Beginning 2nd run at 5:2 program

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Beginning 2nd run at 5:2 program

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  peanut3 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • I had a year of great success while committed to 5:2 Fast Diet, lost 6″ off my waist, felt great!!
    Fell off due to boredom with the few tasty recipes I found in Mimi’s book after a year. My biggest problem is getting some protein and finding recipes I can eat.
    I do not eat red meat, only a few fish I can tolerate, and trying to stay away from dairy. That leaves chicken/ turkey, eggs, beans, and a few white fish.
    Thus a year of success succumbed to boredom of palate.
    Beginning 5:2 diet once again today, exercising, and will try sugar-free, gluten-free, dairy-free additional limits so as to try and reduce systemic inflammation occurring as evident from my blood work tests.
    Any shared recipes that I could include with my revised goals as I start once again on my health goal with the 5:2 Fast Diet/ my second chapter . I am very grateful for your help!
    Thanks for your input!

    I stick mostly with eggs and chicken for protein (and some cottage cheese). In both cases, it’s the vegetables I have with it that gives variety and makes it interesting. That’s probably not very helpful…

    Thank you Mary Ann for your comment, I appreciate it!

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