Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Morning all

    Up and about early today already done my 10,000 steps…

    Fast day for me had a bad day yesterday food wise so upset tummy this morning. .. a good day today should settle it down.

    Hope you are all doing ok. Sorry too many posts to comment on but I have read them all honest…LOL

    Off now need to get the grass cut whilst it’s dry. Will be back later

    Have a good day today fast or non fast.


    Morning Everyone,

    Thanx for all your info on the rumbling tummy thing. It’s nice to hear I’m definantely not alone 😊😊. It’s been a busy week for me with work and dropping the children off at their various chosen sports in the evenings. You would of laughed at me on Friday. Went out for lunch to mac Donald’s with friends and I think I was the only person drinking a bottle of water there. Maccie d’s doesn’t really cater for a non sugar diet!!!! Anyway was strong….all smelt sooooooo good. But went home after and had a lovely piece of salmon lol. I must be crazy 😜. Anyway, apart from my awful night sleep earlier on this week my week has been ok 👌🏻.
    Weigh in on Monday so fingers crossed.

    Well done to everyone who has had a loss this week. Good luck to everyone fasting today. Hope you are all well and have a lovely weekend.

    Louise 😊😊x

    Louise 😊😊

    Morning All,

    The sun not up here yet.

    We have not decided what to do today, see what the family are doing later. Football match for grandson at noon. Strange after we both having girls now doing boys things.

    Audrey… lots of steps this morning well done

    Louise …fingers crossed for Monday weigh in.

    Have a good weekend all

    Jean x

    Hey Guys

    Tomorrow I’m fasting. But not today, we’re having spaghetti with tomato sauced and spinache-meatballs. Yesterday’s pizza was totally delicious. I did 47 min on my arm bike. Guess I overdid it somewhat yesterday, my muscles hurt a lot.

    Hey Sarah
    I like meeting new people here, too. And yes, people’s daily concerns are really similar no matter what walk of life your used too
    We all have difficult moments, I had plenty of my own. Losing weight is stressful. Hang in there.

    Hey Audrey,
    Nice job on all those steps

    Hey Minols,
    Don’t stress too much, we all have those days. Next week is a new start.

    Hey Jean
    I don’t know about boy things, either. I just have nieces

    Have a good day

    Hi all

    I have had a successful fast day today with lots of exercise but boy oh boy I am VERY HUNGRY now…LOL😅

    Hoping to have an early night then I can get up and eat tomorrow. ..

    Hope you are all ok have a good weekend


    Hi all

    NFD for me not much in the day but salmon and roast veg tonight. A couple of glasses of wine though and nuts before. I will be glad when they’ve gone. This is what happens when I am allowed in M&S!

    Hang in there Audrey you will be so pleased if you do. Well done on resisting Louise.

    Vi your spagetti and spinache meatballs sound lovely. Good luck fasting tomorrow and anyone else who is too.

    Sarah x

    Whoo I did it. Was in bed by ten but managed to survive under 500 kcals even with Ian munching on crisps and biscuits at the side of me not to mention sweeties! He did keep saying “you dont mind do you?” And also “I feel guilty doing this!”…..But it didn’t stop him eating.. LOL 😀

    Crumpets for lunch today then southern fried chicken and actifry chips for tea… Lovely. ..

    Hope you are all ok, have a happy and peaceful Sunday my friends. Enjoy your day fast or non fast and remember together we are stronger


    Hey Guys,

    It’s a FD for me and a difficult one, too. My tummy is very hollow and upset. It’s good they aren’t all this bad. Otherwise I could never do them. Did 50 min on the bike. The display said 100 cals. If it’s a fifth or more of the total calories you’ve consumed that’s very uplifting.

    Hey Audrey
    Oh my… your meals sound so good. People act like Ian was acting around me all the time and I always thing IF YOU FEEL SO DAMNED BAD … JUST DON’T DO IT 😛

    Enjoy your meal, sounds good as well

    Have a good day

    You were very strong to resist all those munchies… really well done.

    It’s awful when the tummy rumbles and it’s a hard day.. really well done to you too.

    Really quiet on here… hope everybody is ok

    We have had a busy day out, visiting a Plantation House, a pretty Historical Town but really not old as we know it 1850 ish .. a shopping mall but then wondered why we had gone!!! We don’t shop!

    A meal out but not that good!!

    Night night
    Jean x

    Hi all

    I was out all yesterday walking and covered between 9 and 10 miles! Apart from a small bit of porridge and an apple, I didnt eat all day. In the evening I had crackers, cheese, houmous and crips but I dont think I ate over the 2800 cals I had spare so goodness knows why my weight is sky high this morning!!

    Today I will be mainly just pottering around the house resting, and getting ready for my first day of work tomorrow.
    I will have a low day today and fasting tomorrow.

    Vi, well done on your FD, hope today us easier.

    Audrey, well done to you too!

    Jean, hope you enjoy your final few days over there.

    Sarah, are you fasting tomorrow?

    Catch you all later, time for a coffee.


    Hi Brits. I’m living in Northern Ireland Have been here for 2 years and am so contented I put on 50lbs in that time. Finally caught myself on and have started this programme just today.

    Many years ago I starting fasting 2 days a week for spiritual reasons and was amazed at how much I lost. I also realized that I was much more aware of what I ate the rest of the week. Unfortunately when the reasons were met I reverted to eating 7 days a week and put it all back on.

    I know therefore that I can do the 5:2 programme.

    One problem for me is that I had bariatric surgery a few years ago and can only eat a quarter of what other people can. I have been trying to stick to just 3 meals a day with noting in between, really difficult when dinner is on a tea plate.

    Is there anyone else out there who’ve been down the bariatric route for weight loss. Would love to hear how they’re managing this programme.

    On the subject of the wii machine I have one and use it for exercise. I play the tennis game standing up, bending and moving around. It works but I use it without shoes or slippers so I’m less likely to fall. Mobility very poor with significant arthritis.

    Hi all

    Fast day for me. Ian is home now so after cleaning the van and putting away all his stuff I am now having an easy afternoon..

    Thinking of a liquid only day will wait and are how I get on I have soup in the cupboard in case I need it…

    Hope everyone is ok.

    Welcome Tikvah lots of help and advice to be found here..


    Hi Everyone and hi Tikvah and welcome,

    It’s been a busy morning so this has been the first chance I have had to update you on the results of week 2 on the sugar diet 😊.

    Well this morning I have lost 6lbs. Bringing my grand total to just over a stone in 2 weeks!!!! I’m sure it will slow down.

    I only measured my waist soz. But I had to measure it 5 times this morning coz I’ve lost 3 inches off it (I cldn’t believe it) this week and have gone done a dress size 💃🏼.

    I feel the best I’ve ever felt in a long time. I have even started completing a 6 mile walk everyday.

    Really happy the weight is coming off, but will be even happier if it reverses my type 2 diabetes 😊.

    Good luck to anyone fasting today. Have a nice day.

    Louise 😊X

    Hi Louise

    Fantastic results well done to you.

    I am not doing fast day today I needed to eat to take pain killers for my back… Will try again tomorrow. ..

    Is everyone o.k. it’s very quiet?…


    Thanx Audrey,

    I hope you are feeling better soon 😊.

    Louise x

    Hey guys

    Another FD under my belt, at least a little better than yesterday. Tummy not quite so hollow. Had a mandarin and a cup of tomato soup like yesterday. Did 45. min on my bike. Tomorrow I will have a mandarin and half a “noodle salad” with radished and cucumber. A bit of variation from my usual couscous salad. Now, let’s hope it’s just as good.

    Hey Louise
    That’s a great loss! Well done

    Hey Audrey,
    I have the same problem, that’s why I always have something for breakfast. And why I can only do liquid only if I’m lax with my meds. There’s always tomorrow. Join me?

    Hey Tikvah
    Welcome, everyone is real friendly around here

    Hey Jean,
    No shopping in a mall? Don’t they shoot grandparents in the foot for something like that over there 😛 Have a good time !

    Hey Kay
    Sorry that weight is giving you a hard time. Keep at it, and keep straight. It will drop, honestly

    Hi Vi

    Yes I will join you tomorrow back pain permitting. I don’t know about you but I cant take pain killers on an empty tummy… just yucky..hehe

    Cu tomorrow just settling down to watch my tv…

    Night all


    Hi all


    Hi Kay I am sure it some sort of fluctuation or water weight going on. You will probably see the difference in a day or so. I am actually fasting today because I have a couple of days in a hotel with evening meetings and dinner so it would be too tricky to fast. After today I won’t be able to do it again until Thursday or even Friday. Have had a busy day ao not really noticed it today and will go to bed early. I have done liquid only. Feeling hungry now but I definitely overate yesterday so telling myself I deserve the pain.

    Hope you have a more conducive day tomorrow Audrey with no pain.

    Louise, well done! I am amazed. I didn’t think that was even possible. So far each week I have lost 2lbs or just under and feel I have had to work really hard for that. You must be delighted.

    Glad you are still having a nice time Jean. How much longer do you have away. I am sure you will really miss your family when you come back but maybe you will look forward to your usual eating plan.

    Good luck if you are fasting again today Vi.

    Vi, our posts crossed, yet another FD under your belt. You must have a will of iron!

    Wow, Sarah

    Another LF, our wills can rival each other

    Hi Vkathy,

    Thanx for the congrats on the weight loss 😊. I’m still very focused …..I’m hoping it will last for another 6 weeks lol. Well done on the FD today. Noodle salad sounds nice 😊.

    Hi Sarah,

    Thank you i am very pleased and a little in disbelief myself lol. I think being very focused helps and knowing that in 6 weeks time I’m having my bloods taken which will show me if this diet does actually reverses diabetes. Fingers crossed. 😊 Well done on a fast day in a hotel that’s some going 😊.

    Louise 😊Xx

    Hi all…happily ‘on holiday’ at home. Had a lovely day (!)clearing out and moving furniture. We seem ot have so much junk, but making decisions to move it on is always hard. Suffice to say, 4 bags have gone to the charity shop today… a long way to go, and in honesty, we’ll never actually get there, because we’re indecisive, have a child with all the toys that entails, and two dogs – so will never really be clean! most days, love all that except the indecision!

    Pretty un-motivated this week to have any FDs, but need to at least have los days as we will be eating out a lot next week. May try to fast tomorrow with Audrey and Vi. Promised the boy Id make the chorizo (skipper) soup out of the diet recipe book…so you never know, I may manage it after all!

    Keep well, everyone.


    Afternoon Everybody,

    All quiet here for us today a busy one yesterday. About the house day…

    You do walk a lot of miles well done on your steps..good going on your FD and low FD.

    Rest up hope your backs feeling better today.

    What a weight loss a stone in two weeks..I really only do the one pound rarely two.

    Well done.. 😀

    Glad you feeling better.. keep going on your arm bike, it still must add to your weight loss.

    Thanks ..we get home Friday am.. I will miss them I have to put up with face time ☹️️ But better than nothing.

    I want this weight off and back to what I was before holidays…Steve is talking about AFD’s getting back to normal healthy food… our first FD will be Monday get over jet lag first.

    I like a good throw out everything looks so much better.. enjoy the rest of your holiday.

    Welcome to our corner, loads of help if you need it…I am on holiday back Friday.

    I know you are busy.., hoping everything is going ok with Pam…enjoy your book. ❤️

    Jean x

    Wow loads of good stuff going on!!!

    Welcome Tikvah
    Looks like you know how the 5:2 works so good luck with it this time under different circumstances.

    I am totally amazed of your continual FDs!

    Congratulations! That hard work is certainly paying off. No wonder you are so focused. Keep it up!uj

    Well done on today…that is certainly an achievement!

    I love a good clear out, its therapeutic! If you’ve not used it or worn it for over 12 months, donate it to charity 😉

    Are you managing to get things sorted with Pam?

    Hope your back is feeling better and you had a nice relaxing evening.

    What do you have planned for the rest of the week, anything in particular or just maximising the family time

    KT….are you still following us even if not posting?

    Hope Ive not missed anyone, if I have, its not intentional.

    Today hasnt been low as planned but just normal.
    Tomorrow I start my new job and Im working 1pm to 7pm and Im doing a FD which should be easier with being busy. Wednesday will be a low to normal day and Thursday will be my 2nd FD of the week.

    I really feel as though Im failing at the moment. My weight this morning was 6lbs higher than my last weigh in 2 weeks ago, in spite of all my walking.

    So deep breath and back to it and back in control.

    Catch you all tomorrow.


    Good luck tomorrow hope all goes well … always hard as a new girl…

    Have a good FD if you can manage it.

    Thoughts are with you enjoy your day.

    We are just winding down nothing much planned…some lovely Xmas decorations at 50 % and 70% off… so maybe up date my dusty old ones.. lol

    Not looking forward to our 15 hour flight on Thursday needs must….

    Jean x

    Morning all

    Had a restless night with the back but have jumped on scales and weight is up again so fast day for me today…

    Jean enjoy your last few days with the family…

    Anyone else fasting today? Could do with some company….


    Good morning everyone thanks for your welcome. This is an amazing forum so much really good advice and information.

    I’ve sent away for the recipe book so hopefully it will help. I live alone and tend to be very lazy about actually cooking. I never buy so called ‘fast food’ but tend to buy processed e.g. I love Birds Eye chicken pie. No more.

    Today is my first fast day. I chose today because I’m really busy and hopefully won’t renege on a promise to myself. I have however decided to spread out the 500cal allowance over the day. So for breakfast I had just a small banana, for lunch homemade soup and tonight homegrown tomatoes on a slice of nimble bread.

    Before taking my night time medication I need to eat something so will have 2 crackers 23cal each,

    Over the last 3 weeks pre 5:2 I’ve lost 10 lbs. I’m hoping that will continue.

    Have a great today everyone and be blessed.

    Hi Tikvah

    Good luck for today shout if you start to wobble one of us is usually about…


    Hi Audrey and Kay especially…all of us have a ‘weight up call’! So we’ll fast together today. Vi – are you fasting, too?

    I’d hoped not to need to fast during the school holidays, but watch things a bit and see how my body got used to the single Stone loss. It’s taken me since Easter to get this far and I’d really hoped that taking it so slowly would mean that stabilising before the next push would be easy. Hah! I guess I’M learning this week that stabilising ISN’T easy. Don’T get what my body is doing, and hoping perhaps some of the struggle is hormonal and will ease out over the course of a month? Feeling slightly peeved…can you tell!

    Oh well…maybe the silver lining is that even if I’M not losing weight I’M learning the valuable life-skill of self-control. I’d rather be losing weight…but of course, if I’d paid attention at ‘Self-control Classes’ when I was younger, I wouldn’T be needing to lose weight!😉

    Hey Guys

    I’m having a horrible day, these shooting headaches that make my spasm flare up in turn. I’m so glad those aren’t usually on the menu. No bike for me today.
    Am fasting , though

    So, Minols, I’m a little confused. Does your message mean that you reached your goal weight and don’t you want to undo all your hard work? Or are you saying that your body is throwing up a road-block while you still have a ways to go.
    Throwing things out must be nice. I don’t have that particular problem, don’t have many things 😛

    Hey Tikvah and Audrey,
    Good luck with the fasting today.

    Geez, those drills they’re using outside really seem to be timing up with my headache

    Have a good day guys

    Minols thanks for the company will shout if I struggle …I am aiming for water for the day will see if I get to meal time…

    Kay good luck for today…Hope new job and fasts both go well…

    Vi hope the head clears soon…virtual hugs your way…


    Hi everybody

    I am at the end of my fast day thank goodness it’s over. ..

    Minols Kay and Vi hope you all have got through yours ok also…

    Off to bed soon hope everyone’s ok it’s very quiet in here…


    Hi everyone
    well, the chorizo soup worked a treat today – bowl at lunch and a bowl at tea. Helped, it must be said, by the boy deciding he wanted to play monopoly followed by scrabble…didn’t have a chance to feel hungry today!
    Vi – no, I haven’t reached my target, but I’d set myself a stone as being key. Then i’d like to lose another 10 lbs, but possibly a full stone, because i’m so wary of bouncing back up again when I try to change to maintenance. And as i’d reached the stone marker at around the time of the school holidays, I thought I’d give myself a ‘mini-break’ and try pausing at this point, in the hope that relaxing a little wouldn’t be manageable without putting on weight before getting my head down again. I suppose I was looking for encouragement that when I do ‘finish’ the task of weight-loss I won’t find maintenance too impossible – after all, I’ve been this way before and put it all back on again. I really want this loss to be different. Oh well, I guess my holiday can’t be too much of a break from self-control…I’m not really surprised!

    Hi All,

    Hope you are all ok, it’s very quiet on here.

    Well done to the fasters today you will all be tucked up in bed now.. hope it was a good day.

    Our last day tomorrow then get back to some normal healthy food. We have had a good family time holiday lovely with the children.

    Sleep tight everybody

    Jean x

    Quick post from me….

    I survived my first day and everyone is really friendly. Hopefully I will get to do some tasks tomorrow which will make the learning easier.

    And yes I survived the fluid only FD too. I was too preoccupied to think about it really.

    2nd day of headache which maybe coming from my neck again, Im not sure, but hopefully it will be easier tomorrow as its Day 2 in the office and its a full day.
    But tomorrow I get to eat! But I will be keeping it low and Thursday will be my 2nd FD of the week.

    Will catch with you all properly tomorrow evening.


    Well done fasters! There seems to have been a lot of successful fast days yesterday.

    Hope everyone suffering at the moment gets better soon. Headaches are so horrid Vi and Kay. Good your new job is going well Kay. There might be a bit of nervous tension going on there.

    I am away at the moment for work. Yesterday was not a healthy one but I didn’t ear anything until 9.30, then it was a chicken amd chorizo pie thing, not that great. No alcohol. I will try not to eat again until Weds night and then fast on Thursday as I will be home by latish evening that day. Strangely my attitiude to breakfast is fundamentally changed. I now don’t think I need to have it unless I am hungry. I am certainly avoiding the hotel breakfast experience. Next week will be different when we are away for a few days for a break.

    Have a good last day and a safe trip back Jean.


    Glad your first day went well and there are some friendly people about it makes it easier.

    A good liquid FD well done on that.

    You are doing very well away with work in a hotel, I am sure it’s not easy and no alcohol as well.

    Enjoy your break next week… we are passing ships as I have to battle down again while you take it easy..lol

    Jean x

    Good morning all. Arrived back home yesterday afternoon. Feel like I’ve been away weeks. So glad to be home.
    Now for the holiday damage. Hadn’t much choice with my food as meals were included and the extra problem of being gluten free didn’t help. I did have a few glasses of wine with my dinners as well but I’ve only gained 6 lbs in 3 weeks. I’m happy with that so now to get back on track.
    Hope everyone doing well.

    Morning all.. welcome back Carol aka cmum hehe…Hope I had a good holiday despite your husband… you will soon lose the holiday gain. .

    I had a very bad night my IBS has been playing up plus my bad back… however I have lost my gain so am maintaining so far on my holiday yippee…

    Jean will be nice to have you back its too quiet without you…

    Ginette hope you are getting things sorted out thinking of you..

    Vi and Kay hope you are both a bit better today…

    Sarah glad the job is ok..

    I am off now got two dogs to walk them off to the local shop for supplies… an thinking of scrambling some eggs for lunch.

    Have a good day all keep in touch together we are stronger


    Hey guys

    Feel worse than yesterday. Since I’ve started this 5:2 thing, this is the first FD I really cannot bring myself to do. Just have to remind myself that it’s normal to do 2 FD instead of 4 each week, and that I don’t have to feel too bad. But I still do

    Hey Audrey
    We should just set up a little pain club, huh? Sorry you feel bad

    Hey Carol
    Nice to have you back. Hope it was ok

    Hey Jean
    Enjoy your last day(s) over there!

    Hey Sarah,
    Good job resisting the temptations of the hotel. Nice to have a break ahead

    Hey Minols,
    Yeah, I’m a little scared of maintenance too. If you’re letting up, it’s easier for bad habits to creep back in. Not that I’m there yet. Have about 10 kilo’s to go. How many pounds is that, like 25. Too weary to go look at a converter. And when you have a little kid around, there are always bad things around. I have those recipe books too, but soup with chorizo doesn’t sound familiar. Can you tell me the full name?

    Hey Kay
    Good the job is going well, nice and welcoming people are always a plus. Maybe now you’ll be a little less stressed and the weight will start falling off! Well done on another LF too



    I dont blame you for not fasting. Sometimes we just have to listen to our bodies. I think i have had a few days when it just is not possible to fast I think when we are ill you have to feed your body.
    Just dont over eat try to have a reasonably healthy day instead.. and don’t feel guilty just enjoy whatever good you have. Eating should be a pleasure not a sin!

    Hope you feel better soon. I have walked to the local shop 45mins round trip and got myself some bacon and eggs I just fancied some..☺

    Talk again later


    Hi Vi
    Sorry you’re feeling so rough today. The soup I recommend is in the book as Skippers soup – 25g chorizo, chopped and heated to release the oils in it, add a chopped onion to fry with it, a can of beans (200g) (butter beans or something similar) and a stock cube and fluid. Boil it up, whiz it down and there you have it. I make a whole load of portions because my bean cans are usually 400g . and there you have it – scrumptious!

    Hope everyone else well…typing blind just now as the page seems to have frozen!

    Hi Minols

    Thanks for the recipe idea. I may give it a try when I get home it sounds very tasty…

    I love hearing what others eat on a fast day..

    I am not hungry as yet my bacon is sitting in the fridge so I may go until tea time and try a back to back fast. …long time since I did one of those…WISH ME LUCK…may as well make the most of upset tummy… LOL


    Morning All,

    Dark morning suns not up yet..

    Our last day today ..so packing later .. we leave here lunch time tomorrow so not too bad.. a few tears maybe 😢😪

    ‘We’ got a B in our American history and a A in science… he did well as he’s struggles a bit and it’s not easy for him. Already on next weeks exam!! The school really pushes them.
    They have both gone to school in pyjamas today… don’t ask ????

    Vi and Audrey..
    Hoping you both feel better this morning.. I like the idea of the pain club…lol

    You seem to have been away ages, hope you had a lovely time but like me I am sure you are ready to get back to normal eating and off the wine.. lol

    Your 6 lbs over three weeks is not too bad god knows what I will be… we will get it off.

    Soup sounds lovely I like all the different ideas on here.

    Good luck with your B to B today.

    Have a good day all

    Jean x

    Hello all, can I ask when you all weigh in i.e before a fast day, on a fast day or the day after a fast day?
    The reason I ask is son wi on 1st fast day but was disappointed not to have lost. So I said try next day and he lost 2kg. Not sure it’s a true weight though as probably water loss. Any thoughts?
    Thanks in advance.

    I weigh myself daily first thing in the morning before I shower. Some people cant cope with weighing every day as the fluctuations reek havoc with their motivation. Weighing yourself the morning after a fast will see you at your lowest point. A 2kg loss after one day is mostly water but hopefully some fat loss as well. Just tell him to keep going!!

    Hi shirty..
    We do a Monday and Thursday fast.. weigh in Friday morning.

    2kg is a good loss but it will slow down.


    Hi all

    I too weigh in on Fridays after a FD. Yes it may be a false reading due to water but as long as it shows a decline each week or at least a static measure, I think thats fine.
    I do weigh myself everyday as it helps me keep on track (most of the time) although I know that fluctuations are normal and to be expected.

    Glad to have you back. Impressed with only gaining 6lbs!! Hope you feeling a bit stronger in yourself.

    Hope your back is a bit better and your IBS is calming down. Mines playing up too at the mo. Did you enjoy your bacon and eggs?

    Hope the goodbyes arent too bad and the journey home is ok. I usually struggle with the eastwards travelling.

    Dont be hard on yourself as you have been very consistent with your double the amount of FDs the rest of us do. Hope you feel better tomorrow.

    Well done with avoiding the hotel breakfasts! I know what you mean though. I used to love my breakfast but now happily postpone it till later or avoid it altogether.

    Hope you are enjoying your weeks break. Did you complete your clearing out?

    Hows it going?

    Well I managed to avoid food for most of the day so that extended my full fast for over 40hours.
    Ate normally this evening and fasting again tomorrow but probably with a 400 cal meal at teatime. Im out all day, picking up new car and have a short walk planned so that will keep me away from food.

    Keep focused FBBs!


    Good morning ladies

    I did enjoy my bacon and egg sandwich yesterday, although once I started to eat I couldn’t stop so not a B2B fast…😕.

    Today I am getting ready for ian coming back tomorrow so making sure the caravan is nice and clean and we have something nice to eat together tomorrow evening..

    It’s our anniversary on the 17th of this month so we will be celebrating whilst we are away this year so that should be good. .

    Off now to start my cleaning…the dogs have trailed a lot of mud in so little yellow steamer out today I think…

    HAve a good day all fast or non fast


    Hi All

    I hope everybody is well.

    Just to let you know that I am fine, I am having a break from the forum as any kind of food talk seems to trigger me. I did stay the same last week which was a bonus.

    Well done to any losses. I shall be back once I gave regained some kind of control. Painting was delayed this week I hope to finish it before it gets too cold.

    Hope to be back soon.


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