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  • Hello im completely new to fasting and this is the first forum i have ever signed up to. Let me get straight to the point. I just decided to turn my life around and really take control of my diet and fasting is something i was really interested in trying. so i did. i had my last meal on Tuesday 5:25 pm and i just broke it today Thursday at 5:20 with half an orange and half a banana and glass of water. im planing on eating wild caught salmon with veggies and mashed potatoes for dinner ( all veggies are organic).

    my question is, was eating a half an orange and a banana a bad move due to its sugars?

    and is my dinner plan a bad move as well?

    the internet is all over the place on what to eat and not to eat so im a little bit overwhelmed and confused.

    so im asking for some advice on how to end this 48 fast appropriately, if my current plan isnt good.

    im planning on doing this a few more times and eventually work to a 7 day fast. any advice from someone who has done a 48 hour fast would be appreciated. thanks \m/

    I used to water fast for 60 hours per week. I now water fast once per week on a Monday (36 hours) since reaching my goal weight. If you managed to get into ketosis (may have happened but probably not if this was your first fast) then the orange and banana would have stopped ketosis dead within a minute or two. At least it was fruit. If it felt Ok then no problems. The big sugar spike would have been stored as glycogen rather than fat since hopefully your glycogen stored would have been maybe 50-60% topped up. Maybe it was a little lower as your liver will take time to become efficient at topping up glycogen levels from stored fats. With time your glycogen levels will be topped up a lot more as your liver starts to work well. You will find it easier and easier to fast. Almost a walk in the park. Give yourself about 6 months to get there.

    I break my fast with some low sugar high fat plain greek yogurt, with a handful of berries, some almonds some pumpkin seeds. But then that’s usually what I have every morning. So how did you feel after having the orange and banana? If it felt OK go with it. If not try something different.

    Thanks for responding, to be honest when i first bit the orange it was super good i was feeling a little drained before and once i ate the half i instantly felt a burst of energy BUT then right after i started feeling a little light headed… it was a weird experience but i just figured it was normal since all i was drinking was water. but then i did some research and i read it could be dangerous since it spikes up the bodies natural insulin levels :o. And i actually couldnt even finish the banana i only ate half, didnt want to force my self.

    i had one spoonful of plain organic yogurt, and now im hungry again as far as for dinner i decided to go with a chicken noodle broth soup to get things moving again instead of salmon, i figured i could eat salmon tomorrow for dinner. any tips on what i should eat for breakfast .. i was thinking eggs and spinach with some toast? can i start eating normal by lunch tomorrow? lets say maybe some chicken teriyaki with brown rice and avocado?

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