The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,627 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  hermajtomomi 7 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 4,901 through 4,950 (of 11,673 total)

  • The power of a smile. 😉

    Today on my usual lunch time walk into town I bought myself a punnet of strawberries which I enjoyed on my way back. I was in deep thoughts when a young passing man smiled at me which triggered several thoughts simultaneously:
    a) It can’t be the water re-juveneation challenge working already? ;-)) (This morning when I looked in the mirror I had noticed nothing unsual)
    b) Have I got a strawberry stuck down my front? (A quick glance found no strawbeerry or stains)
    c) This must be a son of a friend who knows me. (Alas, I couldn’t place him)

    A few metres on an older man passed, also smiling at me. Now I started panicking. What have I got on my face; do I have strawberry juice all around my mouth? (A quick reflex wipe). I definitely didn’t know him and by then I had abandoned the water fast re-juvenation idea completely. ;-).

    Then I remembered that I had just had some lovely thoughts in my head and must have had a smile on my lips, provoking them to smile back and possibly triggering simultaneous panicking thoughts on their part. 😉

    Ah Lichtle,

    Are you spreading happiness or paranoia?! Possibly both!

    Re: your not noticing anything unusual in the mirror. That does not necessarily mean there was nothing different in your face, only that your brain didn’t register it.

    I gather that our eyes receive too many visual stimuli to process all the time. So our brains fill in (you see what you expect to see, not what’s actually there).

    A friend of ours is nearly completely grey, yet he swears his hair is dark still! That’s what he sees in the mirror apparently!

    So you may in fact be fresh-faced plump-skinned and glowing… just your brain is too used to you being wrinkled bagpuss so that’s the reflection you see… 🙂

    I’d take the smiles as compliments!

    Happy, you might be right with the paranoia. 😉 but I hope to spread a bit of happiness, too.

    Nicely put “our brains see what they want to see” – but I call it delusion. ;-)) Although being deluded to look fresh-faced, plump-skinned and glowing is a comfortable and preferred option.

    My DH swears he is only 30 which for him is a big concession, because he managed to stay 25 years old for at least 25 years.

    I have to take photographs of our directors for press releases and I have to take at least 100 takes before there is one they accept. “That’s not me, I look old in this picture” is the usual response as if for some reason it is my fault. 😉 So it is not just women…

    Some happiness splashes from me, too 😉

    Monday I went to a shop because I had problems with my appartment’s lock. The key has not been working well anymore for a while. So I asked the man in the shop – one of the owners – for help. He said the lock would need to be oiled most likely. Then he came back with a special spray. Handed it to me. Said: Please bring this back tomorrow. So he did not sell me a whole spray, wow. I was so flabbergasted. And so happy. Of course, I gave the spray back the next morning and also gave him chocolates that are called “Merci”.

    I feel that my aura has changed, too. More people (men) smile at me on the street. So I found it great that you share this experience. Guess it has to do with the changed self-perception and self-happiness.


    Oh Lichtle, what a lovely thing to have happen! I think those men saw something you don’t! 🙂

    Mahalo, lovely story about your lock too! If it happens again you can just spray it with cooking oil and it will work beautifully!


    as far as I have learned the key cylinder (mechanism) can be destroyed by cooking oil. I did not mean the outer parts of the lock but the place where the key is put in. I had researched the net and found explicit warnings about cooking oils. Maybe it depends on the kind of lock (security or not) one has? Dunno 😉

    Wishing you all a good day/night…


    Hi can you tell me is it normal to have to fast 3 days a week to maintain? I think there is something wrong with me! I’m feeling a bit miserable and deprived and this is not what 5.2 is supposed to be about. I’m doing 1400 call on non fast days. My T.d.e.e is 1650. I have little energy and stay in bed a lot in the evenings like a sick person. I didn’t think maintenance would be this hard! My metabolic rate is on the floor. I think hibernation mode really does exist despite what it says on this site.

    Hi Kindle – ‘sorry you’re having such a miserable time. You’re right: it’s not the point of 5:2’ though ‘unusual’ might be a better word than ‘not normal’ for what’s happening to you. We’re all different; some of us find maintaining harder than others; most of us get there in the end.

    A few thoughts which might point you to your own answers –

    What do you understand by maintaining, and how often are you weighing? If you’re expecting to weight exactly the same every day, you are bound to be disappointed. Most of us vary a bit, due to things like hydration levels and food in transit – some of us have found it helps to have a window – say 2-3lbs above or below our goal weight – and aim to stay inside that, perhaps adding in an extra fast day when we get a bit close to the top of the range (and trying to start holidays, birthdays, weekends etc as close as we can get to the bottom, for wriggle room!) many of us find weighing every day is helpful – but balanced by this understanding of normal fluctuation.

    Are you counting those 1400 on non-fast days accurately – and what are they made of? Non-fasts aren’t supposed to be deprivation, but nor are they supposed to be overeating days. It’s easy to slip into kidding yourself about what you’re eating, or how active you’re being – which would also affect your tdee. And not all calories are equal (see previous discussions on this thread about nuts!) – some eg sugar affect different people’s systems more than others.

    If you are consistently eating a lot less than your tdee, you may be right in thinking your metabolism has slowed down. Many of us kickstart ours by allowing ourselves a day a week wHen we eat much more than usual – a bit over tdee. (A nice treat, as well as being good for the metabolism). Lots of us also get a lot more exercise than we used to – it all helps burn those calories faster – but I do understand that that may not appeal at the moment, if you feel tired and de-motivated.

    Finally, I’m not medical, and I don’t want to be alarmist, but from the symptoms you mention – cold, tiredness, difficulty in maintaining weight loss, I wonder if it’s worth getting yourself checked by your doctor – including a thyroid function test?

    Please don’t get too discouraged: it may take a while to find the ideal way for you. I do hope you’ll be feeling better soon.

    Oh, and Kindle – I’m assuming the weight you’re trying to maintain is actually a healthy and realistic one for your height, build etc? No point at all in trying to be a stressed-out Scots pine when you’re actually a beautiful oak! Just a thought!

    Hi fast faster,there is lots to think about there,thanks. I am very careful about a counting calories and I log it all on m.f.p.
    Is my goal realistic? Well 10.5 stone puts me in the healthy range and I am ten stone now. I weigh in after every 2 or 3 fasts. I’m just finding it hard lately, the journey to get here and loose over two stone was not so hard.

    Hi Kindle. Sorry to hear you are having such a difficult time. FastFastSlow is right: You are not giving an awful lot of information about yourself to help you. Generally you should not have to do more than 1 or two fast days if you eat sensibly and roughly around TDEE with the occasional treat. Please heed Fast’s advise and see a doctor to have you checked out – just to be sure. Take care and good luck

    Hi lichtle yes I think I’m getting it now thanks. I read an article about how the body clings onto glycogen and water when we switch to maintain, about Five pounds of it. That’s what I’m seeing on the scale ,an extra five pounds. It says we should go below our ideal weight by five lbs for this reason. And then we can maintain later whilst eating a bit more food. This makes sense. What do you think?

    Hi Kindle,

    I too think it sounds like a trip to the doctor would be in order.

    As Lichtle says, you haven’t given us much information to go on, but I’ve dipped into some of your previous posts.

    It sounds as if it’s been a long slow process for you, and you have probably been quite severely calorie restricting for quite some time, perhaps averaging only 1000 calories a day (or maybe less when you’ve done 4:3 with water fasts?)?

    I don’t know what you are eating on your non-fast days, but with such a low calorie intake it’s not surprising that you feel exhausted and cold. Also, the long-term calorie restriction could have resulted in some form of malnourishment/ imbalance, unless you have been careful to optimize nutrition?

    In my opinion (and I’m not medically trained), the answer to avoiding weight gain/ maintaining your weight is NOT to keep cutting calories and upping the number of fasts you do.

    I think you need a health check. It may well reveal nothing, but at least that will be a start. And perhaps look at what you are eating/ consider supplements (if you don’t already).

    Interesting Mahalo – maybe I better stop using cooking oil!

    Hi Kindle, I think Fast has covered it very well. All I would suggest, you check your TDEE allowance isn’t actually greater than what it should be. I’m tallish and mine is lower than yours. I don’t count calories anymore and don’t have an issue staying within wriggle room. We all have what we are now calling a trigger point which is the weight we are not prepared to go over and as soon as we see that on the scales it means fast day coming up! Set yourself a trigger point and then when you weigh don’t be concerned by the numbers unless you are at or over trigger point.

    Also follow Fasts advice and ge t your thyroid checked. I have under active thyroid and you sound just like me when my medication has gone awry!

    Let us know how you get on!

    Hi Carol,

    I think the cooking oil is fine, so long as you’re prepared to dismantle the lock and clean it at some future date! Old oil attracts dust and dirt, so you would expect the lock to gunk up eventually… If it does, just don’t tell OH it was your fault!

    Powdered graphite is what you put in the inner workings of locks to free them up. Works as a very mild abrasive. P

    Thanks carol Ann,lichtle and happy. I’m feeling more positive today as the scale showed a drop of 1.3kgs after 3 fasts. That is super loss for me. I think sticking to 1400 was the answer, it’s good to know that now. As we all know this can’t be seen as an exact science as there are so many factors involved. Yes it has been a long slow process, 18 months to loose 16 KGS. So what now? I will take your advice and work to a trigger point, say 63.2 over which I don’t want to go. So I am back now,feeling focused. I agree that adding more and more fasts is not the answer,it just leads to misery. I have decided not to do anymore back to back fasts. It shouldn’t be necessary. I will weigh at least once a week so I can keep a good eye on it. And if it all becomes ridiculous again I will get the thyroid checked. Am really grateful for your input girls!

    Oh I mean 1400 on non fast days! Ha!

    Heya ladies,
    hello kindle,

    HappyNow – makes a lot of sense. Now I understand that warning better 😉

    I have another question. I searched this site first yet did not find that keyword.

    There is a form of IF called “10 in 2”. You speak it “One zero in two” and it means a fast of alternating eating and fasting day by day. It comes from an Austrian guy and is supposed to be a way of living not only for a few weeks but forever. We have a book here in the German speaking world that is full of medical experts saying this way is it for optimal aging – I HATE the word Anti Aging they use!!! – and immune strengthening.

    My questions: Have you heard of this before? Do you know whether there is a thread on here about this that I missed? Does that sound healthy to you? I mean it would mean that you take in less calories than adviced ones, right.

    I am curious and also a bit confused. I had read that book in November 2014, too, before I started 5:2.

    IF is so very fascinating to me that I try to learn and understand a lot about it.

    Kindle, one more thought: When I “avoid” seeing a doc “against advice” of others I have something going on inside myself. I agree with the ladies, what you told sounds serious and I add to the choir to better see a doc and get yourself checked. If you have done all your fast journey without seeing a doc at all it is not a good idea in general because the check of blood etc. is important to be sure you’re on the right track. I started my journey in August 2014 and had my blood and so on checked in March 2015. Just wanted to be sure.

    Hey, I am still on the water wagon. And men on the streets respond much more on a daily base now. hi hi. I am not saying it is about the watery me. But it could be, couldn’t it… 😀

    Cheers all
    have a loverly day and week-end

    Hi all
    @kindle, glad to hear you are feeling better today. Your feeling down, without energy and cold might have been a bug that you managed to fight off. Things often make sense in hindsight. It’s great you are feeling more focused today, though. I think you lost your weight at a very reasonable rate, most of us are impatient to get there quickly but often after losing weight too quickly it feels like our bodies have to get used to this new weight and plateau or maintain for a while.

    @mahalo, are you talking about alternate day fasting? After watching the BBC programme in 2012 and before the 5:2 book was published, the only book I found on fasting was “Alternate Day Fasting”. One day eating to TDEE followed by a fast day eating 25% of TDEE. I must say, I never managed that. At best and when my loss stalled during my losing period I managed 4:3 for a brief time. Also, ADF, means your fast days are different from week to week and I liked to have set fast days and above all, the weekends off. For me now even 4:3 is difficult to do when maintaining. My subconscious does not let me do fasts unless I am over my trigger point. I will always manage 18:6 but then somehow my body will sabotage any attempts of a complete or very low cal fast.

    Thanks, Lichtle, for sharing,

    yes, that is what I meant except that in my book the 0 is really no eating at all. It is a full day like my WF.

    Today I have written an e-mail to one of the medical experts in that book who happens to live in the same city like me. I am curious whether he will answer. Eating 0 means to cut your calory intake half and I was wondering how this can be healthy. On the other hand there are thousands of people out there doing it and reporting they feel great, better than ever.

    As you see, I am finding my way around and it is not about weight-loss yet about finding a balanced way of happy nutrition without risking my health.

    I have started to test the 10 in 2 on last Monday and I feel very good with it. Yet, as I said, I am a bit confused and “scared” to do my body harm (potentially).

    So I keep exploring.


    @mahalo, it will be interesting to see if you get a reply. The thing is, whilst ADF might be a solution in order to lose weight quickly, I don’t like the binge element that would have to be employed in order to get all the calories and nutrition when maintaining. For me that would mean eating 2900cals every other day.

    What makes 5:2 so brilliant is that I could continue fasting 2 days a week for the rest of my life and therefore getting all the health benefits, eating about 400cals on fast days at a TDEE of 1450cals, saving me 2100 calories for the week which when distributed over the 5 eating days would only mean eating about 1610 calories per eating day. That doesn’t sound like a a binge, does it.

    But above all I don’t think psychologically many people would be able to sustain this kind of fasting which of course is more critical than losing the weight. I definitely couldn’t.

    Well I’m back for a bit. Been reading and rereading about diets and healthy eating etc. It appears that all diets work. I’ve come to that conclusion by noting that regardless of the diet I research I can find people who have used it, lost weight and swear by it. The trick it appears is the one we talk about on this chat; maintaining the loss. The success on non-IF diets appears to be quite low.

    I guess that is one reason I like IF. I can set a trigger point and jump back on when I hit it. I also like the fact there are so many ways to do IF. While below my trigger point I experiment on different food diets to see what may work for me on a permanent basis. Not there yet obviously.

    As to the three liters a day water consumption, I’ve thought about it. Even tried it one day. That’s a lot of water. And if coffee doesn’t count (and I suspect it doesn’t) then I didn’t make it that one day.

    It is fun to read about all your daily struggles. Makes me chuckle to see how you all can take a licking and keep on ticking. And it appears I’m not the only one trying to find the holy grail of weight maintenance. I think the best thing about this group is the positive attitudes. So, if you all don’t mind, as I continue my reading of glucose and insulin and glycogen and fat and this unmeasurable thing called metabolism, I will stop by from time to time to restore my sanity by touching base with those who are on the front lines.

    I see what you mean. I was/am surprised myself how well the ADF works for me. As I wrote I am doing it for a short time just to get a feeling for it. I am someone who needs to test (some of the) things I read about.

    The need to sleep in the afternoon of WFD is showing me that my body does some work there.

    Have a nice day/evening/night
    M 🙂

    Hi all
    I also think the best thing about this is the maintenance. I got to goal weight when 40 years old doing WW and again at 50 years old doing Dukan, but I put all the weight back on. I’m 53 now and am determined not to put it back on again. This is so doable forever!
    It’s my official weigh in day today. I’m smack bang in the middle of my target weight range but want to loose that kilo to get to the low end and then reduce my range from 57-59 to 56-58
    Fast day tomorrow for me 🙂

    Hi Jairlie,

    You’re right. All diets work for weight loss, but unless you’ve made a sustainable change for life they fall over at maintenance. And 5:2 is no different! You often read posts on the forum – ‘I’m back, lost 10kg last year, stopped 5:2 and reverted to my normal diet, starting again with 15kg to lose this time…’

    Our little group here demonstrate it doesn’t have to be that way though. Continued vigilance is extremely important. Keep monitoring your weight. Keep an eye on what you eat. If you start slipping back into the bad old habits that got you fat to begin with then that’s what you’ll get again, fat! We’ve all still got our fat cells, we didn’t lose them, we just shrank them, and they’re sat around plotting a return to their glory days when they were plump and well fed… It’s going to be a constant battle with them I’m afraid but we can win the war!

    You’re welcome here any time.


    Great news on maintenance. Hope you’ve had/ are having a good fast. Are you home now?


    I don’t think alternate or every other day fasting is for me. Lichtle said she wouldn’t want to have to binge (overeat) every other day to compensate. Ditto!

    In the longer term I hope to incorporate 3 day water fasts, and also try the Fast Mimicking Diet (at 5 days, it takes a bit more planning though). For now I’m just going to stick with my occasional fasts for maintenance.

    Are you losing much weight alternate day fasting?

    🙂 hi all,

    have a wonder-ful start into the new week, ladies (and reading gentlemen if there are any)!

    I will have a weigh-in next Tuesday, September 1st to answer your question in terms of “official measurement” 😉 What I can tell you by now is the ‘lil story of an ebay purchase of mine: a jeans seize 27.

    I had seen it on ebay small ads (not the bidding platform) and knew I have to get this. So I went to the selling lady on 7th of August, bought it without trying it on. When I was back home I found my belly lap over its waistband significantly. I could close it only with huge effort when lying on my bed… Did I say I need challenges, yep, I did… ^^

    Today I can close that lovely jeans easily while standing. My belly still laps over it a bit yet not as much as three weeks ago. So I guess it means some more fat-loss. (As I had told you on my annifastery the belly still was there.) The seize 27 is it now. I will not buy a 26 or do more “downgrading”. Next week and at the end of the three test-weeks of ADF I will know the kg results. And not to forget the 3 liter impact. They are supposed to have a waist impact as well.

    Ah, and I will instantly report when/if the medical expert is responding to my message I sent the other day on ADF.

    M 😀

    Snap, Judy. I am also hovering about 58, would like 56 – 58 to be my range, but it’s not necessary, just arbitrary. How tall are you? I used to be 1.7m (5’7″), but am a bit less now. 🙁

    Well done, Mahalo, definitely you can shine that “halo” of your name. Excellent news on the jeans, so satisfying! 🙂

    Barata, I am 1.7m and hover 58-59. My trigger point is 60 but haven’t been there for a few weeks now. I was interested to read you would like to go lower because I don’t actually want to get,below 58 because then I will drop another dress size and it’s already cost me heaps of money for new clothes! Plus I think maintaining less than 58 could be a struggle whereas my weight now is easily maintained. What s motivating you to go lower?

    Hi Carol, Barata, etc.

    I am also 5ft7, and my maintenance range is 58-60. I like being at 59 or thereabouts and definitely don’t want to see below 58 on anything other than very rare occasions! This is slimmer than I’ve ever been, and already 3-4 kg less than my initial goal, so I can’t complain.

    Interesting that we can be of a similar height and yet have slightly different goal weights. I guess part may be personal preference, but other factors will play a part including body shape, age and muscle/ fat ratio? And if you have a flabby bulgy bit you hate you might want to go a bit lower to see if you can shift it?!

    Carol, you touched on a very important point re deciding on maintenance weight. how difficult is it to maintain? My goal weight is 50kg (1.60m) and I started maintenance when I reached 49kg to give me wriggle room. In the past couple of months I seem to be around the 50.5 – 51kg which I am finding easy to maintain (with only maybe 1 fast a week) and it has occurred to me how much effort it is for me to stay at 49-50kg as opposed to 1kg more. I am not sure what goes on psychologically, why exactly 1kg and not more. It seems to be like the little child that walks 3 metres behind their parents and whining that she cannot keep up but never falls back more than 3metres.

    I am 50.5 kg this morning and have already abandoned my Monday fast. there must be something going on in my subconscieous that is happy with the weight, yet the other part in me is annoyed that I cannot keep to my very neat and round figure of 50kg.

    Can I also mention that when I don’t do two fasts a week, I very rarely overeat or even indulge in too much sugar recently. The more fasts I do the more I seem to compensate on the other days and I am not sure if this is physiological (I need this food) or psychological (I deserve this food). However this was not the case when I was actively losing weight. This is purely a maintenance phenomenon.

    I’m 5’6″, but I have very thin fingers, wrists and legs. I think I’m light boned. I’ll take on board what you said about how difficult it is to maintain. If it’s too hard for me at 56-58 I’ll do 57-59. I can’t believe I got less than 60 anyway.
    Yes I’m home, got back from my holiday on Friday night very late and back to work today

    Happy and Lichtle, I think that’s right that we stay with a weight that is easily maintainable. If we are continually striving for something less I think that is when the feelings of psychological deprivation can creep in, which we don’t want! This needs to be easy! Anyway really what difference does half a kg or a kg make in the way we look or feel? I honestly don’t feel/look any different wether I’m 58 or 59. I think we get stuck on the numbers and I think maybe all of us are pretty competitive or high achieving and think we need to keep on challenging ourselves. I’ve also found I now have a weight that is pretty easy to maintain wether I fast or not. I don’t want to get out of the habit of fasting but have obviously altered my eating pattern so much that the weight fluctuations are much less than what they used to be. Sounds to me Lichtle like you have a pattern that is working really well for you too! Agree Happy we can sometimes have spots of weight we would like to lose but reality is as we age we put on weight in particular areas for health and not a lot we can do to shift that. I honestly feel great now about the way I look and you can’t beat that!
    Judy, just see how you go. We all need to work it out for ourselves!

    Hi girls
    I find it fascinating how similar our goal weights are. I’m somewhere smaller than the 5ft 5 1/2″ I used to be. 🙁 My goal WAS 60kg, but I actually saw 55 briefly in Feb. It’s unsustainable. 57-58 seems to be a weight I can happily maintain. I’d love to lose the tummy, but size 8 fits me and my arms, neck and legs are skinny. If I stay at this weight for good I’ll be happy. Cheers P

    Doh! Just wrote a long post and then deleted it by closing the whole damn tab. Shame, because it was both erudite and witty… 🙂

    Anyway, Lichtle, my neat round number is 60kg, 132lbs, 9st 6. Much neater than my original goal of 10st, 140lbs, (ruined by) 63.6kg…

    Funny, because I only got under 60kg in the first place because Elaine suggested I couldn’t (what were you saying about being competitive Carolann…?!). And then I went further under 60kg so I didn’t have to see any messy 60.something numbers. Exsctly when did 60 become the upper limit and not just roughly where I wanted to be?!

    I blame my Dad for the obsession with round numbers, btw! I spent my childhood watching him dribbling fuel into the petrol tank to make a nice round £ to pay. A penny over? Right, got to try and get another £’s worth in… He does it still, even though he always pays by card!

    Also perhaps part of the problem is being imperial and metric at the same time, and not wanting decimal points (or divisions of lbs).

    Hmm, starting to wonder if my ideal/ goal weight has anything to do with me or how I look or how my clothes fit. Turns out it’s just number OCD!

    I must rush in to say that I am wonderfully happy to be at the weight I am. I only feel there might be some more reduction because that’s the way I have been trending over the months, with a rigorous 5:2, and because there still seems to be quite a bit of me! 🙂 I haven’t really started a maintenance programme yet because of this. 59 is my trigger point, an indication not to be quite so indulgent.

    Hope you haven’t been washed out, P.

    I think you are setting yourself up for failure, Happy, working in three forms of weight measurement, all without decimals 🙂 Do you do the same with the tape measure measurements?

    Had to laugh about your dad’s tale – the things that affect us for our lives.

    Carol, you are so right. 1 or 2 lbs heavier really does not make a difference but I remember when I was 49kg and for a very brief time slightly below, I felt quite thin especially on fast days and people commented on how small I was, whereas they don’t now. I felt that in order to sustain 49kg or below I really had to do two strict fasts a week without fail for the rest of my life but now I very much like the more relaxed feeling of being able to skip a fast and do different IF windows.

    Before 5:2, I believed that we had a set weight – the weight our bodies are settling when we eat healthily,only when hungry and are moderatly active. What do you all think?

    Ha, Ha Happy, I also suffer from that mad numbers OCD and then when I was at 50kg I was still not content as I could now go into the 40s. Silly, silly!!! However, I agree with the point you made yesterday that due to muscle composition and where the weight is distributed, some people of the same weight might look slimmer than others. I only want to lose weight on my thighs but it is more likely to go from my upper body and any more is not a good look.

    Re your father’s petrol purchasing – ditto. For me petrol prices never went up for at least 20 years as I only ever bought petrol for £25. ;-))

    Ha ha Barata, I nearly mentioned measurements, but I’m definitely imperial (although not for distances!) and have a half inch on the hips… I haven’t checked cms!

    re: habits. I’ve only recently managed to stop rounding petrol up to the £ (thanks Dad!). Stupidly though, I realised initially that I was rounding it to litres instead (30l is so much better than 29.8!!)

    Happy,I’m the same with petrol in the car but go even a little further with my OCD these days – after the 1 and 2 cent coins were removed from circulation it was decided if something cost $1.02 you paid $1 but if it cost $1.03 you paid $1.05. So now my challenge is to get the extra 2c in that I won’t have to pay for lol! Nothing wrong with me :)! Do you do it too purple?

    Lichtle, I do think we have a set weight and it’s usually the weight you are when in your late teens/early 20’s. But I know that has been disputed by some on here who were heavier at that age. My weight now is very stable and I assume it’s because I’m eating healthier more consistently and consistently not eating as much indulgence food either. I am roughly the weight I was when younger adult.

    Carol, for some of us overweight youngsters that idea of a set weight doesn’t work, so am still trying to find out who I am! 🙂

    Fascinating how some of us are trying to save 2c, when we would go out and spend hundreds of dollars on some household item. But the way I figure it, it’s the 2c that add up to enable the $100 purchase.

    I do Carol! But I make it $1.07 to gain another 2 cents 😆
    I was raised with the “Look after the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves” approach. One could apply that to weight too….look after the grams (or pounds) and the kilos (or stones) will take care of themselves.

    Thanks Barata. I think we are ok, the floods are further south. Mr P didn’t comment and I’m not at home this week.
    I’m weighing on dodgy old Imperial scales. Still gives me a ballpark figure. Weighed when I arrived and weigh each day against that standard. It doesn’t matter what the units, or even the accuracy, it’s noting changes that matters. Have a good one folks. P


    I’m with you, I was definitely on the chubby side through my teens and early 20s. I have had spells of being slimmer but never as slim as this. There’s bits of me I don’t recognize now! ‘Trying to find out who I am’ definitely resonates with me.

    P, that’s how I use scales when I’m away. Ignore the number, so long as it stays roughly the same I’m OK.

    No fasting for me this week, 800g below my neat round whole number 🙂

    I have just been back over the earlier posts, and note your comment about the flabby bulgy bits, Happy. That’s me! The two-pregnancy, four-baby, fat childhood tummy! I am day eight into the 30 day plank challenge that I read about on another thread, hope that will tighten me up a bit.

    Yes, interesting as to the difference in goals (although minor – we are on the same page 🙂 ). I have never been this slim either (me and slim in the same sentence? – nah). Do you have the same image problem?

    Ooooh, so looking forward to spring, and longer days, and warmer weather. I suppose a sign of how cold we have been is the increase in gas usage this year to date, even without our daughter and grandson in the house (we have gas central and water heating, electric cooking). (I’m a numeric nut, keep records and statistics and do all the accounts and tax returns in the household.)

    Sorry, forgot to commiserate on your decimal point 🙂

    Thanks Barata,

    For some reason though, 59.something doesn’t offend in the same way 60.something does!

    Heya all,

    here comes – as promised – my feedback after receiving a reply of the professor and medical expert today. ADF was the topic of my request the other day.

    He wrote that the most important thing is how I feel both physically and psychologically. If I feel as good as I wrote in my message it is fine and I can keep going. He also wrote that the body has ways to (safety) regulate and stop weight-loss, hormones, thermoregulation and so on. 62 kg is – quote – in the ideal weight range with my height of 1,72 m.

    I will check both the fit of that jeans and my weight on 7th of September, finally, the end of the 21 day ADF period. Then see how I do IF in the future. Right now I really love the ADF. Today I got a huge compliment by a woman who has not seen me in a while. She said: “You look absolutely fantastic!” (And I have so many problems right now – professionally and privately that there must be something to it… and I am still happy somehow…)

    I am always following your conversations even if I am not writing sometimes 🙂

    Have a great day/night all.


    Sorry to hear that you’re having problems Maholo. Hope they are over soon. My weight in my 20s and before and after my first 2 children was 51 kgs- no way would I go to that now. I’m sure I’d look gaunt and after 4 kids and mid 50s I think that’s much too low. My fast day went really well on Tuesday and I’m doing another today

    Hi Mahalo – I didn’t realise you are actually doing ADF right now – I thought you were just enquiring. How are you feeling with it and since you are in maintenance how much do you eat on the eating days? it is great that you are feeling better in yourself even if things you have other problems to deal with at the moment. I can understand that it feels great to be in control of part of your life.

    The reply is intersting that he thinks our body is inherently programmed to stop weight loss if we go too low..

    Good luck with ADF and everything. 🙂

    Thanks, Lichtle and Judyf for the good wishes,

    yep, I have started on 17th of August, one week after starting the water challenge (which is no challenge anymore at all because I am so used to my 3 liters now). I am doing fine with the ADF experience. It is easy for me in the moment. Today is a “hunger day”, though, because I ate something late yesterday. That makes me wake up hungrily on a WFD. I know I can cope because I have never cheated so far and that strengthens the non-cheat-energy from FD to FD as I perceive it)

    I am eating intuitively on non-fast days. As always I am not counting calories. Sometimes I do skip the “5 hours between meals” rule I am used to from food combining. I just eat what I feel like eating when I am feeling like it. That is new and I am not sure whether it serves me or not. I’ll have to find out.

    I am not sure whether I could keep up ADF for years as some people do. I am sure I can keep up 5:2 or 6:1 definitely. So that is why I am trying to find out what is best for me. Maybe you can also mix those methods – monthwise for instance. Or 3 weeks – like I am doing it now – all three months or so.

    Have a good day

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