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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 1 month, 2 weeks ago.

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  • I find it can be a bit stressful meeting others in oerson, having to keep appropriate distances etc.
    I have an aching neck tonight. I realise, now, it is the result of pulling my hat well down to avoid getting burnt, but then craning my neck to look at the fabulous views of the ocean for the 2 hours on our walk. 😔😔
    I’m glad we did it, though, as they are predicting a return to winter tomorrow! P

    I’ve just had a surprise phone call from my nephew, whom I’ve not seen since his mother’s funeral three years ago. He’s been in the area, walking the Clwydian Range. I’d missed his messenger contact. I’ve persuaded him to call for a coffee before driving home. I Shouldn’t have really, so we will have to sit in the conservatory with the door open.

    Hi Purple and Polly Et al, we’re in Queensland staying with our son and family. We will have been here 4 weeks by the time we leave next week. Qu has no cases like Our home state so thought we’d be just as safe up here as at home and I’d become very depressed about the whole thing and really wanted to see the family. We drove up, Through regional NSW, avoiding any hot spots. Took 3 days but easy driving.

    I was hoping to see something of my brother and sisters while I was here but they closed the borders between Qu and NSW and they all live in NSW. We managed to meet for a picnic lunch down by the border the day before they closed them.

    I have no idea when we’ll see any family again. I don’t see anything changing much before Xmas and really can’t imagine what next year is going to look like.

    My weight is out of control. The family up here eat lots of carbs because it’s easier and I’ve been indulging myself. Too depressed to get on the scales but will get back into a regular routine when I get back home. I’ve been looking very closely into keto. I almost do it now really but thinking I need a shot in the arm of motivation and perhaps taking on something different might do it. I’ll still be fasting but also trying to follow keto as well.

    Stay safe everyone!

    Hi Carol
    At least you are somewhere warm. 🙂 Enjoy P

    Hi, Carol. Good to hear from you. You are lucky to be with your son and family. We miss ours so much.
    Re food, we’ve just had lemon drizzle cake as my nephew and girlfriend called. Lie pigs, we finished it off when they left. ☺️

    Oh Polly, hearing that makes me feel so much better 😂

    It is warmer that’s for sure Purple, we’ll be in for a shock next week! 😂 We will need to go into iso when we get home, having driven through NSW. I can cope with the iso (I think) but don’t know how we’ll cope without being able to walk! Don’t know how the dog will cope either!

    It seems pretty silly to have to iso with our NSW daily new cases are consistently very low and details of their source mainly known. And you will be travelling nowhere near any cases. I would certainly lie low if I’d been anywhere different and mixing with people, including Qld, but it’s Victoria that is the problem in Australia. Rules are rules though. 😒
    Drive carefully and set up a home gym. 🙂 P

    Greetings, ladies. Good to see communication has been resumed – of course, I am guilty of being part of the silence 🙂

    In our new environment, Polly, I have joined U3A, and will be treasurer by next week, as I volunteered for the new committee when the plea went out, and will be voted in (unopposed, and electronically).

    With all the citrus fruit falling off the trees, I have this morning made a batch of marmalade – my first – for OH, as I have historically not eaten it. However, I had to try some, and gosh it’s so yummy and more-ish! OH has yet to give the seal of approval, but as I used almost all the sugar the recipe called for I am sure he will be happy with it.

    You may have heard that we have had a community Covid outbreak, and the country has moved up restriction levels, 3 for Auckland and 2 for the rest of the country. But as we in Northland have to go through Auckland to get to the rest of the country we have been effectively isolated in level 2.5! I see T***p is making a big deal of it – he is using percentage increases in other countries for comparison with US. When we had nine new cases, and the US had 42,000, he described us as having “a big surge”. What an indescribable individual!

    My brother based in Florida has got approval to return here with his American wife, and says if T***p gets another four years they might stay on here for that time, although both of them have children over there.

    It’s going to be raining here for the next week, so a good time to do the indoor chores – or catch up with cyber friends. 🙂 Stay safe and well, everyone.

    We have all been having a good laugh about T’s latest madness! Who the h*** votes for this maniac? There democratic system is seriously broken (although Brexit is right up there, too!)
    Another stunning day here, with an icey blast predicted in the coming days. We aren’t sure whether it’s nearly time to turn the pool solar heating back on or wait.
    Eating day today, and with some leftover roast duck (pulled out of the freezer) and mushrooms, that need using, I feel a good dinner coming on tonight. I could do with some of your citrus, B.😀😀 P

    Brilliant to hear from everyone again. Yesterday the orange one even ‘trumped’ his own ridiculous behaviour by holding a rally in Milwaukee to disconcert and disrupt Biden’s convention. The man must be certifiable!

    Carol, that glad my greed helped! 🤪

    Love to send you some, P. A shame to see them rotting, those that the birds are not enjoying. All good mulch, though :-). Mmmmm, duck… I think just wait, it’s still winter, after all. And no trip to Queensland this year, or the Pacific islands, to boost our vit.D.

    You won’t notice the temperature change, Carol. They are predicting snow all the way up to Qld this weekend!!! P

    It’s good to hear from you all. Sounds like we’re pretty much all in the same place, after the initial shock of lockdown now struggling with the realisation that we’re in this for the long haul.

    I was lucky enough to get to spend some time with my family last week, and saw a couple of friends too, first time I’d seen some of them since 2019. After the initial ‘we’d really love to hug one another but won’t’ it was reassuringly normal, and a great mood boost.

    Weight-wise, until recently I had been carrying a couple of excess kilos from last year and failing dismally to shift them. But in the last month I’ve managed to quickly gain another couple of kilos, so now I’m looking at needing to shift 4kg!!

    I have been fasting, but I’ve been overeating on non-fast days (and a bit of homemade flapjack might have fallen into my mouth…).

    Anyway, while 2kg is quite easy to be complacent about, 4kg isn’t and I’m thoroughly appalled with myself and my recent lack of willpower around food. It’s not really much comfort that a lot of the population has put on considerably more weight during lockdown!

    So, I need to get strict again. After watching MM’s recent 3 part series on channel 4 and seeing the rapid improvement in health markers and weight loss that can be achieved in a relatively short space of time, well…what’s my excuse??!!

    Hello, Happy. Good to hear from you. Another just bubbling over, too! As I’ve started to be more strict with myself, or should I say, less indulgent, I had transition problems again. This old body is not used to the fewer calories and wants to keep them all.

    Glad you made it home for a tipyn bach o Gymru.


    Here we are, the first day of spring in the SH. Blossoms bursting, blackbirds singing, cold weather predicted for tomorrow 🙁 . The figs have started swelling, and I see buds on the peach (or is it the nectarine?) Must get busy spraying for leaf roll and other assorted nasties.

    My nephew is taking the bulk of the citrus, so I am happy that they are to be used.

    We have been gradually instilling ourselves into the community. As well as my U3A, and OH’s Lions, he has completed his training to be a volunteer at the Citizen’s Advice Bureau. Plus I have just finished spreading 225kg of dolomite on the lawn prior to it getting sprayed for weeds. This is only a community project when the neighbours stop for a chat! 🙂 Now I just need some rain to wash in today’s application.

    But I must report on my sleep – a week of undisturbed slumber, nine or ten hours a night! Bliss.

    Stay safe and well, team.

    Good news on the sleep situation B. 🙂 I’m having trouble as the weather is SO varied (typical Spring!). We’ve had stunning 26 deg days (30 due on Thursday) and even a balmy night on Sunday, then the wind whipped up from the snow fields to plummet us back down. Very hard to plan bedding!!
    I have given a “boy” prune to an old lemon tree, a number of hibiscus and a lassiandra all ready for spring growth. The veg patches stink of Dynmaic Lifter and the azelias are blooming. Spring is definitely here!

    Hi, Barata, so good to hear from you. Your trees make me envious. Although it sounds like you and P are experiencing the same sort of weather as us – warm one or two days, then damn cold. We’ve had loads of rain,too. I put on winterish pyjamas last night, as we still have a light duvet on.
    Very good news on the sleeping. I’m not doing well there. I often lie awake, mind racing from triviality to triviality.

    What’s a ‘boy’ prune? We’ve tried growing both citrus and a fig, but we lack the weather and the commitment, to be honest with ourselves. We bought raspberry canes this year ,but it hasn’t survived in spite if care.

    Met friends in their garden yesterday, so no attention to food. Crisps, cake and wine. Then on the way home we found a small child wondering alone. I had to approach very carefully and try and find out name and where she lived. I rang the police and kept theline open while I talked so that they knew I wasn’t accosting the child. All well in the end.

    Yes, what’s a boy prune, P? I have started on my (16) camellias – pruned one, to the appropriate level, where a small bird can fly through. I forget where I heard that one, Auntie Google says they don’t really need pruning, just shape as desired. So I might not do 15 more this spring. I did have a bit of a go at the citrus yesterday too, but there’s so much fruit on them at the moment!

    Glad the child found it’s home safely, Polly, without accostation / accostment… nah, no such words 🙂

    The lost child scene was a worry, Polly I’m glad you sorted it.
    B, I never prune my camelias or azelias, only if I can’t get past them. The camelias are still flowering at present.
    We have a gardening show on the radio that always refers to a “boy” prune (and he plays the sound of a chainsaw). It is an extreme prune a bloke might do when asked to help. Often takes years for the plant to recover…if it does!! Our lemon was only bearing one fruit a year. It was 18 years old. I was advised to buy a new one and plant it, then give the old one an aggressive prune to see if it kicks it into action. It will be a 2 year wait to see! The new one has lots of flowers and little lemons. 🙂🙂

    Ah, the chainsaw method – makes sense now. The early camellias have finished, some are still in bloom. I will prune as I get motivated, but lots of other trees and plants are also calling out for attention. Nothing that won’t wait for a year, though, if I run out of steam. I have found the fertilising to be very wearying – or just getting older 🙁

    😅😅 We’ve been here 20 years…I still haven’t got around to pruning them. 🙂🙂

    Ah! I think the plum tree at the end if our drive deserves one of those boy prunes, then. I was going to tackle te overgrown senecio greyii today, but I’m quite tired after tai in the open air. It was actually hot! Ate far too much yesterday.

    Aaaagh – I spoke too soon. Awake from 4.30 this morning!

    I get the feeling pruning is not a priority. Good, no pressure then.

    Ditto, B! I am sick of 4:30 waking! The kookaburras really need to learn to pop their heads under their wings and go back to sleep!
    I ate too much yesterday, too Polly. I made slow cooked lamb and veg pot pies. The puff pastry I made for the tops wasn’t very good as I didn’t roll it thin enough, but the filling was too good to leave any. 🙂🙂😉
    I’m looking forward to warmer weather with more fish and salad again
    Roll on daylight saving!!! P

    The talk of fruit trees, camellias, azaleas and spring is so lovely! We’ve been in our house over 40 years and the camellias were full grown when we arrived so heaven knows how old they are! I don’t prune except to cut out some of the dead leggy stuff if there’s any. I have been guilty of not ensuring they’re getting enough water at times. Your talk of azaleas Purple makes me envious. They’re hard to grow on the Adelaide plains where we are but grow well up in the more acidic soil of the hills. One thing that astounded me about Brisbane is the way camellias and azaleas grow there. If I lived in Brisbane I’d have a garden full of them.

    We’re having the same inconsistent weather pattern but things are def warming up 😊

    Our iso is driving us crazy! No walking is the pits, not being able to go anywhere is frustrating too. I’m using online shopping and always forget something!

    Adelaide is in isolation, Carol? How strict?

    Okay, pruning is no longer a ‘should do’. Back to my weeding (between showers).

    B, poor Carol is isolating because she drove home through rural NSW, where there have been no cases! Our Federation is crashing down!
    The azaleas grow brilliantly where we are Carol…away from the coast, acid soil under eucalypts, never get watered, other than rain. They are exceptionally hardy! I didn’t lose any during the drought.
    Shouldn’t be long until you are free again, I expect? P

    Purple, not sure where we start counting from – the day you arrive home or the day after when you have the first test. So we’re either at Day7 orDay 6. Just had our second visit from the olive to make sure we’re here 😳. We must look suspicious!

    The olive?

    The olive? I would call it Day 7, you were home isolated then.

    Oh, this talk of exotic flora and fauna! 😄.
    I imagine ‘olive’ was a mad autocorrect/typo for ‘police’. 🤔

    Yes, I think you are right, Polly. I thought the SA people might call their health officials olive!!!!!
    We had a stunning 28deg here. We went for a long beach walk (including getting blisters in summer shoes) and a delightful cafe lunch outside by the beach. Having woken SO early, driven across the city and walked in hot sun (with hat!) I fell asleep this afternoon. Poor old dear! 🤭🤭

    Yes, Polly, you’re right! 😂 I don’t know why it corrected to that and didn’t even notice it had!

    Sounds like a lovely day Purple. We had lovely sunshine here and I did some gardening (pulling out weeds☹️).

    Hi, everyone. I’m fed up and 3lbs over top wriggle room No surprise, I’ve been eating chocolate, cake and having sandwiches with our lovely tomatoes.

    I need some discipline, but most of all, I need my normal life back, when I was too busy to do boredom eating. We haven’t even been able to get into the garden lately

    Hope things are better in the Southern Hemisphere.

    Hi Poll
    I’m too heavy also, despite 2 fasts a week and careful eating on most days. 🤨
    I’m putting it down to my body getting used to eating less food. I’m not willing to go on a starvation diet (when would it stop?) and as I still fit (just) into most of my jeans and slacks, I’m going to accept this weight.
    Mr P is getting lighter all the time, but he DID have major surgery. I don’t intend to do that!

    Hi Polly and Purple, I’m in the same boat. Just below second trigger point but I’ve been over a few times and trying really hard now to control it. As you say Polly, the boredom doesn’t help. Although restrictions don’t really affect us much something has shifted (in us) and things don’t feel normal even though theoretically they sort of are.

    I’m on jury duty And using as an effective strategy to ensure I stay rigidly on 16:8.

    Social distancing in the court so when we first filed in we had to sit all over the courtroom while they chose the jury. Once chosen we were told the rules had changed and we could now all sit in the jury box together instead of being spread out all over the place. People were complaining it was too warm in the room because there’s no air flow because some organizations aren’t using air con or fans due to CV.

    Just have to do our best, good luck! 😊

    Crikey! I don’t envy you Carol. I managed to avoid jury duty for a whole year in 2018 (I’d already done it twice in recent years!). Luckily I had a lot of trips and an operation booked for that year! It still wasn’t easy, and they even tried to get me when I was on a plane to Singapore! 😅😅
    We aren’t really effected by COVID here, but I still wouldn’t want to be spending time in a courtroom! Be careful! P

    Carol, that’s interesting. Much of our court system is way behind because of the pandemic, with consequences for anyone awaiting trial. I read today about Nightingale courts being set up in theatres as they are unused and have ample space.

    We’re going to a funeral later, not a covid death, but a lovely woman for whom it would have been a packed church. Now just 30, spaced and no singing. We said we’d go to support her husband, also a friend, and sons. None of their distant family can travel.

    I think we can only have 20 at funerals. Very sad way to end a life. P

    We’re back at 100 or 150 at funerals – as a celebrant you’d think I’d know that but haven’t worried about any Celebrancy work since CV has been around. Far too difficult working out the rules.

    Purple, we should buy a lottery ticket together because this is the second time I’ve done jury duty too!

    Polly, they stopped hearing cases for a while but think they resumed pretty quickly. This case is about 2 years old which I think is fairly normal for our state.

    Carol, I just looked it up, we are allowed 100 at funerals now, with 4 square metres per person. Hard to keep up. 😑
    I’d already done jury duty twice since 2005. I wasn’t going to do it again! And they were 9 week trials!! I believe we fall off the list after 70?
    At least you and I can visit each other now. I was tempted to jump in the car when SA made the announcement and visit lovely Burra. Then I looked at how far it is (I’ve done it twice before) and reconsidered at present.

    I didn’t know that you’re a celebrant, Carol. It must be lovely to have a humanist celebrant who knows the family. My friends, whose funeral it wa yesterday, was a committed church member and church warden, so her service was conducted by the old vicar, her friend, along with the current vicar – an American.

    I was very disciplined yesterday. So tempted to treat myself, but didn’t!

    Omg, nine weeks, that’s Awful Purple! I’ve only been on short ones, a few days to a week. Last time I was busy the whole 4 weeks with three trials. Just finished my first one today, have a day off Monday and then see when I get called in next. Here you’re allowed to be excused if you’re 70.

    We were provided with Subway lunch today while considering the verdict. I mucked up my order, asking for chicken teriyaki but didn’t stipulate I meant salad not a wrap 😕, so course I got the wrap. Having eaten that I thought I may as well go full hog and eat the muffin they gave us too! 😳 My first bread type products for about 4 weeks. I didn’t have your discipline Polly 😄

    Urgh, I had a banana sandwich yesterday. 😏.
    I certainly wouldn’t fancy a nine week jury stint, in fact, I wouldn’t fancy it at all. I was called once, but managed to get out of it thanks to the shortage, at the time, of English teachers, and that students woukd be disadvantaged by my absence.

    Well, Poll, because I was a teacher, I was fair game as the Ed Dept is happy to let you go, so they kept calling me up.
    Yes, 9 weeks would have been a nightmare, and I’m retired! Imagine travelling 40 minutes into the city, to be there by 9am, every day, for nine weeks!
    Subway was a rubbish way to feed you, Carol. We always had lovely little sandwiches and fruit. You might as well eat it when it’s there, and you are stuck! P

    Hi girls. I hope the UK mob are coping under lockdown. Luckily restrictions are easing in most of Australia at present, except WA, where my grandkids are!
    The weather finally remembers what spring is meant to be with lovelydays for swimming now! It certainly makes fasting easier. Keep well everyone. P

    We’re sort of out of lockdown in Wales now, but with strong advice to limit travelled meetings to what’s necessary rather than what one can get away with.

    Weather is miserable so things are boring. Eating from boredom, even biscuits, which I don’t like! 😲
    Enjoy your summers down there.

    We all have to keep vigilant, Polly, even with no cases around. The virus exists and we have to learn to accept that and enjoy life in a COVID safe way. It’s just different.
    Bad luck about the biscuits! We ordered Chinese takeaway a couple of weeks ago…the first time in years…not because we wanted it, but because we could. 😐😐 We ate the lot in one sitting! Far too much food and appalling GI count!!! We seem to have survived it. 🤣🤣

    I don’t like the look of this. Looks like s/he is selling something. Not done on this forum.

    I just report them to JJ and ignore, Herm.
    How’s the weather up your way? We are soaked from so much rain. A vast contrast to years of drought!!
    Keep safe. P

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