The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 4 weeks ago.

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  • Also meant to say PVE, I’ve always known the people to be Aussies (never Ozzies) but you do often hear the country referred to as Oz. Laziness, ignorance or deliberately annoying…?!

    Oops. Sorry Happynow (are you still happpy?)
    I tend to take so long to answer threads I lose the plot..
    Concentrating hard on not eating at all until this evening. I CAN DO IT. The hardest will be 2 until about 5pm. I might have to go for a run.
    Next time I’ll address the lot as Maintenance Mates. Covers a multitude of non sinners.
    Cheers PVE (five glasses of water and one black tea so far)

    Damn this time difference! No one around.
    Now 3pm here and only black tea,black coffee, water and a new discovery…… 1/3 teaspoon of dry vegie stock in hot water. Voila! Thin broth that makes a nice change for a faster. Much better than just plain hot water.
    4 hours to go…..

    I hear you PVE! I’m two hours forwards in Greece compared to my UK friends. Well done you, I’m willing you on:-))

    Right that’s it, I’m jumping on the bandwagon. I was going to do a 500 raw veg only fast day today, now I’m going to do a 24 hour fast – I last ate at 7pm yesterday, and i will break it with a raw veg salad at 7pm today. I’ve got the relatives coming to stay from Friday so next week will be a challenge perhaps I can gain some ground today. I weighed 9.3(58.7kgs), this am, lets see what the scales read tomorrow!
    Can’t wait to hear what you weigh this morning Augura.

    Hi PVE. Yes, still happy!

    Sorry you’ve been all alone for the last few hours! Are you still going? Two hours to go (from looking at the time of your last post)? I’m feeling hungry just thinking about it!!

    Although I am now inspired to try a 24hr, it won’t be today. I’ve got a Hugh Fearnly recipe for courgette bruschetta, and picked my first courgette this weekend. Hubby doesn’t like courgette, so I’ve saved it all for me. I’m not getting past lunchtime today…but that will be 16hrs.

    Also I do want to try and stabilize and don’t think a longer fast would help with that. 59.9 this morning, so at least briefly joining the under 60s. And that despite a normal weekend. I ate at least as much as hubby, who must weigh at least 20kg more than me. I can only think that the 16hr fast windows I do regularly have got me squarely in fat burning mode.

    Anyway, enough of me! Good luck! Stay strong!

    Hi HappyNow, Wow you joined the under 60 club, well done you. I am envious of your courgette growing, I grew some last year here, but came back late from the UK this year and haven’t gotten round to it, hmmm, it might be a bit late to start now, the temperature is predicted to be in the 100s here by Wednesday.
    Well I’m embarking on a 24 hour fast today, inspired by Augira, and I’ve got some lovely green peppers and cucumbers in the garden so they will be eaten with relish at 7pm this evening along with some white cabbage, onion, carrots (not from the garden) topped with a squeeze of lemon and freshly cut dill both from the garden. I’m going to be very interested in stepping on the scales in the morning….

    Thanks Elaine.
    I’m really jealous! Your weather (although its pleasantly warm here, its not hot), and your garden! I tried peppers last year (greenhouse and polytunnel) with limited success, so didn’t bother this year (likewise aubergine, small and thick skinned). Chilies do OK though (quicker to maturity). Cucumbers currently tiny, but I was so impressed last year by how much better they taste than shop bought. But your own lemons. Wow. I’m in rural north west England, where chilies are considered exotic!!

    Efcharisties Elainefriend!
    Hi Happynow, too.
    Still going…watching Poirot to take my mind off. About 2 hours to go. Easy!
    The home made pumpkin soup in the fridge from the weekend will do fine.
    Started this and had to stop to attend to plumber who was unblocking my sewer after 2 days without! Now to fight with the water authority as they caused it.
    The 24 fast is no harder to do than 16:8. It is the old story….once you eat you kick start the hunger.
    I could keep going…but won’t 🙂
    Thanks for the support

    Oh sorry Elaine, I should have said good luck! Just off for another day at work, and then garden to tend, so you might have completed your fast by the time I next stop by here. I’ll be thinking of you through the day though.

    PS Good luck Elainefriend with your run at 24 hours. You’ll manage.
    Oh, Happy. I have a hubby who is really fussy so I have to eat different food when he is away (like today).
    See ya

    Morning my lovely buddies! What have I started lol 🙂
    Weighed myself and I am 56.5k that’s down 200g from yesterday, but one day’s 24hr fast might not show a trend yet. Going to do 24 hrs again on Tuesday because I actually felt really good on it. Good luck Elaine, HappyNow and well done PVE!!!!! 🙂

    Dear HappyNow, to look at the dry cracked beige earth of Greece in the summer, it’s hard to believe it produces such a veritable rich lush crop of plump moist fruit and veg. The oranges, lemons, mandarins and grapefruit grow like weeds in our garden. We also have an avocado tree which produces around October/November as do the citruses – hence mandarins in our Christmas stockings as kids (you’re too young to know that). Pomegranates, grow in abundance, but for some reason, mine budded, flowered, then all dropped off so I won’t get any from my tree this year. Its apricot season here at the moment, and the locals leave bags of them on my doorstep! What really amazes me is that there is a fig tree, untended, growing on the edge of the beach, which produces delicious figs around August time which everybody picks from and devours on the beach! There is a myth (perhaps) that the cucumbers grow so fast you can hear them stretching, I must admit they do grow incredibly quickly, from gherkin to marrow-like proportions within days!
    We live in the Arcadia region of the Peloponnese so I guess its no wonder that it’s so fertile here as its where Pan, the mythical god of nature, played his pipes in the lush verdant vallys of Arcadia. I didn’t know it was an actual place until we bought our home here 12 years ago. To my mind its the most beautiful region in the whole of Greece but of course I’m biased!

    Elainefriend, what a beautiful description of your wonderful bountiful home. I’m ready to jump on a plane and pop straight over to Greece!
    Less than an hour to go now. Easy, peasy!
    Well done, Auriga, inspiring us all to new heights.
    Go Happy and Elaine! PVE

    Elaine….Cyprus wasn’t quite as lush as you describe Greece to be, but jolly similar! You’re taking me back to 1987 when I first when there. The citrus groves and pomegranate trees. We had lemons, pomegranates and avocados in our garden in Nicosia, along with giant geraniums, oleander and fragipane bushes. I can still hear the cicadas loudly calling too! Oh the joy of it!
    I’m off to Norwich for lunch today, not quite the same on this dull day but hey ho! See you all later. Auriga! 🙂

    Hey Auriga, Happy and Elaine, my 24 fast buddies…… (drum roll)
    I did it! Might just saunter down to the kitchen to heat up a bowl of soup.
    Actually not hungry, but I know I won’t sleep tonight if I don’t eat before bed.
    Thanks for the support girls 🙂

    Good morning, buddies!

    Working, working, working.

    Maintaining. 115.6 lbs. this AM 🙂

    More later.

    Well I’m nearly 22 hours into my 24 hour fast and have been too busy up til now to think about food, but, having now finished my work, I am extremely hungry, ravenous in fact! Having not long ago watched my adorable family tuck into scrambled eggs on toast had me salivating I can tell you, at least my other half cooked it:-)
    Hmmm, can’t see myself doing a 24er again for a while but I’m really glad to be experiencing it. I really believe these sorts of exercises help to teach us what is hunger and what is other stuff i.e. boredom, food-seduction, eating because it’s “time” to, eating because others are, eating because we are scared that we might soon feel hungry etc, etc. Interesting to hear from the completed 24 hour fasters (Auriga and PVE) just how good their simple dishes tasted when they broke their fast. I think in the end these 24 hour fasts are not so much about the weight loss, but about helping us to be able to control our own food consumption and not allowing the modern day abundance of food, and food advertisers, to control what and when we should eat.

    Dear Augira, Thank you for inspiring my 24 hour fast – I’ve only a couple of hours left and I’m glad to be experiencing it:-)
    I’ve never been to Cyprus but I am sure it’s very similar to the rest of Greece. However, it’s very difficult to find halloumi cheese and hummus here, which is disappointing and surprising. When my grandson visited, he was so upset about the lack of hummus, that we spent an extremely pleasant morning making it.

    I am glad you made it through the fast Elaine! Funnily enough I had halloumi for lunch today inside a field mushroom ‘bun’ and a salad and also a glass of Pinot Gris. It was very nice indeed. I think you appreciate food more after a fast.
    Take me back to the days of drizzling tahini on a Greek salad by the beach with grilled fish! Ah well those were the days. However the joys of French cuisine call me soon!

    Mmmm, your lunch sounds divine, and your memories of Cypriote food. French food, oh you lucky girl – yummy. But, I’ve still got an hour left on my fast – away with you and all this talk of food…

    Oooooooops sorry Elaine. No more talk of food ’til the hour is up!

    Auriga, I just wanted to tell you quickly, I have fasted from 7pm Sunday to 3.45pm today and this the second of my back to back FD. I think I could have done the 24 FD but I have to go out bowling by 5pm and I needed something after Nordic walking this morning, I thought I may pass out on the bowing green, I will check in later. how did your 24 FD go? JIP

    I did fine JIP and going to try again tomorrow too. have a great time at bowling! Have you made it Elaine?
    p.s. tried to post a picture but couldn’t…..hmmmmm probably can’t on this website but thought I would try.

    Hi All, Well, I managed my first (and probably last) 24 hour fast. I’ve just demolished a huge shredded salad with a tablespoon of olive oil and 2oz crumbled feta. Yummy. I found the fast was, just about, doable and not a problem for around the first 21 hours, but i found the last 2 hours pretty challenging! I am really pleased and proud that I did it, but I am even more ecstatic that its finally over! What was interesting though was that I started to prepare my salad an hour before my fast ended and I had to be really mindful not to pop a bit of this and that into my mouth whilst preparing it! It made me realise how much we eat without thinking about it, or even noticing we’ve eaten something. So, all in all, I don’t feel as enthused as Auriga and PVE as to the 24 hour fast, however, my usual fasts are 16/8 and it goes to show we are all different :-))

    Well done Elaine! I bet that salad tasted really good 🙂
    I got Mimi’s ‘Fast Beach Diet’ book today, so bedtime reading for me later. Enjoy your evening, night or morning everyone.

    Fantastic Elaine….I knew you could do it.
    As for me….it is 3.45am and I am awake AGAIN! Have hardly slept.
    I realise the problem was I didn’t eat enough when I had “dinner”. The bowl of soup can’t have even been 180 cal, so I tossed and turned (hubby away so didn’t disturb him)and finally got up and ate about 200 calories. Wide awake ,again now 🙁 And cold!
    I usually aim for 150 odd cal at “lunch” and another 250 odd for dinner. I found it hard to get my head around eating more in one go.
    I don’t count calories, either, I just have a fair idea after 15 months of this WOE and agree, Auriga, that knowing the type of food and the rough serving size is enough.
    My TDEE these days should be about 1580 so not a lot of room in 1/4 of that.
    Happy days Maintenance Mates

    PVE make yourself a nice hot drink and snuggle up in bed again. Good night to you and hope you sleep well the rest of the night. 🙂

    Thanks Auriga, but it is too cold to get up.
    I need the fella to snuggle up to. Ah well. There is always tomorrow night.
    Cheers PVE

    Dear PVE, Sorry to hear you can’t sleep, it’s rotten all that tossing and turning. It does sound like you might not have had enough calories. I read some interesting research that was carried out in a sleep research lab on insomniacs. A variety of food was tested to see if any aided sleep, and the surprising result was lettuce! Turns out there is some chemical in lettuces that helps to induce sleep. So next time u can’t sleep, raid the rabbit hutch! Hope you’re not reading this as that will mean you are still awake 🙁

    Yep Elaine
    I am still up. Interesting,as I usually eat a LOT of lettuce on fast days. Didn’t have any yesterday. Husband always halves the amount I give him, saying he’s not a rabbit!
    Logging off now to go and make a hot drink. Going to a movie with a girlfriend this afternoon, so had better get some shut eye.
    Good luck with your sleep tonight. PVE

    I am cracking open a bottle of red wine with hubby which is guarenteed to put me to sleep!

    HappyNow & franfit how was work?

    Hi All. A lot of activity since earlier!

    Elaine, you did paint a beautiful picture of the garden and it’s amazing produce. I do love Mediterranean countries, the history and culture, the people and lifestyle, the food!
    Well done on the fast. You might not want to do it again, but you’d never have known that if you hadn’t done it at all…

    Today was a reasonably good day at work, thanks for asking Auriga. I worked from home so a nice gentle introduction to the week. It’s been a long evening in the garden since then though so not long sat down and now it’s bedtime. Good luck with your second 24hr hour fast. You’re scaring me now! Will be interesting to see the effects of it in a few days.

    No fasting for me today, not even my usual 16:8. Unusually for me I woke up hungry, so I figured I should trust my body now I’m (dare I say it..?) slim, and ate early. And I’d promised myself my first courgette from the garden today. So lunch was a treat. Courgette cooked down gently with olive oil and garlic, a squeeze of (shop bought!) lemon, then heaped on toasted sourdough (smeared with garlic, drizzled with olive oil), and topped with crumbled feta and thyme. I didn’t need to have fasted for 24hr hours to know it was good!

    I know it’s a simple pleasure, but I’m always pathetically pleased with my own produce. You’d think no one had ever grown a lettuce before….!

    Anyway, tomorrow will be back on 16:8. And I’ll monitor my weight and decide later in the week whether to do a longer, or lower cal, fast.

    Night all.

    Auriga and maintaining buddies, too much working going on in my life at the moment! Tired! Have knitting class this evening! PT and errands tomorrow! Then more working! Adjusting to new schedule. A sixteen day stretch with no complete day off. Thank goodness my son likes to cook 🙂 Not possible for me to fast today, aiming for Wednesday. Tired. Will catch up later.

    Good on you Happynow. That food sounded fabulous. It IS great to be able to listen to your bodies needs, knowing you aren’t simply overindulging, isn’t it?
    Sleep well my European Maintenance Mates. PVE

    Morning Maintainence Buddies, My weight loss this am, after my 24 hour fast yesterday, was pretty much the same as Augira’s, I weighed just under 1 1/2lbs less or 600grm – I was 9.3(6) yesterday and am 9.2(2) this am.
    Friday is my offical weigh day so it will be interesting to see if I stay that weight.
    Out to lunch with friends today so no fasting nor calorie counting, just a bit of mindful eating (and drinking)! Wishing you all a fabulous day.

    Morning Elaine. Just after 6 here, and would like to be asleep, but the beep beep beep (insert own expletive!) jackdaws woke me before 5.

    I guess you wouldn’t expect to see any instant results from a 24hr fast? You would definitely have been in fat burning/cellular regeneration etc, so may see results more in a few days (or weeks!)?

    I’m just over the 60kg today, so am reverting to imperial! Under 9 and a half stone sounds better than just over 60kg…. I definitely blame the carbs. Had fresh dug new potatoes last night as well… yum, but I do seem to retain water on bread/pasta/spuds.

    Anyway, enjoy your well deserved lunch! A day in the office for me. The forecast is good here. Hoorah. So nice not to dread wearing summer clothes this year now I’m not feeling like a heffalump.

    Good morning, maintaining buddies — it’s lovely to get up in the morning and read your posts. Congratulations to everyone who managed to do the 24-hour fasts 🙂 My weight was up a pound and a half this morning, I must be retaining water, I certainly did not eat 5,250 extra calories yesterday! PT and family business errands planned for today, fast day planned for tomorrow.

    Good afternoon, morning or evening my lovely buddies 🙂 I got straight into a blitz on my windows today to keep me busy whilst attempting another 24hr fast. I am 18 hrs into it now (the fast that is not the window cleaning!!). It’s 1:50pm here and I might make it 23hrs today and eat at 7pm.
    My new book ‘The Big Fat Surprise’ came today and I read the introduction…..looks a good read. Also started Mimi’s ‘Fast Beach Diet’ book last night. I shall probably end up doing that when I get back off my French holiday.( I am going next week) yay!!!!
    My weight this morning was 56.8k up 200g and back to where it was before my previous 24hr stint. Not worried though, because it’s often all over the place from 56k to 57k any way. I cannot get below that magic 56k though. I read somewhere that you have to maintain for at least two years and possibly up to five years before your body resets itself to your new lower weight: especially if you’ve only been slightly overweight……not sure what the ‘slightly’ quite means.
    I hope we’re a dedicated bunch because we might be here a while buddies!
    I hope your lunch was lovely Elaine. You might find HappyNow that your weight will suddenly drop under 60k at some point…..keep the faith!
    Don’t work too hard franfit and those of you still working. PVE I hope you got some sleep last night? Have a great day everyone.

    Hi Auriga. How’s it going? Still strong? I don’t think you would see such immediate results from one 24hr fast, but it’s a long time fat burning and repairing your immune system so I’m sure you will see benefits. Patience!

    Went trouser shopping at lunchtime, and now not sure I want to get below 60. I felt really quite ill when I found the size 8s fitted. Also in a low cut top the changing room lighting was most unkind! I appear to have a toastrack where my chest once was. Made me think I could perhaps do with carrying a bit more fat! Or perhaps lipo to get those stubborn deposits relocated off my bum….

    Hello HappyNow! I am doing OK but I could eat a horse or anything with four legs! I shall make it to 7pm I think : )
    Got to dash, thanks for asking.

    Hi Auriga, and ladies. I managed 20.1/2 hour not bad but I did not lose and more weight. I had already lost 2lb by Monday morning so I was hoping for a little bit more. OH well!
    I happy with 2 lb because i am now in the 9’s if only 139 pound. But it’s a nice feeling.
    I played my afternoon bowls game and we won. Two nice things in one day.
    I am not sure I will try the 24 hour fast if I can get the same result with 16 – 17 hr + 7 or 8 hrs.
    Well done everyone on getting through the 24 hour fast. JIP

    Hello JIP. You know 2lbs is a very good loss, I would be happy with that.
    I got through today quite well and broke the fast after 23 hrs. It was helped by drinking hot water with lemon slices in it. I might try ginger slices another time .
    Going to read a few more chapters of my book now. Bye for now all 🙂

    Good effort JIP. Yes, I’m not entirely sure how much extra benefit you’d get from 24hr vs 16hrs or so, particularly if it’s too much like hard work?

    I feel I’m letting the thread down now, not even having tried for 24 hours! Will have to psyche myself up and go for it…just maybe not tomorrow…

    Oh, and congratulations on getting below 140!

    Well done Auriga. I know this is a bit late to support you (time differences). I hope it all ended well and you enjoyed eating afterwards.
    Not bad, JIP. I agree with you. I will not be doing 24 again. I know 16:8 works for me and I really struggled with 24. It wasn’t the fasting that was hard, surprisingly, it was not being able to eat enough calories before bed (I wasn’t hungry) and how I spent most of the yesterday snacking. I never do that normally. By last night, I had a dreadful headache and felt terrible still. Slept well and am ok now.
    Back to a normal fast on Thursday.
    We are all individuals (I’m not)
    I’d be interested to hear how you managed afterwards, Elaine?
    Cheers Maintenance Mates
    PVE 🙂

    PVE are you still awake ? What time is it there?

    I’m awake. 7.30am here.
    Happynow, you aren’t letting the thread down. We love our varied way of approaching this lifestyle!

    I was worried for a minute it was the middle of the night where you are PVE ! Have a great day as it’s just starting for you .

    Sun is just getting up on east coast Australia. Looks like it will be a nice sunny day. I’ll get a fair bit of walking in today.
    Well done with 23 hours, Auriga. Make sure you have had enough calories before you close that book and shut your eyes.
    Sleep well. PVE

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