Day 19……Florida…..FD
My FD yesterday turned into a NFD, as I need a break from work, so instead of eating lunch at work, I went out. Then the hubby made a very good dinner that was to go to eat in such a small amount.
Breakfast is actually when we break our fast aka our nightly slumber. For the bigger picture we all technically eat break fast….. it just is not a traditional morning breakfast…….see that word play there…
Traditional eaters will eat with in one hour of waking, hardcore dieters will start planning there 20plus meals for the day and eat something with in their calorie range and then you have us…..who get up grab some fluids, start our days and accomplish more in those breakfast hours than most.
By the time most reach mid afternoon, they are getting ready to sit down for there afternoon meal, most have snacked on something before hand, hardcore dieters are on there 4th meal of the day and we are now finally eating breakfast.
One to two more snacks for traditional eaters then dinner, hardcore, on the 8th and then us only our 2nd meal.
Now, everyone is headed for their nightly fast, but not for those traditionals and hardcore… they’re eating again……
Now, here is my big ending and point…… while most have built their days around eating, we have built our days around being healthy and being in the moment getting life accomplished. While most our bogged down from all that eating, we are feeling light, healthy and still have plenty of energy to go around.
I think it comes down to what you want to accomplish during your day and it’s all determined by when you decide to eat a morning breakfast or eat your breakfast at the time you break your fast.
There no right or wrong in this WOL, it’s all up to you and what you need. Remember this is not a one size fits all lifestyle, it one that tailored just for you, just for your life style.
Okay that was my pep talk for the morning as usual late but the point is there….
Your riding a horse at full speed, a giraffe is next to you and a lion is chasing you
What do you do?
You get your drunk ass off the carousel!
12:21 pm
19 Apr 18