April 2019 Challenge

This topic contains 740 replies, has 53 voices, and was last updated by  AnneMarilyn 5 years, 9 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 601 through 650 (of 741 total)

  • Day 24 Melb Aust FD800 (1st of B2B2B – yesterday was a failure!) – and this is my second post, because I tried to edit a mis-typing error, and my post seems to have disappeared into the ether!!!! GRR!!
    Day 23 TDEE

    FD800 today going okay. Protein bar for lunch, and will have lots of vegetables with a couple of eggs, and low-fat melted cheese on top for dinner – about 500 cals, which will be fine, and yum! Was 0.4 kg up this morning on Saturday’s weight after all the Easter indulgences and ice-cream, but a few FD800 days should fix that (I hope!).

    @dykask, quite concerned to read your post about possibly “dry fasting”. I echo @ciren2‘s comments. The so-called weight you’ll lose will be mainly water while you’ll be potentially putting your life at risk. It’s not worth it. Be patient. This WOL works, and the weight will come off in time.

    @gretta, great about the new dress in which to look stunning. Happy birthday for tomorrow, and enjoy! Reset in May.

    @daffodil2010, hope work hasn’t been too crazy with just two of you working

    @metatauta, re wrinkles, had you considered a couple of days of water fasting, as recommended by Dr Jason Fung, to tighten up some of the loose skin?

    @shinything, so sorry to read of your mum’s condition. Dementia is such a sad sownward spiral.

    @shelliz, enjoy your holiday!

    Onwards and downwards everyone! (And I am NOT re-editing if there are spelling errors!)

    Day 24 second post

    Pocket list day 24


    Day 24 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    There seems to be a real drop in participation on the forum the past week….so hope everyone is enjoying Easter break but sticking to the WOL and hopefully we will hear from you all soon?

    Good FD yesterday, busy in work and a bit stressful but got through it, finished my day by planting up some perennial flowers (aquilegia) I had grown from seed. Always a lovely way to end a stressful day.

    Hoping today will be fine, but hey, just gotta do what I can do in work. I am feeling a tad tired. it has been such a busy few weeks with work, Dad, camper van, garden, family, life…..might need to have some me time soon ☺️

    @betsylee I so hate when long posts disappear 😡 That’s why I would often have crazy auto correct words in my text because I won’t go back to edit. Lost many good posts I have.

    @shelliz ooooh so exciting to look forward to two weeks in Italy. Love, love, love it there. Hope you have a great time.

    Have a great Wednesday 24 April (already !)

    Pocket list Day 24

    Day 23 – Ireland – CD
    Day 24 – NFD

    Back to work today after a chocolatey weekend and on weigh in this morning I was pleasantly surprised to see I hadn’t gone too far back up the scales… but I must be careful as often there is a delay with weight gain for me…
    NFD for me today as I have a work lunch out but hope to make good choices and will try not to eat much else…
    Have not had a chance to read posts for past few days but I hope you all have a good day today. Be strong 💪!

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 21 NFD
    Day 22 FD
    Day 23 NFD
    Day 24 FD

    Thanks to @Daffodil201, @ciren2 and @jaifaim for all the encouragement. I need it atm!

    I think I am perimenopausal and my hormones are all over the place. Add to that I had to return to work this week after a long absence due to a misogynistic, deceitful colleague (who the company has now promoted!) so stress levels are through the roof, and I’m feeling pretty awful. Still, I am persevering and hopefully things will improve soon. Weight hasn’t gone down again yet, but I live in hope!

    Sorry to all those suffering from hay fever at the moment; hope it lifts soon.

    Day 24 – Manchester, England – FD

    This month isn’t going great. I’m aiming for a FD today and definitely need that pocket list:
    Pocket list Day 24

    Day 24 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Taking DH to hospital for tests tomorrow so bringing forward tomorrow’s FD to today. Aiming to make the last few days of the month good ones.

    Pocket list Day 24

    Have a good day everyone 🙂

    Day 24- Atlanta, GA.- USA- FD

    Had a good workout this morning. But I’m feeling hungrier than usual. I’ll just drink more water today. Gonna save my cals for supper this evening.

    Day 24, VA, USA, WFD

    Yesterday was NFD and my SO wanted pizza, well we have not had it apparently since visiting my brother in early March so I said sure. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I had not gained when I stepped on the scale this morning. Yay.

    Oooop just realized I have to go teach. I’ll chat later.

    Pocket list Day 24

    @betsylee: Good luck with your fast today. Like @daffodil2010 I’ve learnt the hard way not to edit….losing a long post is SO annoying! So now I aim to check it before pressing submit, rather than after!
    @shelliz: Enjoy Italy. Many years ago, my mum actually won a holiday there and I went with her. We stayed 1st class in Positano on the Amalfi coast, not far from Naples. Visited Pompeii, climbed Mount Versuvius and also visited the island of Capri. Enjoyed it very much!
    @stephsie: Sorry you are having trouble with one of your work colleagues…it must be awful for you. Try to ignore…(hard, I know, but..) Hugs xx
    @missybear: I too am taking my DH to hospital tomorrow! He’s in for a back operation to clear pinched nerves. Hope you don’t have to travel far. We need to go 23 miles away.

    Day 24 USA (Utah visiting) NFD

    Looking forward to a water aerobics class this morning and massage this afternoon.

    Hang in there, everyone.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 24 Canton OH FD

    @stephsie that sounds horrible, hopefully you can avoid this person or at the very least coexist without too much aggravation. My mantra for dealing with aggravating people is “I don’t have to live with you” thinking that usually puts a smile on my face even when I don’t feel like it. Hang in there, like all things this too shall pass.

    @batsylee, disappearing posts have conditioned me to type my posts in a word document and then copy-paste onto the forum. I usually use two screens so that helps. Sorry been there, that can be so frustrating

    on that note, I will sign off as duty calls.

    keep the faith wonderful people
    Pocket list Day 24

    Day 25, Japan, NFD

    Didn’t managed to hit my goal for April, but still some weight loss. Off to the holidays and I will see you in May! Have a nice one xx

    Day 24 UK FD!!!

    Quick check in for accountability. V long day – left at 0830, non-stop, just home. Managed to fast all day with apple at lunchtime, at least 2litres fizzy water & some hot drinks; made healthy choices for evening meal at friend’s house – vegan chilli and rice, salad, berries. Yay!

    Knackered & ache all over, but v good day. Looking forward to catching up with posts tomorrow xx

    Day 24 Ohio, US — NFD(70 bites)

    The day was quite busy, but the NFD has stayed on target. Had the spring clean-up landscaping done today, so the yard is in perfect shape for putting the house on the market.

    @ciren2 Hope the back surgery goes well! Will keep your OH and you in my thoughts.

    @aglowworm Hang in there with the FD! I know you can do it in good shape!

    @stephsie With any luck you no longer have to cope with that person at work. But it also sounds like you have a good deal of dysfunction also operating there. Do you take some yoga or tai chi classes? They can help to give you a positive environment to help offset the work environment.

    Day 25, Emden Germany, FD800

    fasting is going well, so I’m going on with it.

    @ciren2 I hope your DH’s surgery will be succesful!
    @missybear I hope your DH’s tests go well!
    @gretta Happy birthday!
    @shelliz Enjoy Italy!
    @stephsie I’m sorry what you’ve been trough, do you still have to work with him? Take care.

    Pocket list day 25

    @snowflake56 FD800

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 25 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Quick check in. 3rd of B2B2B today. All going well.

    @stephsie so sorry to hear about your work situation. I had the same issue last year with a boss and I ended up walking from the job in tears. Tried to take action with HR but they faffed about. I was two weeks on sick leave. Then this job came up in my friends place so I resigned and here I am now on contract. No certainty for the future but will not put up with being bullied. I do hope you get through this.

    Have a good day everyone

    Day 25 – Ireland – FD

    Seems like a lot of people are in the same boat with eating to excess just for this past weekend but not doing too badly weightwise… seems fair enough to me 🤪 we work so hard most of the time 💪
    Hope all those going for tests and bringing others for tests are doing ok 👌
    I am so sorry to hear about your mother @shinything… my mum has Alzheimer’s and all I can say is to take each day as it comes… although the mind is affected you can still share very special moments with your mum 💕
    @stephsie I sympathise with you! I’ve been there with a colleague over a long number of years and it’s true… this too shall pass even though it’s hard to imagine right now.. but in the meantime just try to ignore that person and focus on the good people around you…I’ve also learned to nip this type of treatment in the bud now but It’s not easy if you are naturally non-confrontational… There will come a time when this person’s actions won’t have any effect on you… 🙏

    Happy holidays @shelliz! See you in May!
    Have a good day everyone!

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 25: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD

    Got up at usual work-time (early!) to get DH off to the hospital by 7.30am. It’s a private hospital on the NHS, so own room with en-suite….all very nice. He should be there only one night and (amazingly, for once..) was FIRST on the operating list! So before 9am he was whisked off and I came back home (23 miles in the rush-hour) to be with our little dog, home alone. They will ring me when he comes round. He’s even on the list for lunch, so can’t be bad!

    Well, April is coming to an end shortly. How is everybody getting on with targets? Me? I’m just bumbling around behind the wagon!

    Who will take over the reins for May?
    It seems pretty easy, just be around to log into this forum every day, write an intro, and a bit here and there…you don’t even need to be super-successful at 5:2 (look at me)!

    Have a good day, all. xx

    Day 25 Pocket list: if you’re fasting, copy, paste and add your name:


    Day 25 – Atlanta, ga-USA NFD

    Had a successful FD yesterday. Even went out for lunch. Chose to have a garden salad with very little vinegrette dressing and a Turkey club with no bread (No Carbs) along with it. Still sticking to my gym routine. Starting to see results too. Excited to see where I am at the end of the month.

    Day 25 – UK – CD
    Day 24 – FD600
    Day 23 – CD

    Day 22 ended up a FD800 not the low calorie day I had planned 😒 but I am pleased to report that the week so far has been a controlled one and has involved no alcohol as yet 😇 Planning on another FD800 tomorrow and then will weigh in on Saturday for the first time since the start of this challenge to see what more I need to do to ensure that I end the month within my target weight.

    Still not in the mindset to check in daily and get involved in this challenge (not really sure why) but I am hanging in there and will keep lurking in the background for the time being!

    Hello to the all the old timers here @snowflake56 @gretta @shinything @daffodil2010 @basyjames @songbirdme @ciren2 @michelinme @jaifaim @missybear @ccco and any others I have missed – lovely to see @therealwil78 and @brightonbelle back with us 🤗

    Great to have some newer names staying with this WOL – sorry I have not been involved much in discussions this month but it’s nice to hear that some of you are doing so well with this WOL @rabbette @hieiren @betsylee

    For anyone struggling try to stay positive and stick with us – we know that this WOL works “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle = Positive Minds = Positive Vibes = Positive Lives”

    It can be disappointing when you do everything ‘right’ and you don’t get the results you want. But this WOL is about being patient…………
    You just have to remember that every healthy choice you make is the right one. Just because the scale may not reflect it immediately, doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth it. SUCCESS IS THE SUM OF SMALL EFFORTS, REPEATED DAY IN AND DAY OUT

    As for me I will be aiming to stick to my mini challenge of “control and moderation” for the 5 days left to the end of this April 2019 Challenge @michelinme and @missybear are you still with me? TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!

    Sending positive vibes to all those in need today 🙏

    Day 25, VA, USA, WFD B2B

    Had a successful WFD yesterday and don’t feel hungry yet, so I’m going for B2B. Feeling good and its really nice out here. Soon I will be traveling at the beginning of May, I plan on fasting on the travel days (although I realized that we are traveling on my Birthday (next Thursday!), can I fast on my B-day? Do I have enough willpower? Do I want to have willpower on my B-Day?) Maybe I’ll fast the day b/4 incase when we land my friend might have something planned.

    Traveling by airplane – are days I would be searching to eat something good, but find it to be more challenging to find greens that look good when you are at an airport. Wonder if I can carry a baggie of arugula *amusing myself at how suspicious that will look in the carry-on (it has become my go-to replacement for potato chips – and oddly I don’t miss the chips! Yay)

    Thats next week tho, so today enjoying the weather and seeing about doing some grocery shopping, which is always better on a WFD than a regular FD where I may have had almond milk in my coffee. I’m way less hungry with just water and/or black coffee in the morning.

    @gretta – Birthday Cheers! Oh yeah, getting a new dress, and I know you look sharp as your sweetheart wanted you to get the dress (yeah buddies!) AND you are going to a BALL, that sounds like such fun. Great idea on the carrot with chili salt – that sounds yummy! Dance pants here I come!

    @shelliz – Weight loss and no gain is a GOAL! My goal was to attend a class. Which I did and need to get to another one 😉

    @matpi – good going on the yard clean-up, I always find that challenging. I rather do nearly ANYTHING else.

    @snowflake56 – Keep on, keeping on, sounds like you got it good right now with the fasting.

    @daffodil2010 – 3rd B2B nice job! Getting those scales to tip in our favor – BAM!

    @stephsie – ugh about work situation. I send you some strength to persevere!

    @ciren2 – Wasn’t sure what kind of target to hit, so I put to attend a class (and I did yay) but target as far as weight-loss (I make it easy, I just go for a loss, not a gain)

    @therealwil78 – good job on your food choices. I’m finding my choices to be much better too!

    @at – Loved what you said here “But this WOL is about being patient… You just have to remember that every healthy choice you make is the right one.” Words to live by thank you.

    Day 25 Pocket list: if you’re fasting, copy, paste and add your name:

    @rabbette B2B

    Day 25 USA (IL travel day) NFD

    Had a terrific day yesterday — water aerobics kicks my butt in the morning, but then a fabulous massage in the afternoon. Flying home today. I have done FD’s on travel days, but won’t try that today. Just want a good CD.

    @at — thanks for the kind shout out. We “long-timers” are testimonials to the ability to sustain life on our WOL, aren’t we?!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 25 – Ireland – FD ish – second post

    @ciren2 I meant to say earlier that I am happy to host May…. as this is the year I’m setting myself challenges this could be a good challenge to start off with… I do worry that I might not be great at checking in with everyone on a daily basis as sometimes my hectic life gets in the way but am up for it….
    The only thing is would someone be able to set the spreadsheet up for me? I work off a phone as with security settings in work I can’t access or copy the sheet….
    it may mean also that I stick to my May plan a bit more fir one month 🤞. Historically summer months are when I derail…..
    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 25 UK FD

    Recovery day today but catching up with home chores and preparing for a mostly quieter 10 days ahead. No meetings, but plenty of project work & if I get it done I’d like to get a way for a few days.

    Fell asleep sitting up in bed & quite spaced out today but with a grateful heart & mind, looking on the world & myself gently. Food shopping and laundry done, house tidy and fridge full. Done gentle yoga after a few days off, now for OMAD supper then bath and a super early night… I’m waking between 6-7am so good to get my sleep in first!

    Tomorrow my 80yo mother is coming for tea so that seems like a good time to break my fast. Hoping for an early start with yoga & meditation, a good planning session with project work and some clearing of decks – and desk!

    Glad to catch up with the last few days’ posts at last!

    @matpi thank you 🙂
    @gretta Happy Birthday to you!
    @missybear hope DH’s hospital test results are helpful
    @shelliz buone vacanze 🙂
    @ciren2 hope everythign has gone well with DH’s operation today x
    @at great motivational post, thank you. Yes, I’m still with you on this mini-challenge. Have banked solid Cds & FDs so far, and aiming for a strong finish 🙂
    @jaifaim wonderful, well done! And thank you x

    Many thanks for offering to host May. I’m also not the most experienced at this sort of thing but I’ve actually found it quite an enjoyable experience. I too needed to ask if someone could set up a spreadsheet for me and @snowflake56 kindly did that, and someone else (forgotten the name) once helped when it went blank….so no worries there. Plenty of “techies” around!
    DH’s operation went well this morning. Last time I spoke to him a couple of hours ago he was still waiting to be “got out” of bed, but that will certainly be happening today. He’s supposed to be released tomorrow morning. No driving for 48 hours….otherwise, hopefully, all well.
    You lead a busy life, so take the chance to rest while you can!
    @Rabette: Well done to you with the successful WFD and good luck with the B2B.
    @at: Good post. It’s great that you come in to motivate us from time to time. You’re a great “old-timer” too.
    @snowflake56: Thanks for the good wishes for DH…..let’s hope the operations puts him out of pain. Time will tell.
    @gretta: Your birthday? Have a great one xx

    Day 25 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Thanks for good wishes for DH’s hospital tests, thankfully results were good. He has to return in mid May for a CT scan and will have to water fast the day before the scan so I will do that with him. @ciren2 hope your husband is recovering well.

    @at yes I’m still with you on your mini challenge of control and moderation. So far this week I’ve had 2 FDs and kept NFDs within TDEE, no wine since Sunday. Weight still stuck at top of maintenance range……as I’m approaching my first anniversary in maintenance I accept that I will have to stay vigilant and keep with 5:2 to remain on my maintenance plateau 🙂

    Keep on keeping on everyone 😉

    Day 26 – Japan – WFD

    Not willing to try dry fasting yet … This fast started about 5 hours earlier than normal. I’m already 20 hours in.

    Day 25 Ohio, US — NFD(70 bites)

    A very stress-filled day. I was sorely tempted to go over the bite limit, but have held the line. Students are really anxious, so I’ve been giving them much more time than usual. In fact, I only just got done with the last student email before logging in here. Then there were four extra meetings today, between which I ran back to my house to prep it for carpet stretching. I got everything except the heavy furniture off the carpets and into the kitchen and bathrooms. Well, it turns out that the carpet stretcher didn’t show and left a message that he’ll be back on Tuesday. The house is now all torn up and I must admit I’m not strongly motivated to put it back together just to tear it up again a few day from now.

    Also the workmen that were supposed to do a few chores today didn’t show and say that they’ll will do the work the middle of next week. Well, I’m all booked up at work next week every day until early evening, so I’m not sure who will be able to supervise them when I’m not able to be there. So both no shows have moved stress until next week, which already was shaping up to a super stress-filled week. I find that pending stress is like the sword of Damocles — even though it’s not falling, it’s still hard to relax with it hanging over your head.

    Meanwhile it appears that my dog likes the new mulch that was just put out. In fact, he apparently ate enough of it that he got sick this morning and I had to take him to the vet this afternoon.

    Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday. If it were Monday, I’d be in really bad shape.

    Hope your day has gone better than mine!

    Day 25 Florida USA NFD I haven’t been finding time to post but I always keep up with the spreadsheet. I’m at the top of my maintenance weight and exceeding my TDEE on NFD’s this week- feels like I’m slipping. Yes there’s been a lot of stress but NO EXCUSES! Thank You @jaifam for offering to host May. I’m in this for life so I’ll look forward to the next spreadsheet link. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻To all for sticking with this!

    Day 26 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Woke early, so checking in early. Looking forward to the weekend. Super busy in work, then super busy with van conversion at home. It’s taking over our lives!!

    @matpi, wow, you are going through the wars, sending positive thoughts to you xx
    @missybear one year on maintenance is super! Well done. Glad to hear your DH and yours @ciren2 are recovering

    @jaidaim than you so much for taking on the reins of May. Don’t worry about the spreadsheet, plenty of us here can help.

    Have a great Friday everyone.

    Day 26, Emden Germany, CD

    had a few good FDs the last days so today I’m going for a CD.

    @missybear glad the tests were fine. One year on maintenanc is a real achievement, I find maintenance harder than losing the weight when I started this WOL. Be proud!
    @ciren2 I hope your DH can come home today without any pain left it would be great.
    @jaifaim thanks for offering to host May, I can do the spreadsheet if you want to.
    @at nice to hear from you again and thanks for the possitive post! I’m with you on the mini challenge, I want to end this challenge on the goal weight I set myself for this month.
    @rabbette birthdays are there to be celebrated, just try to make healthy choices and leave space in case your friend has planned something.
    @matpi too many negatives in a short time. Workmen that don’t show up are so annoying. I hope your weekend will be a relaxed one.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 26 Melb Aust FD
    Day 25 CD
    Day 24 CD

    Both CD days were meant to be FD800s, but…. ah well, it happens. Both around 1300 cals, so I’ll accept those as CDs as I was quite active both days. Today? Just some warm broth (Vegemite dissolved in hot water, so almost no cals) up till now, and vegies with eggs for dinner, so a “proper” FD coming up. I’ve caught some kind of “lurgy”, with sore throat and starting on the nose drip and cough now, so warm fluid is perfect today. Oh? Vegemite? In the UK I think it’s similar to Marmite, and Promite in the US (though Promite seems to my taste to be a bit sweeter).

    Anyway, weight this morning exactly where it was last Saturday, so we’ll see if today helps any before my weigh-in tomorrow.

    @ciren2, Hope your OH is okay post-op, and that you can keep him from doing too much too soon!

    @matpi, how frustrating to do all that much shifting around of furniture, and then the workers don’t show. Eeek!

    @michelinme, hope the next 10 days really stay quiet for you. I’ve found that events expand to fill the time available 🙂

    @jaifaim, great you can look after May. I hope to step up some month later in the year, when the research phase of my study is finished (probably after September).

    Pocket List Day 26


    Day 26:Gloucestershire, UK, NFD:

    Amazingly our little dog slept all night on my bed without fretting about where DH is! He has called her a “traitor” for not even appearing to miss him especially. I expect she’ll be all over him later today when he (hopefully) comes home. He’s been told he can come home at 11am.
    I spent a lot of time yesterday evening watching various You-Tube films on fasting….I can be motivated by these, when on a full stomach…but by this morning I still had my porridge for breakfast, as usual….so, carrying on as usual!

    @missybear: Glad for you that your DH also had good results at the hospital yesterday. Hope everything goes well with the scan for him in mid-May too.
    @dykask: Happy to see you sticking with the WATER fast days, for now! Good for you.
    @matpi: Weekend is nearly here…hang on in there. I was interested to test your bite-theory. I found to my horror, that I’d reached 70 bites in less than four spoons of porridge!! Does that mean you only eat the equivalent of about four forkfuls of food a day? On a NFD? Or, by “bites” do you mean mouthfuls? Otherwise, I suppose you could try swallowing without chewing…..! You must be very focussed. Whatever it is, you’re awesome.
    @mogaman: Good to see you are sticking around. Stay with us.

    Thank you again all of you who’ve expressed good wishes for my dear hubby.
    @betsylee: I think that, rather than stopping him from doing too much, I’m more of a slave-driver, making him do enough, to get up and walk around! I’ve been Whatsapping him to NOT spend too much time lying around in bed, but to get up periodically and walk round his room, and at the very least, to wriggle his feet to activate his calf muscles. Later on to try walking in the corridor outside. I remember in 2011, when I had spinal-fusion, I was told that as soon as I could walk down the corridor and up and down one flight of stairs, I could go home. So I kept walking, walking, walking round our ward, once I was free on the pneumatic leg-compression baggage and achieved the target of the stairs by day four….but then I’m a post-lady, so…
    DH’s operation was lesser, a key-hole spinal decompression…hence he can come home today.
    Right…off now to walk the dog. Bye for now xx

    Day 26 London UK FD800
    I haven’t had time to post over Easter (and the last few days have been ‘recovering from Easter’, but I have managed to keep up with the FD800s. Well, except for the very busy Holy Week, where I fell off the spreadsheet pattern and went into two FD800 s a week a bit early.

    Currently I’m getting used to the new pattern – I seem to be losing weight on two fast days, but slowly, very slowly.

    @ciren2 hope your husband is home soon.

    Day 26 Wales NFD
    Day 25 FD

    Somehow yesterday turned into an unplanned FD, just wasn’t hungry. Would never have believed that would happen when I started. Last weigh in for April completed and target busted, now into the 11’s, 11st 12.25lb so very happy with that.
    Sorry haven’t been posting so much, work crazy and mood still not great but improving 🙂
    Woofits tumour about the same size but softer than it was, keeping fingers crossed. Thank you for all your kind thoughts for him x

    @jaifaim thank you for taking on May xx

    Day 26 UK CD

    Slept so well last night tho woke up feeling tired & in pain flare still… I’ll keep mindful with food & drink & plan some good evening routines & early nights for the next 10 days.

    Definitely feeling the benefit of this more mindful week already – feeling trimmer and less puffy. My weekly weigh day showed me a whole lb BELOW my plateau… at 64.5kg/142.2lb. I think I may have had a little post-Easter whoosh earlier this week… a day or so after eating my Sunday treats of fruit bread & pizza then drinking lots of water on Monday 🙂

    Had a pottering morning which makes me feel settled. Now for some gentle yoga & meditation – yay. This afernoon I’m picking up tasks from this week’s meetings, listing out all my project work plus prioritising and scheduling. It’s always onerous to do but wonderful when done – like so many things!

    Been thinking & misssing some old friends, particularly @cornish-jane @borealis @rainbowsmile @bert1802 @flourbaby – do drop in and let us know how you’re doing xx

    Hope the sun shines on us all today x

    Day 25- Atlanta, GA.- USa- FD

    Hello all! @at its great to be back. Been back since Feruary and the comradery and support has been vital to my success and my hanging in there to reach my ultimate goal. I’m about 4-5 lbs. away now and I’m truly thankful for this group and this WOL. Happy Firday to you all. Enjoy your weekend everyone.

    Collected the invalid from the hospital earlier. He didn’t get a bit of sleep last night because of the compressed air bags on his legs and the “breathing” noises they made all the time. So he’s upstairs resting now. No bending, twisting or heavy lifting for six weeks! We’ve ordered a “litter-picker” for when things are on the floor or out of reach….and there’s me of course, at least while I’ve got time off work!
    @Russettfox: Happy for you that you’re feeling a bit better, and that Woofit is getting along alright. Congratulations on entering the next stone and reaching your April target.
    @michelinme: Well done getting off that plateau.
    @therealwil78: You’re SO close to your goal-weight now…..May is YOUR month, for sure! Stick with us.

    Day 26, VA, USA, NFD

    Had breakfast today yet I feel “hungry?” Going to down another glass of water to see if that helps. I find that to be quite ridiculous to feel like this 2 hours after I ate, I mean theres no way that I am hungry. I’m going to just need to have a sit down with myself. And maybe I’m not exactly hungry, but I feel drawn to want something… I don’t know what tho, so to me that is a sure sign I’m not really hungry, I just want my mouth moving… crunching on something. Maybe I’ll just go get some arugula and a cup of water.

    Today is a bit gloomy – I always like these days for transplanting plants. However, I’m all done with garden stuff for now. I have no more plants, to fuss with that is. I have them all in pots or the ground. Must get the idal hands working.

    @matpi – well thats just crappy. I don’t think I would move anything back in to place either just to have to do it again so soon. Hope your doggie is ok. Mulch does not sound very appetizing but apparel you got a tasty variety.

    @mogaman – nice to hear from you. Good job on your maintenance (I’ll be super excited to get there one day!)

    @daffodil2010 – ah yes projects like that can somewhat take over. You’ll LOVE it when you’re done tho.

    @snowflake56 – awe, thanks. I didn’t want to just be willy nilly but also it is a travel day and I am less inclined to eat. So starting out fasting sounds like a game plan to me and then later if there is food/drink to celebrate I’ll enjoy it. Thank you for the kind words.

    @betsylee – I had Vegemite when and Aussie buddy brought some over. I didn’t know we had an equivalent Promite (although if it is sweeter, thats not really an equivalent I would consider that to be inferior)

    @ciren2 – I had to laugh at being called traitor – My sweetheart says that about our cat when she cuddles with me and not them (our cat loves my sweethearts knee nook) Glad your husband is home now. Yes the bags making noise all night is such a nuisance.

    @bluesqueek – great job, even if it’s slow its still going down that counts!

    @russetfox – woah, that is pretty cool to have an unexpected FD.

    @michelinme – Had a “pottering morning” I will take that to mean something else beside for what I was hoping which was that you did some clay throwing on the wheel or hand buidling… I’m totally into pottery.

    @therealwil78 – 4-5lbs away from goal weight – oooooooo so exciting!

    Cheers to all of you – I’m so happy to get to know all of you, thank you for the support.

    Day 26 Florida USA FD @rabbette I’m SO hungry right now between breakfast and dinner. I’ve become unused to FD’s, having been relying on a lot of CD’s for Maintenance. Thanks for the reminder to drink a big glass of water. That should help. I used to do FD’s easily!

    Day 26 – UK – CD

    On the 25th of April 1915 Australian troops landed on the Gallipoli Peninsula in what is now called Anzac Cove. They rushed from the beach up to Plugge’s Plateau into Australian military history suffering many casualties on the way. Thoughts were with all our antipodean friends yesterday – time of remembrance!

    A somewhat damp and cold day here but still went out for 2hr walk with my usual walking group – we had lunch after to celebrate someone’s birthday and I have to own up to a medium glass of white wine 🤨 with my Pad Thai Jay (vegan Pad Thai) but no more food thereafter and am planning on ending today as a good CD 😇 so sticking to my mini challenge of “control and moderation” until the end of the month!

    @ciren2 – good to hear that your DH got home safe and sound and is doing as he’s told 😉
    @gretta – Happy belated birthday – hope you had a fab day yesterday celebrating
    @songbirdme – I’m not giving up on this WOL as it changed my live for the better! so definitely in it for the long run
    @jaifaim – Thank you for stepping up to host the May Challenge – it is the 3rd anniversary of @coda setting up these challenges way back in May 2016 and there are a lot of us who are very grateful to her for setting up this very supportive international forum 🤗
    @therealwil78 – 🤞that you hit your target at month’s end
    @michelinme and @missybear (Happy 1st maintenance anniversary) – knowing that you are with me on this mini challenge has been helping me stay focused – Thank You 🤗 Good to have you with us on this mini challenge as well @snowflake56 – TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!
    @matpi – I think you need one of these today 🤗
    @mogaman – lovely to hear from you – you’ll not be slipping too far I’m sure – a good FD will help you refocus 💪 you can do this x

    Last weekend of this challenge month – let it be a controlled one for everyone so we end this month on a high note next Tuesday!

    Wherever you are in the world – I wish you all a good weekend – “LIFE is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to DANCE in the RAIN”

    USA Day 26

    Just checking in! Sorry for the absence. A crazy week! Anyway, I have begun to have thyroid problems, so have absolutely no appetite. That might help, actually, although it is not healthy. It looks like my medication isn’t doing its job. In any case, I weighed myself this morning and my weight has not changed since last week’s weigh-in.

    I have to get back to reading everyone’s posts as soon as I can but I hope everyone is doing well. I am glad, ciren, that your husband is doing well!

    Day 26 – Eastern WA USA – WFD

    Got back late last evening from about 6 days away for Easter and more. I was inconsistent in my eating choices so have gained some weight. So decided to start with a WFD immediately.

    It’s hard to believe this month is almost over. Thank you to @jaifaim for stepping up to host May.

    day 27 – Japan – NFD

    Water fast #32 is in. At 41 hours is was a bit longer than normal.

    As @ciren2 noticed I decided not to dry fast, mainly because if one is doing a dry fast they really shouldn’t exercise. I’ve had heat exhaustion before and it can take a couple weeks to recover so it is something that I want to avoid.

    I can easily see myself feeling good, and taking on a run and having problems 4km in to the run! I’ll think I’ll skip that and drink the water.

    Day 26 Ohio, US — FD (#77)

    Thanks everyone for the positive thoughts! Today has definitely gone better. I had scheduled today for a FD, but I was so exhausted from yesterday, I wasn’t sure I could make it through a FD. But I decided to start off a regular FD routine and to be prepared to turn it into a NFD if it were necessary. To my delighted surprise I’ve made it through the whole day fasting! I’m still very tired, and hopefully a good night’s sleep will turn that around.

    The dog is also getting better. The vet took the opportunity of the visit to give him a couple of shots that he’ll need later, and I think he’s recovering now more from the shots than from the mulch. In one of the psalms it says, “Taste and see how good the Lord is.” My dog’s motto is, “Taste everything and see how good the world is.”

    @ciren2 It definitely is counting mouthfuls, not how many chews. In fact, the earliest article I’ve found on this is by a psychologist who calls it “The Mouthful Diet.” I’ll weigh myself tomorrow and report how this month-long experiment is turning out.

    Well, I’ve just run out of energy, so am signing off now.

    Have a great week-end all!

    Day 27, Emden Germany, FD King’s Day 🌷🌷🌷

    @ciren2 glad to hear your DH is back home again and doing well.
    @ccco with thyroid medication it can take a few days before you’re on the right hormonal level.
    @debster251, @judyjudes and @miraclelou I hope you’re all doing well, just busy!

    Pocket list day 27


    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 27 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Morning all. Thank goodness it’s the weekend. Today I am all set to make up a flat pack cabinet for the camper……at 51 I have never tried to make anything from flat pack, so I am going to treat it as a complicated jigsaw and give it a go. And DH is there if I get stuck 😆

    Good choices yesterday, feeling and looking more svelte, though still get cramps in my foot even though exercise, stretching, water, magnesium taken. Must look into that.

    Have a great Saturday. Loads of regulars missing from the forum…..miss you all.

    Day 26 – Ireland – NFD
    Day 27 – NFD

    I am away with my cycling club in the howling winds of the southwest of Ireland but will set up the May monthly challenge as soon as I can. Thanks @snowflake56 for offering to set up the spreadsheet, that would be fantastic and you are very kind 💕
    Thanks @ciren2 too for looking after us so well this month…🤗
    Nearly there everyone… but I suspect I won’t make my target particularly with this weekend of good food and sport.. my main aim will be to stay on my bike and not be blown over 💨💨.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

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