The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 1 month ago.

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  • Thanks Barata. It’s a different kind of cold, isn’t it? We got used to the overheated buildings overseas and couldn’t believe how cold the house felt when we arrived.
    In Alaska it didn’t really get dark, so the short days are now a bit of a shock.
    Hope your NZ winter isn’t too bad. P

    Hi P,

    Welcome back! I can’t believe it’s been five weeks… not that we haven’t missed you, but it’s fairly flown by!

    Great work on maintenance, particularly in the US! Good to know that you can practice moderation and meal (and excessive and unnecessary carb) skipping while on a long holiday.

    Re: light. We’re bizarrely going to bed while it’s still light at the moment, but then we are nearly at the longest day. I couldn’t persuade the chooks to go to bed last night until 9.45…

    Batten down the hatches – rain and gales tomorrow, snow to low levels in the south over the next few days. Definitely winter, Purple. 🙁 . Not my favourite season at all.

    You’ve been missed Purple. Welcome back!

    Well done Purple for maintaining without fasting for five weeks. We are going away in two weeks so hopefully I will maintain, too.

    Brilliant, Purple – and lovely to have you back. Takes courage not to fast, but you’ve shown us all how to make it work. Sorry it sounds as if you’re getting a wintry welcome back. Summer seems (at last! ) to be arriving here – picking just enough strawberries for breakfast each day…

    Hi Purple,

    I’m in Seattle and wish we could have met when you were in the neighborhood (many people from around here travel to Alaska and back). You’re truly an example to us all! Perhaps we can put your ideas to use even when not traveling (like when those pesky holidays rear their heads, etc.). Just a thought.


    Hi Jayney
    We were in Seattle for Memorial Day weekend and caught the music festival. Sorry I didn’t know you were from there. Cheers P

    Purple, we are going to Canada later this year and thinking of doing a 2-3 day sojourn to Seattle to give the kids a break from us :). Would you recommend Seattle?

    Sorry Carol. Seattle is the one place we didn’t really enjoy (sorry Jaynee). Vancouver, on the other hand is fabulous. The train trip between Vancouver to Whistler is one of the best on the world. P 🙂

    Hi Purple,

    I was recording at that music festival all weekend long! We could have walked right by each other! Drat! BTW, why didn’t you enjoy Seattle? Next time, Jayney

    Hi Purple,

    Sorry for another post. I tried to add to the last one, but apparently that got lost. I’m really sorry to hear that you didn’t enjoy Seattle. May I ask why? Was it the weather or perhaps the mountains? Had I known you were coming I would have been more than happy to do my bit to make your trip more enjoyable. That offer still stands in case you should find yourself here again for some reason.

    Carol, if you end up deciding to buck the trend and are brave enough to set foot here after Purple’s review ;-), I’d be more than happy to meet up with you and show you around. It will be interesting to hear more about this.


    Thanks Jayney! I’ll keep that in mind. Seattle is just a thought at present.

    Of course Carol, no problem, but please keep me apprised if you think of it.


    Hi Jayney
    I didn’t mean to dis your city, but had to be honest. I’m sure it can be lovely, just not for us at that time.
    I’ve been flat out all weekend and my earlier reply to you failed to post:(
    I had been really looking forward to Seattle and had included it especially. We arrived late on a Saturday night flight from JFK and when we got up on the Sunday morning were really put off by the number of drunks and aggressive people hanging around the empty streets when we went for an early walk. We were very disappointed in the waterfront area which is all under repair.
    Later in the day, after a pleasant cruise of the harbour, we made our way to Pike’s Place and admired the stalls. We were staggered the music festival was not advertised anywhere for tourists. We only found it accidentally when the bus driver didn’t stop where we wanted. We did enjoy it and am sorry I could have caught up with a 5:2er while there.
    I think it was a case of my expectations being too high. I loved New York and I hadn’t expected to at all. Funny thing, expectations. I’m sure there is a side to Seattle we just didn’t experience. My impressions had come from “10 Things I Hate About You” and it did not match. 🙁 Next time…. P

    Hi Carol

    I saw what you wrote about giving the kids a break. Where are they living? We loved the Okanagan Valley and the Canadian Rockies. Also Waterton Lakes NP is good for walking and lots of beautiful scenery. It all depends on where you are based. Western Canad is full of beautiful scenery. Vancouver Island and the Bortchart Gardens another lovely place to visit.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Morning/ evening All,

    No news here. I took some leave last week, did a bit of gardening, earth moving, shopping (new sandals, just need summer to arrive properly up north!), and went for at least a 4 mile walk or run each day. On the food side, I ate too much! Bread, wine and cakes most days! But still came in at 0.8kg below upper limit at the weekend 🙂 I’m back to sitting at a computer this week, so will need to reign in the eating, starting with at least a semi-fast today and no processed carbs or sugar.

    We’ve talked before about how to maximise the health benefits of fasting, particularly if you don’t need to fast for weight loss or maintenance. You may have seen that Valter Longo’s fasting mimicking diet has been in the papers recently. The following article includes the detailed diet plan. Something else to think about…!

    Are you marketing L-Nutra Simcoe? P

    Hi PVE:

    Happy seems to be enthralled with Dr. Longo’s diet. So she can buy it from him.

    Just being helpful.


    I know you’re a 5:2 disciple, but there are other fasting methods available.

    I am a long time fan of Dr. Longo. I first posted about his diet about a year ago. According to his clinical trial coordinator, his diet is being tested on cancer patients to see if it will yield the same results as water fasting. Here are some, but not all, of the links I have previously posted on Dr. Longo’s work.;;;;


    If you’re such a fan yourself, I’m a bit confused by the wording and tone of your post ‘Happy seems to be enthralled…’

    That was all.

    Hi bay, they live in Edmonton Alberta. We’ve done a bit of the Rockies in the train, also Vancouver and Butchart Gardens but I will check out the other places Yu mentioned thanks.

    All Aussies I have just finished watching Michael Moseley on SBS re HIT. Interesting.

    Well, Happy, I for one am entralled to read some of your comments, dunno about anyone else, but you give me hope that this WOE is going to keep me thin when I finally get there.

    I know that wasn’t your point, but I do think you talk a lot of sense on bere sometimes!!!

    Aw Milena, thanks, I think! Although now I’m paranoid about the remainder of my comments that are apparently neither enthralling nor sensible… 🙂

    bugger it Happy, say your piece with a smile on your face, there will always be folks out there willing to read posts wrong, but we need folks like you go keep us all strong.

    I think 95% of my posts are neither interesting nor informative, but if the other 5% make folk smile or think, my job is done!

    Yep. Happy. You are the stuff that keeps us coming back. Long may it be so.
    P 🙂

    Happy, milena, purple 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Wow, gals, I’m sitting here eating my lovely homemade spicy carrot kumara soup wondering how much fun we can have on this thread. Thanks for all the info provided by everyone. It helps on the hard days to distract and to learn from others.

    Today is one of those grey cold Winter days and we finally reached 11C while I was out golfing. Brrr! Going to have a hot shower now. Don’t want to start nibbling just to get warm. 😉
    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Keep warm Bay. We had a lovely sunny day. Managed to get sheets dry outside! I made south western corn chowder (Californian influence) and New England clam (actually NSW pippie) chowder in the weekend. Finished it off today. Very warm and tasty. Isn’t the variety of soups around the world marvellous? P

    Well it’s only 11C here at the moment, but the sun’s out and it should get warmer. I’m treating the world to my legs today (from knee down!). Watch out for reports of snow-blindness in NW England today…

    No fasting today, although I will be holding out until lunchtime. Last week’s bacon butties are a distant memory now!

    Sorry I’ve been swollen for a day or two – what a a lot I missed. Just to affirm: we are ALL the reason I keep coming back! Thanks, everyone

    (And Barata – we made it to 11deg here, too, a day or two back. Only difference is, it’s supposed to be summer, here…

    Not ‘swollen’ but ‘AWOL’ – damn phone again! But that too, so fasting today!

    Swollen Fast?…mmmm….
    I LOVE the way the English strip off at the slightest sign of sunlight, turn bright red and eat ice cream. We usually avoid the sunlight. especially in summer – highest skin cancer rates in the world and rarely eat ice cream – maybe because it melts!
    Enjoy your sunshine. I put the roof down on the car today to get Vit D. Fantastic in the middle of winter. P 🙂

    Enjoy the sun, folks! Only 38 days until we experience glorious hot sunshine in Croatia. Can’t wait. 🙄 B

    Hmm P,

    I’m not sure I’d call wearing a skirt without tights ‘stripping off’ precisely… I cover up or apply sun cream to avoid the boiled lobster look… And I’m as likely to eat ice cream in winter as summer…

    Does that make me atypical? 🙂

    Happy, I don’t think we could EVER put you in a box! Totally individual! And so it should be.
    Keep counting those sleeps Bay. SO exciting! I’m not looking forward to the -2 deg predicted when we come down your way this week 🙁
    Celebrated what would have been dad’s 95th birthday last night with a rare pig out. He died of bowel cancer at 72. A very good reason why I have embraced this wol. Have a happy day/evening gang. P

    I seem to be suffering a bit from 5:2 fatigue right now and have decided to take a break from it for a month especially since we are taking a holiday next week for a bout 10 days. I think I might do 16:8 or 18:6 instead which I can do quite naturally.

    It will be interesting if this year will be different because when on holiday, breakfast seems to be an integral part of the holiday experience but when I work and most weekends I do not need to eat until 11 am or later.

    Right now, my weight hovers at the top end of my goal weight and whilst I don’t think I will lose any weight in the next four weeks, I am also not worried to gain much as it is summer and I tend to replace some meals with fruit – so the plan is MAINTAINING. I am intrigued at Purple’s travel scales, though and I am tempted to take my scales with me (not travel ones though) but we are only away for 11 days so I should be able to cope.

    Anyhow, I am definitely going back to 5:2 in a month’s time because I don’t want to fall off the wagon completely (as I have before) and wait until I have some weight to lose. Also, I will definitely pop in here every so often to keep in touch.

    Don’t disappear, Lichtle – we shall miss you! Have a lovely holiday – who knows, a short time of eating more might kick your metabolism into a state where anything yo gain will just drop straight back off. But you’re a practised enough maintainer that I’m sure it won’t be necessary.
    Enjoy the break, the sunshine and the fruit! See you soon….


    Don’t go swollen ( 🙂 ) on us like Fast did!

    This is a maintenance thread, and there are many and various ways of doing that. Your experience of not 5:2ing will be interesting for all of us.

    I hope you have a great holiday. I know what you mean about breakfast being expected, but you can still look for opportunities to meal skip/ minimise carbs. I guess your demon will be the sugar though?

    My guess is it’ll be the ice cream – no, Lichtle? When our kids were little and we used to take them on skint holidays, the rule was ice cream on t h e beach every other day – perhaps you could adopt something similar!

    Happy, I promise I won’t go swollen 😉 and you are right I am experimenting with other forms of IFing for a while especially since I believe changing things about a bit is very helpful.

    Goodness gracious, can you girls see right through me now!!! 😉 Yes, in the summer the ice cream is my nemesis but so far it has been too cold to tempt me too much.

    FFS, I like your rule about ice cream, this is especially effective and helpful to me since there is no beach for 400 miles to where I am going. ;-)) Oh Fast you are a genius, we have stumbled upon the solution to overcome our sugar addiction. Chocolate can only be eaten in Switzerland, cake is only allowed in Wales and biscuits are only allowed every other day at an altitude of 3000ft and jelly….

    I LOVE IT. 😉

    Hi Lichtle

    Haha! I’m so glad you won’t go swollen. 😉 I like your comment that you are a little bit over 5:2 as I had a moment like that this morning. I think it’s human to want to change it up, whatever it is. Humans like new things and variety in life. I am fasting today and am going to play golf this morning. Then house cleaning. So lucky! All because this is my last opportunity to fast before lots of socialising, from Friday lunchtime through the weekend. Having lunch (or not 🙄 ) with P on Friday.

    Fast, Happy, Lichtle, restricted food by date and time! 😮 If there were no sugar in the world I would be much better at keeping the plump at bay. Hehe!

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hi Lichtle

    Please drop by regularly as you help to keep me on the low sugar wagon! Thank you for the sugar free Lent, that was an eye opener for me to see how hooked I am on the sweet stuff. 🙄


    Have a great holiday L. I love the new rules on eating!
    Interestingly, having gained nothing over 5 weeks away, I promptly went up a kilo this week at home 🙁 Ah well. Plenty of wriggle room. And I don’t intend to have a fast day on Friday, Bay. I look forward to catching up again 🙂 P

    Lichtle, , have a wonderful holiday! I understand what you mean about breakfast when on holiday. If I remember rightly you enjoy your breakfast like I do. Some one on here, maybe Purple, pointed out to me you can still have breakfast but you just have it at a different time of day! It will be interesting to see how things go for you with the new regime. I have just lost another kg by cutting out gluten. Life is full of surprises!

    Our latest grandson arrived this morning, in Sydney. 3.5kgs, all well. That makes four boys and one granddaughter (not all in the same family 🙂 ). Looks like there will be another cross-Tasman trip in our future – not to be confused with our week in the warmth in Cairns next month.

    FD today, I’m likely to be within the wiggle room tomorrow. Still look down at myself and see a big tum, thick thighs, will be a while til I can consider myself svelte, if ever, even when I’m wearing size 10 jeans.

    I couldn’t live in your world, Lichtle, with ice cream and chocolate out of reach like that. Have a great holiday.

    Eleven degrees here today, FFS, it definitely IS winter. Down south they have been having near record cold temperatures. Don’t think I would enjoy living where summer gets up to 11 – summer girl, that’s me.

    Busy busy at work, short of staff and software changes at the same time, so it’s been as much as I can do to check in with the postings in the evening without making comment. But I’m still here. 🙂 🙂

    @barata – Congratulations, What lovely news – so pleased mum and baby are well and healthy. Try and aim for a football team, if you can. (Not sure how you can do this as grand parents, but you know what I mean. Your granddaughter must be so spoilt amongst all those boys.

    With regards to not seeing yourself as svelte despite size 10, I think this is normal and it would be interesting to see yourself through other people’s eyes. Also our shape changes as we mature and the waist seems to disappear naturally. Luckily there is a lot we can do with clothing though…

    @carol, well done for losing another kg. Luckily our holiday consists of visiting family and friends and self catering so there is no obligation to have breakfast.

    @purple, I am sure your gain is just food in transit and doesn’t really count.

    Thanks everyone for the good wishes. I will try and pop in if I have Wifi connection. Only leaving next Tuesday.

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