Nail it November is to get back on track and basics, eat healthy, count calories a pain but it works, (the app myfitnesspal) a few have been having a hard time one thing and another, and get some weight off before Xmas!

    Put your own plan in place…we are off the alcohol, 2 x 500 (600) days and a extra 800 calorie day, we are still having our usual Friday off, after our weekly weigh in. Hoping to up the walking a bit only 30 mins a day.

    Everybody knows were they fall down, biscuits, sweets, beer, wine, sugar, breakfast cereal, bread, potatoes, etc

    Join in by doing what you are doing….look at the posts above it will give you an idea what others are doing.

    Jean x

    Morning All,

    Well today’s the day and lets get it moving πŸ˜€…. Nail it November

    Out and about shopping today, keeping busy and away from food. Keeping a good watch on my fit bit hoping to move up to 8,000 steps not doing anything like that at the moment. It really makes me realise how lazy we have been.

    Audrey good luck on the clinic hoping they change your tablets for you. Have a nice chat to them and put on your charm…πŸ˜€

    Like you a bowl of sweets standing in the kitchen, picked carefully in case no one comes…hope I can wait till December…lol

    An early party it all sounded good fun…you are a lovely grandma….we were in America last year very big on Halloween….nice memories with grandchildren.

    Must go and get moving…speak later…..a good day all you fasters πŸ˜‡

    Jean x

    Still cleaning up from our Halloween party yesterday. As I was a Zombie a had wounds and hanging flesh made with latex. What I didn’t realise was its not so easy to get off your skin, ouch.

    Reading the post its ups and down for people which is as expected. Its never easy losing weight especially if its emotional eating. I keep giving in even though I’ve nearly lost 3 st but I’m ready for nail it November with you all so lets get started.

    I think your approach is sensible so will stick with that I think. Might throw another 800 day in to make up for my painful hip restricting my walking.

    Good luck everyone.

    Hi Everyone,

    I’ve caught the dreaded Lergy that is going around……nausea (not sickness yet) and πŸ’©πŸ’©. So after the school drop off and weigh in (I know shld of gone straight to bed)! I’m in bed feeling sorry for myself and prob passed my germs around sorry to those peeps 😞. I’m rarely ill.

    So instead of being an exercise/walking day of 800 calories. It’s so far turned into a fasting day (good if I was on the 5:2.

    Anyway this will be my only post today. Weigh in I lost 3.5lbs today which I’m very pleased with. I’m only a couple of 1lbs off breaking into the 10stones mark now πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸΌ. Haven’t been there for 12 years. And my BMI has dropped to 26.6.

    Really happy and pukey at the same time.

    Bring it on nail it November wen I’m feeling better.

    Have a fab day everyone. Happy fasting and well done graham on the weight loss fab fab fab.

    Ooooh blogging takes your mind off being poorly lol.

    Louise πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ’—πŸ’—.

    HI all –

    Shattered today after the busy weekend, so taking it easy, doing a little bit of work, quite a bit of walking around, and in a wee while I’ll walk home and potter, maybe make some skipper soup for this evening.

    I think there are 6 of us fasting today? From my wee tally as I caught up on posts, we’ve got Jean, Sarah, Kay, Graham, Carol and me…did I miss anyone? So good luck to the fasters…but good luck, too, to the non-fasters who are stating NiN…let’s stick to our good intentions!

    Can’t believe you’re all ready for Christmas, Jean! I’m just about to put my ideas on to paper for all the things I need ready for the start of Advent – domestic Christmas always takes a bit of a back seat. Having said that, my office has Christmas-wrapped shoeboxes everywhere, and toiletries, stationery, wee gifts, sweeties etc all over the place waiting to be parcelled up to be taken out to Eastern Europe next week. That’s the first deadline we have, I suppose.

    Louise – hope you feel better soon…taking to your bed is probably the best thing everybody, but especially for you!

    Carol – I was talking to someone the other day who had calculated (who knows how?!) just how much pressure losing weight had taken off her knees. I really hope the same will be true for your hips!

    Anyway, better get on with some work, while it’s still quiet around here, and then off home for soup.


    Hey Guys

    TheyΒ΄re still drilling outside, it really gets on my already frayed nerves. Fasting today. Tried a shake /not Modifast this time- but it tasted so so so gross. Some soup tonight. At least tomorrow and the day after I can have a noodle salad. Still lots and lots of pain + no sleep. It doesn’t make for a happy Vi. Getting your cold Audrey, can I name it? πŸ˜›

    Guys the first of November is tomorrow, everybody’s talking as if it started?

    So I thought I’d share my resolutions

    – 4 FD’s a week
    – One day where I can have snacks a week
    – 45 min exercise a day

    Hoping to lose a kilo. It’d hard though, I don’t feel well enough to go weigh in, so it will be hard to keep track

    My fav show is Once upon a Time, anybody following?
    Good luck, Guys


    Hi everyone,
    I had a slow start to the day after a bad nights sleep. Apparantly I was shouting out a lot in my dreams and I felt wrecked when I woke up initially. Starting to feel better now and just got a few things to do before heading out in the sunshine with the dog for half an hour.

    Glad your managing to join us Vi, even though you are still in pain. Most of us are starting today rather than tomorrow as its the beginning of the week and some of us are adding on an extra day at the end to take us to the Friday weigh in.

    So, after failing miserably with cut and pasting, Im not sure if Ive captured everyone, so let me know if I missed you:

    No biscuits for 30 days and aiming for 6lbs

    2 x 500 and 1 x 800 days p/w and alcohol only if out for a meal

    2 fluid fasts p/w, watch the alcohol and carbs and aiming for 6lbs, or is that 8??

    Final 20 days of 800 BSD and 10 days of 5:2

    No chocolate or sweets and aiming for 5lbs

    2 x 500 and 1 x 800 per week

    4 x FDs a week and daily exercise

    Cook smaller meals

    Kay (me)
    Exercise 5 times a week, Tue-Thu Fasting and low cal, aiming for 6lbs

    Today our fasters are:
    Jean and Steve

    So good luck!

    For the rest of us, its sticking to our plans.

    For me, that means fluids only until I go out at 6ish for halloween at the pub – staying within TDEE (myfitnesspal) and day 1 of exercise.

    If you have sunshine today, enjoy it πŸ™‚

    Kay x

    Just had my first bowl of today’s soup. Chorizo and veg, very tasty. Feeling good so far.
    Sorry your feeling unwell, how you improve soon.
    My original problem was my knee which dispite losing nearly 3st hasn’t improved at all. The hip problem is caused by limping due to my knee. It has caused friction and I now have Bursitis of my hip. It’s been more painful than the knee. Physio says I need a cortisone injection and have to avoid exercise and crossing my legs. It’s a vicious circle.
    Sorry things arnt going well at the moment. Constant roadwork noise annoying but when your a bit down its hypersensitive.

    Weathers quite nice today so much more light. It’s been so dark which puts a downer on your days.

    Happy Halloween everyone πŸ‘»πŸ‘»

    Hi everyone

    I forgot how much I love Autumn! such a lovely day

    Symba I’m SO inspired that Steve was 16st and is now 14.2 – makes me feel it is possible!

    people are talking about walking – doesnt Dr. Moseley say exercise doesn’t effect weight loss? Has anyone tried the High Intensity stuff? (I bought the book a month ago and haven’t opened it)

    I was walking aerobically with a heart monitor but had to stop because of illness but I want to get back into that because it may not make you lose weight but we have so much heart disease in my family I need to do something

    I fast Monday and Friday and was wondering what day people are doing their 800 for Nail it November – I don’t think I can face 2 days in a row

    thanks Kay for the reminder to eat smaller meals – such a key thing for me – I’m a typical sneakie fattie – adding stuff as I’m cooking then after I’ve stuffed my face saying “why did I make so much?”

    Afternoon All,

    A really lovely sunny day, I am really enjoying the season so far.

    We both have only had breakfast so far today, I have had my usual fruit which today was strawberries, blueberries and a kiwi..96 cal, 3 cups of tea..45 cals…total so far 126 calories.

    Tonight 2 lamb chops and salad.

    Parties always sound good it’s the cleaning up is the problem…hope you are getting there and you still have some skin on…lol..soup sounds good, time I made some for the freezer.

    Well done on your great loss, it really is moving. Hope you soon feel better.

    I have to get Xmas ready early to take to America so I think it gets me moving. I really don’t do crowds in December and January, I hate shopping then…but I can enjoy walking about in the atmosphere.

    It must be hard going for you with the church side and personal side both busy.

    The drilling must be so bad and annoying, it’s been going on a while now hope not too much longer. Hoping you soon feel yourself soon.

    You are leading us all, that was a lot to get your head around and get organised with. Well done..lol

    Enjoy the pub tonight and have a good πŸŽƒ halloween.

    I have my sister visiting tomorrow which could be stretching..mind and body..lol.. I will have to keep under my TDEE.

    All going good here.

    Happy Halloween

    Jean x


    We don’t like doing two FD s in a row, we think it’s too hard but it suits some people.

    I think excerise makes you healthy, it’s the food what makes you fat or thin! But that’s my thoughts others do the exercise maybe they have an answer for you.

    We often do Sunday 800 then leading into a Monday FD then Thursday FD, weigh in Friday …

    Friday off, a meal out, fish and chips is a Friday favourite, wine, beer, cake, but not going over TDEE ( on no alcohol at the moment!)

    We are really feeling at the moment 11 months down the line as we are now changing our way of life. Biscuits we really don’t want them, chocolate is getting more out of reach but still like a bit. Our portions are really getting regularly smaller, bread and potatoes are there very occasionally.

    I am having a problem when I go to the shops, as I am buying as before the 5.2, I have loads of food which we are not eating. I am going to bake a couple of cakes to give to my friend on Friday to move some baking stuff. I am picking Xmas things to eat for us to go in my Xmas box, chocolates, biscuits etc Steve is asking why? I am putting them back on the shelf.

    I really must get my head around this as it’s a big problem!

    Jean x

    Should of read 14.12 not as good as you thought!!


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