The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,642 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Pollypenny 3 months, 1 week ago.

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  • Well done Purple! Was that using the Omni Diet you mentioned? I’m still sitting a kg above normal weight but just under second trigger point. 😞 I don’t know what wrong with me – I’m hungry all the time! Like you Polly, I have slipped where giving in is concerned. I’m thinking of stopping all grains and fruit, see if that helps. The problem is though I want to be able to maintain that weight loss and I’d like to have fruit and grains sometimes (assuming that does give me weight loss!)

    Easy B. I went back to read my 2013 diary, when I originally started 5:2. I am fasting twice a week, but with a bigger salad for the evening meal. The rest of the week is 70/30 non starchy veg/lean protein. Minimal dairy (a bit of kefir and yohurt, no butter or cheese), 1 glass wine on eat days, no simple carbs. I’m finding, by upping the quantity of leafy salads with seeds and nuts, I am not hungry at all and have absolutely no urge to eat sugary, starchy foods. I tend to stick to eggs or fish for protein and precook asparagus, beans, corn, brocollini etc, so that I can toss them on a salad (lettuce, spinach, purple cabbage, carrot, shallots, tomatoes, capsicum, herbs, lemon juice, chillies etc)
    By having it all ready to just grab, I eat when I’m hungry, 2-3 times a day. As a rare treat I had breakfast today: boiled egg and 3 asparagus spears with ground pepper.
    I’ve dropped 2kg in 10 days! P

    Oh, and olives for flavour. For fruit, blueberries, strawberries and apples, with plenty of cinnamon and nuts (pistachios, walnuts, almonds)

    The replacement kale has just gone in, to join last week’s spinach. There will be plenty of leafy greens in my future πŸ™‚ . I have two meals a day, two FDs a week, almost no sugar, little white carb. Eggs or avocados for work lunches, milk kefir daily, Greek yoghurt on my home-made muesli twice a week. Wine on demand, of course, except FDs. It is astonishing at the difference in my diet from when I was loosing so regularly (over about 18 months) to get to the level that I stuck at (also for about 18 months) before the upwards creep began. I don’t need to be that low again, just need to know I can control further creep.

    I think having a VERY full plate of salad that takes forever to eat has been the key, B. I feel satisfied but light 😊 I agree, I thought I was making healthy choices, but clearly the occassional bread or food with sugar (and that can be something like a bought meal with a dressing or sauce) in it was the problem. You and I really can’t eat much, can we? P

    πŸ™ I do my best. Must measure my body fat, I know this is at an acceptable level, as is my BMI.

    My stats are all fine, just need more wriggle room before Xmas.

    With you there – both in wriggle room, and hopefully see you in Sydney!

    Almost glad I’m not the only one. I really think the summer lulled me into a false sense of security. As we head into winter, a large salad is not so appealing., more so because OH hates it anyway. I can eat a large portion of broccoli or French beans, which will help.

    One bad habit I developed was having a mug of hot chocolate on a miserable afternoon. No more!

    I’m determined now. Definitely do not want to be one of those who puts back on more than they lost in the first place!

    Definitely looking forward to the rugby on Saturday again. We are virtually trying a new team against Tonga. Bit of a risk.

    Well done, PVE! Good for you for keeping notes on what worked so you can replicate success.

    We just returned from a week away in central California. Three days in Carmel [enjoying the very twee architecture, the cuisine, and the wine tasting] then farther north to Oakland to visit #1 Son & DIL. Smoke from the dreadful fires was very visible in the air, causing people to wear masks, and causing the sun to look ominous in a brown/grey sky. Lots of good food! Since I stick to appetizers when I dine out, I have some interesting choices. And then our son cooked for us — he is a wonderfully inventive cook! We had breakfast ‘in Morocco,’ dinner ‘in Japan,’ and another dinner ‘in Italy.’ Delicious and all homemade, even the bread. Weight was in correct range after the trip. But today it spiked up. Maybe I need PVE’s playbook.
    Snow on Friday — 8″ of the stuff! Still there today. I love the 1st snowfall. And subsequent ones too. The resident flock of wild turkeys has been trooping through the yard, leaving lots of tracks. We have discussed the possibility of eating one. It seems that archery is the state-approved means of killing turkeys.
    Thanksgiving plans are under way. No sons will be coming home, but left to our own devices, we will soldier on. Have a good weekend and enjoy your various sporting events.

    American Thanksgiving tomorrow, so we are Fasting today.
    More snow has fallen — another 6″ yesterday. This time it outlined every branch of every tree and in the moonlight it was magical! Did a turn around the yard on the cross-country skis and enjoyed it thoroughly. Pies to bake today as well as tying up the Turkey Roulade for the main course tomorrow. going to have ‘record cold’ temperatures tomorrow! May be I can shiver off the extra calories…??? The fires will be in the wood stove and on the hearth and we will be snug and merry.
    Hope you are having a good week and have lots for which to be grateful.

    You paint a classic picture of the Pilgrim Fathers, Fast.
    We are off to holiday in the tropical north of Australia…quite different weather to yours, but stunningly beautiful scenery. Fast today. P

    Oooh, I agree with purple! A real Pilgrim Fathers’ scenario, fasting. And all that snow. I can’t wait to wear my American snow boots.

    Fasting will be freezing, Purple will be sweating – the world is getting smaller thanks to technology. We’re off to London for the weekend, a trip with U3A. Not educational at all – Kew Gardens by night, then the London Eye and Southwark. Might visit a museum – Vinopolis. 🍷. Will miss Saturday’s game against South Africa, though.

    I am being disciplined and seem to be back on track. Didn’t have an ice cream at the cinema, even.

    Enjoy London, Poll. We had a lovely time there in July, but it was too hot and grimy. You will have much better walking weather. There are a group of volunteers who run ‘London Walks’. I highly recommend them. Excellent local knowledge and a healthy way to learn about the lesser known areas in the great city. P

    Thanks, purple we’ll be eith friends, though and our hotel is near Windsor so we won’t have that much time. One friend has had a tie amputated, so a slowish mooch around a museum, complete with wine samples sounds good.


    There’s a nice cafe in St James Park. Peaceful escape through Admiralty Arch. πŸ˜‰ P

    And I am in Bruges for four days with a friend – most beautiful city and I love it – where the four most famous features (apart from art, canals and wonderful architecture) are beer, chocolate, chips and waffles. Doing my best to stay disciplined, but friend is determined to take full advantage of it all, several times a day!. She is a very unusual combination of vegan, carb-committed, and junk food enthusiasti, and determined to introduce me to waffles and convert me to beer! Despite abstaining from breakfast (which she finds incredible) and walking all day, much fasting willl be needed next week, I fear…

    The pressure is on!! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜πŸ˜

    Oh-oh! Fastfastsow! Beer, chips and chocolate. That is a supreme test! I could resist the chocolate, most of the beer, but the smell of chips woukd get me. Enjoy Bruges, though. πŸ’πŸΌ

    Beer is ok, though I’m unlikely to get hooked – I’d still prefer a glass of red. . Chips: have just had a few from friend’s plate, in return for her eating all my bread. Waffles with Nutella (which I’d never even tasted before!) and whipped cream: well! Talk about loss of innocence! I adore it here, but it’s a very good thing I’m going home tomorrow!!! (though the hazelnut based veggie burgers are also very good.)OH, who has been cared for by a patchwork of visiting offspring, on whom my blessings rest, has been indulged with fish and chips, mince pies and custard, so we can (ie shall have to) fast together next week!

    Don’t develop a liking for beer! It, and cider, do terrible things to bloodsugars.

    Thanks, P: noted. Not much danger, actually. Hard to understand, despite her love for it, why friend, who has both CF and fibromyalgia, drinks it. But perhaps she only does so on holiday, and in any case I’ve kept my mouth politely zipped.
    Had decided not to try to fast while away, but have had an enforced fast day today, as yesterday’s indulgences took their revenge on my digestive system. My body protecting itself against myself, maybe? Anyway, gentle day tomorrow as we travel home, then fast days Saturday and Monday, and should be good to go again..
    Have a good weekend, everyone. X

    Oh, tell me about it! OH, who lost his beer belly, is growing again. I pointed out today that his expensive coat, Paul Smith, is looking tight on him.

    Well our fast fell apart last night. After not eating through delays at the airport, an exceptionally rough flight and a scary landing, the temptation of an Italian red, a shared pizza and yum rocket and pear salad outdoors in balmy tropical heat was just too good to refuse. I’ve picked up a sore throat and headache (I’ll blame grandkids😐) so I really needed a pick me up.
    Off to a rainforest walk today and a swim later. Enjoy your much needed post trip fasts girls. P

    Happy Thanksgiving fastingme!

    You all paint a wonderful picture of your various trips and activities (apart from the plane landing Purple 😳).

    I’m so damm depressed about my weight I even contemplated not getting on the scales this morning !

    I was inspired by you Purple, have eaten very mindfully since your post, not a piece of cheese has passed my lips 😌. Those changes have enabled me to stay under, but only just under first trigger point during the week and to be just under second trigger at weighin on FD. It’s a struggle – no wriggle room Whatsover.
    Yesterday I had no choice but to have a sandwich for lunch when out and then a Xmas catch up last night with friends – a glass of wine, a serve of rice as part of the meal and hello one kilo this morning!!!

    Sorry I’m just whinging. πŸ˜’

    Well, Carol, the best thing has been a loss off my waist. I fit into a tight summer skirt that I was ready to pension off!
    The trick really is massively increasing the salad veg. When out, I usually (except for last night 😐) choose a leafy salad, sans dressing, and veg frittata or quiche and leave the pastry. This is pretty easy for we southern hemisphere folk at present. I don’t touch any sugar! You CAN do it. Cheers P
    Keep lising the post as internet drops out!!

    Woke up to -13 C winter wonderland for Thanksgiving morning. Cranberry Corn Sticks and back bacon for breakfast, along with mango-raspberry yogurt and home-made cider. Set the table and got all the serving dishes out. Then we went for a walk into the 38 k/h wind — lovely fresh air! Glad to get back to house after about a mile of that. No lunch today, as the meal at 3 pm will constitute ‘linner.’ Turkey, California Zinfandel, and all the trimmings, followed by apple pie and pumpkin pie.
    For some odd reason, yesterday’s Fast made me gain a pound — don’t like going into The Feast over-weight, but there’s no helping it.

    FSF: Bruges!! Oh! Would love to visit there some day. Moules frites are right up my alley. And chocolate. I’d sip some of ODH’s beer. Yes, would have to try a waffle. Nutella seems to be the flavor of choice in Europe — never saw such large jars as they had at the crepe stalls in Paris — gallon size!

    I’m really suffering here in the tropics! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ 30deg C ever day, with a gentle sea breeze. Full moon rising over the Coral Sea last night was stunning. We are surrounded by cane fields and tropical rainforests, nestled between the blue, blue sea and the tall, ragged volcanic peaks, clothed in forest. The unusual bird song is a real treat. The colours of the parrots are spectacular and the ability of all the forest creatures, lizards, birds, snakes to camouflage is amazing.
    I filled our apartment fridge with healthy salad makings, berries, yoghurt and smoked fish and eggs. We are varying between careful eating out (expensive, but good) and home made on our balcony.
    Down for another swim before a river cruise, then another night of live music at one of the pubs. I know, SOMEONE has to do it! πŸ˜‰P

    Go ahead, Purple, rub it in! Don’t feel you have to hold back on account of our feelings. Sounds remarkable. Are you in a sea-side resort or a sea-side town?

    Come on, Carolann, you know you can do it if you buckle down. We’ve all been there. The day after Thanksgiving I was 2 pounds over my target, but have lost 0,8 of a pound since then. My friends here get all sarcastic about my gaining 1-2 pounds, but that’s almost 2% of my weight. So I don’t complain to them, I’ll save that for Those of You Who Understand.

    We will tag our Christmas Tree today at the local tree farm, then go to the Festival of Trees at the library. Our knitting group does a tree every year, themed around knitting for charity.

    have a good week-end, where-ever you are.

    We are in a resort town, FM. We are in an apartment in town, but this area is surrounded by exclusive huge resorts. I like being in the heart of the real town, walking distance to everything.
    Off to the Sunday markets for Xmas shopping today. P

    P, it sounds perfect: enjoy every minute. I’m now back home – same weight as I went, despite the occasional indulgences. OH, on the other hand, has clearly had a very sociable week and put on 3lbs! Still had FD today, and intend another on Monday – I know the tendency of indiscretions to show on the scales a few days later, rather than immediately, so the aim is to forestall it – as well as to help OH back on board the wagon. And I shan’t be stocking up on beer or Nutella. It will be a while before I can go away again, but Bruges will definitely be top of the list. Only pity (pace any who think differently) is that if there’s a next time it will (failing the fulfilment of my fantasy longing)be post- B****t, and much more complicated. Seems to me that words like β€˜shoot’ and β€˜foot’ are apposite.
    Enjoy your Christmas shopping, P.

    No more difficult than for us travelling ‘over there’ Fast. As tourists, we don’t need a visa. But they might start treating the Brits a bit differently, and understandably! You can’t say ‘We don’t like you any more, but we’ll still come over and play at your place’, and expect open arms. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ You seriously need a 2nd referendum. P

    Tell me about it, P. What we really need is a politician with the guts to say β€˜referendums are not part of our democratic system and when we have them the results are advisory, not binding. It is clear that this result will damage, not only our economy but – more important – our whole outlook and attitude to the world; it is not in the interests of the country and we’re taking our responsibilities seriously and calling the whole thing off. Dream on )I do!’)

    Hi, friends. Back from London, without too much damage. Half a pound under top WR. Kew Gardens and their lights were amazing! It was a mild night, so we enjoyed a slow stroll with loads of oohs and ahs. The view from the Eye was a bit misty, but we’ve done it before and we were with friends. Resisted most of the goodies on offer at the Christmas market, only bought a box of Pateis de Nata to share with friends.

    Bloody Brexit! I read an excellent article by Ian Jacks, the Guardian, last week. He stated that most associations have a rule that major changes should be only carried through with a 2/3 rds majority of the electorate, not even those who get off their backsides to vote. Depressing times.

    At the risk of getting reported and my posts banned…… I started 2016 with a threefold nightmare: Britain out of EU / Trump in the White House / BorisJohnson in Downing St. Two down….please God, not a Full House…

    Well, Fast, we are currently “blessed” (hopefully temporarily) with a Happy Clappy, ‘man of the people ‘ bloke, who calls himself ScoMo, locks refugee children up on a Pacific Island for years and believes coal is the future! What sort of a world are we leaving the next generations? 😐

    Hi all!

    A big thank you to @fasting_me who kindly answered my question about skipping lunch for maintenance! Thanks for inviting me over to this group too!!

    Glad to have found this group – I’ve been wondering what to do now that I’ve pretty much left the monthly challenges! Although sadly I am joining you a full five pounds over my perfect weight (after five weeks of no exercise due to ailments and injuries!) so I am putting some serious work in before Christmas to get back into my happy range!!

    I’ve had a quick scan through your latest comments and looks like I’ve landed in a great forum with like-minded people!

    Have a great day everyone πŸ™‚

    Hi 52Fan
    We all use different techniques to maintain. I personally still do 2 full 24 hour no food fasts a week, after nearly 6 years. I find the habit easier than random fasting. I eat mindfully the rest of the week, often skipping breakfast, which I find the easiest to drop. I’m very careful about simple carbs and try to eat mostly home made food. Veg are the priority. Fill up with healthy veg, nuts, seeds, berries. Make sure you are satiated with bulky and tasty leafy food. You don’t need to feel hungry.
    We ate out tonight (away on holidays), I chose a burger and chips. I ate 1/2 the meat, all the vegetables and left the nuns and chips untouched. πŸ˜‰ But the conversation with some North American tourists about politics was well worth it!! PVE

    Purple, you may be anti-happy clappy, but I’m glad you left the nuns alone. πŸ˜„

    I’ve just been out for lunch with my tai chi class, saying goodbye to our lovely teacher. It cost me a filling and crumbled tooth. It was a very old filling, though.

    If we eat out, it’s usually our only meal of the day. Can not resist a few fat chips. Those French fries leave me cold.

    It’s proselytizing politicians I have a problem with, Poll! They can believe whatever they like, but bringing it into politics as a vote catcher, no.
    We had a fabulous tropical storm last night. Hopefully we can still do our sightseeing today.
    Have a good one. P

    Hi, again. Doing OK with my weight. Been busy with our upcoming Live Nativity. I still need to find 1 Wise Man [maybe they are scarce these days?] and one Voice Actor. These will be solved.
    Fasting today: Feta/cottage cheese/oregano scramble for breakfast. Bison chili in a squash cup with melon for dinner. Most filling.

    FiveTwo, welcome! I knew you’d like this group. Where are you based? I’m in NH, USA.

    Pol, hope you got a quick trip to the dentist for that tooth! ouch. My dentist recognized that a tooth with an old filling was starting to crack, so I’ll be in for a crown next week. oh well.

    PVE, didn’t realize that New Zealand had a questionable leader, too. Coal??? What a troglodyte! Then there’s T***p…. but we won’t go there.

    Fast, you don’t honestly think that Boris would be in #10? Spare me! I blame B**x*t on his fabricated newspaper articles about worst practices in the EU, which fueled the referendum.

    I’m Australian, FM! Barata is the Kiwi on this thread. They have the lovely Jacinda Ardhern is their PM. 😊 P

    Boris in number 10, Trump in the USA, Putin in Russia – we’re doomed, we’re doomed! (Echoes of Dad’s Army).

    I cancelled my dental appointment as I’m out to lunch again today, tomorrow as well. Yea gods, I’ll have to fast every day next week! New appointment on the 18th, it’ll be a crown, I expect.

    Sorry, Purple — there I go again, putting people in the wrong countries. Maybe I need a map with name-tags stuck into it…. I was wondering why NZ would want to rely on coal [well, nobody should] but you do have it in Australia.

    Pol, I’m convinced that the pendulum will swing again and that the boat will right itself. [fingers crossed] Good luck with that tooth. A friend had the same thing happen — out for lunch, crumbled a tooth. Is dental covered under National Health? It isn’t here, but we bought the insurance and it is worth it.

    Started the annual cookie baking today: Dec 1 through Dec 12 and it’s done. Then there are other things to bake, but am on track so far.

    Great, Thanks Auriga for sharing inspiration story with us. It will really motivate us

    Emma, sadly Auriga has not been with us on the thread for a few years (we miss her), but many of we long term maintainers are still here. Tell us your story, support seems to be the key to success. PVE

    Fasting-me, dental care is covered with a patients contributing on a sliding scale and slightly cheaper in Wales. I pay Β£14 for my check-ups, scale and polish. A filling is about Β£50 and a crown visible from the front is about Β£150. Further back, it’s wouldn’t be covered and charged as private treatment.

    Unfortunately, there is a great shortage of National Health dentists and many people have to pay privately, often through insurance schemes.

    Well, my third lunch out in the week was yesterday: lovely long lunch at Cafe Rouge. I’ve escaped just at top wriggle room. Must be disciplined this week. On that subject, the low cal diabetes programme is being rolled out in England. OH has just seen his GP for routine appointment and she is delighted eith him. I wish he’d asked her about it. I’m going to order the 800 cal book for us. Might give him a boost and get rid of the extra he put back back on.

    As Mr P reversed his Type 2 nearly 6 years ago, Poll, I know fasting regularly, increasing veg and fish eating and reducing simple carbs is what it takes. He knows when he’s slipped up before he even does his daily bloodsugar test πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

    I’ve had a right old week, with weight varying wildly! Hopefully sorted with one meal a day, although yesterday’s was afternoon tea with Grumpies. It wasn’t too bad and over a long period. For some reason, I’m finding it easy not to eat. Dinner tonight with the rugby lot. Maybe I should join the silly season thread!

    I’ve ordered Michael’s 800 cal diet book to try to get OH inspired again. He’s not putting any weight on, but he’s still got a couple of stone to lose. The diabetes reversal programme is being rolled out in the U.K., but I have an idea that it applies to those who are at risk or have been recently diagnosed.

    Pol. πŸ™‹πŸΌ

    Diabetes reversal applies to everyone. Simply eating as we 5:2ers do… intermittent fasts, low simple carbs, high veg content, limited snacking. The way we should all eat. P

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