Xea's Weightloss Journey

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Xea's Weightloss Journey

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Barata 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I just started 5:2 yesterday and I’m having my first fast day today. 🙂

    I’ve recently got engaged and with a wedding looming and a little white dress to fit into I have new found determination to get my weight back down. I’ve had a lot of success with weight loss in the past on, both low carb and then Cambridge diet, but neither have been sustainable for me long term. I had previously lost around 4 stone, but since moving in with my partner I’ve crept back up around 2 stone.

    I currently weight around 13st 6lbs and am 5ft 5 , age 27 (nearly) so my first goal is to get back under 13st. Which I would love to achieve by the end of this month. It’s my 27th Birthday in a few weeks though so I will cut myself some slack if I don’t quite make it. 6-7lbs seems like a good starting point though. My long term goal is to get down to about 10st before my wedding (Sept 2016-ish)

    I’ve been feeling very helpless with weight loss lately, so I feel like I could use all the support I can get. I’ve managed to drop about a 1/2 a stone since the start of the year but I feel like I was floundering and didn’t have a sense of direction when it came to and eating plan. Really hoping 5:2 can be a positive step for me.

    I’d be very interested to hear other peoples experiences and how much 5:2 impacted their weight loss.

    -Xea 🙂

    I’m on week 4 of the 5:2 plan, and I like it a lot.

    It took me a couple of weeks to figure out that I prefer to eat at 7am and 12noon on fast days, and then I can make it through the rest of the day. My schedule has me up by either 4:40am or 5:45am depending on whether I work at the office or from home, so I’m not up late at night.

    I agree with the findings that say you won’t feel like you have to overeat after a fast day. I go 18+ hours without food, but once I eat breakfast I’m right back to my normal eating schedule.

    To keep myself on track, I set up an Excel spreadsheet where I keep track of weight and exercise. For the weight section, I set up columns for number of weeks to my goal weight (based on weight loss of 1.5lbs/week), Target weight for the week, actual weight for the week (measured on Saturday mornings for me) and also I keep track of how many calories I burned at the gym or cycling.

    I find that on my fast days, I can stay away from food by concentrating on my goal for the week.

    5:2 is really helping. I’m eating normally (for me) on the other five days of the week, so I don’t have hunger pangs all the time the way I did when I was trying to cut calories 7 days a week.

    I’m not eating a lot of junk food, but I still have some chocolate or a couple of cookies on my non-fast days.

    I do think that writing down your short and long term goals is very important. It gives you something to focus on and helps curb the cravings.

    Give it at least a couple of months and try to stay on track. I think you’ll find that 5:2 can be a big help.

    Good luck, and tell yourself you can reach your goal before the wedding!

    Congratulations on the engagement, Xea, and well done on starting 5:2. You have plenty of time to achieve your goal.

    I suggest you join one of the more popular threads, such as Jojo’s, where you will find lots of lovely people from all around the world, and tons of support and encouragement, plus answers to any queries you might have.

    I use a spreadsheet to graph my weight, too, Dave. I weigh daily, and although the daily weight can vary up and down, as long as the trend is downwards all is good.

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