Anyone starting this week?! Need a fasting buddy!

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Anyone starting this week?! Need a fasting buddy!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  TraceyS 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hello everyone!

    I’m starting 5:2 again tomorrow. I’m not new to all this (I started fasting when Dr Mosleys Horizon programme was shown and have re-started a few times since!) I have always had good results but then I seem to fall off the wagon and undo all my good work! So I think I would definitely benefit from some support and motivation from people in the same boat as me!

    I’m aiming to do 2 days a week; I work 13 hour shifts so my fast days will change week by week, but this week I’ll be doing Monday & Wednesday!

    If anyone wants to join me and be my fasting buddy it’ll be lovely to hear from you so we can motivate each other to keep going! Happy fasting! ?

    I’m also starting again, today was my first day. It was a moderate but not total success.

    I started once before, I had mini-lapses and re-starts. Oddly it was quite successful. I lost half my 8 kg. goal in several months. I think I lapsed because I hated the fact that it came off my arms and legs – not my middle whch is my problem area – and my skin sagged. I regained about 2 kgs at a guess, maybe more, I’m not weighing myself. I would love to be your fasting buddy.

    Hi, I started last week, am doing my 3rd fast day tomorrow and so far, the scales say I have lost 3lbs although I officially weigh on Tuesday morning? I would love to be your buddy as I feel the more support we can give each other! the better the results? Good luck!

    Hi there, I am starting for the first time, first Fast day tomorrow, have my meals planned, don’t like the idea of eating nothing at all to start with, so planning a small 120 cal breakfast, 100 cal lunch leaving me 280 for the evening. Would love to hear what others are doing. Wonder if i’ll be as positive this time tomorrow, good luck ☺

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