This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  carla66 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    I started the diet in August 2015 when my cholestrol level was at 5. I had some new results today and the doctor told me that it was now 6.8 but it was all good so he wasn’t worried. A few years ago it was 6 but the doctor then asked me if I wanted to take statins which I didn’t (but I did take red yeast rice capsules that brought it down to 5 in 4 months – with no side effects)

    I’m a bit confused now although I know there needs to be a balance between good and bad cholestrol. Can anyone explain please?

    I am really disciplined about the diet and have only lost 10lbs although I guess I am overeating on my non fast days. I intend this as a lifestyle change now for life as it suits me so well.

    Hi Carla66, sounds like you have had a good rise in your HDL which raised your overall number. HDL is called the good cholesterol because it isn’t the one that causes the damage. VLDL are the ones that are most damaging. Did your doctor mention triglycerides ?

    If your doctor isn’t worried, I wouldn’t be either. The increase is probably due to increase HDL which is a good thing. Sometimes cholesterol numbers will go up during weight loss then drop again also. I wouldn’t give up fasting because of cholesterol worries. With doctors pushing us to take Statins constantly, I’m sure he or she would have been concerned if you needed them.
    Sorry, I am a bit rambling this morning. Hope some of that made sense. 🙂 our cholesterol numbers are reported differently here in the U.S. So I’m afraid to try and get into the specifics. Hopefully someone that is familiar with your system can help.
    Congratulations on your 10lb lost!! Hang in there, watch your TDEE on the non-fast days and you will reach that goal! Good luck and good fasting! Phyllis

    Thanks Phylis,

    I’m usually pretty good at understanding the HDL/LDL stuff but as the number was always stressed I somehow thought that it had a negative connotation. But thanks for responding and sorry for the late reply.

    I intend sticking with diet; I know I would be well over ten stone by now if I hadn’t. I have a small frame so excess weight shows up quickly and it is so aging.

    As I said I will keep to it, hopefully for the rest of my life. I really believe in it. Even though I’m overeating through the week currently I’m maintaining my weight. I am managing to do 3 16 hour fasts a week around those 2 days. Didn’t think I could ever go without food for that length of time, so I’m very pleasantly surprised. When the weather gets warmer, my eating outside of the fast days will reduce too.

    Thanks again.

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