Very New and about to get started

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Emmaroper 9 years, 12 months ago.

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  • Hello,

    I have literally just decided today I’m going to do this. Although this is probably the wrong day to start doing it because it’s my birthday on Friday so already have arrangement for those days that might not fit in. So because of these commitments already I’m not going to be having my first fast day until Monday and then was thinking about having the 2nd day straight away on the Tuesday but if not might have to tweak to the Wednesday.

    I’m 28 on Friday and well I’m hoping this plan will help me feel and look better in my opinion as well that’s the one which really counts isn’t it how we feel about us.

    I’ve used my fitness pal in the past so I reactivated it today and it’s giving me a daily calorie allowance of 1310 which is less than the one on this site recommended which is 1773, do I alter the my fittness pal to match this one or just keep it the same?

    I figured I should hopefully be able to follow these calorie allowance over the next few days and weekend before fasting on Monday.

    Any suggestions or support will always be kindly received and I hope and look forward to forging some diet friendships on here.

    Hope everyone is well and good.

    Hi Emmaroper!

    Good luck to your new eating plan, although you do which ever way suits you, I think the usual Monday and Thursday works well. Moving it a bit to fit commitments. It gives you a bit of normal eating in between the Fast days and you may find it easier at the beginning. Remember no carbs on a Fast Day it stops the fat burning!!!

    I am not sure on the fitnesspal….I have 1200 calories given to me although FD it gives me 1750. The 1200 calories will loose your weight, but my FD 1750 is my living and breathing weight, any more and you will put on! That’s how I see it, I may be wrong. Someone is sure to come back to you on this.

    Remember to measure yourself, bust, waist, hips and tops of legs, I do this once a month, you can see yourself melting away, it’s good if the scales don’t move!



    Well I’m part way through my first fast day and so far not too bad. I don’t really feel hungry so far so I’m guess that’s helping. I’m guessing it will probably be the half 1/2 o’clock mark I will really start to feel it as it’s usually that point in the working day that I’m think oh I’ll just give in and have a chocolate as a pick me up.

    Today at work I’m having to collect interview candidates and take them on a tour so I have had a lot of walking to do and still more. Last one is finished at half 12 so might be feel peckish by then it will have been a few miles I will have done by the end of them. Guess will just have to wait and see.

    I’m just having evening meal today and seeing how that suits so cooking spag bol tonight but I’m not having the pasta just the meat with some salad.

    Hope everyone’s weekend have gone well.


    Just into my second Monday of fasting and well my first Monday and fast day I found actually rather easy, I didn’t really feel hungry and I feel I coped rather well with it. I made my evening meal as soon as I got back from work and was really good. Then on Thursday I found it a little tricker, I found myself thinking about food more and really feeling rather hungry through most the day. I have stick to just having a meal in the evening as I do know it will work better for me and home situation rather than trying to split the 500 over the course of the day.

    Going to have to just make sure I have a full bottle of water and kettle ready to boil I think throughout the day. Although I am disappointed I’m feeling more hungry and harder now than in the beginning. I suppose it was a false hope to it being so easy on that day one haha

    I have also lost 4lb so far so am very pleased with that and guess I just have to keep it up.

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