The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 1 month ago.

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  • Hi All,

    Well weekend with Dad navigated, and no harm done. I’m 0.5kg below my upper threshold, so it looks like the fast last week did the trick.

    I did however come home with a sweet tooth (I couldn’t refuse Dad’s homemade cheesecake now could I 🙂 ), and even indulged it on the journey home… I’ll need to nip it in the bud today now!

    Bay, sorry to hear your BP has gone up again. I know a lot of things affect BP, including colder temperatures in winter. Hopefully it’s a temporary blip.

    Jayney, I read your link on the evil 7 elimination. A lot of those don’t feature heavily in my diet anyway, but I wouldn’t be happy to give up dairy (milk yes, yoghurt and cheese no) or eggs (my ‘girls’ would never forgive me!). So for me, everything in moderation…and some things even less than that… 🙂

    Hope your cold season fast goes well today Bay. I suspect I won’t be fasting this week, but perhaps next (after the bank holiday weekend).

    Lichtle, I had a few months where my recorded weight (Saturday morning) was under ‘goal’ but my post weekend weight (Monday morning) was always over. I was always annoyed to see 60.something on a Monday. Silly really, since my goal weight was a bit arbitrary (it could just as well be 60.5kg since that’s a nice round 9st7, and when I set out on 5:2 my goal had been 10st/ 63kg anyway!) and I was maintaining around it! Funny the way the mind works!

    Well done, Happy, It’s your duty to indulge yourself with your dad. 😉

    I’m coming to the end of a cold fast day, with just my clear vegetable soup on board. Early to bed tonight after a small piece of salmon with greens.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    After reading Happy’s post above, I went back and read the evil 7 elimination from Jayneyw and have to admit that I totally agree with Happy. MODERATION, MODERATION, MODERATION.

    I know of course that I am in a fortunate place of maintenance and I don’t know if I would think differently if I needed to lose weight (as a short term measure). I am not aware of any food intolerance and coming from this fortunate and neutral place, the only evil I can see on that list is sugar and we don’t even get fat because we have a piece of cheesecake at dad’s do we. 😉 We get fat because we want more and more.

    I love (french) bread and cheese and absolutely adore eggs and (pea)nuts and unless my allergy test proves I am intolerant to any of those foods, I think I would always eat 5 of those foods very happily (don’t know anything about soy). I think the same about meat…whilst I don’t eat much meat (once or twice a week), I would not want to cut it out from my diet completely. As long as we buy the food unprocessed and cook it from scratch with plenty of fruit and vegetables, most of the time, MOST OF US should be OK.

    I am always amazed how resilient and self healing our bodies are and how quickly we feel better when we adopt a healthy life style.

    Lichtle, Happy

    Totally agree. I will continue to eat raw Brazil nuts, blue cheese and a little meat, all nutritious foodstuffs in moderation. We mainly eat fish and green vegetables, soups and salads. Cheese and nuts are our treats. 😉

    I noticed this morning that I clocked up my 100 th fast day on Tuesday. I feel like it’s a significant milestone for my mind to register and celebrate. There have also been lots of semi fast days along the way. 😆

    Having made myself go back on to 5:2 from 6:1 (because of the recent sugars and carbs), i am now nearly back below 60 kg, a weight I reached in August 2014. As we often talk about, I am one of the happy people who fluctuate around 2 kg each week during maintenance. It is way easier to control without processed carbs and sugars in the diet.

    I weigh every day just to see what foods have impact and which ones are good for me.

    Cheers all, Bay 🙂

    @Bay, Happy Fastiversary. Well done!! As you say 100 fasts are great mental re-inforcers that we can easily do this for life. I haven’t counted mine but I must have done over one hundred, too so I will be joining you celebrating with and for both of us with a Thursday fast. 🙂

    @carol, hoping your appointmrnt with the specialist re your diet and new medication went Ok. 🙂

    thanks, Little

    Congratulations to you too. It is a milestone that deserves a celebration! We will do that tomorrow after this fast day is over 😉

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Wow Bay,

    A centenary of fasts! I think it’s probably safe to say you’ve done it enough to have formed a habit!

    I haven’t been counting, but will be nowhere near that yet, maybe 70. I really have been fasting intermittently…

    I’m afraid I won’t be joining you in a celebratory fast today either. I’m 59.1 this morning and, having seen myself in changing room mirrors yesterday, really don’t want to lose any more weight.

    I’d gone bra shopping, and ended up with a slightly padded t-shirt bra. Personally I don’t like padding. I think it’s cheating, and it tends to overheat my chest, but I couldn’t find anything unpadded (this in a large department store). The assistant smiled at me pityingly and explained that manufacturers tend to only make unpadded bras in larger sizes, the smaller sizes are padded because that’s what ladies with little chests want! Hmm, not this lady with a little chest (perkier maybe 🙂 )

    Perhaps I’ll get a t-shirt to wear over my t-shirt bra that says ‘This is not all me. Unashamedly small’ !

    Carol, as Lichtle says, I hope your appointment was fruitful.

    Fast, hope you’re OK. It’s been a while?

    Happy, I had the same question. I thought that Fast must have posted a reason for absence and I had missed it.

    Fast, We miss you. Hope everything is ok in your World. Bay 🙂


    I just noticed that autocorrect changed your name. Sorry about that. I have a new computer, and I keep catching it doing strange things. 😉


    Thanks Happy, I’m touched that you noticed.

    I haven’t gone anywhere, have been reading your posts every couple of days and mentally sending my love to Bay and Carol facing particular issues of BP, thyroid,, but had no time (or headspace) to post. We’ve been having a mother-type crisis. Some of you know that – by her own choice – she lives a long drive from us, is in her nineties and had an Alzheimer’s diagnosis last year. We, at this end, each have health problems/disabilities which limit us, to the extent that we joke that we make a full human being between us. We do what we can for Mum – try to visit every 6 weeks or so, phone most days, and answer the phone roughly x6 per day when she gets muddled! – but she really needs daily care, which she has furiously refused. A few weeks ago I was told that because of my own health problems I really should no longer attempt to go down there; social services where she is have been saying for months that they needed me to back off a bit, to make it more likely that she would accept the care they are offering.

    The inevitable has happened: Mum ended up in hospital with shingles She stayed 10 days and was sent home last Friday with a care package in place; I was told by my own doc and social services to ‘care from a distance – do not try to be hands on.’ Last w/e was dreadful, with Mum refusing to let carers in, or to be cared for once they got in, and culminated in her going back to hospital (where all she will say to devoted staff is that she doesn’t want to be there and wants to be in a private hospital!) in order for them formally to assess whether she has now lost capacity to the extent that they can impose care, preferably residential. If so, the next step will be finding somewhere, and also getting legal authority to manage the money – she has always resisted LPA etc.

    It may be a while before I manage to post again, but I’m still with you! Some thoughts – and the odd prayer, from any who do that sort of thing – would be very welcome. My thoughts are with all of you fasting today, but I shan’t join you – the scales say 7st 12 this morning, so I might be eating fruit cake and cheese!

    Love to all

    Oh Fast,

    I’m so sorry. What a stressful time for you, and I can appreciate that it must be very hard to keep your distance. Is there any chance that she could go into residential care nearer you, presumably you are in different local authorities though?

    I’m glad to hear you are otherwise alright though. It’s always a worry when someone stops posting unexpectedly!

    We will be thinking of you, and will have to make an extra special effort to post entertaining, thought-provoking and witty asides to divert you when you do pop in!

    Take care of yourself. Fingers crossed it is resolved soon, for all involved.

    Dear Fast

    Please take care of yourself. It is really hard when you have a parent in this position. You love them and they don’t want to take help. We will be thinking of you with very best wishes.

    Bay 🙂

    FFS, I too had noticed your absence, along with Purples but I think she might have said she was going on holidays. I am so sorry to hear about the problems you have been having with your mother. My dad is 92 and lives on his own. Fortunately he is very healthy and active for his age but you can see the deterioration happening. My worst fear is him losing his independence. Like your mum he won’t be told what to do. What can we do! They are their own masters and have the right to live their life the way they want. I really feel for you and your predicament and am more than happy to say a prayer for you and your mother.

    Thanks for your concern re my doctors appointment re thyroid. Good news is he doesn’t want me to go on the metabolic diet he was talking about last time. I’m still not convinced taking HRT is going to improve my thyroid so am going to see my GP to ask for a referral to an endocrine specialist. Will see what they have to say!

    I’ve been keeping my food diary for 4 weeks now and it has highlighted a couple of interesting things but what I want to do now is identify what was happening food wise in the 24 hours preceding big dips or big spikes in weight. I’ll need to develop some way of putting all the info into a graph so I can interpret it.

    Congratulations on the ton bay! Love to all!

    Just re-read my post and it sounds like I’m only thanking FFS for her enquiry about my health but I’m not – thanks Lichtle and Happy also! 🙂

    Dear Fast, I am so glad to hear from you and understand the reason why you can’t be with us. I, to was getting worried but hoped you were on holiday.

    I am so sorry to hear about your stressful time. It is so difficult to back off and watch a loved one suffer. But the health staff is right, you must take care of yourself first in order to be of any use to her. My parents had a similar situation with my grandparents – with a situation where a 71 year old daughter (who could have done with care for herself) was caring for a 93 old severely disabled mother who didn’t want to go into care. Luckily she had younger sisters to share the burden with but nonetheless very difficult.

    It seems that the stress is showing with your low weight now, so keep eating. According to my mum we have to keep eating for our “nerves” when stressed.

    So, my thoughts and prayers are with you that you may have the strength and health to deal with a day at a time.

    Lots of love.

    Oh and Bay, don’t bother about the spell check on your computer. Little is apt too – I am quite short. 😉

    Good Morning everybody – hoping everybody has had a lovely Bank Holiday weekend. I take it that the lack of posts here means everybody is happily maintaining. I thought I had overindulged this weekend and was prepared to pay the price today, but I was relieved to be in the middle of my range this morning.

    Still doing a Monday (delayed) fast today as this is the only day I seem to be able to do full fasts now with Thursdays being more 20:4 days, breaking the fast at 2pm with fruit and then a normal meal in the evening.

    Thinking of you all especially FastFastSlow. Take care.

    Hi Lichtle,

    I did (mostly!) enjoy the long weekend, thanks. It was dry and (mostly!) warm, so much of it was spent sorting the veg patch out. Just the swedes and some more more peas to sow, climbing and broad beans and leeks to plant, then the task of trying to defend against slugs and snails (and weeds) begins! Not forgetting birds, cats, moles, bunnies…

    Uneventful maintaining here. Which is good, as I’m not sure I’ll fast this week. Been feeling below par, so going for a blood test to check for anaemia etc. I guess I perhaps should be easy on my body til I know whether there’s anything to worry about!

    Funny you think you overindulged. Either your metabolism is now super efficient… or your idea of a binge is now a sad shadow of what it was pre-5:2!?

    I tried to discuss (to little avail!) weight loss with my MIL this weekend. She has gained some weight in the last few years but won’t have it that her diet is at fault. I must admit she doesn’t appear to eat a huge amount. I suspect the 20+ artificial sweeteners she has daily may play a part…or perhaps it’s the jelly babies she brought with her (that she says she doesn’t eat at home…)…3.6g of sugar per jelly baby! Which I guess is why the bag states that a ‘portion’ of jelly babies is in fact just one! I don’t like them luckily, but if you did what chance you’d buy the bag and then eat one a day for a month and a half?!

    Happy, you have my greatest admiration re gardening and fitting everything in at the weekend, as I know you work full time too. You really have to love doing it or it would become a burden. Picking up slugs and snails is not very pleasant but necessary ;-( I am just glad if I can keep my borders/hedges/nettles from overgrowing. I haven’t even done anything with my flower pot planting which looked amazing last year.

    But every weekend I seem to have something planned this year, with more trips to FIL who lives 150 miles away. FIL is absolutely amazing having learned to cook healthy meals at the age of 90 (recently widowed). MIL never allowed him to cook (only the washing up) He sends me pictures of lamb shanks with all the trimmings, toad in the hole, chicken casserole, steak and vegetables and he eats hardly any sweets or/deserts (sugar in tea though). He has wheatabix with a banana in the morning, a soup for lunch and a good healthy meal in the evening. Most of the day he spends in his garden despite him being very shaky on his legs. I believe the garden (joy of it, exercise and fresh air) and a good diet are the reasons why he is still alive and independent, despite his very serious medical history.

    So sorry to hear you are not feeling great – definitely a good idea to hold off with fasting until you know more. Your diet is healthy and you weight regularly so taking it easy is essential.

    Oh, I am such a sucker for jelly babies and I can eat a bag in one sitting. In fact I love anything fruity, jam, ice lollies etc. The up side is that I am not too bothered about chocolates, biscuits or cakes. I can leave that if necessary. Recently I have taken to drinking water or eating fresh fruit before giving in to the “refreshing” feeling of the fruity treats and I think it helps. Pre 5:2, I used to have at least 2-3 apples a day (often for breakfast mid to late morning) so fruit has always played a big part in my life and I have to make sure to keep eating real rather than resorting to artificial fruit.

    Do you think the artificial sweeteners you MIL consumes contribute to her weight gain? I am aware that it is not healthy but not sure if it promotes weight gain. At the very least artificial sweeteners won’t tackle the problem of sugar craving.

    You are right with our perception of what constitutes indulgence. I suppose after a fast day eating the full TDEE and a bit more seems very extravagant. 😉

    Hi Lichtle,

    Re: sweeteners. I read recently that they affect gut flora, and favour those that maximize on energy extraction. She’s taking a lot in tea (3 sweeteners a time, 10 cups of tea a day), mostly on an empty stomach. Interesting also that there is an addictive side to them. When she first switched from sugar, it was one sweetener, then two, and now three…!

    Re: jelly babies. Whoops! It hadn’t occurred to me, or I’d forgotten, that it was a weakness of yours. You might as well just eat sugar by the spoon…? 🙂

    Re: FIL. Great that he’s active and looking after himself so well. Funny, the stereotypical gender roles we adopt when in partnership, but when free to be ourselves we often find we like the things that were traditionally the domain of OH!

    Yes, my garden is a major project! We’ve got about an acre so with working full time it doesn’t leave much time for anything else. People have to come to us at this time of year! And entertain themselves 🙂

    Hi everyone
    A quick ‘pop in’ to catch up on you all – and very largely to thank you all so much for your care and good wishes. I’m overwhelmed, really, to think that a group of women who’ve never actually met can offer such huge mutual support – what a blessing! I was very moved: thank you, especially Happy, Lichtle and Bay.

    Things continue apace: Mum is still in hospital, but from the calls I’ve been getting I think the idea is to have one more try at sending her home, with the care simply ramped up a bit, and see how it works. I’m fully behind the philosophy of keeping people at home, with support, as long as possible if that’s where they want to be, but I would feel so much happier if she could be somewhere we’d know she was safe and cared for, with company she’d enjoy. I honestly can’t see a return home working, however much care they set up – I just wish they’d get on with it! But mum is very practised at her impression on ‘nice, middle-class, lady who’s just a tad muddled and better not to cross’, so off we go again, some time in the next day or three…

    Lichfle, your FIL sounds fantastic. Could we swap??!

    And Happy, your bank holiday gardening sounds prodigious – what a pleasure, but what hard work! Please let us all know your blood test results, and take care of yourself – hope you’ll be feeling better soon. And I’m sure you’re right to suspend fasting till you know all is well.

    No proper fast for me either yet this week – began yesterday but reached mid afternoon feeling faint, weepy and with fantasies about a cheese toastie to which I eventually succumbed. It was delicious, and I suspect more than just a fast-day craving but a real message from a body under stress. Weight unchanged since my last post, so I think I did the right thing to give in – but shall try again on Thursday, even if it’s a semi-fast just so that I don’t lose the habit. Perhaps you and I have to start a sub-group, Happy – a ‘discern when to fast, fast-lite, or take a break, and start again without returning to blobdom’…..

    Back in a day or two….thanks again…

    Happy sorry to hear you are unwell. Ask doc to check thyroid too because feeling under par is a symptom.

    Lichtle, similar story with my 92 years old dad widowed three years ago. But the domain he took over was the garden. Seems so odd to be sharing cuttings with my dad and walking around ‘his’ garden to see all that is growing!

    FFS you have a struggle on your hands with your mother. Advocate for her to receive as much care as she can. Then you will be able to rest a little easier too.


    Hi Fast, I totally agree with keeping poeple in their own home as long as possible but sometimes this can go too far especially when people deteriorate mentally and they live on their own. But if your mum can make the right noises/impression and does not want to leave her home then it is very difficult. I am glad you are listening to your body and eat until your stressful situation gets resolved.

    I didn’t manage a fast today but had a few dried apricots, some mixed nuts and grapes and one of my favourite food items – a couple of boiled potatoes with butter. Will try again on Thursday but not beating myself up if eat a bit above 500cals.

    Take care all of you.

    Hi Fast,

    Good to hear from you.

    Several of my now sadly deceased female ancestors were fiercely independent well into their 90s, and wouldn’t be budged from their homes until they were ready. I imagine I would similarly resist a move at that age! Not easy for the nearest and dearest though!

    I hope that the supported return home works or that your Mum comes to understand that she cannot stay there and accepts she needs to move.

    Glad to hear you are also maintaining your weight through this stressful period, it would be so easy to under or overeat with the stress.

    Obviously the fasting has benefits, but it does feel good to have a healthier relationship with food, and to just naturally eat the right amount of food to maintain without fasting!


    I boiled potatoes last night and couldn’t resist ‘harvesting’ a piece on a buttery spoon 🙂 My new potatoes are a way off being ready yet, but buttery fresh lifted potatoes are a regular summer feature here. Yum.


    Thanks. I think it will be a full blood screen. To be honest I’m hoping it’s just iron-deficiency anaemia! My periods were very heavy for a couple of years pre-5:2… although that was a while ago now… Unfortunately the symptoms are common to lots of conditions… thyroid, chronic fatigue, pernicious anaemia, cancer, death! Funny though, now I’ve made the appointment I feel much better already!

    How are you getting on?

    Absolutely, Happy – I shall be exactly the same – probably worse! If Mum can stay at home, with care provided, I shall be delighted; my frustration is with her refusal to accept it, not because she thinks she doesn’t need it but because ‘it’s all right, I have a daughter’ – while refusing to acknowledge that the daughter isn’t capable of doing what Mum considers she should, and with no provision in place to make possible even the things she could do!

    Feel better now – thanks!!! Here’s hoping it works this time….

    And now that that rant is out of the way, I do hope your blood tests give you an answer, and you start to feel better soon. (Also that no uninformed medic tries to suggest you’ve made yourself ill by fasting. You know better!)

    Hi Happy, I’m feeling better thanks. Still consulting with doctors but consensus seems to be all the problems have been a reaction to surgery. Have you had your tests yet?

    Hi Carol,

    No, Friday was the earliest appointment I could get 🙁 And then a few days for the results… Meanwhile I shall have gone into a decline and taken to my bed!


    I guess you should be flattered that your Mum looks at you and sees only her young capable daughter! I know my Dad doesn’t see a middle-aged woman when he looks at me!

    Hello all!

    Spent from July 2013-2014 using a combination of 5:2 and 4:3 (at times) until I reached my IBW. Then from July 2014-to the Present on the 6-1 Maintenance Program. Not only have I maintained the weight I lost (dropped 4 sizes and many inches) but I recently dropped 5 more pounds. I eat whatever I like now and this includes desserts, carbs, sugars. The 5:2 seems to have re-set my metabolism. From someone who spent a lifetime trying all the fad diets this has truly been life-changing. Last Diet I will ever need!


    Congratulations. Well done. What a great result and another tribute to intermittent fasting. 😆

    Like you, I have lost the weight I wanted to on 5:2. Unlike you I still need to do 5:2 if I want to eat whatever I want. This morning I had a light as a feather homemade scone with homemade berry compote and cream. Yum! Couldn’t have done it in the past without dire consequences.

    I am glad you have posted your results here. They provide an incentive for people just starting out.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hi Fast, Lichtle, Happy

    Sorry I haven’t posted in a while. Have read your posts when I could. I’m with my mother for three weeks. She is nearly 94 and is feisty and independent. Use it or lose it is her motto, and it has served her well. She can still touch her toes, and carry in wood for the fire. We had a few scenes in the past over not wanting to accept help, so I know how hard that is. Happily, we are over that hurdle and now she jokes about it. 😉

    Best wishes, Fast, for all you are going through. We all have the mix of guilt and wanting to help, and also leading busy lives looking after OH, our grandchildren and so on. 😆 There’s a lot to be said for comfort eating 😉

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Lucky you Carla! I am on 6:1 and can still eat carbs, desserts, have wine etc but I need to be very very careful. I am maintaining my ideal weight but fear i could gain again if I’m not vigilant. I don’t lose weight on 6:1 just maintain it. Sounds like you’ve had a great result for your metabolism!

    Bay, how is the BP going?

    Hi Carol

    Thanks for asking. From something my mothers doctor said, I have experimented with timing of BP tablet and have succeeded in keeping BP under control on lower dose. I was waking up with high BP. I now take my lower dose tablet in the evening, (not the morning as previously), and I now wake up with acceptable BP. The activities of the day, eg golf or walking, or scrubbing floors 😉 are enough to keep BP at good level. I will continue on taking the lower dose tablet in the evening for a week or two and see if it’s a long term method of keeping my BP under control.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Happy, am hoping the results of your tests are good. B

    Thanks Bay, I’m hoping they show something trivial or even better nothing (although then I’d feel like a complete fraud!).

    Interesting about taking your BP meds, and a lower dose, at a different time of day. Sounds a sensible approach. Surprised that your own doctor hadn’t thought of it?

    Great that your Mum is still doing well at her age, augers well for your own ‘old’ age!


    Great to hear you are still reaping the benefits. I’m particularly interested to read your comment on the reset of your metabolism. I’ve been finding maintenance pretty easy for a year now, with only the occasional fast. It’s great to be finally freed from gaining weight just looking at food! Long may it last.

    @carla, it is absolutely phantastic how much weight you have lost and how you keep maintaining. thanks for sharing this with the rest of us.
    @Bay, enjoy the time with your mother. She seems one of those inspiring people like my FIL. Let us know if your BP medication solution is permanent – would be great.
    @All maintainers 🙂 have a great week.

    That’s quite amazing Bay! how fortunate you you picked that information up. It’s also interesting because I am on another forum for people with hypothyroidism and it’s quite common in owl edge amongst people on that site that if you are having trouble managing your condition if you alter the time of day you take the medication it invariably improves!

    Happy, hope,you get a good result from your tests too. Better to be a ‘fraud’ than unwell! 🙂

    Very very quickly: I love the idea of going into ‘owl edge’, carol – thank you! And might try the BP mess trick – except it will have to be early evening, to avoid getting in and out to the loo all night…

    Ha ha oops! Meant to be ‘common knowledge’!


    I thought it was something to do with old age!

    Of course now I re-read your post (with the ‘owl edge’ of what you intended to write 🙂 ) it all makes perfect sense…

    Carol, I didn’t ask as I didn’t want to appear stupid again especially since Fast seemed to understand ;-( , but I thought owl edge was the height of wisdom and experience – quite out there….

    No Lichtle, Fast didn’t understand – my thought process went ‘owl –> wisdom –> age’ etc, just like hours. Hence my remark about preferring it to ‘old age’ as a term. If you’re stupid, so am I!!

    I think owl edge is lovely – mature and wise (I did get the original meaning, though, the brain can fill in the gaps.

    Happy winter, all 🙂 (apart from those in the NH, of course)

    Hi Maddie,

    Great that you’ve had some weight loss success. If you have indeed read our stories, then you will know that we have all also lost our excess weight and are now happily maintaining by intermittent fasting.

    I’m afraid I’m always suspicious of (as you put it) ‘random sites’ so won’t be following the link you posted, thank you. Perhaps you could share your story here with us instead?

    Happy, do you have any owl edge on the results of your Dr appointment just yet? 😉

    Hi Lichtle,

    No, not until later in the week unfortunately! By which time, summer will hopefully have arrived and I’ll be feeling fine 🙂

    Doing a semi-fast today at least, as my weight can take it this week! Too much French bread at the weekend 🙂

    Happy, do you classify a semi fast as eating half your TDEE? How long do you fast before you eat?

    I managed a fast of some sort yesterday. I now tend to fast 24 hrs and then eat a normal meal in the evening – no calorie counting. Yesterday, DH made a beef stew with dumplings and I just had one dumpling with a moderate portion of stew, a bit of pasta and vegetables after which I was fully satisfied and could sleep well. I probably had over 500cals but not much more than 600 I guess.

    When I was losing weight I used to do 350cals on a fast day, leaving me still hungry. Now I don’t see the point of eating and still feeling hungry – I might as well be hungry for not eating.

    Barata, happy winter – seems to apply to the NH too, as we experience temperatures of around 11 degrees and driving rain.

    Fast, how is your mother’s care in the home working out? Have you managed to take a back seat?

    Who would have thought a slip of the finger……….:)

    Yes, somewhere up to perhaps half TDEE is a semi-fast for me. It tends to be perhaps a slightly longer fasting window (but not 24 hours), with a low cal snack of some sort for late lunch to tide me over and then a slightly restricted evening meal. Usually protein, fat, vegetables, but not carbs.

    It mostly seems to be enough calorie restriction to maintain my weight, but without being hungry!

    Hi Happy, Any results? Bay 🙂

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