There we go…

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  • Hi everyone,

    I decided to have a more structured approach to my weight loss goals, so here I am. Posting here to document my progress more easily, and also for support and accountability.

    Weight loss goals: about 10 Kg, give or take. I’ll see how I feel if/when I get there. I use Hacker’s Diet to track my daily weigh-ins as I prefer to go by the overall trend.

    I have done a bit of intermittent fasting about five years ago, to get out of plateauing, and it worked out well then. Unfortunately, I have found out that weight tends to creep in when I am not paying attention, so I’ll have to be more careful and proactive about maintenance in the future. Probably switching to a 6:1 then but we’ll see.

    I do some exercise already: I alternate a bunch of home workouts, combined with strength training and HIIT. I either walk or ride my bike to work (but it’s less than 4Km each way, so not much of an exercise). I want to get back into running, but I decided to lose some weight before that, to spare my joints.

    My relationship to food… it’s complicated. 🙂 I have been a pescetarian for more than four years now, and my diet is generally healthy. My main issues are with portions, calories estimates and mindless snacking. So there’s room for improvement.

    My first “fast” day was on Saturday. I finished my dinner around 9 PM on Friday and I didn’t eat anything until 9-ish PM on Saturday, when I had a <500 cal meal. Having done IF before, I knew I could handle 20-24 hrs without any food at all, and I find it’s the best approach for me. I survived on plenty of water and green tea. I even managed to do a workout in the morning. The hunger pangs were worse around 5 PM… A few hours after my meal, which I ate slowly, I felt the pangs again, but I managed to get through a good night of sleep. The interesting thing was noticing that I was relaxed about food on Sunday. My eating was more mindful, and my portions were more reasonable.

    That’s it for now. 🙂 My second fast day will probably be on Wednesday. Keeping my schedule flexible, as long as I “fast” twice a week on non-consecutive days.


    I felt the same as you about taking a more structured approach to my weight lose. I find it easier to maintain a structured ‘diet’ rather than just calorie control, which tends to leave me ooen to over eating.

    I just finished my first week of fasting! I eat dinner at around 8:30 on say Sunday and then fast until Tuesday morning where I eat a normal breakfast. I split my <500 calories into 2 meals, lunch and diner as I have to cook for my husband and son and find it easier if I can at least eat something. I’m using a 200 cal protien shake for lunch and then a 150 cal chicken soup for diner so I’m eating around 350 calories on my fast days.

    I’m currently doing alternate day fasting as I have a huge 30kg to lose. This morning I weighed 101.4kg and my goal is to reach 70kg. I gave previously weighed 68kg and I might try to reach that weight at a later point. Like you I’ll see hoe i’m feeling! I’d love to lose that weight the end of this year so I’m also using the couch to 10k running programme to get into running. I’ve never been sporty and I HATED exercise but i’m just starting week 5 of running I i’m actually enjoying it!

    I’m hoping to find some support here on this forum and actually see this diet through. And like you i’ll probably switch to 6:1 as a maintenance once I’m done. I also read somewhere that having a red zone weight was a good idea once ypu reach your ideal weight. This would be a weight around 2-3kg over your ideal weight which is the warning signal to he careful with what you’re eating. I’m hoping that doing that might help me to maintain my weight better.

    I’m fasting today and will be on Wednesday as well

    Good luck with your goals, Eluminadia!

    This red zone weight tip is a good one. When weight creeps in it happens because I am not paying attention or weighing myself regularly. So when I finally do it, I have a lot more to lose than I’d like!

    It’s great that you are incorporating running as well. I think I’ll want to wait a month or so (or lose about 4Kg) before I hit the trails. Sticking to low impact for now.

    Anedoctally, my previous experience with IF was through a suggestion of a doctor when I complained that, despite all the running I did (I was doing half marathons and training for a marathon then), I wasn’t able to lose any serious weight (ok, I certainly lost fat and gained muscle but the numbers didn’t budge much downwards). This was because running increased my appetite a lot, obviously, so I would scarf down bowls of pasta or whatever after a long run. This doctor suggested then I tried eating very little twice a week (a bowl or two of soup or something like that), which is a lot like this 5:2 plan.

    One of the main struggles I am hoping to get through this time around is to discard exercise (and calories consumed in workouts) in this weight loss process. Exercising to get fit/maintain and calories restriction for weight loss. I have lost 10+ Kg two or three times since my teens without trying (I wasn’t paying attention), and I wasn’t exercising then.

    Everyone who is fasting today: hang in there! 🙂

    Second fast day yesterday. I felt the hunger pangs more strongly around lunchtime and at 4-5 PM. But interestingly, just like in the first fast, as I got closer to dinnertime (after 24 hours without any food), I felt I could keep this up until breakfast today, if I wanted to.

    Tricks that work for me: lots of water and green tea. Doing a workout at some point. Keeping busy with work. Also, a countdown app on my computer, even if I don’t rush to cook dinner once it reaches zero. 😉

    On the weight loss front: it’s happening, albeit slowly. I wonder if exercise is affecting this — not because I am eating too much on non-fast days ( I am not), but I’ve been doing strength training with weights 3-4x a week. I guess I should probably take my measurements as well.

    Fasting again on Sunday.

    Hi and well done on your fast day. I eas fasting yesterday as well and found that I was feeling hungry most of the day 🙁 but I managed to ge through it and I still haven’t had anything but my morning coffee yet. I don’t really like eating in the morning and between getting my little one up and fed and getting all the house work done I tend to forget to have breakfast.

    I couldn’t find the energy for my morning workout this morning as my son was up several times in the night and combining that with lack of energy from fasting yesterday I decided to rest today. I suppose I don’t really need to be working out everyday and maybe just Monday, Wednesday and Friday will be enough.

    I took my measurments yesterday as well and to be honest I was horrified. I guess i’ve never really translated my weight into measurments and people generally say that because i’m quite tall (at least for Spanish standards. I’m 5’7″) that I carry my weight quite well. So my 120cm hips were a bit of a shock. But I hope that’ll be changing soon!

    I’ll be fasting again tomorrow and the I haven’t decided whether I might fast again on Sunday and do a back to back fast with Monday. I guess I’ll see how I feel over the weekend. Saturday is likely to be a bit of an overeating day as me and hubby are having a couples day with LO staying with his granparents overnight. So a back to back fast is probably a good idea to sort of cancel that out :/

    Good luck with your Sunday fast!


    Re: workouts, listen to your body. No need to work out everyday. Personally I like to aim at 4-5 times a week. I exercised on both fast days, but I didn’t do HIIT, just calisthenics and strength training. See what works best for you…

    Re: overeating, I think you shouldn’t worry too much. IMO, it’s better to be relaxed every now and again, as long as it doesn’t become a habit. If one eats sensibly most days, no harm in that dessert or extra glass of wine. 😉

    I am afraid to take my measurements, but oh well. Other thing that I have done previously was take a picture of myself every two weeks.

    Good luck with your tomorrow fast.

    So todays fast was a complete bust 🙁 spent most of the day at the hospital with hubby and his family while brother in law had a large tumor removed from his bladder. Hospital cafeteria food is gross but without other option I was kinda stuck. And to be honest the stress of it all was a little too much. Just glad to be home now even though BIL is still in the ICU. I’m needing large quantities of wine and chocolate 🙁

    I’ll be able to get back to fasting on Sunday. That at least is one of the excellent things about this diet, if you can’t do it one day for whatever reason it really doesn’t matter and its so easy to get back into.

    Hey Eluminadia, don’t be too harsh on yourself. This was a stressful situation! I hope your BIL recovers quickly.

    Have wine and chocolate! Just not too much… One glass of red wine and a square of dark chocolate won’t ruin your progress.

    I’ll be fasting today too, so hang in there. Yesterday I had social commitments so I ate out twice… Not too much but I am sure there is some water retention going on, as the numbers went up today. Frustrating, but I will focus on the overall trend. My SO says there is definitely some weight loss going on (belly is smaller, jeans feel looser) so there’s that.

    Another successful fast day on Wednesday. However I felt pretty tired and sluggish on Thursday. It also happened the day after my second fast on the first week. I don’t know yet if it’s related to my workouts or if what I eat for breakfast after a fast day makes a difference… Protein vs cereals.

    Fasting again today. It will make 3 fasts this week (Sunday, Wednesday, Friday) but there was no way I could fit in 2 fast days next week, due to social commitments and a long weekend trip.

    The scale isn’t budging much yet. According to the Hacker’s Diet spreadsheet I’m losing weight at a rate of 0.3 Kg per week. However, it’s true that my body is changing its shape. Let’s see where I will be after a month of this…

    That’s great. My Wednesday fast was a bust. I did fine all day but ate too much at dinner. I’ve also been eating too much on my non fast days so I doubt the scales will have budged this week either.

    I’ve also been feeling ‘off’ this week so I haven’t worked out at all 🙁

    However I did try on a pair of size 16 jeans i haven’t been able to wear since before I was pregnant and the ALMOST fit. Still a bit tight and the extreme muffin top look is not a good one lol but it’s a start! I still have a pair of size 10’s in the back of the drawers, so thats the goal to aim for!!

    Need to make more of an effort next week and cut down on my non fast eating as well as getting back to my work outs.

    I also am trying on a specific pair of jeans once a week. It’s great for motivation! 🙂

    Dunno if this will help in your case: as you know, I only eat at dinnertime during fast days, which allows me to cook a “normal” meal I can share with my partner AND a glass of red wine as well! 😉 I have used some of the recipes in the book (just doubling them) and looked around online and in recipe books for delicious meals with servings under 400 calories. I cook those type of meals on most non-fast days as well. I cut a LOT on bread and pasta, and I think it helps too.

    So, what happens is that breakfast is usually around 300 calories tops, and lunch and dinner are rarely more than 500 Kcal each. Those are my main meals. I have something for tea but it is never more than 300 calories. And whenever I snack (which isn’t as often as it used to be!), it’ll be a tangerine or a Carr’s cracker. The calculators give me a 1775 TDEE for a sedentary lifestyle and a 2293 TDEE for a moderately active lifestyle (exercise 3-5 times a week, which is my case).

    So, I guess that, by aiming at below 2000 cal on non-fast days and keeping my two 500 cal “fast” days, I’ll be doing fine in the long run.

    Maybe try something like that, taking into account your own TDEE?

    All right, two weeks in and the spreadsheets say I’ve lost two pounds overall, which puts me in my desired weight loss rate.

    Fasting again tomorrow. Easter will be a bit hard, what with a long weekend out of town and a few restaurants to try out. But I’ll try not to sweat it too much.


    I’m also finding this week really hard so far. I’ve got a week off work so I’m finding that afternoon boredom snacking is setting in :/

    I did lose 1.3kg last week though so that was a plus. I would love to lose an average of 0.85kg a week over the next 11 weeks to get back down into the 80’s (89.9) for my birthday in June. I think with some hard work it might be possible!!

    Hey, fellow June baby! 😉

    Congrats on last week and keep going. Idleness is the worst thing for snacking, isn’t it? Maybe get busy with some overdue tasks or spring cleaning. Or working out…

    Hey. Us June babies are the best lol! I’ll be turning 30 this year (gasp gasp shock horror

    I’ve been working out in the mornings as I find I can’t get the energy to do it in the afternoons. Yesterday and today were a bust fast wise. I definately need to make and effort with my fast tomorrow. But I will be planning a family walk or sonething for tomorrow afternoon to avoid the snacking. It’s gotten hot here all of a sudden so it’s tempting to be out in the sun. And I really need to work hard if I want to get back in the 80’s soon!

    Fasting today after the long Easter weekend out of town. I was worried I would get carried away with the daily dinners at awesome restaurants, but it was fine. We walked a lot and I managed to fit in two workouts as well.

    Weighed myself again today and the number was at its lowest since I started this. My partner says that the changes in my body are pretty noticeable and thinks that I lost 5Kg already. Not really (at least, not on the scale), but it’s hard to tell since I have been doing strength training as well.

    I choose not to worry too much about numbers and use other guidelines besides the scale, such as the way my clothes fit and the mirror. I also took a few pics of myself a week ago, I will do that again in three or four weeks and compare.

    Anyway, I am happy because I think I am on the right track. 🙂

    Thats fantastic! Well done!

    I really pigged out over Easter and gained 2kg 🙁 back to it this week with a fast day today!

    I am sure you didn’t actually gain 2kg of fat, Eluminadia! That would be 14 000 extra calories… Some of it must be water retention.

    But yes, getting back on track after overindulging is a good idea. Two steps forward, one step back. What matters is that you keep going. 🙂

    Have a good fast day today!

    Was supposed to have a fast day today, but that didn’t go very well. It was one of these frustrating days! I skipped breakfast and lunch, as usual, but I had to eat something hours before dinner. I was way too ravenous today, which I attribute to PMS (first time since I started 5:2, nearly one month ago). So I have gone above 500 calories already, although I’m well below my TDEE. So, it was a bust but at least I am still running a deficit? :: sigh ::

    The Hacker Diet’s spreadsheets say that my weight loss rate is at 0.68 Kg/week and that I am running a daily deficit of 755 calories, which I didn’t really aim for. So, I won’t go crazy and fight my body over this. PMS and fasting don’t seem to go well together *for me*, so I am inclined to go easy next time I am going through PMS.

    Nevermind. At least you’re still nelow you TDEE which is the important thing. And with a daily deficit of 750ish you should be losing over a lb a week which sounds about right. You’re still doing great!

    I’ve managed all my fast days this week and today is my third. I think i’ve shifted all the extra weight i gained last week. You were right most of it came off on my first fast day so most of it was water weight. I think my weigh in tomorrow will have me back to where I started at 99.3kg. So it’s good to still be in the 90’s after a week off.

    I think it’s a good idea to listen to your body and if you need to over eat sonetimes thats fine. There’s no point getting run down and ill when the whole point is to get healtier and feel better.

    Hoping for a good fast day today and then weigh in tomorrow. Now for my work out 🙂

    Well done!

    Yep, there is no point in blatantly fighting my body. After the weigh in this morning, the spreadsheets tell me I lost 1Kg this week. I actually would prefer to lose at a slower pace (half that) but it seems to be one of those whooshes, so I’ll just ride that. I am sure I will hit a plateau soon enough. 😉

    Have a good fast day and a great workout! How’s the running going? I suggest some strength training as well, if you feel up to it, as it really shapes your body.

    Last week was a bit of a bust 5:2wise. I don’t know if it was due to that time of the month, a hectic social schedule and some stress. Maybe all of it. I tried fasting one day last week, and while I did last until dinnertime without eating, I went over 500 calories (no junk food, but still).

    On the other hand, I didn’t quite fall all the way off the wagon. I did all my scheduled workouts and I ate sensibly for the most part, and I kept my weigh-ins. I am still losing weight above the 0.5 Kg/week rate. I met a friend whom I hadn’t seen in two months, and he complimented me, asking if I had been working out. 😉

    Only about 5Kg to lose to reach my first goal. Should take two or three months, taking into account some plateauing.

    I’ll be fasting today (and again, either on Wednesday or Friday); I really want to get back on track!

    Last week was better… Two fast days without much stress, and I did all my workouts as well.

    On my Saturday weigh in I finally left the 70s (Kg), and my numbers have been in the high 60s since. I don’t ever want to see them going over that fence again!

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