Yogurt helps with weight loss?

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Yogurt helps with weight loss?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  genie 2343 8 years ago.

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  • I started the diet about 2 or 3 weeks ago. I felt better fast but didn’t seem to be making any progress. This week for some reason I decided to start eating yogurt.

    I started getting unstuck and started losing weight. I don’t have evidence to the contrary so I’m attibuting some of the recent progress to the addition of the yogurt…

    Has anyone else experiened this?

    By any chance were you taking in more calories? I’m curious to know because a lot of people on fasting style diets lose a lot of weight quickly but then just as quickly stagnate. Sometimes it can be as simple as upping your calories or throwing in one or two extra very high calorie days

    I think it is probably coincidence but, if so, it is a nice coincidence. Yoghurt is a wonderful food, a good snack or light meal and full of excellent nutrition!

    It turns out eating yogurt while trying to lose weight can actually help you with fat loss and keeping muscle mass according to some research studies.

    Yogurt contains prebiotics that support digestive functions and weight loss.

    Yes, yogurt can be a good choice for weight loss. Also it is loaded with vitamins and a best choice for post workout.

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