what r we reading/listening on fastdays or nonfastdays?

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what r we reading/listening on fastdays or nonfastdays?

This topic contains 250 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  mulville 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Yeah my dad read the Shackleton book & said it was amazing. Not hard to imagine considering the subject matter. So sad to think they went through all that just to get home in time for WW1 & trench fodder. Dad’s been to South Georgia himself, said it was amazing. He made friends with a penguin 😉

    My brother recommended The Gates of Fire to me a while ago and I was surprised to find I really loved it. It’s a dramatic portrayal of what may have been close to what actually happened at the battle of Thermopylae (rather than the graphic novel ‘300’ version). There’s also the amazingness that is A Song of Ice & Fire (Game of Thrones etc.). If you haven’t already started the series you might want to wait until George RR Martin has at least finished the next one though, otherwise you’ll join the rest of us, desperately awaiting the next installment.

    USA – Do let me know if & when you get into ‘Carter’. it is a real fave of mine. I must re-read it sometime 🙂 Nighty-night.

    ooooo all

    just thought of 2 everest books that were great

    Into Thin Air:
    by Jon Krakauer

    & 2 others

    can’t remember title

    but 1 is about the 1st attempt

    & another about mallory

    can’t wait 2 read the shakltn one

    goodnight all early 2 bed

    however will read first yaaaaaaaaaaay


    USA and TracyJ, ( and anyone else who wants to join in), our book thread has been saved! Common sense has prevailed! See suggested improvements. USA won’t be able to watch vid til weekend. Then discuss. Hope your fasting went well.

    @ toms mantis

    ” our book thread has been saved! Common sense has prevailed! ”

    Now to find those books that I want to read.

    I’ll need a soothing place, plenty of lemon water, mints, and some time to read about something that has meaning,


    Rocky, lots of fiction has meaning too, it records the human condition, makes you laugh, makes you cry, makes you think!

    TracyJ no need to fast stuck the Antarctic for two years living on penguins, and I don’t mean those lovely chocolate biscuits. Awesome your dad went down there. Jealous!

    @ toms mantis

    ” lots of fiction has meaning too, ”

    Yes, I can appreciate the drama in fiction.

    I’ve been on a fiction fast for many decades now & just wait for the movie version.

    I feel that I can make a contribution by being better informed in areas that have real life impact.

    In most cases, I also enjoy it.

    Rockyromero, we all have different approaches to all things. As indeed we do when fasting. Good luck with your reading. Enjoy and fast well.

    I also thought “Into Thin Air” and “Into the Wild” made great reading, and another book “Wild”, about a young woman hiking the Pacific Crest trail for 3 months is great. I think of it when I hike up a steep hill back home each morning, 20″ down and 25″ back up, and find it keeps me motivated.


    been meaning 2 try that “Into the Wild” however knowing what happen 2 him been delaying


    “Wild”, about a young woman hiking the Pacific Crest trail for 3 months”

    that will definitely b downloaded


    happy reading w/ nonfastdays & fastdays & 5/2 & 4/3 & adf & 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or adf w/1 😀

    You’re right, “Into the Wild” is pretty heavy (what happens to him), took me a long time to get over
    that one, although very well written.
    Today is a fast day for me, skipped yesterday, and I’ve been reading “the Lowland”, from the library.
    Its helping me through some hungry hours.


    no matter how long i’ve been fasting

    it is still so hard

    i’m listening 2 a regency romance pure escape

    lowland what’s that about?

    “the Lowland “is set in Calcutta and Rhode Island in the 60’s, I’m getting drawn in more and more as I read on.
    Phew, another fast day under my belt!
    Enjoy your “pure escape”, I love those too.


    ooo that one sounds good 2

    goodnight i hate going 2 bed hungry

    how do u sleep?

    well we 2 fasdayers

    have a nonfastday 2morrow

    yippy! 😀 !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mulville, will look out for into thin air in the library. Sadly we can’t buy every book we want to read. Love stories of human fortitude and endeavour. Don’t think I would be able to withstand all those hardships. Didn’t think I could fast either but do!

    Saturday morning, woke at 5:45 as usual, but was looking for a lie in. Can’t get back to sleep so have got up and started Pi. Anyone Fasting today, good luck, those not doing so, enjoy!


    what is “was looking for a lie in”

    i had a hart time w/ pi

    how is it 4 u?

    fasted yesterday so did mullville
    it was super tuff

    wish it not so tuff 4 u 😀


    i’m like u

    i only get books from the library

    u should ask ur friends 4 their different libraries

    & u can download more

    hope that helps

    mullville what do u do in getting books?

    happy reading w/ nonfastdays & fastdays & 5/2 & 4/3 & adf & 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or adf w/1 😀

    Hi USA, a lie in is when you don’t have to get up as early and can sty in bed a little longer. So, I wanted a little extra sleep! Sorry, we can be separated by a common language! Anyway, I borrow books from our public library when they have something interesting in. One of my daughters in law is a reader, so we share books. Haven’t started Pi yet, keep picking it up, then something comes up. Try again Monday when OH works away and I can please myself! Sorry you had such a tough fasting day yesterday. Can honestly say the eating days are getting harder again. Next fast Monday for me. When’s yours?

    Just checked out MM’s fb page . Very amusing.


    hows ur fasting going?

    what book did u end up reading or what other things have u done on ur fastday?

    happy reading w/ nonfastdays & fastday


    oh we say sleep in

    should have guessed i guess i got a shortwave in brain bzzzzz

    yes eating days r hard 2

    however, don’t 4get videos i hope it will help u


    wish u an enjoyable fastday/night

    Hi, everyone

    I liked “State of Wonder” by Ann Patchett. Also read “Wild” by Cheryl Strayed (no kidding). Other old time faves Kingsolver’s “The Poisonwood Bible” and “Animal, Vegetable, Mineral”. Like Michael Pollen works. Loved “The Name of the Rose” but can’t get anyone else to read it. I can’t believe no one has mentioned “The Hunger Games” trilogy. It’s really good. Snow Falling on Cedars, Ender’s Game,
    Remains of the Day, The Hundred Secret Senses. Some of Kate Atkinson.


    i’m going 2 bed real soon

    “The Name of the Rose” was excellent it’s the 1 by the italian guy eco ?

    poisonwood & “Animal, Vegetable, Mineral”& Snow Falling on Cedars was good 2

    the others u mentioned have not red
    thanks this thread has some great books that i will read


    USA, make jewellery so shut myself away in my spare bedroom and do that, also I sew but not so much now only when there’s something needing to be done really, although I do love it. What about you? If it’s getting tougher, do you have any practical hobbies to get you through?

    Piper, hi. Only one on your list I’ve read is The Name of the Rose. Really enjoyed it. Is this your way of getting through a fasting day too? Will look out for some of the other titles in the library.


    jewelry designer/creator do have a site 2 c it?

    & sewing wow

    u have great skills u must b proud

    i luv 2 research
    crochet not an expert
    & now i cook surprising 4 me the fdl brought that out of me yay
    always read about gluten free
    nutritious low calorie foods how can i convert it 2 a nutritious comfort food

    trying 2 research on how 2 crochet an ear/bud/plugs

    the cords get so tangled ugh

    i do all of this while listening 2 a book

    then read ebooks b4 i go 2 bed

    calling loved one’s & just listening 2 them w/out
    talking about me or the fdl

    it is amazing how long the conversation is
    & they always feel better. my friend talked 6 hours one time & she is not a talker 😀

    i’m really trying 2 b a good listener a goal i set up 10 yrs ago which sometimes is super hard because u always want 2 share what u know/find

    this forum helps me do that & not overwhelm my friends.

    fasting is easier during the day however @ night ugh

    truthfully if i did not have an e/audio library i think i would go super nuts

    wish me a good fastday 2night ugh
    this adf/4/3 is tough ugh

    r u enjoying ur nonfastday?

    No. Sometimes. I get home late and you are all,

    mostly, in bed or should be.
    (WILTLDNR?!!!) Mostly ,I drink herbal tea, to cut caffeine and be able to sleep.

    I’ve been looking up on other links here, some of which I really liked. I am pretty new and have been ‘catching up’.



    u may call me usa everyone does

    sorry 4got 2 tell u

    unfortunately we can’t change our username

    it’s easier don’t u think? 😀

    don’t have caffeine @ all

    enjoy ur fdl

    I’m not sure if I’ve read the same ‘Wild’ as others have referenced. The one I read was a travelogue by a woman who went to 4 or 5 diverse landscapes – the Amazon jungle was definitely in there and she spent a while living in the Arctic with inuit folks, trying out the ‘seal blubber’ diet. Have to say, I really don’t fancy that one! 😉

    piper – I’m afraid I haven’t read The Name of the Rose either. I read Foucault’s Pendulum, also by Umberto Eco. It was a great book, in hindsight, but I found it a real slog to read. I’m always like that with translations – when I look back after I’ve finished it I realise what a great book it was but while reading it it just seems like it’s an endless chore. I had the worst time with Dostoevsky’s Crime & Punishment and Balzac’s Cousin Bette too. I’m much better with Northern European translations weirdly(another one I thought of the other day was Sophie’s World).

    Another great book I read this year (haven’t seen the film version though) is Cloud Atlas. If you haven’t read that give it a try – it’s technically brilliant and a really good story to boot.


    I also read Sophie’s World, and started both Cloud Atlas and Foucault’s Pendulum- that last one was years ago. Cloud Atlas expired (library book) and I should check out again.

    Wild is about a woman who lost her mom and really was ‘losing it’ period. She gets the idea to hike the Pacific Coast Trail. (Makes me want to put on hiking boots;). Trip story– she’s going through something and makes it out the other side.

    Fast day today and temporary schedule change, so I’m off to work.

    Hi USA. Watched most of the you tube film you put me onto. Well, my OH had his cholesterol checked and it was 6.7. He joined me on the FD and he has lost 22lbs, which takes him to his ideal weight and now he is trying 6:1 to maintain. He went to get his cholesterol re checked and it is now5:2. Apparently still high cos he has reduced his “good” cholesterol as well as his “bad”, thus cancelling out the “bad” loss! He has been researching this subject now as it has really cheesed him off. He has come to the conclusion that he is ok as he is, and that doctors seem to be in a rush to get you onto statins ASAP. Really, you are at a loss as to know what to do for the best, as in the latest Mosley tv program he interviewed 2 doctors who had totally opposing views on wether statins actually did you any good or not. Also a cardiologist said on the BBC breakfast show last week how we needed the fat we keep getting told not to eat for the health of our hearts while a nutritionist totally disagreed. The only thing you can do is to weigh up the information and make your own decision on the subject. But it’s so tough. What do you think?

    Changed my fast day from today to tomorrow. Can’t do it today. That’s the beauty of this
    WOL. Fast well.

    It’s half-term this week, so I had to rearrange my fasting schedule too. I usually swim after work on a Monday, so I use it as my fasting day (to maximise fat-burning) and just don’t eat til I get back from the pool about 9:30. Unfortunately they always cancel the Monday swimming session during school holidays, so I had to swim yesterday afternoon instead. I hate fasting at weekends but it’s worth it to fit a swim in and it does mean I get the unusual opportunity to have a ‘troughing’ day on a Monday 😉

    Foucault’s Pendulum is great if you get the opporunity to have another go at it. I read Labyrinth a little while afterwards and it’s kind of a watered down, inferior version of the kinds of themes and subject matter explored in FP and don’t even get me started on The DaVinci Code, which is the ‘writing-by-numbers’ not fit for a 10 year old version of those 2 books. Actually, now you’ve reminded me how superior FP was to Labrynth (I’m not even going to compare it to ‘the book that shall not be named’), I do feel bad for not investing the brainpower and time to get through The Name of the Rose too. I shall sort that situation out ASAP – as soon as I’ve finished the book I’m currently on.

    Couldn’t agree more re DaVinci. Read it cos everyone was raving about it. I think those books are for people who don’t really like reading! James Patterson being another one. (If that doesn’t sound daft)! Hopeless. Haven’t read the others you mention but will look for them next time I have a book spend. Presume Pendulum is the best?


    oooh 4got about Foucault’s Pendulum i know i red it
    but don’t remember mayb it should b a reread
    u really should read The Name of the Rose that i remember maybe i did not read Foucault’s Pendulum

    “I read Labyrinth a little while afterwards and it’s kind of a watered down, inferior version of the kinds of themes and subject matter explored in FP and don’t even get me started on The DaVinci Code, which is the ‘writing-by-numbers’ not fit for a 10 year old version of those 2 books”

    finally someone who agrees w/ me on The DaVinci Code (everyone thinks i was nuts) & those other books

    sophies world
    don’t know about


    ♣my answers will b interspersed through ur post with the clover symbol♣

    toms mantis wrote:

    Hi USA. Watched most of the you tube film you put me onto.

    ♣go 2 this site & please give a review if u may


    Well, my OH had his cholesterol checked and it was 6.7. He joined me on the FD and he has lost 22lbs, which takes him to his ideal weight and now he is trying 6:1 to maintain. He went to get his cholesterol re checked and it is now5:2. Apparently still high cos he has reduced his “good” cholesterol as well as his “bad”, thus cancelling out the “bad” loss!

    ♣oh oh♣ please post what he found♣

    He has been researching this subject now as it has really cheesed him off. He has come to the conclusion that he is ok as he is, and that doctors seem to be in a rush to get you onto statins ASAP.

    ♣statins i will not take due 2 convo w/ doc who put me on statins after being checked 6 months later he asked if i was an alcoholic & i said i don’t drink @ all. he said my liver looks like u r one”♣

    ♣i said take me off this ugh♣

    ♣i now take 2 niacin s @ night & 1 magnesium a day based on my research & now approved by dr
    liver is great now!♣

    Really, you are at a loss as to know what to do for the best, as in the latest Mosley tv program he interviewed 2 doctors who had totally opposing views on wether statins actually did you any good or not. Also a cardiologist said on the BBC breakfast show last week how we needed the fat we keep getting told not to eat for the health of our hearts while a nutritionist totall
    y disagreed.

    ♣did u watch the whole series of dr fung? wish we could watch mosley’s show ugh♣

    The only thing you can do is to weigh up the information and make your own decision on the subject. But it’s so tough. What do you think?

    ♣i heard that mosley still has high cholesterol is that true mayb he will b our guinea pig & find a result.
    right, i do what above will have a test in a yr♣

    wish u & oh???? what is that????

    happy nonfastdays & fastdays & 5/2 & 4/3 & 6/1 & adf or 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or 5/1/1 or adf w/1 & the fdl (fastday lifestyle) 😀


    Mosley did take the decision to take statins, according to the film. He did take them before, then stopped, then began again, as I remember. He did say that if he were female, he probably wouldn’t just yet, as women appear to have heart attacks when they are older! Looking at Dr. Fung the older we get the safer we are! Will watch more of his films when I can. I intend to see my doctor about coming off statins and having my cholesterol checked then again after a couple of months. What you’ve put about you and statins is quite scary! OH was fed up because the first advice he was given was “time we gave you statins” because the person he saw either couldn’t or wouldn’t give him information on what to eat to restore the balance. Hence he is researching himself and I have an extensive shopping list!! Oh well.


    so sad 2 hear about dr mosley


    may i have the definition of oh?


    does it mean oh husband ok husband what?????????????

    Water for Elephants
    by Sara Gruen

    was very good writing could not put it down


    i heard the movie was ugh

    Sorry USA, it stands for Other Half! Others have used it here, thought it was a normal thing. Forgive me for taking things for granted. Never heard of Water for Elephants. Will look it up. Have you read any Henning Mankel? They’re not all crime novels.


    on oh

    that was a real shortwave in my brain




    “Water for Elephants
    by Sara Gruen
    was very good writing could not put it down
    i heard the movie was ugh”

    Few movies meet the expectations of the entire book.

    Movies attempt to depict it as best as 2 hours can do so. It’s like visualizing the Cliff’s Notes.

    This movie I enjoyed.


    so true


    there is one book (it’s good but such a different style) it is so different from the movie

    the movie is better

    & that is

    the color purple

    Water for Elephants- forgot about that one. I liked it a lot, too. I’ve also looked up the Dr Fung videos and will watch them soon.

    laughed about the previous post-

    I’ll give FC another shot — may have been in too bad a place at that time of my life, and even years later, still love UC. Sometimes, things are eye opening and you aren’t quite ready…. doctor my eyes…

    “‘troughing’ day on a Monday ;)”

    what does that mean?


    “Water for Elephants This movie I enjoyed.”

    good 2 know will c if it is netflix
    but there r so so many movies that r gone
    it is not the same like the old days 🙂

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