The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,642 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Pollypenny 3 months, 1 week ago.

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  • Carol, I may be wrong – and I may be being too personal, soo tell me to ‘go away’ if you want – but I seem to remember you’re a goood few years behind me, hormones-wise. If I’m right – this redistribution of fat is apparently a normal/frequent feature of menopausal years – it’s why so many post- menopausal women, even slim ones, have skinny legs and arms but thickened waists and straight-up-and-down torsos, with smaller boobs and bums but bigger tums and upper hips. (Doesn’t it sound appealing?). Those of us at or beyond (or approaching) those delights have to be extra vigilant about exercise as well as food – not just to use those calories, but also to stay toned, and stop the dramatic shape-shifting before we start to look like duvets with belts (not that you do, of course!!!). Just another of the joys our younger sisters swear blindly won’t happen to them – until they do! I know you keep active, as well as eating wisely, so I’m sure it won’t get you, but it could be why you’re expriencing the mysterious change in maintenance – ie weight stable-ish but shape taking on a life of its own. ..You can decide either to beat it or join it – knowing you, I suspect I can guess which it will be. Good luck!

    Thanks FFS, that’s what it is I guess. I’vee seen this weight redistribution happen before over the years but thought I’d gotten past it – not so it seems!

    I don’t think I am far behind you Fast and in fact I may be in front 😂, I’m 68.

    What’s really annoying me is the wardrobe! A style that looked nice on me before now doesn’t look so good. I really do not want to go to all the bother of a whole new wardrobe, so soon after updating everything in my wardrobe post 5:2. Agh 1st world problems hey. Best I just get on with it 😄

    Yes, apparently the shape change is due to an increasing proportion of testosterone 🤨. Hair loss (lucky mine is thick) is another exciting development.

    Oh yes, don’t get me started on the hair loss Purple! Lucky mine was thick too. I was at the dermatologist this morning and mentioned hair loss to her, asking if there was anything I could take. She said just normal thinning due to age and she didn’t know why I was worried because I still had plenty of hair!

    Mr P gets sick of my hair everywhere… he’s jealous, being bald! P 😉

    Oh god, I’ve woken up to a scary vision of my future – a thinning-haired belted-duvet! Thanks Ladies 😀 On a serious note, I didn’t realise that the shape-changing continued? I thought it was something that took effect in the immediate post-menopause years.

    Well in addition to the fast, I skipped an evening meal this week. OH was unexpectedly delayed and neither of us wanted to eat at 21.30. That has dropped me 0.5kg under, not much wriggle room for forthcoming meals out but it will have to do!


    Welcome. This is a thread primarily about the trials and tribulations of trying to maintain at goal weight, i.e. once you’ve lost your excess. 60kg or thereabouts is where I want to maintain, hence when I go over 60kg I fast/ get stricter.

    Are you new to fasting? Have you got much weight to lose?

    Not for sissies, as they say! Carol, I’m 73 – still a bit ahead!

    71 and, having been 2lb under bottom wriggle room for most of the summer, I’m struggling to keep under top. Maybe I’m just less active. Apart from the week that the bits were here, I can’t see a great difference.

    Looking at next week, I see days of meals out. I think being vegetarian can make it harder, as often the on,y options are pasta or risotto.

    Vegan is worse, Polly. My son was vegan for years and had so much trouble eating out! He usually suggested things to the staff. He’s a very good cook.
    Unfortunately, now that he is an omnivore again, he has gained masses of weight. P

    Interesting, P. We’re omnivorous, but don’t eat a lot of meat, and I cook veggie/ vegan quite a lot, and often choose those options for preference if eating out. I find vegan, especially when out, much the hardest to combine with my low carb regime – lots of creativity, imagination and forward planning needed. Currently planning a 2 day break in Bruges with a vegan friend, which will be interesting – we may end up living on beer and dark chocolate!

    Mushroom burgers with lots of salad is a good standby, FFS. As long as you insist on no spread or dressing!
    I, too, eat vegetarian when out. They are often tastier options. P

    Not to mention waffles and chips with mayo, Fast.
    On a visit to Bruges a few years back, before I became seriously carb-conscious, I ruined an otherwise happy day by choosing waffles and subsequently causing a bit of a domestic when I felt too Moby Dick (for non-Londoners, Cockney rhyming slang for “sick”) to even look at dinner. Old Iron Guts still can’t fathom that some of us can’t eat what we jolly well like without less-than-pleasant consequences.

    I have occasionally found some really good veggie burgers. Too often they’re like cardboard, though.

    Gosh, here in Aus, vegetarian food is almost always good. They seem to put more creativity into it.
    We were at a function today where a light buffet luncheon was offered. They had some delicious veg sandwiches, as well as ham and cheese, and dips with carrot and celery, but many people were filling their plates with mini pies and sausage rolls. I couldn’t believe it!

    I find eating out at night is easy enough to find something you like to eat and want to eat, it’s day times I find difficult! Those days when you’re out shopping and you want a Coffee and a bite to eat – unless you can find a salad somewhere you’re done for. Everything is bread based or deep fried and covered in sauce! I will say the ‘healthy’ food places are springing up more but they’re mainly located in the city where they get the population to support them, nothing much out in the suburbs yet.

    That’s one of the few advantages of the massive population growth we’ve had in Sydney in recent years, Carol. We have a huge range of foods available in the suburbs now, and at extended hours too. It works well when you have a mate to share with too. We buy a couple of healthy starters, one being salad sans dressing.P

    Hello to all you eaters out there. We all love food, don’t we? Vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, omnivore: all of us can use 5:2 and profit from it!
    Went through a good Fast Day on Thursday — ODH lost 1 pound and I lost not one ounce!! Go figure.

    Tomorrow I will go canvassing for candidates in our up-coming elections. Supposed to rain hard, with wind and maybe a wintry-mix, but I will dress for the weather. Can’t sit home and let the current regime stay in office, can we.
    All the wood bins are full and fires are laid in both wood-stoves and the fire place. ODH thinks we’re about to have a blizzard so he wanted to be prepared.
    Have a good weekend.

    Good girl FM! Pity you don’t have compulsory voting like us. Then you put all your effort into WHO to vote for, not having to convince people to get out and vote!

    Good on you, fasting-me! I’ve just read The Ministry of Utmost Happiness, with the Kashmir wars featuring strongly. The pros and cons, and participants, are so vague that a character came up with the word ‘stupidification’ to describe it. Made me think of America! Son’s ma-in-law is a big supporter and keeps putting rubbish on Facebook. I worry about her influence on the gorgeous boys. Thankfully they don’t see her that often – considerably more often than us, though.

    Well, there’s snow in the north today according to the news! More on the east, so Happy might have escaped. I’ve ordered some snow boots from the USA. I wore DIL’ s in March when we played with boys in that deep snow. Surprisingly cheap, even including shipping. The only ones in my size were red!

    Re eating out, there are a couple of good gastropubs around here, with regular menu changes. However, there will still be a choice of veggie two meals, one often being rice or pasta based.

    ‘Stupidification’ is a wonderful word, for so many people and situations. Many of us shake our heads and wonder how our country got into this current mind-set. Sure hope the ship can right itself in these turbulent seas.

    Predicted storm turned out to be no big deal, tho one of our trees came down on the wires and knocked out the neighborhood’s electricity for about 3 hours. We did have some snow in the morning, but then rain. Usually snow on the ground in October means a winter that will have less snow than usual. What we don’t need is a warm winter.

    Weight us up and won’t come down to where it should be. 🙁 Must work harder.

    Fasting, I’d been reading about Beto in Texas and hoping, thinking he might make it. However, the publicity given to these Honduran emigrants may well scupper his chances. I just forgot to ask son his opinion. Too busy watching the basket ball demo and hearing about Halloween plans from the boys.

    My bit of self-discipline seems to have done the trick. Pretty consistent on 127 lbs for the last few days. Today was hard, though as our clocks went up, but I got up at normal body clock time. Hence, hungry for breakfast at 11am. I last until noon, then luckily my neighbour popped in to pay for her paper. A little chat put me on until normal breaking fast time.

    Oh I do hope the House of Representatives will flip to the Dems! And a few more Democrats in the Senate would be a boon. Beto looks like a good candidate. So much new bad news crashing down on us — how will that affect the election???

    What are your thoughts on Daylight Savings Time? I think it is dumb and should be outlawed. We should do what Morocco has done. I read that 84% of EU residents want to scrap it. Some US states do not observe it, and our Easternmost state, Maine, wants to change time zones altogether and join Atlantic Time. That would help New Hampshire as well.

    Pol, I guess your grandsons observe Hallowe’en instead of Guy Fawkes day, eh? I’d be curious to know your son’s politics, especially since you say his wife is a T___p fan. Another recent statistic says that T___p is very unpopular among white, educated, suburban women. Hope that bodes well for us.

    PVE, how does your country force people to vote? How do they deal with that??

    Fasting today: Eggs Baked in Ham Cups for breakfast. Mackerel in Puttanesca Sauce for dinner.

    Raining AGAIN today. It used to be that November was the cloudy/rainy month. Now it is October. Lots of wild turkeys come to visit — a flock of 14 shows up almost daily. So huge!

    Oh, no doubt, son is a Democrat. We are all pretty left-wing, although I’m not a supporter of Jeremy Corbyn. He’s an idealist, but to succeed a politician has to be a pragmatist. His slogan ,For the many, not the few’ is taken from Shelley’s The Masque of Anarchy, written after the Peterloo Massacre. Ordinary people asking for rights.

    Daughter in law is republican but not a supporter of the orange one. It’s her mother, a rather simplistic Christian., who believes every word he says.

    I would like BST to be longer, going back to GMT just for December and January. In the 70s we had BST all year as an experiment. Even this far north, it meant children going to school in the dark at 9am. I missed a lift as the driver couldn’t see me on one occasion.

    We’ve just had roast tomato and goat’s cheese tart, with salad. Tomatoes were home grown from a hanging basket. It was so prolific, we’ve fed the neighbours, too.

    Yes, the boys know nothing about Guy Fawkes. As the time difference is just 4 hours this week, we’re looking forward to seeing them in their outfits. Their decorations are interesting, shall we say!

    Australia has always had compulsory voting. We take our democratic right to vote very seriously here. There are fines for not voting, but I’ve never heard of anyone being fined. Everyone registers on the electoral roll at 18. Some idiots don’t, so they just never get to vote…a very small minority. Elections are on Saturdays, with postal voting and prepoll voting available for 2 weeks before. Plenty of opportunity to have your say. Some people turn up and get signed off (probably for the famous election sausage sizzle…local charity groups sell bbqed sausages on bread with tomato sauce and onions), and then put in an informal vote. These are either blank or with smart alec comments on them, thus not a vote! People are dying all over the world for the right to vote. Turning up for a few minutes every couple of years is a wonderful responsibility.
    Re daylight savings…I love it. The sun is up at 5:30am (Daylight Savings Time) now in early spring. I would not want to be woken at 4:30. Then we get lovely longer light evenings. Queensland, the state to our north, has never had it. They think it fades the curtains. 😀😀
    Tuesday morning after a fast. Excellent weight drop! Woohoo! P

    Love the sound of those red boots Polly! 🌂👢

    The fine for not voting in Australia is $20 unless you give a good reason for not doing so.

    Congratulations on weight shift Purple!

    I’m a fan of daylight saving fastingme – in our climate it makes sense.

    Just introduced a friend of a friend to 5:2- spreading the word gradually 😊

    I find it staggering that other countries don’t have compulsory voting. It seems so incredible that effort has to be expended convincing people to vote, rather than having a dialogue on the benefits and disadvantages of various candidates.
    Stunning spring weather here today. Our azaleas are stunning this year, obviously our heavy rain a month ago was perfectly timed. P

    I wish we had compulsory voting here, especially with the farce of Brexit! It didn’t help that the BBC, in its efforts to be unbiased, gave equal air time to the simplistic or self-serving prats on the Leave side.

    I’ll say it again, I wish we had a thank button on this site.

    Back to tai chi this morning after teacher cancelled and we were at a funeral last week. I don’t think the class will last, unless Steve can find someone to take it over.

    It’s like giving equal time to climate change deniers! I guess flat earthers too. What is the point of giving nutters an equal say?

    fasting, I love the way you spell the pain-in-the-neck guy with bad hair as T___p as if it was an obscenity, which, let’s face it, he is!

    Pol, I know how it is to have a mother-in-law with unfortunate political views. We did not get on! Suffice to say that I christened the late-lamented lady Frau Obergrueppenfuehrer and my OH wasn’t at all offended when I asked him (jokingly) if he had found her copy of Mein Kampf when he was clearing out her house. Thankfully, she was too deep in dementia to vote for Brexit, which I’m pretty sure she would have done, purely based on her racist and xenophobic views.

    Pity we’re at opposite sides of the country. OH would be delighted to take over your tai chi class. It’s taken him a while to sort out some regular gigs in or near Cambridge. Classes started well enough, but when the venue changed the rules and made punters pay separately for tai chi, rather than include it in their membership fee, there was a mass exodus. He’s now working at a newly-established leisure centre just up the road in Ely, where there is a strong likelihood of more classes to come.

    Herm, you’ve made me laugh. Son’s ma in law is a very meek woman, really. She just has these simplistic views! My mother-in-law was a plank! Luckily, OH was brought up by his grandmother, whom I loved.

    It looks like we are having a new Tai Chi teacher. He’s one of Steve’s students who is just finishing his instructor training. I’d met him previously on Qui Gong Day when we demonstrated on the Green in Wrexham. He was a bit diffident yesterday, knowing that some of us have done it for longer than he. But I think he’ll be fine. Hope things work out for your OH.

    Had treat, courtesy of John Lewis, yesterday. A coffee and slice of lemon meringue pie. I chose the smallest. 😏

    Still raining. Rained yesterday. Will rain tomorrow. Sunday we might see the sun — but will we recognize it? Streams and rivers are ‘bankers’ [the expression in Australia, I believe?].

    As for mother-in-laws: when she laid eyes on me for the 1st time, she isolated her son and said, “She’s not Catholic, is she?” How could she tell??? But she was very kind and fond, so I had no complaints.

    I do wish that more people would vote in the US, but compulsory voting would be a hard sell, especially in New Hampshire with our state motto of “Live Free or Die.”
    As for the Summer time change, I am not in favor of it. Here at latitude 42 degrees N, we go to work and school in the dark anyhow, so that won’t change much. I’m for not ‘springing forward’ and ‘falling back’: I want it the same all year long on Winter time. Such an old curmudgeon!

    Have been given a bag of kale. Not sure how to use it… Any good ideas besides salad and smoothies?

    Kale crisps, F-M? Break into small pieces, dress lightly with olive oil, put into hot oven on a baking tray for c10 mins. Healthier than spuds!
    Or sauté in oil or butter according to taste, adding pine nuts/seeds etc at last minute.
    Or just steam – briefly!!
    All delicious – some better for the waistline than others…

    Oops – forgot the salt!
    F-M, sorry: I should have said ‘olive oil and salt’ as the dressing before cooking the kale crisps. Doesn’t need masses of either, but does need some of each. Hope you haven’t yet learned that by experience!

    FM, I pick my kale (a wide range of varieties) and slice up to add to a mixed slaw (purple cabbage, corn, capsicum, grated carrot, even apple..thanks Bay 😉) It sits in the fridge and a bit grabbed to ‘plate up’ and top with aioli for an easy meal…which is most!
    Yes, ‘running a banker’ is a very old fashioned Aussie expression. Reflective of our ‘droughts and flooding rains’ weather. 😏 We had torrential rain last night, after a very, hot, humid 36 deg day. I was still wearing bedsocks and singlets days ago!!
    Surely NH residents understand that they are only free BECAUSE they vote (“No taxation without representation “!!!) Compulsory voting is not an onerous imposition, it is a reminder that we are so lucky to have the right to vote. ☺
    Dinner out tonight, little black dress and heels ‘do’, so limited eating during the day. 😶
    Have a good weekend MCs.

    I do my kale the same as FFS but add some dried chilli flakes instead of salt. When we had a glut my OH picked it all, lightly steamed and then froze it so I always had some on hand.

    I think I’ll have to do that with my overabundant crop of kale abd spinach/silverbeet, Carol. It all looked very limp in the heat yesterday, but the overnight rain will have bucked them all up. I’ll then have to freeze it for winter dishes next year.

    P and Carol – do I need to do that with chard and/ or beet tops before it gets cold, or will they be hardy enough to leave growing? First time we’ve grown chard – it would be lovely to be able to go on picking fresh throughout winter but I’d hate the frost to get it all – I’ll freeze if necessary. Advice appreciated, please!

    I’ve had some of these sort of plants that lived for years, even transplanted. I call them cut and come again plants. Unfortunately, I planted too many this year, so I can’t keep up!!


    Chard survives winter in my polytunnel, although I will drape horticultural fleece over it on particularly freezing nights. Kale stands happily outside in all weathers, even under snow. Beet (beetroot) should survive too, I would have thought.

    Thanks, both.

    Oh, ladies, the kale crisps sound great. It’s pumpkin soup for us today, Mimi’s recipe, as we need to focus after a rugby weekend. Good game, as far as I could see from our horrible seats in the top tier. A comfortable win against Scotland, but we play the Aussies next week – different ball game, excuse the pun! I was there the last time we beat them, though. Another win due?

    Just been to a brilliant, informative and entertaining talk on the Wirral west coast. It’s now Liverpool posh, footballer land, but there were coal mines in Neston until 1947.

    FFS can’t help with your kale question sorry as our winters are much milder than yours. If spinach is OK outside in your climate maybe kale will be too?

    My whole leafy green crop has been invaded by little beasies😐 I’ve sprayed pyrethrum on them and, fingers crossed, that they are saved. I don’t mind sharing, but not a total donation!!!

    Have been using the kale in my daily Green Milk and that works well. Also sneaking some into salads. Have frozen some for later. Thanks for all the ideas!

    good Fast Day yesterday: Prosciutto-Melon Plate for breakfast — surprisingly filling! Salad Nicoise for dinner. Had to clear the vegetable drawer as we leave tomorrow for Sunny California to visit #1 Son. He has elaborate plans for the meals he will cook for us: 3 meals a day! With white rice, yet. It is sure to be delicious and, for us, an adventure in the cuisine of SW Asia. But sure to be TONS of food. I hope he won’t be insulted if I am abstemious, taking small portions…

    Raining again. Very heavy rains predicted for this afternoon, adding to the already swollen rivers. Sun for the next 5 days will get things back to normal.
    We just voted. The CheckList Supervisors said there were many new voters registering today. And the Voter Check-out Supervisor said it was a very large turn-out. She said she hoped that would be a good thing [she couldn’t say that she wished they were all Democrats, but that’s what she meant]

    PVE, do you plant marigolds in with your greens/cabbages? That can deter the beasties.

    Have a great week, and keep your fingers crossed for the future of the American Democracy.

    Yes, FM. I’m a great believer in companion planting, but our long drought, then heavy rains and heat wave, have meant the hatching, and hungry invasion, of beasties we’ve never seen before. And the pyrethrum hasn’t knocked them off. 😐
    On a high point, the last eggplant (aubergine) has gone crazy, suddenly producing lots of fruit. And I was about to rip it out to let more light in. It must have known.
    I’ve ordered The Omni Diet book for a dietary reset. I’ll set myself 6 weeks of strict adherence. Not dissimilar to how I eat, but a combo of it and 2 fasts a week might shock the system. 😉😉P

    Hi, everyone! Woke up to good news about the chance to curtail the orange poltroon! Good for the world, as well as America! Of course, Trump is calling it ‘a success’ – the man does George Orwell’s Newspeak.

    We’ve taken our veg pots down now. Sadly courgettes were a disappointment as the squirrels got at them. Aubergines, which we’ve grown for the first time, were not bad. Peppers and tomatoes did well.

    Still hovering around top wriggle room, but an awkward weekend. I did a stupid thing on Sunday- we needed a snack for the journey home and I chose a pasta salad with feta. Sounds healthy, but it was 450 calories! Realise that we’ve got out of the calorie checking habit!

    Hi Pol! Great news indeed from across the Pond.
    Talking of things orange, the autumn colours have finally arrived in Cambridge – red, gold and, of course, orange, can be seen from my office/spare room window.

    Posting in disgust at myself. I’m a pound over top wriggle room! I have become complacent and give in to things. Yesterday, I had a ice cream at the cinema, then we went to Prezzo to eat. OH wanted to share a starter, so I did. I had a ‘light meal’ choice, pasta with pesto and salad. Didn’t finish it, but I know I didn’t need either the ice cream or the starter.

    Trying to fast all day today – until wine group, of course! Will have some cheese and bread. Very little, though. It’s so strange that all summer I was trying to stop myself going under my bottom wriggle room. 😕

    Herm, the trees still look,wonderful here. We’ve had far less wind than usual, so the trees have retained their glory. Many pavements are dodgy with thick layers of leaves,,though.

    PVE, we are still smiling about our win on Saturday! 🏉🏉🏉. Strange game without a single try, though.

    We are in directly opposite moods, Polly!
    Well done Wales. I was at a function and didn’t see the game on Saturday, but heard later. At least it was close.
    Re weight, though…woohoo! I started a new vigilant regime last week, and have dropped right back to my goal weight, after 6 months of creeping up. I’m feeling very proud of myself. P

    Tell us what your regime is, P – I am in need of some help. I had plateaued at four – FOUR – kgs above my long-time minimum. Have now got down to the three above level with a lot of hard work – yesterday’s FD resulting in 100gms, for instance – and am going to continue to be strict. I will show my metabolism who’s in control!

    We have just enjoyed a lovely summer week, but winter is returning next week. Gale, rain and snow in the mountain passes are forecast. I know spring is changeable in the Roaring Forties, but come on! Back to tights and woollies, then.

    I went for my first swim in over a year this morning, and realise it wasn’t a good move. I have had an inflamed knee (no idea why) for a couple of weeks, and swimming didn’t help. Pleased to know I could go straight back to my regular 24 laps without issue, though. 🙂

    It should be a good game in Dublin on Saturday, Polly, after our narrow scrape through against England.

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