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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Angie090465 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone. So my husband and I have noticed that in the last year our weight has crept up. To be honest this time last year I was actually trying to go up a dress size because my wedding dress was so much too big and couldn’t be taken in the 3 sizes I would have needed. We got married in May and I thought the weight I put on (a stone) would drop off again. I have always had fluctuations in my weight and never struggled particularly.
    Well that just didn’t happen! I was always hungry, eating rubbish and generally being very unhealthy. My husband also put weight on as our busy lives meant he wasn’t able to get out and do the walking/ hiking he had always done before.
    It came to a head last night when I was very upset about my weight. I have never cried before about my size but something snapped.
    I used to be a size 6-8 now I am nearly a 12. I even had to undo my trousers after tea as my tummy was so big! MORTIFIED! Our children are 3 and 7 and even they have noticed I have got bigger.
    So, having read up about the 5:2 diet before I have decided the time to start is now. I have just gone through the whole site, checked all the info and got some recipe ideas. My shopping list is done and tonight we will be buying all the things we need to make a healthier life style.
    We have also agreed that at least one day a weekend we are going out on a long walk, bike ride or swim. Some sort of regular exercise as a family!
    So good luck to all us newbies! We can do this! xx

    hi and welcome MummyElz!

    your post made me smile way 🙂 in a nice way though!! size 12 isn’t bad at all, trust me, I used to be a size 16 🙁 that was almost 7 years ago, I am a 10 now but ideally I would love to be a 8 but I am happy and 5.2 keeps my weight in check, its not easy but it is the most flexible,fabulous way of life ever!
    I am sure you will get to your goal, lots of patience, you both sound very organised and ready, I walk a lot, at least an hour 4 times a week if I can (have 2 dogs lol) and it really helps on fast days to spend the energy and burn the fat 🙂

    well happy fasting, good luck and let us know how you are both getting on!!

    Angie x

    HI Angie.
    Thanks honey 🙂 I think it feels worse having previously been much smaller. When I was a 6 it was due to having been very poorly and not being able to eat so lost a lot of weight. What makes it worse was that was without trying and my stomach must have shrunk because I was never hungry. But forcing myself to put weight on was just silly- I see that now, I should have bought a smaller dress size.

    We walk to and from school/ nursery every day and it takes 20 minutes each way. So that is a good start. Now some extra wont go a miss.

    Thank you so much for being so positive, I’m not expecting to drop a dress size in a week or anything but a steady, healthy way of life would be great 🙂


    hi again MummyElz!

    I am sure you will do really well with 5.2, you have the right attitude, and that is a good start!
    and you are absolutely right in saying this will be a steady and healthy way of life, it really is, and its amazing how, after a few weeks of fasting, your appetite change and you will find you don’t want to eat as much as you used or even eat the same things but you become more mindful, that’s not to say you cant have treats!! because this is what I love about this WOL, its the freedom it gives you, but also, on feed days, if I want chocolate or cakes or sweet stuff i’ll have it!! just not as much I want grrrrrrrrrrr 🙂

    but you will see in time how your whole attitude to food really does change.. so give it time, and let 5.2 work its magic 🙂

    Angie xx

    Thanks honey, seems to be going well do far and its the first fast day today. But I have made sure that we are eating more healthily anyway and I intend to keep it up 🙂

    hi MummyElz!

    well done on your first fast today, you are halfway there 🙂

    Angie xx

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