USA, Texas, Day 21.
Yesterday ate healthy food, but too much and too late. Scale add up 0.4 lb to my morning weight. Such a disappointment. Fasting today.
I am enjoying your farm stories! I am a city girl, and the closest to the farm I was when I took horseback riding lesson (which I could afford only after 45 ). But I really enjoy cleaning the horses and riding them every Saturday for about 4 months (it was 5 years ago).
Sometimes a city girl could get very muddy. Some days ago we have a heavy rain, and since I live in a new area with a lot of house lots still empty. I did not noticed that some dirt covered the asphalt during my morning walk with my dog (at 5 am is still dark), and slipped on that dirt. Oh, my, I was covered with the thick dirt on all my right side. I have to go to my house from backyard and wash myself outside for a while, before entering the house. My dog laughed at me hard. My husband also looked concern when he saw me in the morning all dripping and dirty. 😀
Thank you for your stories!
2:08 pm
21 Jul 16