Easy low recipes for those who struggle with getting their vegies

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Easy low recipes for those who struggle with getting their vegies

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Pattience 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Fast Day – Easy and filling Punjabi Vegetable Curry Under 300cals I’ve just finished this and i’m stuffed.

    According to my fitness pal, these are the nutrition numbers
    calories 291 carbs 73 fibre9 protein14 fat 7 25

    You can vary the vegetables around and i’d suggest 4 or 5 to get your full quota. In total today i’ve used 500g of vegetables.

    I suggest this will work with any of the Pataks sauces as well but check the calories and ingredients first. http://www.creativematch.com/newsfiles/63692/450/Stirfry-Packs.jpg

    Your favourite yoghurt made from whole milk with no added cream.

    Here’s my version from today
    pumpkin 171g with skin (to use it up)
    cauliflower 131g
    broccoli 101g
    potato 100g (half a medium potato)
    50g Patak’s Stir Fry Punjabi 5 Spice
    50g Pauls Original Natural Yoghurt

    Chop the vegies into bite size pieces. Steam the potato first for 5 minutes. Then add the rest. Steam for about 5 minutes until almost cooked. (The less you steam them the more you will fry them in the fry pan. )

    Tip the sauce into a fry pan. A non-stick frying pan is a good choice in this recipe though its got oil in it so it should be ok. Tip in the vegetables and toss around until they are all coated. Cook a little longer if wish. When ready, move pan off the heat and stir in the yoghurt. Serve. add some finely diced fresh green coriander or mustard leaves or other green stuff if you’ve got some handy.

    SAUTEED VEGETABLES to meet your total daily vegetable needs – under 300 calories. You might be able to add more oil if you want to get it as close to 300 as possible. More oil makes it more tasty.

    Going on the same sort of plan as above, try this simple sautéed vegetable recipe.

    375g fresh vegetables using 5 types such as potato, sweet potato, cauliflower, broccoli, corn, carrot, celery, kale**, mushrooms** peas, beans, asparagus – well anything really will probably work but with variations.
    1-2 cloves garlic
    3tsp of olive oil
    salt and pepper

    Steam the vegetables as in the first recipe aiming for a little underdone.
    If using mushrooms, fry them separately in the oil first. Do not burn them. And do not overcook them. Add in the garlic at the same time.
    If using a leafy green vegetable like kale, shred it roughly and either toss it in towards the end of the steaming or straight into the fry pan with the other vegetables.

    Tip everything into the frypan with a pinch of salt and sauté until they are as crispy as they are going to get. Then serve with some fresh ground black pepper.

    Because this is low GI and typical low carb food, it will serve you well on a fast day as every other day too.

    Although oil is high in calories for the quantity, it significantly enhances the flavour of the food making it generally easier and more desirable to eat. It also has the added benefit of giving you an alternative source of energy than carbs and over time if your body becomes accustomed to low carb, you may be able to burn fat directly. I suspect that may be why i hardly suffer at all from hunger. Use extra virgin cold pressed olive oil as its one of the most healthy oils and most other vegetables oils are notably unhealthy.

    Sounds great. What was the sauce?

    50g Patak’s Stir Fry Punjabi 5 Spice
    50g Pauls Original Natural Yoghurt

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