The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 3 weeks, 6 days ago.

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  • It’s nice to be able to share something positive rather than my constant whingeing about failing to drop below BMI 25.

    Barata, I can see why you are annoyed with all the advice they ladle out when you and I – and no doubt millions of others – have been there, done that and don’t need to be told what to do. I guess I’m so chuffed to know that I’m getting things right.

    They do have the grace to say that weight management is “no issue” for the likes of us, but then they spoil it by continuing to waffle on about 5 pieces of fruit and other things we are well aware of.

    I’m considering altering my target and wriggle room up a bit, after reading Herm’s link. At 132lbs it’s gives me a BMI of 23 which is fine. Moreover, I can allow myself the odd treat.

    One of my problems is that when eating out I have do little choice and end up with either a veggie burger or veg chilli, both of which can be boring. I treat myself to a dessert then, of course. Left to me, we would always go to a good gastro pub, but we have to fit in with friends. OH doesn’t like driving in the dark now, neither do I for that matter.

    Afternoon all!
    We increasingly eat out in places within walking distance, Purple. Does that limit our options, and make us boring old gits? I guess so, sometimes. But it solves the driving problem -he no longer drives, and I, like you, don’t much like it after dark, (plus, on my last birthday, celebrated in a great place 25 miles from home, I realised that of the dozen people there I was the only one who couldn’t have a glass of wine!) – and we can kid ourselves that we walk off the calories on the way home! If we want to go further afield, we try to opt for lunch, and then limit what we eat in the evening.
    I’m in two minds about the SBMI, herm. I appreciate the science, especially the implications of fat to muscle ratios and inherent body build, and I’m convinced it’s correct, and I’m equally sure that a little covering, and a bit less rigidity, are both physically and emotionally better for us as we age. But I did wonder a bit about our personal,results when I tried it: I got a telling off, with dire warnings of disaster, for being
    Underweight (I’m bang on target, and no, I haven’t become obsessive or anorexic!) and DH, who has put on 8kg during lockdowns – back to where he was before we started 5:2 – and rising, and has a worrying tyre of fat around his belly and the back of his waist, got an assurance that with a BMI of 28.5, he’s fine. It’s not about aesthetics,but he has serious and chronic back problems, and he’d recently decided that the extra weight wasn’t helping and had to go: now he feels he’s been given a free pass! So, as with most things, I guess the conclusion has to include elements such as self knowledge – most of us know what weight feels healthy and comfortable for us – and the proverbial pinch of salt!

    I still fit in most of my clothes, but do not like the extra around the middle, while other areas are boney.😒
    We are careful to only eat out at places with outdoor areas. Otherwise, I’d rather prepare food at home. Luckily, here, especially in summer, most places have outdoor areas. No way we’d risk eating indoors!
    The weather has settled to beautiful summer days and evenings. Just perfect for swimming, but not too hot for walking. Evening walks, with the full moon, have been gorgeous this week. Enjoy life, girls. It is so wonderful, while it lasts. 🙂🙂🙂 P

    Hi everyone, I’ve basically come on here for a whinge ☹️
    Before I start, how is everyone? Everyone still going ok? Husband and I are both still managing to run the gauntlet although it’s inevitable I think that the virus will catch us one day.

    Now for the whinge! I’m still doing 16:8 but know I’m not putting in 100% effort. I’ve added another half a kilo and most of it seems to have gone to the back of my hips so I can hardly pull my jeans on these days 🤦‍♀️
    I haven’t felt really well for a while so went to doctor and have been diagnosed with having the coleaic gene which means I need to be gluten free. For some reason hearing that has translated in my brain to : you can eat bread as long as it’s GF ~ duh! So this may be part of the reason for weight gain. However, I find I’ve really lost my mojo as far as IF is concerned. I’m just over being so careful about what I eat all the time, berating myself and feeling guilty because I ate an icecream. The whole point of doing 5:2 was so I wouldn’t feel like that. I’m asking myself if I have the incentive to get back on track and every time I try to put on jeans I have the motivation, but then it disappears again ☹️

    If you’ve read this far, thank you for listening. 🙏🏻

    Oh Carol, join the club. 😪 I’m SO over thinking about food all the time. I gave up and bought the next, half size, pants. I was still fasting twice weekly and eating reasonably healthy food, but clearly not fanatical enough.
    I actually prefer the healthy food, but get sucked into joining others eating less desirable, high carb foods. Afterwards, I wonder why?
    Life seems to keep throwing stressful, curve balls at us, doesn’t it? I guess the old adage, you can’t control the world, but you can control your reaction, applies here. Easier said than done, I know.
    It is amazing how many coeliacs go all out finding as many GF products as they can, when we know they should just drop the carbs.
    I enjoyed Michael’s latest show and the recipes Clare suggested. It has steered me back to vegetarian low carb tasty meals again (mostly)
    I’m currently battling an injury and having to eat breakfast to take painkillers. Mr P tends to make me bread based, when I should have an egg or berries and yoghurt. It’s hard when relying on another to prepare my meals.
    I doubt this has helped, Carol, but remember, you aren’t alone.
    Cheers P

    Actually Purple, it is very helpful Thankyou ~ reassuring to know I’m not the only one. And you’re right ~ we have to be fanatical and I’m so over it! Like you I eat very healthily but think perhaps my serve size is too big. I’ve swapped to a smaller bowl to have my salad for lunch and trying to reduce my meat portion at night. I’ve cut out the little square of dark chocolate I sometimes had of an evening as well as nuts and cheese. I mean seriously what more can you do! 🤷‍♀️

    Carol, I agree. My serving sizes have grown too, even though it might be rabbit food. 😏

    Oh, Carol! It’s funny I was just thinking about my fasting friends while in the bathroom 30 minutes ago! I’m in the same boat, with 16:8 just not doing it anymore. Last week we resolved to go back two FDs a week – well, we did one!

    It’s those damn carbs which have crept back, especially at lunch time with comfort food like crumpets or toast. As a person who never like biscuits, post-Lockwood I enjoy a dunked biscuit.
    I’m still around 131-2 lbs, but I sort of peel my jeans off my legs. And we go out to eat once a week, as purple says, joining others in treats. We’re actually going to a Golden Wedding lunch today in a bistro run by a prestigious chef. I’m sure you can picture the scene to come!

    I’m so sorry you’re now ‘coeliac’. Something else to think about! I’ve been diagnosed with Gord, and advised to give up tomatoes and cheese. Impossible. I’m not buying bigger trousers. You have half sizes in Australia? I do remember jeans in half sizes in the 70s and 80s, well size 11.

    Right, time to plan a FD menu for tomorrow.

    You made me laugh Polly with the biscuit story! I mean why do we do things like that but I’ve been doing it too. I remember the half sizes of jeans, not sure if they do them these days though ~ everything is made on the cheap.

    Purple, I think it’s all the little extras I put in with the rabbit food, such as the olives, nuts, cheese. Theoretically it shouldn’t be adding up to much but is obviously having an impact.

    Polly,I’m not coeliac just need to be gluten free. Apparently there’s 2 coeliac genes they test for and I was positive to one. If you’re positive to 2 your coeliac. I do feel unwell after I’ve eaten gluten but not enough to make me stop eating 🤦‍♀️

    Polly, have you been to see your grandsons yet? Enjoy the lunch, seriously life’s too short isn’t it.

    By half sizes, I meant the odd numbers. Can choose 13 instead of jumping from 12 to 14, or 11, instead of going straight from 10 to 12. Only available in more expensive brands…but I’m worth it! 😄😄
    And yes, it is that extra bit of aioli, feta or haloumi on the salad that tops it over.
    My nephew has given up all gluten to solve his hayfever. He has a lot of trouble eating out, but finds it has worked. He is a landscape gardener so would have had to change careers if he didn’t find help. He cooks for himself and his wife cooks for the family. Awkward. P

    Well, I have to report that the lunch was fabulous and three course taken, plus cocktail beforehand. To my delight, there’s no shock on this morning’s scales. I think the answer is that each course was sensible, with no carbs, not stingy but not huge portions.

    I put ‘coeliac’ in quotation marks as a shortcut really, Carol. And I realised about the in between sizes, purple. Not seen them for years, though.

    We’ve not made it to America but son has booked to come here at the end of June! Cant wait.

    April 1 2022 is our 10th anniversary on the 5 2 life style. No thought of ever quitting. The only time we fell off the wagon was on a cruise or southern vacation. ( we would fast 1 time per week when visiting the Caribbean. ). Many health improvements.

    10 years is a long time frankannabelle, congratulations! I’m impressed you were able to stick with your regime when on a cruise ship ~ lots of temptation there. 😀 The reward of health benefits can be very motivating!

    Today is 9 years since we started 5:2 and began our journey along the path to a better understanding of ourselves, our bodies and the huge difference between lazy, poor choices and mindful eating.
    We now have a much better understanding of the incredible power we have over our own health and, even though we no longer fast strictly every week, we listen to our actual needs, not wants and eat far healthier food, a much greater range, but significantly less.
    Thank you Michael for changing our lives. Thank you Maintenance buddies for being here for the ride! P

    Congratulations, purple. I agree with all your sentiments. IF is not a diet, but a better way to eat and I learned so much from Michael’s first book.

    Summer is coming here so a chance to be more careful, enjoying salads rather than comfort food. Cool spring, though. Typical four seasons in one day.

    Hi Polly
    We are having cool night and glorious sunny days, but the season of comfort eating approaches. Luckily ours is mercifully short and mild compared with your part of the world. 🙂

    Frankannabelle, congratulations on your ten year anniversary! That’s impressive. I’m coming up for eight years in August and have never blown a FD in that time. I lost 25kg and have maintained my healthy weight for the last seven years using a combination of 5:2 and 6:1 (always the latter on holidays). When I get to my trigger weight (60kg), I immediately revert to 5:2. So many health benefits have come my way as a result not to mention the immense confidence boost that being slim affords me. Thank you Dr M for changing my life – even if you have moved on. If it works, don’t mess with it!

    Hi Thin
    Yes, I feel Michael has moved on, but this seems to work, so why tinker with it?

    Well done Purple and Mr P! I’m 8 years. I started Anzac Day and recall what agony it was not eating an Anzac biscuit that first time. I haven’t made them this year as dads no longer with us and so as not to be tempted to indulge on my own. I’m going to watch the March again this year, the first since dad died end of 2019. It was a family tradition that as many of the family as possible came and watched the March and then we went to the same hotel for lunch after. But before we had lunch we’d always have a coffee with baileys in it ~ a Canadian tradition 😃. So I’ve bought my bottle of baileys to put in the thermos for tomorrow ~. cheaper than buying at the hotel ☺️. What’s everyone else doing?

    I’m glad you are revisiting your ANZAC tradition, Carol. Although, I have found Bailey’s perfect any time I have a cough!!!
    I often get up for the Dawn Service…even stood in our driveway during lockdown in 2020. It was very moving, with other neighbours standing at theirs and a single transistor radio playing the Last Post and Reveille. I would love to make ANZAC biscuits, but, as the only one who can eat them, and shouldn’t, I’ll resist the urge. Whole mum and dad both served, I remember my uncle, who died in France in the RAAF, well before I ever met him. A terrible waste of a young life. P

    No, I’m not about to whinge. I do (almost) have cause to celebrate. Having joined the 5:2 brigade on 1st Feb 2013, I now need to lose 1.5 kilos to get a BMI within the 24 limits.
    Strangely enough, on 5:2 “How it works”, if I go metric, I get BMI 25 plus a wee bit, while on imperial it shows high-end BMI 24,which is good enough for me at 155 cm/5ft.1in, after such a long run. Can’t help but wonder whether this part of the BMI show is being run by Brexiteers who punish me for going metric like “bloody foreigners” do but they do provide more cheering results when I go imperial.
    The reason for this long spiel is to ask if you and/or any family or friends out there, perhaps scientists, medics, dieticians, etc., who might have the sort of knowledge that could help to explain how and why it has taken me nearly 10 years to shed weight that climbed to 13.35 stone or 85,77 kilos, thereby pushing me into a no doubt lethal BMI 35.2.
    Facts as follows: I found 5:2 a relatively comfortable means of losing weight albeit very, very slowly, first year 6 kilos, second year only 1.5K, average 3 – 4K for further years
    Yes, like many others, I did fall off the wagon now and then but never for very long. Luckily, I find it very easy to avoid most so-called unhealthy, fattening things – I simply don’t like them.
    When I finally gave up the ciggies, now more than 20 years ago, if I couldn’t have a puff I didn’t want or need the alcohol – apart from using it in cooking.
    Sure, my sedentary, deadline-ruled job often makes regular exercise difficult, but at least as a non-driver I readily and regularly walk more than someone who drives everywhere. As for sport, I’m so dyspraxic – clumsy butter-fingers who always manages to bash into things – I’m just a nuisance to anyone who might be willing to play.
    I’m sure that being unable to reach a desirable weight any sooner must be due to being overfed by nouveau riche parents who saw a fat kid as a sign of their prosperity. It wasn’t much fun being weighed in front of classmates at age 11, who found it highly amusing to see me hitting somewhere 10 ½ stone and higher as we got older.
    I became well sorted and slim(ish) in my early and mid-20s living and working on the Continent, but back in the UK I always regained most of it.
    Over the next 40 or so years, I managed to keep plump (size 16) but healthy. But then I got polymyalgia rheumatica and an over-eager doc put me on steroids for 2 1/2 years, resulting in shingles and weight rising to BMI 35.2 – 13 stone-plus (not good at 155 cm), having to wear size 20 for my remarriage. I’m afraid I shoved my copies of wedding photos in the bin!
    One year it took me 12 months to lose 1 1/2 kilos. Even so, the doc gradually weaned me off the numerous medications, prescribed for “just in case at your age”. I’m delighted with the results and being able to wear a flattering size 12.
    So, if anyone out these has any ideas, I’d be profoundly grateful.

    Hi Herm – lovely to hear that you’re rejoicing at being on the home straight: I know what a long struggle it has been, so we’ll done, with knobs on!
    (And I’m not ignoring the fact that I owe you a more personal note – my apologies, I’ve been in hospital having bits chopped off my brain, which has been brilliant in some ways, but also necessitated boring stuff like needing to learn to walk properly again, and to stay awake all day. Nearly there now, so I promise to be in touch. )
    Re your query / cry of triumph and despair: you might already have thought of this, but have you considered the influence of your gut biome – ie diversity or otherwise of your individual range of gut bacteria? There’s a lot of research which seems to show a correlation between this and weight, ease of losing it and tendency to hang onto it; it could possibly explain why you found it so much easier to lose it when living in Europe, but some of it is laid down much earlier in life. Don’t assume, as I did, that a healthy diet (which I know you have) automatically equals a flourishing biome: some recent tests cured me of any self-congratulation on that score – there is work to be done there! If you’re interested, is a good place to start reading up – good luck (and I promise an email!)

    Lovely to see you posting again, Herm! You never know what might have happened to any of us…run away, abducted, fallen off the wagon (or perch) 😁😁😉
    I have no suggestions at all for you, but must give you a gold star for perseverance. ✨️ My guess is, like most of us, you inhabit a complex human body that is completely unique. There is simply no accounting for the range of reactions these individual organisms have to stimuli. 😐
    In my case, also a 2013 starter, I lost masses in the first year, but have slowly crept up over the years. Still at the upper level if healthy, but no longer quite so trim. 😏 My attitude, currently, is “life’s too short”, so I plod along, enjoying life as much as I can within the limitations that keep being thrown at me…accidents, pandemics, climate change…do I need to say more?
    Keep enjoying whatever makes you happy and keep up the social connections.
    P x

    Oh Fast, SO sorry to hear about your troubles. I do hope the surgery was completely successful and you are regaining your mobility. As I said in my post to Herm, crap certainly can get in the way of life. We all need to embrace every moment for the joys, however small, we find. Sending you warm hugs.
    P xx

    Thank you, Purple! The surgery (the scary sort, but utterly fascinating, where you are awake and chatting to the surgeon as he works!) was indeed successful, within its parameters : has restored control of my dominant hand. The rest of me is still rubbish, but I can now eat, drink, sign my name, read a book – I celebrated with an ice cream cone, which I’d been incapable of manoeuvring for about 15 years! I had been warned it might throw my balance temporarily, but wasn’t expecting quite the severity of either the wobbles, or the difficulties getting brain and legs to communicate/cooperate – nor how long it would take to get the hang of it again. But it was a long shot at maintaining some independence – and it’s worked, praise be!
    Good to hear from you, too. The older I get, the more I appreciate that life’s too short, and the more I see the wisdom in the adage about not allowing the perfect to be the enemy of the good. So I’m with you: self-denial needs to be balanced by understanding what benefits we (or the rest of creation!) hope to gain by it, not just an end in itself – and small pleasures are to be enjoyed to the fullest!

    Hi Hermaj and others, firstly Herm, congratulations, your perseverance is to be admired. I think any ordinary mortal would have given up well before now. 👏🏻👏🏻

    My response to your question:
    1) in my nutrition studies we were told fat cells are laid down within the first 2 years of life, just waiting to be filled up. You said your parents fed you well as a child so it’s possible they also fed you well as a baby, filling more of those fat cells than needed.

    2) genetics ~ look at your family ~ are they overweight. In my family we tend to lose weight quite easily but in my husbands they put on weight easily. My family have a tendency towards leanness, his have a tendency towards overweight.

    3) insulin resistance. I don’t know how old you are or what your diet was like as a child but in my family we ate a lot of carbohydrate in the form of bread and desserts. This was usual for the era but put me as an example into a higher risk category for developing type 2 diabetes later in life and in fact was pre diabetic when I started 5:2.

    I also believe we have a ‘set’ weight and it can take a lot of effort to overcome that. The factors that effect that set weight I have no idea about but multiple factors are likely.

    Don’t know you will ever have an answer Herm and maybe a less determined person with your nutritional profile would never have achieved the weight loss. Good health to you!

    Fast, can’t believe what you’re going through. So happy to hear you’re okay. I hope your recovery continues to be successful and as quick as possible,

    Purple, I’m in the same boat as you weight wise 🤦‍♀️😊


    G’day Carol. Think of you often. We MUST intersect again some time.
    Your experience sounds ghastly, poor Fast. Your positive attitude has to be commended. Keep ut up. P 🙂🙂

    Good morning, everyone! Lovely to hear from you,Herm. And Fast, what a time you’ve had. It’s very good to hear that things are improving, though.

    Herm, were you first-born? Carol’s comment about fat-cells being laid down is oh so true I think nervous new mothers make babies eat too much, not trusting them when they reject food as being sated. My daughter has always struggled with her weight, as does grandson 1. That’s not my excuse, though. 5lbs 4ozs at birth, then ill. It’s over-indulgence did for me!

    As I posted on other thread, the boys went home a week today, after an exhausting, fun weekend. No idea when we’ll see them again. Posted off five garments left behind. Yesterday I found Sam’s treasured Liverpool water cup in my rucksack. 🥴. Our rugby club has a kit sale this morning, so we’ll buy something to send out with the cup.

    Take care everyone.

    Just a quicky to thank Fast, Purple, Caroline and Polly for your getting back to me so quickly and presenting me with some extremely interesting ideas. I’ll be back soon, to discuss things a bit further. Certainly, those relating to the state of family members. There are numerous fatsos on both sides of my family.

    On my Mum’s side, during World War II one of her younger brothers was a major in the Royal Armoured Corps as a tank commander in the Liberation of the Netherlands. For “gallantry under fire” he was awarded the Military Cross.

    Of course, the family, especially his mum and dad, were incredibly proud of his heroism (as I am) and highly relieved that he was now safe, they couldn’t help but wonder how this very fat little fellow, 5ft 5in tall, managed to climb in and out of the turret of his tank.

    weight maintance

    Yes? Anything else to say, morning star?
    We’re trying hard again. Not easy though when bad habits creep back. We’ve found lots of crunchy salads help a lot.

    Hi Poll
    I agree. Crunchy salads are perfect in warmer weather! They take ages to eat and are filling.
    I was inspired by our mate BayleafAus to make slaw. I have one on the go all the time. Shredded red cabbage, coarsely grated carrot and shredded kale is the basic mix. I add whatever to that: capsicum (bell pepper to you), corn (2 minutes in the husk in the microwave!), seeds, cucumber. Whatever is around. I store it in a container in the fridge and squeeze a little aioli on it only when I serve. It keeps a week, so is always handy for me for any meal. No excuse!!
    Enjoy your approaching summer…we are experiencing winter chills, so more soups than salad at present.
    Cheers, Purple

    Polly, bad habits creeping/crept back here too! 🤦‍♀️

    Purple, your salad sounds nice. How do you find the kale? We had an abundance growing last year and didn’t like it in my salad until a friend told me to massage the kale with oil before I put it in.
    Aldi sell a quite ok stir fry mix that is like a slaw ~ hit and Miss though as to freshness ~ homemade is much nicer.

    Hi Carol
    I grow kale all year. I regularly plant new seedlings so that I have a big supply. I simply cut it finely. No getting up and personal with massages! 🤣🤣 I pick the leaves young and tender and, as I said, they keep ages because they are home grown. I always have lots of cut and come again lettuce, silverbeet, spinach and herbs growing too. Similarly, I keep planting new seedlings so that I don’t run out. I pick lettuce leaves before heavy rain and store them, washed, in a container with kitchen paper, in the fridge. It saves them being ruined by the rain.
    We’ve had an incredible summer of tomatoes, too! Many of them springing straight out of the compost! P

    I forgot, I usually add a few chopped mint leaves and lots of parsley. Bay used whole grated red apple, but I don’t as it limits its life. Of course, adding last minute would work. I find having it already made and in the fridge gives me no excuse to eat well every meal. I just grab a handful, squirt on the aioli and match it with any protein that’s around. When it is getting old, I use it as a stir “fry”, adding chilli and garlic. P

    That slaw idea is brilliant. I’ll show the cook. I’m a bit disappointed this morning as I hoping, indeed expecting, to see my target 129lbs showing. Nope 130.6. 😲.

    Polly, I dream of ever getting back to 60kg! 😏

    I’m pleased to report that husband is taking things so seriously that he’s registered here and enters weight in chart. Pleased to see it going down. 😄

    Well done Mr Polly!

    Sounds nice Purple. We have lots of lovely salad veggie growing in summer also. Have thought of the kale idea before but never followed through. I usually just go out to the garden each day and pick what we have. I think there’s something in the crunch factor though that is satisfying.

    Polly, don’t fret, numbers will probably be lower tomorrow. So pleased your husband is taking his health seriously too.

    I’m in Canada (baby number 2 for my son, number 4 in total), where it’s carb city 🤦‍♀️ Only good things is it’s easy to fast until lunch as I’m so busy with baby and toddler and laundry!

    How lovely Carol. Enjoy your time with the family! P

    Lovely to see this conversation starting up again – a test of friendship is whether it can just resume after a long gap without missing a beat!
    Tried on my summer trousers today, with some trepidation. Good news is they do still fasten and fit; less good, they take a bit more wiggling than they did last year, to get them past bum and belly. I reckon a couple of kg could do with disappearing.
    My fridge, too, full of boxes of prepared elements of salads. Dressings, protein, and crunchy seeds or nuts to be added as needed – no-cook (or protein cook weekly!) summer coming up!

    G’day Fast!
    Being prepared us absolutely the key.
    Great to hear you so chirpy. 🙂 P

    Carol, congratulations on another grandchild. Boy or girl? Are the other two living nearer you? I was very down after a night out with my close friends last week when two of them had lots of news about their local little ones. One friend has four children, all living in the same small town, each with children. Another has three boys, quite near, again all with their own children. A third friend has four children – once in Australia, one in Singapore, one in Dubai and one in London. She doesn’t see them much.

    My daughter is getting married tomorrow! Both have been married before do a small do. Looking forward. And my husband looks great in his suit.

    Have a wonderful wedding Pol. Even a small affair is something special. Enjoy. I’m sure you’ll look gorgeous! P

    Fast, I’m the same! Can still wear the same size but no wriggle room whatsoever and not as comfortable as before.

    Polly, it’s awful not having grandchildren near isn’t it! My son in Canada has 10yr stepson, 9yr stepdaughter, 18m daughter, 1 week old son. My other son in Brisbane Australia has 14yr son, 11 yr daughter. We live in Adelaide which is a 2.5 day drive or 2.5 hour flight to Brisbane.
    I feel envious too when my friends are discussing their family contact. Special occasions such as Easter, Mothers Day are particularly difficult as my husband and I are always on our own.

    We are in our early 70’s now and have no idea what to do about our future. Our son in Canada wants us to sell family home and buy 2 smaller places, one near each son. I don’t want to leave our city, I love it there and it’s so easy to get around and we have lots of facilities really close by. Brisbane is very hilly and we like to walk. However, our friends are ageing too and we don’t see as much of them as we used to. And blood is always thicker than water in the end. I worry about what to do all the time. And when I worry I still eat!

    What a lovely event to be attending your daughters wedding. I’m sure you’ll both look spiffing!

    Thanks, both.

    The friends I posted about are wonderful, as are their children and grandchildren. Taught one, a BBC producer, tutored two of the girls. They, the friends, are not boastful or crowing. It’s just catching up on news.

    Crossing every digit for good weather tomorrow.

    Polly, none of my friends are boastful either, I love to hear about friends kids ~ it’s that momentary pang of envy I feel.

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