The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 1 month ago.

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  • Barata

    Congratulations on the new arrival. How lovely to have another reason to come across the Ditch. πŸ˜‰


    Samm who posts on another thread regularly schedules in a period of non fasting. It will be interesting to see how you go. And to see what happens to your motivation. A one woman research program. πŸ™„

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Congratulations Barata. What wonderful news. New babies are such a joy. I look forward to catching up with you when you come over to greet the little man.
    Carol, it was Happy who first put the “breakfast can be any time of the day” idea into my head. It was a seriously empowering notion for a breakfast lover like me.
    0 deg and very cold down south here this morning . I’ll rug up well to meet up with Bay in chilly Canberra today.
    Not sure Lichtle. I seem to be continuing to lose weight everywhere but my waist. Maybe it’s time for tummy exercises?
    Cheers P

    Hi P

    It’s going to be 15 C and sunny today. πŸ™„ hot Winters day.
    Regularly, I am the subject of comments that I am losing weight, when I haven’t changed my total weight for one whole year. I remember Samm talking about how we can all lose and gain weight, but it is where it is lost from, and where it is regained that are often not in sync. πŸ˜‰ My stomach is not going anywhere. All year I have lost weight off my shoulders and back and upper arms, not my stomach. So I guess I do have to start exercises or yoga or Pilates again. See you soon.

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Thanks, all. πŸ™‚ . Definitely catch-up time when we come to Sydney next – looking at late January again, have our other break booked already, and funds don’t allow too much gadding about.

    PB today after a FD yesterday! It might only be going down one kg in three months, but the weight is still moving gently (the long-term trend, that is – the weight itself is on a seesaw). And no colds yet in our household. But that includes for the non-fasters, so 😯 what does that mean?

    There is a lovely story in the paper today of a local couple, married for 67 years and never happy apart, died within hours. Isn’t that just the way you would want to go (no relics – no-one left behind).

    Barata – grandchildren – all the funn and none of the responsibility! Congratulations!

    P: sorry to be a downer – but if the ‘everything’s losing except my waist’ continues (especially if you waist actually increases) will you please get it checked out? I’ve heard that sentence before; its almost certainly no more than the Middle-age thing we all share, but while it’s unlikely, it just could be dodgy, so please don’t ignore it.

    It’s ok Fast. I’m just too lazy to tone the old tummy muscles. πŸ™
    Great catchup yesterday Bay. I loved your healthy choice of cafe. My “mushroom burger” (no buns) was perfect. Lovely sunny Canberra day.
    Bay is always a mine of information whenever we catch up. She seems to know everything I need to know. Thanks Bay P πŸ™‚

    Well after my week off, when I ate quite a lot of carbs and sugar, and wine more often than usual, with no ill effect…

    Last week, I reigned in the carbs and wine, but didn’t fast, and am now on my upper weight limit…

    As I don’t count calories, I’m not exactly sure what’s gone on! But, either my eating when on holiday showed up a week later or, perhaps more likely, there has been a degree of portion creep following my relaxed week off.

    Last year, newly in maintenance, this would have been stressful (oh no, I’ve gained a kg..!), but this year I now know I can’t eat back all my lost fat in a day or a week or even a month, and in a bizarre way it’s more interesting than worrying!

    It does leave me with a dilemma though…
    Undereat a bit next week (16:8, low carb, semi-fast) would do it, but wouldn’t bring fasting benefits…
    Do a 6:1 next week and drop 0.5kg, but does one fast day offer any health benefits? Or
    Go for a longer fast for health which would fix the weight too…gulp…I’m not sure I could do a 4 day water fast though, but I could perhaps do FMD (she says pathetically..!)

    My current feeling is that I’ll dither about it for a bit, forget I’m thinking about it, remember, dither… And probably go for the easy option that brings short term benefits…

    Bay, on the basis that you know everything P doesn’t, what would the Oracle suggest? πŸ™‚

    Don’t know what the oracle would say, but I’m with you on the dilemma, Happy. I think you are dead right on “portion creep” when we don’t have a regular fast. I know I can stay within my “wriggle room” with careful eating, but worry about the lack of fasts to both reset my appetite and rejuvenate my cells. I was going to try the longer fast this week, but really think I don’t want to upset the apple cart that has worked so well for so long. SO, 6:1 for me, with a 1/2 fast on Thursdays and any other day I am heavier. I am also a kg heavier than my ideal (but well within healthy), so I am really motivated to have a good fast tomorrow. So, I just enjoyed a slap up breakfast and will eat well all day today to stimulate the “feast and famine” cycle before Monday fast day.
    It is an ongoing process, isn’t it? P πŸ™‚

    Hi Fast and Purple

    No point in asking moi! I am now 2 kg above what I was at this time last year. Still healthy but not really happy with weight. Am having a small sweet treat every day, bar my fast days. :ouch: It is interesting that the second Winter is proving harder than the first one when I was totally motivated, and on a high. And I know that my sweet treats should only happen once a week. I need another sugar free challenge. πŸ˜‰

    For me 5:2 is still a necessity for both health and portion control. Now to my serious oracle duties.

    Purple, you look great and I think your idea of 6:1 plus a semi fast day sounds ideal.

    Happy, I would take advantage of the unusual extra weight to slip in a 6:1 to gain the health benefits of a day of normal fasting.

    No point in upsetting the apple cart. πŸ˜‰ The imperfect Oracle has spoken. Hehe! Commonsense, ladies, commonsense. When you’re on a good thing, stick to it.

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Thanks ‘oh wise one’ πŸ˜‰ P

    Hi Bay and P,

    I suspect I will do a 6:1, like you say I know that works so why change it.

    But. I do want to try a longer fast at some point. I’m just not sure how easily it will fit with normal life, or that I want to lose as much weight as I suspect I would on a longer fast!

    Hi all – another Non-Oracle here, going the same way. Not at top of wriggle room, but definitely back into it (I dropped below it a week or two back) and rising. My diagnosis is:

    -delayed effect of deliberately eating more, just to check I wasn’t losing non-deliberately – yes, definitely;

    – portion creep – and sugar creep – certainly (confirmed by reappearance of small pot belly!)

    – and calorie creep on my 6:1 fast day (I do still count on FDs) – sometimes to around 650 (my TDEE is 1200)

    In other words, after a year of successful maintenance I’ve got blasΓ©!

    Remedy: back on the wagon: 5:2 this week, then a proper 6:1 / 6:1.5, and back to 1:6 on the wicked sugar! Anyone up for joining me?

    Hi Fast,

    You’ve summed it up far better than me.

    A few weeks ago I went through a spell of losing without fasting and it is such an unusual state of affairs that you can’t help but worry! But the last couple of weeks have demonstrated that I can gain as well as lose πŸ™‚ Good news that you can too!

    I have also thought of Lichtle, and her 5:2 fatigue. Perhaps I’ve just been having a little ‘holiday’ from the constant watchfulness/ mindfulness? Or perhaps I did just get blase….

    Whatever. I know I can maintain without fasting, but the odd fast day does act as a natural reset on portion size and a brake on carbs/ sugar.

    So yep, I say publicly that I will fast tomorrow!

    I am mostly added sugar free anyway (except for odd weekends and my Welsh cake eating week off). I just have some overripe bananas crying out to be used first…

    Happy – you and me both! I’ll think of you tomorrow – and I shall do Thursday as well, just to get back in the driving seat. Then back to a properly disciplined 6:1!

    If it will save you from the dreaded banana cake, try the (almost guilt-free) choccy banana pud: whizz bananas with plain yoghurt, dark cocoa powder and a spot of cinnamon (recipe says add honey, but I find that too sweet – adjust for your taste. ) Won’t help the sweetness-craving, I’m afraid, but fewer calls than cake, and will disappear in one go!

    Isn’t it good to do this together? Where would we be without this thread? (A: perhaps not quite back in the size 16 jeans, but maybe heading that way….)

    I’m with you girls. Back on that 5:2 wagon. No more blase! πŸ™‚ P

    I thought I’d gone way off track, so I just did the calculations. On my eating day today I ate about 1200 cals. My fitness monitor says I’ve burnt 2000!! Woohoo! P

    Thanks for the banana recipe Fast. If OH won’t help eat banana bread, then I think I could manage that by myself πŸ™‚

    P, interesting that you’ve done the sums to confirm what we thought, that what feels like a binge (post 5:2) most certainly isn’t!

    Hi Fast

    Count me in! I need a cyber mate to help me stay mostly sugar free. I also have a bit of 5:2 fatigue and have become a bit slack. Sugar and grain treats on non fast days have definitely added a small belly. 😳

    Will go 6:1 sugar (one sweet treat a week) and 5:2 fasting. If that doesn’t work, then sugar free for as long as it takes. πŸ˜₯

    Fasting tomorrow Monday on 400 calories and doing 20/4 to make a serious reset for my system. Having feasted on Friday, Saturday and today, this should give my body the necessary jolt. πŸ˜‰

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Have fun in the sun, Purple πŸ˜†

    Guests for dinner tonight: mainly healthy menu – watercress soup, nut roast, salad – but please may I have one last tarte au citron with raspberries and a (little!) dob of cream? Thanks, girls – then I’m all yours!

    My three week non fasting experiment has resulted in me being two pounds above my goal weight this morning. I haven’t been at that weight even after Christmas.

    This WOL, however has become so much second nature, that I cannot step on a scale, note 2lb over goal and not counter act and eat less (fast). It has definitely given me a kick in the backside to do something. As it is Sunday, I will just eat the minimum to avoid hunger and tomorrow, I will do a proper fast before heading on holiday on Wednesday. I definitely don’t want to start my holiday outside maintenance, as it might give me some weird notion of “..I might as well…” and just let lose.

    Yes, I have been too long on the beach… (ice cream) πŸ˜‰

    Not so much a diet, more a way of life…. Sorry, everyone – it seems we’re stuck with it. Go, Lichtle! And enjoy your holiday.

    Well you can have your tart Fast, because OH indicated that he could eat banana bread… It’s in the oven! He’s also cooking tea tonight – homemade pizza. Oh, and did I mention our egg and bacon brunch… So I’m certainly in feast before the famine mode today!

    Funny how we all seem to be in synch with where we are weight and attitude wise!

    Do you think it’s the middle-aged equivalent of the way women living together synch their menstrual cycles? ( long time since I had one of those, but I do remember it, and I know it’s a well-documented phenomenon. )

    Enjoy your banana bread. Good old OH!

    Hi Everyone,

    Sorry to be away so long again. The job search has really been heating up, and this past week I had five job interviews (two of which were second interviews). At the same time the health insurance from the employer that laid me off expires this Tuesday, so I’ve been making doctor’s appointments like mad since until this past week I hadn’t either had my teeth cleaned, seen an ophthalmologist, etc. since 2002 (the last time I had a full time job with benefits). (yes, I know, we loony yanks)–but I digress.

    Happy and Fast, just FYI, I weigh myself naked daily, and when I notice I’m above goal I get out my old meal plans from before I reached goal (usually featuring a TDEE below 1400) and use them until fast day, and then have a water/psyllium/supplements only fast day and see where things stand. If I’m still over goal I carry on with the old meal plans until I’m once again at or below goal. If I’m WAY over goal I might add an extra water/psyllium/supplements only fast day until I reach goal or under. This is just something I’ve been using lately that works for me. I offer it in case it’s helpful for anyone else.

    The scales have been kind to me this week. At yesterday’s Gay Pride festivities (where I was recording a show) free hot dogs, popcorn, and ice cream were advertised, so I actually had TWO water/psyllium/supplements only fast days (as opposed to one 500-calorie fast day) to make sure I was trimmed down enough in preparation. On the morning of yesterday’s event I was a full 2 pounds/.9 kilos/.14 stone BELOW goal, so was prepared to pig out at the festivities and packed no lunch.

    As it turned out, there were food vendors at the event as well, and the organisation handing out the free food didn’t want to compete, so the only free food available was popcorn and apples. I took both, but ended up bringing the apple home. Because I hadn’t packed lunch, I bought a hot dog, but being gainfully unemployed as I am wasn’t going to buy ice cream too (which cost as much or more than the hot dog BTW), so only gained a little as of this morning and am STILL well under goal. This is important because I’m meeting with a new trainer at the gym today who will be taking measurements.

    I will keep to my plan today (TDEE of 1650 or possibly a bit more because I’m under goal), and if I’m still under goal by tomorrow morning will have a refeed day then, for which I have gotten a treat. However, I plan a similar week ahead due to this week’s 4 July festivities–you know, when we yanks celebrate our independence from the lot of you Brits! Won’t THAT be fun? πŸ˜‰


    Lichtle, Fast, Happy, Purple

    Well here we are again, motivated to stick to 5:2 and helping each other through the cyber World. πŸ˜‰

    Purple, you may well be sticking with non fast days of 1200 but I am not. I think I’m nearer to 2000, when you include dark chocolate, nuts, red wine and lemon pudding on Friday night. The salmon and vegetables were highly nutritious and, with the rest of the meal, delicious. πŸ™„

    My trouble is becoming blasΓ© and also including too many treats in a week. And not making enough advance preparations for these feast days. A gloriously sunny day today, Monday, for my first serious fast of the week. House cleaning woohoo! Won’t be eating until 20 hours after my last meal. Will only eat one meal today and will definitely stay under 400 calories. No sugar.

    We will be doing a long drive tomorrow, so intend to eat some Brazil nuts and an apple tomorrow, before having an evening meal. Then another serious fast day later in the week should mean that after next Monday’s fast I will be back within wriggle room. Looking forward to it. My main worry with all this is that most of the extra weight is going on as internal fat, because looking at me I appear to be lean. πŸ˜₯

    All the best in our various resets. This is indeed our Way of Life forever. πŸ˜‰ Thanks for your help and I feel no judgment, just your care and support.

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Hi Maintenance Mates
    Bay is right, it is great to have this, albeit, small group to support each other through the long term that is forever!
    3pm. Have had only black coffee and teas. Drove Mr P to the airport, then headed north. Lovely sunny day up here…lots of washing, cleaning, painting and whale watching to keep me busy πŸ˜‰
    I plan a cob of corn and homemade veg soup tonight.
    Strength to you all on your fasts. P πŸ™‚

    Sounds great, P. The sun is shining here and we reached 14.6 C today. Haven’t eaten anything today as yet 4 pm. Lots of water, one black coffee. I have home made vegetable soup for dinner. Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Morning/ evening!

    Well as a fast day draws to a close down south, one begins up north…

    Sounds as though the two of you have had productive days and kept busy. Unfortunately for me, today is a work day and time spent in front of the computer = temptation to mindlessly graze (distraction? Diversion? Attempting to stay awake…?!). I deliberately didn’t buy any almonds or mixed nuts at the weekend. And probably best I freeze the rest of the banana bread before I get started!

    At least I won’t be cold today, summer is finally here! Woohoo….

    Morning Happy
    As I was sipping my umpteenth cuppa and avoiding starting door sanding, I was thinking the same thing! There is a distinct advantage in being ahead, timewise.
    I also brought only low cal foods away with me. I’m dreaming about the dates and Brazil nuts at home! I’m pushing another hour, which will be 24 hours since last night’s early dinner and I’ve been up since 5. πŸ™ It really is easier eating nothing than giving in.
    Ps I bought a cheap set of scales for our holiday place….can’t hurt for tenants to keep an eye on their weight.
    Happy fasting gang. P

    Now that, P, is very considerate of you1 I’m always pleased to find scales when I go away. Although I realise they may not weigh the same as mine at home, that doesn’t matter. Weigh at the start, and use them to chart gains and losses…

    I’m going to hold off eating as long as possible today too, although I will be having almond milk in my coffee (quite filling but low cal, and apparently doesn’t spike vs/ insulin, so it can’t be cheating…?!)

    I will be a grumpy lady later though, preparing OH’s evening meal…:)

    Hi P, I lasted 22 hours from my last bit of food yesterday until my bowl of homemade vegetable soup this evening. So thoughtful of you to buy scales for guests πŸ˜‰ Cheers, Bay

    Well done Bay!
    I made 24 hours as my daughter rang from the UK and filled in 1/2 hour. My soup was super spicy (I used some tiny homegrown chillies…probably a mistake).
    20 deg up here today. Ideal painting weather. No whales yet.
    Keep going UK pals! P

    Good night Monday Maintenance fasters. Bed calls and another successful fast finishes. P πŸ™‚

    Well, it’s done – 451 cals and a longish walk – but I’m definitely going to bed early and very rumbley.. Hard – makes me realise how far my recent FDs had departed from the straight and narrow – but glad to be back on it now. And also hit the sales to buy cheap t shirts for the gym which might fit, and ended up with 2 pairs of ankle-length cotton trousers – (red and pink – Lichtle would be proud of me), size 8, so reminded again that rumbling a bit by bedtime is worth it. But I admit I shan’t be sorry not to do it again until Thursday!

    The lemon tart was delicious, thank you Happy – as was the healthy watercress and pea soup, and the nut roast and salad, and the raspberries. Had a ‘moment’ before the guests arrived when I discovered two milk chocolate Easter bunnies, left over in the cupboard (bought in case anyone who deserved one happened to pop in – nobody appropriate did ). I unwrapped the top of one, hoping to be able to eat his ears and then reshape the foil to hide their absence (that’s how bad it had got – I don’t even like milk chocolate!) only to find they’d been there so long they’d ‘bloomed’. Perfectly edible, just not very pretty – so we shared them with our coffee (guests were very old friends, and glad to be of service!) All gone now – safe to go in the cupboard again! And had the joy of picking strawberries from the garden in the sunshine this afternoon, and eating the ones that made it as far as the bowl with dinner.

    I hope those others fasting today have had a good one. I thought of you all several times during the day, when things got tricky: I’m so glad you’re there!

    Well done Fast. That’s 4 “old hands” proving they can still do it (you, Bay, Happy and me). Any more?
    I’ll definitely back it up with a full fast on Thursday too.
    As a non chocolate eater, I have a pile of Easter left overs in my wardrobe (hidden from Mr P). Probably bin them eventually. Just not worth the cals. Now, a good blue cheese or oysters, that would be different! πŸ˜‰ P

    Hi Fast,

    Glad to hear you enjoyed your evening, although I can’t quite believe you would eat a bunny’s ears and then reshape the empty foil! Are you that person who eats all the after eights but thoughtfully pads out the empty sleeves and leaves them in the box…?

    My fast went well today. I held off until 5pm, broke fast with a boiled egg, and then had a light meal at 8.30 with OH. In at under 500 calories, and it was an easy day, so I’m feeling pleased with myself.

    I am currently trying to talk myself out of breaking fast tomorrow with banana bread πŸ™‚

    Good work on the sales shopping. Now that is an incentive to fast properly!

    Anyway, bed time now before I start getting too hungry!

    Well done Fast, both for under 500cals and trousers. πŸ™‚

    I was amazed how “easy” (it’s all relative) today’s fast (the first proper under 500calsin weeks) has been and I am so pleased to say that I, too can still do it.

    It always gets me how much fasting is a “mind” rather than a “tummy” exercise – very encouraging and frustrating at the same time. Recently I have sabotaged so many perfectly good fasts at the 11th hour. i think it is a maintenance thing. but as soon as the scales creep up the willpower returns. Luckily.

    I held out for 25hrs and then had a home-made filling lentil soup, a handfull of nuts and a small amount od bread and butter whilst watching DH eat a lovely garlic chicken dish with roast potatoes and ice cream for desert. The last bit was the hardest.

    There is no way that an Easter treat could survive in any size, shape or form in any nooks or crannies in my house. You are stars Fast and Purple. I love your canny way of disguising your guily secret. I suppose in June you can’t go out and replace the item…

    Well done L! That’s 5! Any more?
    It is definitely easier when you know you have mates in for the hard yards too.
    Go Maintenance Mates! P

    Hi gang,been reading your posts with interest! I fasted yesterday too because I find the fast day resets my eating pattern for the week having usually gotten out of control over the weekend. I have been lower than usual since I cut out wheat except for this Monday when I hopped on the scales and was 700g over my top wriggle room weight! My dear husband had made gluten free pizzas for tea Saturday night and I can only assume that was what contributed most of th gain. I have noticed Sunday’s are a particularly slothful day for me. If we are at home I have an unstructured day and I seem to fill that time with eating! I agree with you Lichtle, for me eating is so much still a mind thing. I thought I had resolved this but doesn’t seem I have. Portion control is also very important for me. My husband tends to cook over the weekends and he serves me a much larger size than I serve myself. Sometimes I remember to get a smaller bowl or plate for myself but often just takes what he gives me and even though I feel full apart way though, keep on eating it because I am enjoying it! And once I have started on that roller coaster ride I just seem to keep on going – my mind being the driver! Cheers everyone!

    Hi Carol,

    I struggle with menfolk who seem to think everyone should eat the same amount! And my Dad, bless him, will always try and give me the larger piece of meat when he cooks for us!? Noooo, I weigh 3/4 of your weight…

    Mind you, I’m pretty sure I do often eat at least as much as OH at night… I have to remind myself that he makes up the rest of his calories in sneaky ways with sugar in tea and coffee and a couple of pints of beer!

    The mind vs belly is interesting. Yesterday having committed to fasting I could easily have not eaten anything. I’d worked out that I could bring the fast day in at under 500 cals, but only if I saved them for the evening meal I’d got planned. On other days, when the evening meal is less calorific and I don’t therefore need to ‘bank’ calories during the day, it seems to be more of a licence to eat. So I’m hungrier for knowing that I can eat?

    I need to work on the psychology of it for non-fast days I think, perhaps by committing to set eating windows on ‘danger’ days particularly? Maybe if I commit to eat between 12-2 and 6-8 I will be less hungry and think about food less during the afternoon danger period!

    Well that’s bought me some wriggle room. Having been looking at 60kg all week and even, gulp, 60.4 yesterday morning, this morning I am unexpectedly 59.1. Just goes to show how much water you get for your carbs!

    Well done gang, including Carol now too…top fasting work. The experts!
    It IS interesting how much a proper fast resets the appetite. I didn’t eat much at all today. Bad move to have nothing after a fast day and then start sanding and painting 7 doors. By 10 I had to stop and eat. I was making such a botch of the painting. Went well after breakfast. Even watched some humpbacks cruising past as I sipped on my coffee. In the end I had very litle to eat and did not feel hungry. Ain’t 5:2 amazing? P

    Yes, which is why going for a longer fast for health shouldn’t be too much of a stretch really! As you say, get one day under your belt (although admittedly, not the best place to secure anything these days!) and then the next it’s as easy not to eat as it is to eat.

    Sure Happy. But finding 5 days when I don’t have any social engagements is a challenge! I AM retired, after all πŸ˜‰ P

    Happy, you underestimate my deviousness – but no, I don’t do that to the After Eights, and actually I’m normally quite tidy. (I’m the one collecting the wrapping paper on Christmas morning, to iron and re-use. How sad is that?!) . And I get very annoyed indeed with people (no names, but now that there are only two of us in the house it’s clearer who is to blame) who put empty milk cartons back in the fridge, empty peanut butter jars in the cupboard, etc etc. See what double standards I have!

    I have had a really lovely day, with some seriously good food and a huge dose of strangers’ kindness, as well as lots of sunshine and the company of old friends. I hope yours has been as good, everyone.

    Well I don’t know Fast. Is putting the empty containers back in the fridge/cupboard more or less annoying than leaving the cupboard door open and the empty container on the worktop, usually in the space that someone else has cleared to start food preparation…?

    Glad to hear you had a good day. I was working, but even that doesn’t seem so bad when the weather’s so good!

    Do you live with Mr P, Happy? What about stacking things up on the benchtop so that they will fall if someone just looks at them? Grrrrr… (love ya heaps Mr P ❀)

    Oh yes, precarious heaps of breakables is one of his specialities. The draft from a fly’s wings could divest us of all our crockery…

    He also wonders why there is food in the cutlery drawer. Hmmm, if you ever closed it instead of leaving it open and preparing food/ eating over it – it isn’t a plate! – there wouldn’t be!!

    And breathe… πŸ™‚

    Yep, Happy. Peas in a pod.
    Are you sure you can’t whip over and do the 2nd coats on the 7 doors for me? Every muscle aching this morning and blisters on my fingers πŸ™
    I’ve started something I don’t want to finish. First eat. Then crack the whip! P

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