The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 4 weeks, 1 day ago.

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  • Hi Fast and Lichtle

    Congratulations on completing the sugar free challenge. It has been great fun and a good learning experience to find that I did not need to have any sweeteners in my life.

    I’m writing this today, because from tomorrow I will mostly be out of range of wifi until Tuesday. Thanks for making this challenge a positive experience. I wouldn’t have thought of a sugar free Lent without your challenge and support. My heart sank at the idea I would go for six weeks without sugar. However, once I detoxed in the first 3.5 days, I enjoyed every bit of my sugar free days. I chose not to relax on Sundays. In case 😉

    Unlike both of you, I don’t know how I will react when I have my first bit of sweet food on Sunday. 😮

    I wish everyone a happy Easter.
    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Interesting comments, Lichtle.

    Well done Bay, you definitely did much better than I did but it really gives me hope that I will be able to give up one day, too. Next year’s sugar challenge should be: “no sugar and no Sunday exemption – six weeks straight” like you managed this time round.

    These last few weeks, I still needed the Sundays but I hope that over time, I will manage to reduce sugar drastically.

    Have a wonderful time and Happy Easter to you.

    Hi P – welcome back! I was wondering where you’d gone . Hope the granny ing is being good – all that fun, and none of the responsibility! (Actually, that last bit’s not true – there is tons of responsibility, and it’s exhausting, so respect to you – but it is still huge fun)

    Three more sleeps, indeed – or two, if you’re desperate and can convince yourself that Easter starts after dusk on the Eve! I’m surprised to find that it’s not chocolate I’m .craving, but something heavy and solid, like sticky date cake (i have a recipe for a wonderful one, which a pedant could argue is sugar free as there’s nothing called ‘sugar’ in the ingredients list, but since it contains about a ton of dates and a whole can of condensed milk I’ve been very good and stayed off it.). I’m really determined that it won’t be ‘three more sleeps and stuff your face’ but ‘three more sleeps and the treats-once-a-week regime continues from here. ‘ No more weight loss to report after the first week – which is fine, as that wasn’t the aim- but i think I can happily do 6:1 on sugar now – which was – and weight doesn’t seem to fluctuate between FDs the way it used to. So, a result – of sorts! Not a complete re-education of tastebuds,but some learning about my own body, what it wants and who’s in control, which can’t be bad. (I shall, though, be making my (or rather Saint Nigel Slater’s) wonderful, mega-calorific, Apple ginger caramel Charlotte for the extended family for Easter dinner!

    Lichtle,, I don’t think I could (no, I know I couldnt!) do your SIL’a form of fasting. I’ve tried it for 48 hours, water only, in the past while at theol. College, and all it gave me was migraine! Like you, I’m convinced that 5:2 is much more attuned to my physicality and psychology, and much more sustainable. Even John the Baptist had locusts and honey!!!

    Bay – sorry, we crossed! You definitely get the medal! In your place I might be tempted not to re-start at all. Well done, indeed!

    Happy Easted, everyone (but still 3 more sleeps yet!)


    After reading the article I wondered whether attempting a 3 day fast once a month might offer better health rewards, but I wouldn’t like gaining a few pounds every month to then lose it again in the fast. 5:2 (and my variation on the theme) allow much more control and relatively little variation.

    I think though now I would not be scared to undertake longer fasts if health issues arose in future.

    I agree with you Happy, If I had to or if there were some proven benefits of extended fasting over shorter fasts or intermittent fasting, I think I could do an extended fast quite happily.

    Reading the article on the effect of fasting around cancer treatment it crossed my mind that in that case I would not hesitate to do an extended fast. I would try it as there is not really anything to lose but I would prepare well and do it in a considered way.

    I liked the honest report of the different stages of fasting for Steve Hendrick. I am sure it is a bit different for everyone and I keep wondering how it was for the guy who fasted for over a year. after a certain time things must settle down and stay the same.

    Well…7am and the 3 grandkids are up. I was hoping for a quiet coffee.
    I have had house guests and 3 parties in the past week (and another tomorrow ). Have eaten whatever I felt like, or whatever was available due to the wants/needs of others. I am basically at my lowest weight this morning (56.3). Oh, and I, the non chocolate eater, had 2 squares of chocolate with champagne on Tuesday.
    Well done sugar free girls, but remember, “all things in moderation” after Sunday comes.
    Raining and a house full of kids…wish me luck! 😉 P

    Well P,

    mostly I am very envious of your fantastic weather (although I suspect it would be too hot for me), but you can keep your rain and your houseful of kids! Good luck! And amazing maintenance given the social schedule…


    I started reading the ebook you recommended today. Fascinating stuff. And I think links nicely to your comment about fasting and cancer treatment. It occurs to me that there are two aspects – fasting around chemo to reduce toxic side effects, and more general fasting while ‘living’ with cancer or indeed other disease or illness. There is an obsession with eating in this country, and a fear that people will be too weak to fight disease if they don’t eat. Increasingly it seems that mother nature does indeed know best! If you ain’t hungry, don’t eat!

    Oh, and optimistically bought myself a pair of shorts today!

    I took sizes 8 and 10 to the changing rooms. I tried the 8s on first. They seemed to fit. I looked at my reflection and thought ‘perhaps this isn’t how they are meant to look, I’d best try the 10s’. The 10s were definitely too loose. But perhaps the 8s had been too tight? I tried the 8s again… They seemed to fit… At this point I resisted the urge to try the 10s on again to double check. I bought the 8s and came away wondering at what point I’ll start believing.

    I don’t know whether any of you have this problem? Most of you seem to have been slim in the past (so perhaps this is not unfamiliar territory), whereas I have never been this slim. I have been size 10 though, which might explain why that’s seems to be my go to/ default thinking on size?

    There are definite benefits to extended fasting 3 plus days

    There are risks and downsides to extended fasting. Fasting beyond 3 days is not something to be taken lightly and should only be done under a Drs direct supervision and care. Emotional disturbances can occur and these can be the least of your problems.

    Do NOT try to carry on a normal daily routine if you are fasting beyond 3 days. There are dangers to yourself and to others. Your reactions may be grossly impaired, so don’t drive! In 3 days (or less) your brain has used up all the glycogen stores and the switch starts and your body and brain can change in ways that are unpredictable.

    3 Days is doable and likely won’t cause problems for persons in good health. I do not recommend extended fasting to anyone. Just because I fast for 5 days once a month doesn’t mean that you should or can.

    If you are going to undertake extended fasting read, learn, see your health professional, get a checkup discuss with your health care professional what you are going to do and why. If you have medical conditions high blood pressure, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, or are pre-diabetic know that things are going to happen and be prepared. Have your health professional on speed dial. DO NOT be alone while undergoing extended fasting. If things go sideways they can go bad FAST. One hour you’re fine and the next you may be on another planet. Have your Dr. check you at least daily after 3 days.

    I have done fasts to 10 days but I don’t see any reason to go beyond 5 for the health benefits of autolysis and autophagy and the cleansing effects to body. Spiritually there may be reasons to do more than 5 days.

    I’m not a Dr. I don’t play one on TV and I don’t give health advice.

    My suggestion is if you want to try extended fasting start slow. 2 day, then be reasonable on 5:2 for a month. Then try 3 days. Rest for a month be reasonable on 5:2 for a month. Then 4 days and rest be reasonable on 5:2 for a month.

    The go slow approach is valuable. If at any time in your fast you feel in distress quit fasting. Your body is trying to tell you something. After 3 days you really won’t feel hungry physically (most likely anyway) hunger you do “feel” is likely in your mind.

    Really 5:2 is proven and it is safe. Going outside the boundaries can lead to issues you haven’t even thought of. Deaths have occurred in fasting as little as 7 days. Usually tied to an underlying unknown medical condition.

    KNOW how to re-feed after extended fasting. Don’t jump back into your regular diet. The consequences of doing so can be down right nasty. Not saying they will but they can be. Bloating and intestinal cramping can be the least of your issues.

    If you have a reason to do extended fasting, learn how to do it, go slow and have the proper care and supervision then “maybe” you’ll be fine. Then again maybe not.

    Understand Happy. I was this size when young and wore size 12. I fit a 6 on some stretch pants now. That size was kids only!
    An elderly relative commented that I should not lose any more weight. She said, Your slacks are baggy! My retort? ‘It’s a problem when size 9 is too big, isn’t it!’

    Re extended fasting…surely 1 or 2 days a week is a normal and healthy way of eating longterm. Extended fasting is replicating long droughts. Never good for human development. P

    Hi QuietOne,

    Thanks for the advice.

    I have never done any extended periods of fasting, and I certainly wouldn’t just stop eating tomorrow and see how long I could last! And I wouldn’t do 5:2 AND a monthly 3 day fast. And at the present time I don’t have any obvious health issues.

    I have been a healthy weight for over a year now, sustained principally by 16:8, low refined carbs, and occasional low cal fasts. I haven’t been doing 5:2, or even 6:1 regularly, since last June as I haven’t been able to maintain my weight that way. So I am currently doing less than 5:2 in terms of fasting, not more!

    It is interesting though that fasting is a powerful tool which has been sidelined by conventional medicine for decades.

    With respect, if I was considering a 3 day fast, I would not consult my healthcare professional! Frankly my doctor is an idiot who knows nothing about health other than it comes out of a bottle supplied by a major pharmaceutical company or is government policy. My doctor would just say don’t do it. Also, have you actually tried to get hold of a healthcare professional in England recently…?! A three day fast would be done and dusted long before I’d actually got to see my doctor 🙂

    As I say, I don’t have a medical reason to fast. But if I did have a condition, and depending on what it was, I think I would have more confidence now to trust my gut instinct and not eat if I wasn’t hungry (on the basis that eschewing food would not quickly lead to death in the absence of an underlying condition).

    Thanks Simcoe (via Happy) for the article on fasting. It proved exceedingly diverting for Mr P and I on this very wet, miserable Good Friday.
    We think we’ll stick with the tries and true. Fasting (or at least no breakfast part fasts) have been working well for nearly 2 years now. No need to change. P Happy Easter all. 🙂 P

    Well my two fasts in the last two weeks seem to have done the trick as my weight has dropped from top end of my m’range to below 59.

    Notwithstanding, I am mindful that today is not yet the weekend (although I did succumb to a few glasses of wine last night, due to not working today 🙂 ). So when OH had a bacon virtue this morning, I declined to join him. I’d like to still be under 59 tomorrow morning, so the bacon can wait…

    I have bought some hot cross buns, mainly I think because the smell was being pumped through the aircon. But OH doesn’t like them and, now they’re sitting looking at me, I realise I don’t want 4. In fact I suspect that I don’t even really want one…

    And no chocolate this Easter, for the second year running!

    I look forward to succumbing to a bacon virtue, a HCB and a chocolate bunny (or at least one of his ears) at some point after dawn on Sunday, Happy – but not all on the same day (or even at the same meal!) which I would once have done.

    I might reconsider the HCB, actually – they’re ‘boughten’, and white, and they were only boughten because DH stood in the supermarket and said firmly that he wasn’t prepared to fast at holiday times. He didn’t quite threaten to thcream and thcream and thcream until he wath thick, but you get the picture….And he was probably right: obsession isn’t a good look – all things in moderation. And since the scales say I’m under my maintenance weight today, I might just join him…an act of. Charity, you understand, to stop him eating them all and getting fat…

    For now, it’s a semi fast day (see above) and I have eggs to scramble and smoked salmon to look forward to….God bless whoever prepares it and manages to end up with all those little bits that aren’t wanted in the v expensive packs!

    Hi Quiet One welcome and good advice. Thanks. . I would only do an extended fast in extraordinary circumstances like an illness which I felt was better dealt with by fasting and I would definitely research and get expert advice. I am sticking with 5:2 though for the time being.

    FFS, I admire your charity!!! I think I will have a proper food festival this Easter weekend. I am going to bake a chocolate cake with cheese filling tomorrow and also bought HCBs and will bake some bread. My son is visiting us and therefore I have to pull out all the stops. I am planning to eat without a thought of lenting, fasting or calories. 🙂

    Happy Easter everyone.

    Sounds like a fantastic idea, Lichtle – and what’s the betting you surprise yourself by maintaining your weight without even trying?!

    We are doing the generational thing the other way round – DD is cooking dinner and I am responsible for pud, so I too shall be baking chocolate cake, as well as Apple charlotte, and DD will supply ice cream, rather than our arriving with a car-ful of melted vanilla. Plus, we are eating with friends tomorrow evening, and our Easter morning tradition is early service at 6am and home with huge appetite for cooked breakfast – so I have a feeling I may be grateful for starting the weekend a smidge underweight, and by Monday I may be in need of some charity and fasting!! Good food, eaten with people we love, is one of life’s greatest gifts – it’s all about quality, rather than quantity, and balance, but definitely to be received with gratitude, not despised!!!

    Have a wonderful food-fest: enjoy every mouthful!.

    Firstly, congratulations all you sugar free for Lent ladies. You are amazing and have done an amazing job! Wether you now choose to include or not include sugar in your diet you have proven you are mentally capable of resisting the sugar addiction so many of us in first world face!

    The article from simco via Happy makes for interesting reading, I haven’t read all of it but what I have read has got me thinking, I have said in here I had a hysterectomy five months ago and I am on another forum where women with prolapse discuss impending treatments, symptoms, postoperative recovery etc. You get the picture. One of the things that has most surprised me on that forum is the high number of women on very strong pain relief and the amount of time they are on it. I had pain relief the night of my surgery and from then on only took panadol and stopped that after about five days postop. I had always put my good recovery down to the fact I was reasonably fit and active but since reading the fasting articles I wonder if 5:2 was more influential than I thought. I was on 5:2 leading up to surgery and although I didn’t fast postoperative, I ate very little because I didn’t feel hungry and felt comfortable not eating. It makes sense to me if you were suffering a serious health issue that fasting could be beneficial. Let’s the body concentrate on healing rahter than digesting. I’ve also noticed that on the forum there are a lot of complaints about the high level of pain, none of which I had. Why? 5:2? High pain threshold anyway? Food for thought!
    Although we are all IF’s I see from the posts about all the wonderful cooking that will be happening over Easter, we all still love our food? For myself, I have eaten and drunk what I want without guilt, and have noticed just how little my indulgences are these days! happy Easter all!

    Sorry for typos in previous post, but often when I go back to correct everything freezes which is frustrating when you have written a long post!

    FFS, think you’ve invented a new word with bacon virtue! Love it!

    Hi Carolann – good to hear from you. Hope you’re continuing to feel better and brighter.

    Re the pain relief post-hysterectomy: my experience was very much like yours. I had my op on a Tuesday and went home on Thursday; took paracetamol in hospital – mainly because nurses insisted, on grounds that ‘if you wait till you’re already in pain it won’t work as well, so take it now, even if you’re not’ – and felt no need for it once I got home. I too signed up to a similar forum, but came off it quite quickly because it seemed that everyone else was having a much worse time than I was, and I neither needed the support nor felt I was really able to give much.

    At the time I put it down to luck, reasonable fitness and (I suspect) a fairly high pain threshold (eg I didn’t need pain relief during labours – nb that’s not a ‘competitive’ statement, just a possibly relevant fact. ) I wasn’t doing 5:2 then, and was still pretty overweight, but I do remember only wanting to eat very light food, even once I was up and walking around (ie from the evening of surgery-day, when the physics got to me!). It certainly seems instinctive to lighten the load of the body’s processes as far as possible, to allow it to concentrate on healing – yet even the 5:2 website suggests not fasting when sick, or post-surgery.

    I’d be fascinated to see someone do a controlled trial of the effects of fasting on need for pain relief – but I guess it would be quite difficult to design it to take account of the other variables we’ve mentioned. Any offers from the scientists/statisticians among us, to design it? Or has it already been done (more recently than Lichtle’s book!)? No sense in reinventing the wheel!

    Ps I take no credit for bacon virtue – that belongs to Happ’s phone!

    Hi Carol,

    I’m afraid it’s my bacon virtue, and nothing to do with me! Blame HTC/ Android!

    I have no experience of hysterectomy, but I have been on a ward with hysterectomy patients and I understand that it is a very painful procedure. It is interesting that your experience was not so painful. I know we all have different pain thresholds, and there is no way of knowing how painful it would have been in the absence of fasting. But perhaps that doesn’t matter…?

    I know that intermittent fasting has made a huge difference to my pre-menstrual/ menstrual symptoms. I have no reason to believe it wouldn’t similarly help with other conditions. As a minimum, depending on medical issue, I would not be persuaded away from 5:2 or breakfast skipping/ 16:8.

    FFS and Lichtle (and Bay).

    I can’t believe we (you!) are nearly at the end of your sugar/ Lent challenge. Although sugar isn’t my particular issue now (unless I eat it regularly), it has been interesting to share the journey with you. Two years ago, pre:5:2, I was a sugar addict and would have joined you. But I was lucky that 5:2 instantly disrupted my bad habits.

    I hope you all enjoy (not really!) your Easter sugar treat of choice.

    Having started the Easter break on a low (weight only!), I’ve put my bl**dy back out. All plans involved being mobile… Plan B appears to be involve back exercises and my kindle…

    Hi FFS! You beat me to it. I am fighting my phone all the way! It will not have it that I know best! Every word is a battle…

    Happy, so sorry to hear you have a bad back now. Get well soon and try to get DH to spoil you a bit. 🙂

    Thank you for your encouraging words re: suggar challenge. It would be nice to lose the sweet tooth like you but as Carolann said it is good to know we ARE ABLE to cut back and resist. Thanks Carol
    It is good enough for me at the moment. I never thought I would lose my sweet tooth in just six weeks and will see how it goes after Easter.

    Hi Happy – so sorry about the back: s*d’s law, I believe that’s called. Hope it’s better soon – and be assured, you’ll be able to sort any creeping weight afterwards. Main priority is to get the back going, so that you can enjoy doing your thing. But a salutary reminder to us all, that the maintenance range is there to give us wiggle room for just such disasters…

    Re the phone: keep vigilant, I’ve had a few very rude ones, which I was SO glad I spotted before pressing ‘send’!

    Thanks Lichtle and FFS,

    I had back surgery 15 years ago, and it has been pretty good since then, with only one or two ‘episodes’ and otherwise a very active lifestyle. But it does scare me when this happens, as the original episode saw 9 months off work and 6 months housebound… The prospect of that, or a life less active, fills me with dread.

    As you say FFS, s*d’s law! The sun is shining, it’s warm, and no prospect of a bike ride or a run, let alone finishing preparing the veg beds 🙁

    Just got a few minutes to myself before bed.
    Sorry to read about your back Happy. I do hope it is only minor and not an indication of your old problem.
    My dil and I have just set up an Easter egg hunt for tomorrow morning for the 5 grandchildren. Hopefully the weather fines up or it will have to be inside!! We are all getting a bit of cabin fever after SO much rain!
    Have managed to maintain my weight easily, despite 10 days of parties! It is such a joy to be able to share special birthdays with the family and not have to think about food…restraint has become second nature.
    Bay has only a few hours of sugar deprivation left. Ffs and L, you have a little longer. Well done on your achievements.
    Keep well mcs. P 🙂

    Thanks, Purple

    Am off to bed having watched half of the lunar eclipse. The Milky Way and the Southern Cross are superb. A carpet of stars in a black night.

    We are in outback SA staying with a fabulous cook. So far, I have turned down home made icecream and cheesecake and pudding to honour the Sugar free Lent. I doubt I will ever lose the sweet tooth, but I do hope to keep it under control.

    Happy, hope you feel better soon.

    Fast and Lichtle, we made it. You knew we could do the sugar free Lent 😉 it does seem amazing to have gone from 18 February until now without any sweet food.

    Cheers, all. Happy Easter Sunday. 🙄 Bay

    Just went outside and watched the full lunar eclipse. Blood red moon. Fantastic. So beautiful. And the Milky Way is stunning. We are so lucky to be here. 🙄

    Cheers, all. Bay

    Lucky you to witness one of the great natural phenomena, Bay . You wouldn’t have seen a thing here (or at your place). Cool and overcast Easter Sunday morning here, but have had enough rain for a year in the past few days.
    Hopefully our Easter egg hunt is not impeded by leeches!
    Happy Easter P

    2 1/2 days since my last post here and no replies. Wow. Maintenance is quiet. How are all the little sugar bunnies going? Have you ODed on chocolate on Sunday and in rehab now?
    Snowing west of Sydney tonight and the air here is VERY cold. Winter is suddenly knocking on the door. This will be our 3rd winter on 5:2. Will use many more miracle noodles now. Veg, low cal noodles, salmon and spices tonight was a nice warm fast day dinner, a change from the usual salad. Mind you, only one of us was fasting. I didn’t gain anything over Easter and I don’t want to lose any more weight if I want to fit into my new winter clothes for our trip. 🙂 It’s funny not having any old familiar jumpers to snuggle up into. They went to charity at the end of last winter when I dressed in oversized clothes. 😉 Now I only have clothes that actually fit (XS)
    Keep well fellow maintainers. P

    Hi PVE, we now have temperatures of 15 – 16 degrees which is positively warm. The weather has been wonderful in the last few days exactly as Easter should be and we are all feeling life coming back into our bones. I managed to spring clean, re-arrange and clear out a couple of rooms and the garden is getting a look in as well now with car runs to the rubbish tip and so on.

    This sugar bunny had a complete sugar blow-out; I had as much chocolate and sugar as I wanted (just short of actually bathing in the stuff) no guilty conscience or anything. Blooming Marvellous.

    Today, I weighed 600g more than last week exactly the same as I weighed pre lent challenge. ;-). But today I am semi-fasting, having just had a couple of apples and a handful of nuts so far and it is midday now. I now intend to stay sugar free until Sunday (or at least Saturday) and see if I can keep up the pattern in the long run. Some things were too sweet (small progress) but my favourite hazlenut chocolate wasn’t and I could still eat that to bursting. I am hoping that as time goes on, things will change slowly.

    Have your family left or are you still enjoying grand children? Your grand children might have been a reason why you didn’t gain as well, don’t you think?

    Good night and take care.

    Hi Purple, no, haven’t oD’d on chocolate :). Did over indulge though so had a fast day Sunday instead of my usual Monday. Guests for lunch easter Monday so a bit hard to fast. My biggest obstacle is still my propensity to stick to ‘normal’ patterns of eating – what was normal for me anyway. Don’t actually enjoy it anymore but having trouble breaking the habit! You really are an Inspiration with your consistent maintenance Purple, my weight still fluctuates from beginning to end of week.

    So glad you enjoyed the respite from sugar abstaining Lichtle ha ha! Good luck with sticking to your new program!

    Well, I had no chocolate at all on Sunday – though I did eat an awful lot of other stuff from Saturday evening onwards – .lots of socialising, lots of puds – and arrived home on Sunday night with lots of chocolate! Hid a lot in the back of the freezer, where it will be really difficult to get at it; o’ded grossly on some of the rest yesterday and today and now couldn’t face another sweet thing to save my life. And some of the stuff I used to really enjoy now tastes revoltingly sweet, which I guess is a result. Back on the ‘Sunday only’ wagon tomorrow! I have put on 1lb since Saturday, and I feel heavy and chunky (even though still in middle of m/range so hardly overweight) so tomorrow and Saturday will definitely be fast days. Isn’t it good to know we can undo the damage done? But I’d still like to reach the point where I’m not tempted to do it in the first place!
    Lichtle – we have proved we can manage ‘Sunday’s only’: I shall definitely join you in sticking to it from now on.
    CarolAnn – you’ve raised a really important point: educating ourselves as to what is ‘normal’ eating. We’ve been visiting our grandson and his wife in their new home today; stopped for lunch (which I don’t normally eat these days) somewhere which serves really good, healthy, delicious food – but all the portions looked off-puttingly enormous. In the end I was delighted to find a ‘kids’ buffet’, with teeny finger sandwiches, fruit, minute packets of cheese and pots of grapes etc, so I pretended to be 5, and enjoyed that. I really didn’t feel deprived in any way.
    Purple – we are finally feeling some warmth, as you lose it. Odd to think that 2 days ago I was wearing a duffel coat, scarf and gloves: today I’ve been gardening in a T shirt. Long may it last – and the best to you as winter sets in. .

    Has anyone else realised that Hotel Chocolat now do a 100% chocolate, with zero sugar? I tasted some of the chocolate drops this afternoon; they would definitely be an acquired taste, even for me (I normally eat 90%) – but at £3.75 per 35gm, it’s probably better not acquired! But it could be a useful emergency-only fix…

    How was your Sunday, Bay?

    Hi Purple

    No, I didn’t OD on chocolate. 😉 On Sunday I had one cornflake sultana home made cookie and a very small amount of homemade icecream.

    Mostly, I haven’t had any sweets until last night, Tuesday, when I had some 70% dark chocolate that was delicious. 🙄

    Today, I am fasting. I am quite slim, loose trousers, and don’t feel that I have put on any weight over Easter.

    Hi Happy, Lichtle and FFS, I enjoyed being sugar free through Lent so much that it feels like it will be simple to continue. In a continuation of the 5:2 practice, I already ask myself when faced by a sweet item. Is it worth eating this? Is it going to be enjoyable enough to be my only sweet for the week? Or shall I wait and see if something better comes up during the week? 😉

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hi Fast

    Our posts crossed. Sunday was absolutely fine. Loved the home made port icecream. 😉 and didn’t want the small milk chocolate eggs I was offered.

    Loved the 70% dark chocolate I ate last night, Tuesday. I am choosing to fast today as we have a big family birthday celebration to organise for Friday. I look forward to my fast days.

    Last night after white wine and chocolate, I had an incident of very itchy skin on my legs and buttocks. I haven’t had one of these itchy skin episodes for ages, and I do wonder if they are connected with sugar intake. I will continue to observe.

    Re the recent discussion on the Simco article, I decided that I will fast if I should ever need chemo or other cancer treatment. Hope all well.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Morning L, C and ffs 🙂
    14deg here this morning. It will warm to 22 during the day. It is really interesting how the weather seems to do a sudden shift in both hemispheres as if the Earth’s orbit does a quick kick sideways at this time. It is fun putting on warm jumpers at night, but sitting in the sun, streaming in, during the day.

    Fascinating varied reactions to the sugar. I too ate no chocolate eggs on Sunday and only one on Saturday night. Unfortunately I have been given a fair bit. I’m not sure what to do with it. We don’t need chocolate, I can’t justify giving it to anyone I know.

    Yes Lichtle. The family went home and peace has returned 🙂 Thoroughly enjoyed our time with them. I find I eat very little when I have guests as I spend so much time preparing and cleaning up, I feel I’ve eaten. I tend to get my calories in liquid form 😉

    Didn’t feel like a fast yesterday. Just ate low cal, no wine and am 55.9 this morning!!! Just as well I didn’t fast! I really think I have this eating thing cracked. Carol, we now eat at random times. Not snacking, but skipping or delaying meals if we are not hungry or are busy. In the past, we always stopped for a meal. Knowing how long we can go without food has a huge spinoff for normal days.

    Cheers P 🙂

    Hi Bay
    We crossed too!
    Welcome back to the winter chill;)
    Your rash sounds worrying….I hope you work it out. P 🙂

    Hi Purple

    No rash. Just itchy skin. It used to drive me bonkers. I couldn’t track the cause. Just random, extreme itchy skin on my legs, buttocks and trunk. I believe it has to do with what I eat. The worst time was after a lovely Indian meal. On that occasion, I mixed up a solution of bicarbonate soda and water and pasted my skin. That worked as it took the heat away. 🙄

    Last night was a mild dose of itchy skin by comparison. I shall keep the sugar intake as a theory for now, and observe.

    Not yet into the cool weather. I am in Brisbane for another two weeks, enjoying the minimum 18 C last night. Probably be 26C today with blue skies. 😉 Family get together over next few days.

    On Monday we were near Burra in South Australia, out of doors, as the temps plummeted from 23C sunny on Sunday to an 11C icy winds kind of Monday. Brrrrrrr!

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Bay, good to know you’ve enjoyed, and responded so well to, the sugar fast – but I agree with P, that itchy rash sounds a bit worrying.. Please seek advice sooner, rather than later, if it should happen again, just in case it’s an allergic reaction.. Not wanting to be alarmist, but a full-blown anaphylactic shock isn’t pretty, so please don’t take chances if you’re at all bothered.

    Re the Simco article, I think I’ve done the same as you – filed it for reference in what passes these days for my brain, just in case I ever need chemo of similar, but in the fervent hope that I shan’t – and that if I do, I shall ever be able to find it again!!

    How winter does your winter get, Aussie mates? Surprised at P’s comment about snow – in my ignorance I didn’t think it did that there. I shall be so glad to see the back of ours: it hasn’t been particularly hard (at least where I am – Lichtle and Happy might wish to disagree!) but it feels as if it’s been going on for ever. These last 2 days have been wonderful – everyone is smiling, and speaking, instead of the usual ‘avert your eyes, and if communication can’t be avoided, grunt. ‘

    Bay – we crossed again – frustrating! I’m reassured to hear that you’re used to coping with the itchy skin, rather than its being new. This is just a guess, and I’m not a medic, but I know I’ve read that itchy skin on the grunk can be (nb not necessarily is) connected with the liver working overtime to metabolise something which it finds stressful – so perhaps your instinct that it’s sugar-related is sound. It might be worth a controlled trial – or at least a spell of observation. Whatever it is, hope it gets better soon.

    Hi All,

    Well I didn’t have any chocolate this Easter, only the second ever (the first being last year). I did vaguely wonder if OH would buy me an egg. He didn’t. But then I buy and eat chocolate so rarely that he could hardly be expected to know that if he had bought me a high cocoa solids fairtrade egg I would have eaten it… 🙂

    Bay, interesting what you say about itchy skin. I get that on occasions for no obvious reason. What I also now get on Saturday and Sunday nights only are night sweats. Is it a coincidence that I drink wine on Friday and Saturday nights only, or maybe it is the processed carbs that I have at weekends only? I’ll have to do an experiment, eliminating the carbs first methinks 🙂

    Bay, I am now trying colloidal oatmeal. Can it rescue my pancakes…?!

    And so pleased you sugar free ladies have come through your Lent experience relatively unscathed and more mindful. Long may it last!

    Oh no FFS! That suggests it may be the alcohol and/or the sugar in my weekend tipple. Very soon I won’t have any vices left at all!

    Lucky you, Bay. Enjoy the family get together.

    FFS, it snows on the mountains south of Sydney (near Bay’s home). They are called the “Snowy Mountains”. Bit of a clue 😉 They are our ski fields, often having to be supplemented with snow machines, but still causes us to shiver as our prevailing winds come from there.
    We have the Blue Mountains west of us and they experience flurries in winter and the occasional big dump. It snowed lightly there yesterday, so the temp here dropped dramatically.
    We get down to 6 deg in midwinter here, but usually sunny days. Down near the mountains or in Tasmania, it gets to below freezing with icy winds. Northern Australia stays in the 20s in winter. This is a HUGE island, so you can get almost any weather, if you are willing to travel. A lot of retired folk just jump in their car and travel north in winter, returning south for summer to avoid the extremes of heat and cold.
    Cheers P 🙂

    Don’t go there, Happy! I’d blame the carbs in the weekend 😉 P

    Oh whoops, Happy – sorry! I did say I’m not a medic! But there are other things beside alcohol which stress the liver…

    Re the night sweats: I still get them occasionally (not very encouraging for you, I know!) and their frequency and severity are definitely both in proportion to the amount I’ve eaten and drunk. Advice often given is to avoid caffeine and alcohol. I would think it’s worth observing one at a time – it wouldn’t do to deprive yourself of both, is only one is affecting you! But my money’s on the carbs, for what it’s worth. Personally, I find a fan, an open window, and a tolerant DH , as the duet spends the night going back and forth, go a long way…

    Duvet, DUVET, not duet – stupid iPad!

    Hi everyone, Happy I get night sweats too fi I’ve had more than one glass of wine. I’ve always thought that was connected to the sugar. Interesting about the itchy skin, the liver and sugar Bay and FFS – makes sense to me! Just for the record, I haven’t had chocolate but pretty much ate and drank everything else over Easter! Just below maintenance range but that’s after one fast day! Have an appointment with GP this week re thyroid and an sure this extr weight is linked with that problem. Doing another fast day tomorrow. First time in 5 months that I’ve done two in a week but feel I need to at present just to keep things under control. We had some of your stormy weather over the weekend purple. Tempersture really dropped, lost of rain and wind. Getting better as the week goes on though so by the weekend we will be back in high 20’s. Have a good week all!

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