The Daily Battle

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Allegra 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi, just joined and trying to get through my first day! I work from home as a writer for businesses and charities. After lunch, the real battle begins, as I am trapped with my work, sometimes on deadline, often stressed. And all I can think of is my ‘drug’, my next fix of carb/fat. What to do? I feel totally controlled by food. But I really, really want to lose 14lbs by June. Currently 140 lbs. any tips appreciated.

    Tips… it gets easier and you haven’t got much to lose at all so you’ll easily do it!

    I have been doing 5:2 for 4 weeks and have only just reached 140lb, my ultimate goal being 123lb.

    Once the weight starts dropping off perhaps that will be incentive enough for you to power through the afternoon hunger!

    Thanks for the positive response and all the best with reaching your goal. Now it’s 2 hours to wait for supper and I am in the danger zone. Have lined up a series of household tasks to keep me occupied until then!

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