Apple Cider Vinegar helps me with heartburn issues

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Apple Cider Vinegar helps me with heartburn issues

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  lhayden 6 years, 10 months ago.

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  • I’m brand new to IT and will start the 5:2 tomorrow choosing to do the water fast instead of 500 calories. I started a one day a week water fast 6 weeks ago just to see how it would go and except for heartburn have felt great. I started adding Braggs apple cider vinegar to my water a few weeks ago and have not had a single bout of heartburn since.

    I just finished the FastDiet book and looking forward to beginning the 5:2!

    The acetic acid in the apple cider vinegar interacts with the small intestines reducing the uptake of simple carbs and aids in the transition of running on fat rather than carbs. Hence the insulin spike is reduced when ingesting carbs. I suspect that you are getting a side benefit of disrupting the production of stomach acid in response to ghrelin production. Ghrelin production is a partially learnt response and comes in waves shortly before the intake of food. Suppression of ghrelin means less stomach acid production, hence less heartburn. A bonus.

    Thanks for the explanation, bigbooty! The other bonus with the ACV is less hunger pangs so far.

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