Where's all the men?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  KetoBoss 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi I’m Ashley from wakefield West Yorkshire, today’s my first day on 5:2, and today was my first fast day, I’m 34, father of three, stopped smoking 18 months ago and piled the weight on.

    Now it’s time to get back in shape, I like what I hear on this forum but kinda get the feeling there’s not many of the male species on here.

    If there are give me a heads up, would like to compare notes, not ruling out all you ladies by the way!

    Best of luck with this way of life (WOL)! No, I am not a man, but welcome to the forum, there are men here!

    Hey Ashley, another guy here in New Jersey. I just cut and pasted this reply I made to a post last week –

    I’m new to the site, and have been following the 5:2 plan for three weeks now.

    I’m 49, male, and have found my weight creeping up every winter for the past few years. Part of the problem is that I almost got to my old goal weight a few times, but then went on extended vacations where there was just too much eating involved. I find that if I eat too much for a couple of weeks, I tend to keep doing it.

    Anyway, this time I decided to go with the 5:2 plan. I started at 175lbs and weighed in at 168 this morning. My goal is to lose 1.5lbs/week until I get to my goal weight of 138lbs. Why 138? I’m an avid recreational cyclist, and that’s my recommended race weight.

    I got down to 152 last summer, and I noticed that it made a huge difference to my cycling. Those 35mph sprints were doable, and I just had much more energy overall.

    This year’s vacation will be in a mountainous area, and 7000 ft above sea level, so I want to be in the best shape possible before I get there.

    Apart from cycling, I go to the gym when the weather sucks (a lot, this winter) and do HIT workouts on the Stairmaster (the escalator-style one) and a Marpo Kinetics rope machine.

    I find that I have much less of an appetite after being at the gym, so my fast days are the two days of the week that I usually can’t do much due to schedule conflicts (Monday and Thursday). This has really helped with weight loss, and I still eat pretty much what I always do on the other five days of the week.

    The fast days are not bad now that I’ve figured out when to eat. Being an early riser, I have found that eating 300 cals at 7am and 300 at noon works best for me. I can ignore the hunger pangs after that! I feel cold on fast days, but with the winter we’re having (another 8″ of snow today), that’s not surprising. I expect it’ll be easier once it warms up a bit.

    Ok so as a man and an avid gym goer I can say don’t start a gym member ship just yet. My wife put me on a probationary period of 8 month before finally letting me start a gym member ship this was 5 years ago and I am still going strong.
    Here is my 2 cents: watch your diet on your feed days. Keep with lots of leafy greens and lots of coco nut oil and nuts if you can eat nuts. Stick with meats with fat like bacon, beef and dark meats and fatty fish…. I know I know O MY GOD HE SAID EAT FAT! Yep I didn’t believe it either however it will keep you full and satisfied and the horrible bad cholesterol will help your body make the hormones it needs to live. Your doctor will likely say I and other keto dieters are walking into death and hear problems unless your doc is up to date with the science. Read all you can on the ketogenic diet and 5:2 this combo is the key to a great body and mind.
    As for working out I do this on fast days. I do my big muscle group workouts i.e. legs and back I use a table spoon of coconut oil, coffee green tea and sugar free flavored water on fast days.
    Stick with your simple exercises like push-ups, sit-ups walking fast and jump squats. Once I could do 10 pull-ups without flipping around like a fish.
    “I mean a pull-up from a stretched position pulling up till the bar is at my chin than repeat.” Once I could do this I started pestering the wife for the gym member ship. I was down to 188lbs or 88.2kg from 246Lbs 111.6kg.

    Good luck

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