CKD (chronic kidney disease) and fasting

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CKD (chronic kidney disease) and fasting

This topic contains 11 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Thinfor30 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • I am a 60 year old woman. I have 28 per cent kidney function, it has been stable at between 25 and 28 per cent for last three years, creatinine also stable. I have tried and failed at every diet tried! Ended up even heavier. At 91.6 kilos it is essential I lose weight. I drink plenty of fluids, is there any reason I should not do the 5:2 diet?

    For anyone else with CKD…..I did some more research on this and discovered that fasting has had a mainly beneficial effect for people with all stages of CKD, this article worth a read

    Hi Pollyanna, thank you for the link.
    I don’t have CKD but 64, type 2 diabetes and recently low (first time) GFR so am keeping track.
    Best wishes with the 5:2 diet I do hope it may help you.
    Because it is not a “diet” per se, rather a modification of eating pattern and timing, hopefully it will work more easily for you than other atempts to lose weight in the past have.
    Best wshes for your success.

    Thank you Matrika, hope all goes well for you

    Hi, I have CKD stage 4 and eGFR 28 too and I am trying the diet 6 weeks before a blood test. I will let you know how I get on. I feel better already (after 1 week) so I have high hopes. I think its more important to us to make sure we eat at least 3 times a day so that our body doesn’t go into panic. I am managing on 550 calories on fast days.

    I think that is really good advice Binkie. My energy levels have increased, I’m managing on 600 calories, on ‘Fast’ days and trying to do more exercise. I also have a blood test coming up at end of Feb, will let you know how I get on.

    oooooh good luck. Mine is my big one ready for the renal doctor in March so I will let you know too. It will be interesting. I’m feeling that my kidneys are probably enjoying a bit of a rest to be honest. I’m doing more exercise on the days I have enough energy.

    I also see renal doctor March, but I’ve signed up to so I will know my figures before the doctor. A general lack of energy is a problem for me too, so it is really good to be getting a bit more energy from following this plan.

    Yes I’m on that too. My appointment is 3rd march. I still get nervous about it. My Mum was stage 5.

    Hope all goes well for you in March. I can understand how important it is for you with your mum being stage 5.

    She passed away sept 2013 but I saw what is to come and I keep her strong and positive attitude 🙂

    Oh I am so sorry to hear that you have lost your mum, hope this eating plan makes a positive outcome for you.

    I am stage 5 CKD and on dialysis, I have been fasting for 4 weeks in order to be in good shape for a transplant in May where my hubby is donating. I have found it so easy to follow and have lost 3.5kg in that time, no easy feat when on the dialysis regime I am on.

    I’m stage 2/3 age 29 x severe hypertension. Since 22
    I’m a good bmi never been overweight tbh just bad luck
    Dr said to eat healthy and exercise !
    I’ve four children ..Dr said that don’t count lol

    So this fast is to shrink waist size …it’s not good 🙁 just want to chop it off n I’d b fine lol
    and I’ll start exercising to get fit again think the water will help kidneys at this stage also .

    Nones spoke to me about my condition tbh as not bad enough apparently to worry lmao
    So here goes ! Day four n deffo less bloated

    Good luck

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