Somewhere warm, I suspect Barata. We’ll be awfully boney by 100 😉
This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by Mr Data 4 weeks, 1 day ago.
Funny, but I don’t find wine gives me the urge to snack in the evenings. My danger period is (a sober!) 1 – 3 in the afternoon, when I could pretty much eat my way through all the cheese and nuts in the house…
Me at 100? I can’t believe I’ll live that long, I think I maybe lived a bit too much in my youth 🙂 I’d settle for health until I die!
Carol, so pleased you’ve got some control back. Amazing what a good fast (and confidence in health professionals) can do.
Well maybe I misrepresented the event somewhat 😉
We decided not to cook, but to use our considerable project management skills to get 39 people full of lovely food and drink in a public park with disposable picnic wear. We also provided light weight cricket bat and ball, frisbees and soft large ball. Playground for littlies and shade for biggies.
What more could you want? Portholes in your coffin? As my dad used to say.
Cheers, all. Bay 🙂
Ah, Bay. Organisation, not feeding the 5,000. Still, as long as a good time was enjoyed by all. Portholes for looking in or out? 🙂
Happy, you mentioned cheese… I went to the pantry, seriously considered topping some crackers, and then walked away! Had a few nuts, though, the daily Brazil and some cashews. I feel I’ve earned them – specially as there was only yoghurt and apple for lunch after the Saturday morning fry-up (no toast).
Funny ha ha, or funny peculiar, Carolann?
Either way, for me it’s not about prolonging the years, but doing as much as I can to ensure that however many there may be, I’ll be as fit as I can be to enjoy them ( not forgetting that genes and luck will play a part, but hoping I might outwit them a bit!)
I’m claustrophobic, so it’s definitely the furnace! Even better, I’ve promised my brain – if they can find it – to the brain bank for research into Parkinson’s et al. Sounds altruistic, but it’s actually win-win – as long as they remember to take it, that should ensure I run no risk of knowing about it,, whichever it is!
Over 30 years of being around funerals, I’ve noticed a definite urban/rural cultural divide over burial/cremation: I’m not at all surprised at your preference for burial, P. I must admit, I’ve been in some lovely places where the thought of spending eternity lying in the sunshine (or under a nice snow-blanket) would be very appealing – perhaps we should start a trend for becoming compost in our own veggie plots?
Enough of this: have a good weekend, everyone. I’m doing an extra fast day, to balance a day of thoroughly mindless overeating yesterday. And no, I don’t know why: I just know it happened, left me feeling very full and slightly sick, and needs to be paid for. Good luck, anyone else doing a weekend fast!
I like having somewhere to visit my rellies when they are gone. Does take up space, but really nice to sit and natter. I’m also a great believer in full information on gravestones to leave a written history. Fascinating places, burial grounds/graveyards. Little niches in brick walls just don’t do it for me. Or carbon tossed to the wind. Maybe we can utilise all the open cut coal mines? 😉
Been to the Highland Gathering today and ate a haggis and black pud roll and bridie pasties. The latter were excellent. Fish and salad for dinner meant no weight gain. Win, win. P
Well buried on my own land quite appeals, but I’m not sure it would be a selling point for the property (skinny old lady buried here). So I guess it’s the furnace, and scattered, and then forever free…and recycled into future life on earth.
Not fasting today. Thursday’s fast dropped me back under 59, and I don’t think I want to lower.
Just broken my fast, and pondering mindful eating.
My Saturday lunchtime treat (break fast) tends to be a boiled egg salad sandwich with a packet of salt and vinegar crisps (I think it’s become a habit because as a youth it was always my hangover cure…with a chocolate milkshake 🙂 )
Anyway, I’ve now replaced my (previously beloved) white bread with sourdough… A while ago I realised that two eggs was probably one too many…And now I realize that I don’t ‘need’ the crisps either…
Where will it all end?!
Next week maybe I’ll have half a sandwich so I’ve got room for some crisps 🙂
Happy, we have 3 packets of chips (crisps) in the pantry, left over from when the family were here. I can’t see us ever eating them as there just does not seem to be a time. We are either fasting, just about to eat a meal or full. No spare calorie spaces for them and, weirdly, they just don’t have the pull they used to have. Funny old 5:2 and its habit changing. 🙂
Yes, P: I have an accidental garden full! The neighbourhood folklore goes that when our houses were first built (60s), many owners bought loads of topsoil from some travellers, who had ‘gathered’ it in the local woods. (Frankly, I doubt it, as every single garden in half a dozen streets seems to be affected…) either way, there is no getting rid of the stuff: dig it, mulch it, weed it by hand, and up it comes again, year after year. But some you win, some you lose: it doesn’t do much for the look of the flowerbeds, but it tastes good! One of life’s free gifts!
Apparently they are “garlic scapes”. Flower stems that don’t get a flower. They have limited availability but can be cut and frozen. I used them chopped into a fennel and orange salad, but could be added to soup etc.
The stuff you learn from the internet!
Also had “bridie pasties” for the first time yesterday. Googled the recipe…mmmm…all that butter and lard HAS to be good for you 😉 P
Morning, all. I have just logged in and seen the comments on the crematorium partying! LOL. I have let the children know where I want my ashes scattered, a long way away, and there might be issues with the tangata whenua if they caught wind of goings on on Maori land. But a subtle sprinkle might be achieved.
P, I agree with you regarding somewhere to go and visit the departed, but so many of us are so mobile these days, it’s been many years since we went back to see our baby daughter’s plaque in Auckland.
I have gleaned much family history from monumental inscriptions, transcribed and in situ.
Dearest Barata
I visit my babies’ graves regularly. That is why I am so passionate about gravesites. I also regularly visit long, long dead ancestors and say “hi”.
Apparently the scapes start to curl when they become tougher. Happy, you’ll have to snap them off when they are about 30cm. I wonder how they keep them straight? Maybe by picking and keeping in a bunch with elastic bands?
Salivating now…must get up and cook up a (small) storm 😉
One of the tourist attractions my husband and I always visit when we are overseas is the local cemetery. Like you say PVE they are full of interesting facts and information. Some inscriptions are quite heartbreaking, particularly those towns on the coast where so many young deaths occur due to working in fishing industry etc.
Never heard of these garlic scales PVE but they sound good. Not sure where I could get any down here. Your bread sounds great too. I still haven’t made any of my own yet but still on my list of things to do.
Seems like a good day to be cooking, I’m trying out the Slow Cook option on my rice cooker to make some veggie soup.
P, when do you add your dates and how many? I’ve made a couple of date and cinnamon loaves (couldn’t find any walnuts in the pantry, “mice” must have got them) and put dates in at the porridge stage, they disappear into the dough at kneading and just leave colour and flavour behind. My next loaf will be a free form one cooked on my new baking stone – a 33x33cm floor tile.
Hi VM 🙂
I add about 6 chopped fresh dates and equivalent in walnuts with about 4 more minutes of kneading to go. You could toss a couple more in at the end of kneading to have visible dates. Mr P likes the blended look. It rises really well with the date sugar 😉
Let us know how the soup goes. With the change of season, I’m getting back to soup too. P
Hi all – another aspect to the cremation/burial discussion – and yet another common strand in some of our lives. I do agree about the importance of a place to go: we don’t have one for our baby daughter, and I do find that painful – as if she never existed, particularly since we’ve moved, and people new to our lives don’t know about her. Like you, Barata, I’ve taken comfort in a small piece of jewellery – a dog-tag necklace with all my children’s’ names and dates, including hers, on one side, and their father’s and mine on the other. And it makes me more certain than ever that whatever they get up to, wherever they are, the three still here will always know how loved they are. Elizabeth would have been 40 last month: she will always be my daughter, and although there are still tears, and sadness, and questions about ‘what would she be like?’, the experience of her life, birth and death are part of what has made me who I am.
Hugs to you all.
Hey P, I’ll try your method of adding dates next time.
Soup cooked in the rice cooker (slow cooker function) was brilliant, will use it any time I need a litre or so of soup. This morning started off overcast and cool but by the time the soup was ready it had turned into a warm blue sky afternoon so the soup will come in handy when the cool weather returns.
Fast day for me tomorrow and an unexpected day of work so if work’s busy should fly past – after apple and raspberry pie tonight I probably need it.
Hi all
Fasting today. So much easier in the sunshine of Brisbane. How is this for a genuine masochists fast day?
6.30 am. Drive sisters to airport for trip to NZ.
9 am. Dental prep work for two crowns. 90 minutes of drilling and shaping. Aargh!
12 noon. Clean and scrub sisters house in thanks for being such a fabulous support team for me. 😉
Woohoo! Live it up 😆 Bay
Morning/ evening,
I’m not fasting today. I had planned to fast tomorrow, but now I’m not sure… Woke up this morning…light! That never normally happens after a weekend. So what was different?
Well to start with I walked at least 4 miles every day last week, so probably burned an extra 1200-1500 calories.
This weekend, I swapped my fresh white loaf for sourdough, I didn’t eat a packet of crisps, I didn’t make any biscuits or cakes… But before you start to feel sorry for me, imagining me living on bone broth… I did have a full English brunch yesterday (bacon, sausage, egg, mushroom, tomatoes) and then made curry (with rice AND spicy roast potatoes on the side) 🙂
So if I’m going to fast this week it looks like I’ll have to eat more or move less! It’s a hard life…!
Bay, I think booking yourself in for dental treatment to divert you from thoughts of food is a bit extreme 🙂 Oh, and when you’ve done P’s, my place needs a spring clean!
Sounds like a recipe for success, Happy. Darn, eat more or move less, what a quandary!
P, I don’t know which thread it was on but you mentioned paella. Well, I have just made one, it was yummy, and I had a small plate even though it’s a FD, don’t think I went much over 500 – and who cares!!! 🙂 Love it!
Miserable weather here, snow in the south to fairly low levels, and up to 12 tomorrow. Time to dig out the winter woollies. At least in the eleven years that I have been at my current job the conditions have improved immensely – no longer do I have to wear longjohns to work!
Happy Monday to all you lovely people. B.
Morning all – well, Happy, I definitely AM fasting today – last week’s mindless (and sugar-laden ) eating has caught up with me. (Pinnacle was a bread and butter pudding made with chocolate brioches, marmalade and double cream, eaten in quantity, and of course there have been all those dam chocolate eggs..)
Still within m/range, but nearer the top than the bottom – and interestingly, it’s the first time since the Lent sugar challenge started that I’ve fluctuated, so the lesson seems fairly obvious! In which case, so is the cure: 2 decent FDs this week, and back to 1:6 sugar – lesson learned!
Off to Pilates. Have a lovely week, all
Hello fellow MCs. When I said that after Easter I will be doing 1 light sugar day a week only, I meant I will be starting from today. 🙂 Fast day today and clean slate.
This past week(end) I had to finish off all the Easter remnants – I just can’t throw it out or leave it in the cupboard like a tin of fish. On the upside I did walk 7 miles yesterday (and 2 1/2 miles every weekday) which is probably why my weight sits bang on my maintenance weight of 50kg at 1.60m. I would prefer a bit of wiggle room but not too fussed as I am aware that I am just aiming for a pretty number. A pound or two more or less would really not make any difference in health/weight terms but I do seem to need a personal reference point.
Happy, my advise to your dilemma, if you need to make a choice then keep moving and make the sacrifice of eating a little more 😉 I know it’s tough.
And why do I find it difficult to feel sorry for our Southern Hemisphere fasters complaining about cold, bad weather of 12 Degrees? Lovely warm weather here – sun is shining – 23 degrees tomorrow. Perfect. 😉
Fast and Lichtle
Looking at what you wrote, we’ve all cracked the sugar addiction. We all look in fantastic sugar shape, from my perspective. 😆
The celebrations here began on Friday and continued through Sunday, with a piece of birthday carrot cake, and superb flans on offer each day. I ate a small amount of everything, but nothing in excess. During my fast today, I didn’t have any withdrawal symptoms. Maybe having dental work for 90 minutes this morning helped to put me off eating. 😉
Cheers, Bay 🙂
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8:50 pm
10 Apr 15