After standing on the scales and getting out the tape measure I’ve decided it’s time to make a change.
I’ve got just over 4 and a half stone to get to goal weight so it’s the beginning of a long journey.
This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by fitnfast 9 years, 7 months ago.
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Welcome, Magickat!(Love the name!) We love to see new people come on board! This is a wonderful, amazing group of people, very supportive and inspiring.
Check out some of the group’s. There are always 1 or 2 or 10 that each person “fits” into. It is like having a fasting family.
Also, we have a monthly challenge which is hugely motivating. Our “leader” for the June challenge, on her own, took a lot of time and recorded all our names, locations, and goals, and then added up what our monthly collective goal is. At 104.5 lbs, together we figure we will be giving “birth” to a small child’s worth of fat, so we even named him! It’s a lot of fun.
We all have good weeks and bad days, successes and struggles. Together, we make it through. Some of us are bombers, and no one chides us for those weak moments when we eat a second d helping of cake or a half gallon of ice cream (been there..done that!) We admit it and move on.
So, again, welcome, and loads of success to you!
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5:34 pm
6 Jun 15