The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,642 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Pollypenny 3 months, 1 week ago.

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  • Weight Loss Fitness. There are not many 5:2’ers around there. I sent her a message tonight just to say hi. She hasn’t been around for a while & when I saw your name I thought that was why. She is such a character!

    I was telling my SIL last night [they are visiting] about this wonderful international group of fine people with whom I ‘talk’ and how we compare foods, lifestyles, and what we see out the window. She thought that sounded great. Were you once scolded for talking politics?!?! Well, probably better for our sanity if we don’t talk too much. I and you all would probably have a lot to say about the US president….

    Yes, Australia and NZ do have more egalitarian societies than the US, but that alone would not account for higher housing costs. In Canada, Alberta has some of the more moderate costs of living. PEI, where I am now, has very high taxes and now property is going through the roof.

    Still maintaining, despite entertaining guests. We did a Fast Day on Thursday, which worked fine. Yesterday the dinner was a meal from my Fasting repertoire: Korean Scallion-Seafood Pancakes, which everyone loved and no-one felt deprived. The only deviation from a Fast meal was that I served dessert. No doubt if I had told people it was a Fast meal, they would have been confused.

    Happy weekend.

    Fasting, I’m intrigued by your meals, as well as the depths your president plumbs! Son’s in-laws are great supports of the orange one. Not allowed to talk politics there! πŸ€£πŸ˜€.

    We had an odd Fast Day yesterday. Spinach Frittata for breakfast [new recipe]. Guests went out for lunch. Then, because it was their last day here, we went to the beach for a cookout: hot dogs [cooked over a campfire] in buns with relish, wine/beer, followed by S’mores. And yet I lost 1.3 pounds!

    We turn off the radio or mute the TV when He-who-shall-not-be named starts speaking. Can’t bear to hear him ‘representing’ us.

    Guests have left. Air has cooled and the humidity is lower. Ahhh. The SIL could NOT believe that we were happy with Fasting. She swears [and she could be right] that she would faint dead away if she didn’t eat regularly/skipped a meal and that this can’t really be good for us. Had to avoid them at lunch yesterday as they ate sandwiches, ginger ale, and cookies.

    Hope the weather is good where you are.

    Fasting, your SIL is a good example of how most people eat by the clock rather than need. Lots of people are totally surprised when we say that we never eat breakfast now. My BIL has always simply had one meal a day, mainly because he lives alone and is too idle and too tight-fisted to shop and cook! πŸ˜„.

    The irony is that I used to think my salad sandwich, with cheese and often chutney, was healthy! It was probably about 500 cals!

    It is astonishing the number of calories of meals in magazines! Even ones that purport to feature ‘healthier’ recipes. A simple dinner will have 600+ calories. A salad will have 400. I developed a recipe for fish roasted with vegetables for a Fast Day, at <300 calories and really yummy. A few days later the similar idea was in a ladies’ magazine at 425. Why????

    In my SIL’s defense, she does have some blood-sugar issues: seems to have to have food to avoid plunges. But she was actively feeling sorry for us. Arrgghh.


    Do you think your SIL’s blood sugar issues might be something to do with her diet and the carbs/ sugars she’s consuming?

    Blood sugar “issues” are alleviated by fasting and reducing carbs, not frequent eating. 😐 Simple.

    My OH has just had one if his ‘turns’ where he starts with a rash, then within a day he looks as if he has a severe case of sunburn. He’s tired and sore. Allergy test have shown nothing, but we think ice cream/cream is a trigger and he had one flare up after I put a new sheet, unwashed on the bed.

    My theory is too much fruit, he probably has give a day in fruit, including the occasional prune juice if transition problem. Prescription tablets and cream sort it after a couple of days, but it is worrying.

    I’ve put a stop to a daily bowl of strawberries and natural yoghurt. Now I’m suspecting the latter, too. .

    Fasting, our Tesco supermarket magazines are calorie counted and pretty good on the whole.

    Barata, are you home safely now?

    I’ve been watching ‘Wanted Down Under’ where couples have trial week in Australia or NZ. Some fabulous places! I love seeing the houses. And it appears that in spite of living costs bring higher, salaries are better so a potentially better life.


    Oh Polly! I do hope he is ok! Such a worry.
    We are having beautiful warm days (no rain sadly), with cool evenings. It means we get to enjoy lovely sunny weather outside during the day, then light the fire and eat winter food at night. Perfect.
    We had seafood chowder for lunch and pork and veg stir fry for dinner(both homemade) Both yum πŸ˜‰ P

    Hi Polly,

    Sorry to hear about your OH. The problem with intermittent reactions is that unless it’s the same trigger each time there is often no way to pinpoint the cause. You might be on to something with fruit though, as we know sugar is inflammatory in the body. It might not be the cause, but he might be sensitised to other triggers?

    I live in the middle of nowhere now, but funnily enough don’t suffer at all with hay fever or asthma. If I live somewhere with even relatively low levels of traffic pollution I get set off by all sorts of things (rooms too warm over night, pet hair, grass and tree pollen, perfumes, room scents, etc).

    I’m continuing to run β€˜light’, only 56.8 this morning. Just the 6kg under my original goal weight! I guess it will give me plenty of wriggle room for winter though…

    Fastingme, re costs of living etc in NH vs SH, and different costs depending on where you’re living – I’ve had a prime example of how it differs here in Canada. We have arrived in BC from Alberta. In Alberta they pay 5% GST, but here in BC they pay 15%! They add the tax on at the checkout over here compared to home where it’s already included in the displayed price and I was expecting to pay just a little more than the displayed price and couldn’t work out why I was paying so much more here until someone explained the difference in taxes. I can’t believe how many extra unneeded calories are added to meals here. Trying to find a tub of plain sugar free unflavoured yoghurt is a nigh impossibility!

    My family and friends know I do 5:2 and have now got past saying to me ‘I don’t know how you do it’ (the response is simple really, you just make a commitment for your health). My sister who is now here for the wedding shared with me yesterday that for a few weeks prior to starting their holiday she only ate in the 8 hour window and lost x kgs. She said to me ‘I couldn’t fast like you do but I can do the 8 hour’ and I said to her you’re doing a form of fasting with that so just stick to it. Wether she will or not I don’t know. Slowly slowly we educate the world πŸ˜„

    Welcome home Purple!

    Polly re your husband – I have what I call an intolerance to wheat. I’m not celiac, I think myself it’s more to do with chemicals used in the processing. I can have some wheat products with no reaction but if I have too much get a reaction. At times when I have had too much the reaction I get is similar to what you’ve described for your husband. I start with a rash, area is very red but I also swell up. 5:2 has been so good for my health in that area as I have totally switched to other grains. Maybe wheat is something he could look at.

    Happy, you are fading away! Interesting really because it just shows how much we can safely weigh without getting unwell as most people are so afraid of. Even I panicked a bit if I got below 58 until you mentioned Happy being below 58 still only put you in the 9 stone category. Sounded far less frightening in imperial measure πŸ˜„

    If I lived over here I don’t know how I’d manage because Type of food people can access is definitely decided by the supermarket chains.

    Wedding machine now full on -3 days to W Day! Our eldest son and family arrive today and 3 more Aussies arriving tomorrow. All very exciting!

    Cheers everyone!

    Carol, thanks for that. OH is not eating any wheat, though. I really thinks he’s ODing on sugar through fruit. We had strawberries and natural yoghurt every day for more than a week, plus his two daily plums and extras.

    I was like you when paying when we first visited the States. It’s much easier when tax is included.

    Enjoy the wedding!

    SIL and my ODH had a father who was Type I diabetic, and his mother was diabetic also. So wacky insulin runs in the family. SIL does seem to get insulin spikes/drops, but as you say, it could be her diet. She doesn’t really pay much attention to what she eats, except to avoid what she is allergic to and to have protein at breakfast daily. I worry about everyone who eats too much sugar or too much salt. Poor SIL is also badly into osteoporosis, with no good outcome for that. Since she doesn’t have an actual diagnosis of blood sugar/pancreatic issues, I make no suggestions.

    Pol, your OH’s reaction to the mystery ingredient must be distressing. Could it be a chemical in food that causes the reaction? I’m sure you don’t eat anything with red dye in it, but that is a common irritant. Guess you’ll have to go through the elimination process. Good luck.

    Happy, you must be really happy with your low pre-winter weight. Hooray.

    Everybody: stay away from the supermarket foods. Prepare your own using wholesome ingredients.

    Carolann, must be fun to be in a different country and yet with lots of family around. Countdown Clock set at T-3 days. So exciting!

    Purple, your weather sounds lovely indeed. perfect for Autumn.

    Carolann, Alberta is rich with petroleum products, so they can keep their taxes low. BC is full of taxes due to many pro-environment steps they have taken. Here in PEI, the HST [harmonized sales tax] = 15+%, down from 18% when there were both the Provincial tax and the Federal tax. I’m amazed that here one pays tax on postage stamps!!! Plus, since we are ‘from away,’ we get charged double the property taxes that the locals have to pay. In New Hampshire [the other NH], we have no sales tax, only on restaurant meals and hotel rooms. Always a shock to come to Canada and pay tax. [We don’t have an income tax either in NH, but the Property Taxes are huge]

    Blech. We’re traveling home for a doctor’s appointment and are overnight in a new city. Went to a well-recommended diner for dinner. ODH LOVES a good diner, so he went for it: meatloaf + gravy with mashed potatoes and beans. A real diner meal and one I don’t cook [i don’t like meatloaf]. I chose a Reuben sandwich, but ate only half. [ It was good and the other half will go home with me.] Then ODH suggested we split a dessert — a piece of pie. I was picturing strawberry-rhubarb or cherry, when [sans consultation] he tells the waitress we’ll share a Chocolate Cream Pie. Too late — I don’t care for the stuff at all: chocolate pudding in a pie shell with whipped cream? not to my taste. So I had to eat half of it and it is lying in my stomach like lead. Thank goodness tomorrow will be a Fast Day!

    Don’t you hate that, when you get tricked into eating something you wouldn’t choose? Poor you. (BTW, I hate chocolate, it has always turned me off)
    Just for the record, FM, it is winter in the southern hemisphere, not autumn. Spring in a few more weeks 😊

    Have a wonderful time at the wedding, Carol. I’m sure you’ll look gorgeous! πŸ™‚πŸ€—P

    Fasting today at the hotel buffet. [that rhymes!] I chose scrambled eggs and fruit with my coffee. That should help right the wrongs. ODH chose yogurt.

    Oops! Yup, PVE, I had my opposites wrong — you indeed in Winter. Hope it isn’t too cold for you.

    Wedding Day for Carolann’s family!! Hooray. Hope all goes beautifully. You must be careful not to outshine the bride, my dear — all eyes could be on you in your lovely frock. Have lots of fun.

    Pol, how is the OH? Any better? I vote that it is not the fruit. My ODH has had an itchy skin reaction to one set of sheets, which we have had to retire. Your husband’s reaction to sheets tells me that it is a dye in foods causing the reaction. Cochineal is the source of red in food, and lots of people are sensitive to it. I once had dermatitis from a steaming mug of herbal tea — my face was red and swollen for a week as a result. look for individual ingredients as opposed to an entire mixture [the chocolate as opposed to the ice cream that contains the chocolate] BTW, chocolate contains cochineal sometimes, as well as other insect parts. people who are sensitive to chocolate are usually really sensitive to the insects!

    Fasting, good discipline at the hotel! Thanks for comment re OH. Yes, he’s fine again, after three dies of the med. Our sheets are plain white, from John Lewis, and washed in Fairy for sensitive skin, so unlike to be that. I am monitoring fruit intake now. Two plums or satsumas, plus an apple and one more piece.

    I really do think it was the strawberries in particular as they seemed even more sweet than usual – absolutely gorgeous, yummy. I’m without now.

    Hope Carol has a lovely day.

    Confession: bit naughty with hidden chocolate on Saturday. To make it worse, I was doing surveys at the same time, so I didn’t concentrate on its deliciousness enough.

    First proper fast since our trip yesterday. Lost nearly a kilo! Love it!!! P

    Hi Pollypenny, by chance I saw your post about your OH’s reaction. Just wanted to add to the list of suggestions because I had a run of coming out in worse and worse attacks of hives last month, and of my mouth swelling up as if there were hives inside my lips. Turns out I am allergic to hibiscus which is in ALL the fruity herbal teas I had in the cupboard. The allergic reaction must have been building up over months before the hives started, but then it got bad quickly. So relieved I worked it out.

    Good luck to your OH working out his, but if you drink those fruity teas, check out the hibiscus!

    Allergies are SO complex, aren’t they?

    Hi, everyone, I’m very grateful for the way you share your reaction experiences, Cinque, he never drinks anything other than breakfast tea.

    Well that shouldn’t have hibiscus in it Polly! Hope it gets worked out soon!

    Tnx, Cinque — maybe hibiscus triggered my tea-induced dermatitis.

    Completed yesterday’s Fast at home for dinner. Had some quick Fast food, with help from farm stand fresh veggies and contents of freezer. My weight back to ‘normal’ but ODH gained a pound [due to the diner meal, I’m sure!] Today we will have a Linner instead of dinner, due to doctor appointment in a distant town. That puts us in a 7:17 mode today.

    Hot, hot, hot! Humid too. Ozone alerts for the cities and elevations over 3000′. This is a bad summer. The apple trees look very stressed.

    Back on the road, headed for PEI again. We opted for no dinner tonight, then ODH went out and bought a bag of junk food and proceeded to eat it in front of me!! I had to leave the room!. Went for a walk, which I needed after 7+ hours driving.

    Have a good weekend!

    Mr P cooks toast when I’m not eating. It us the crack cocaine of food smells 🀨🀨
    Enjoy PEI. P

    Hi everyone, heading home from canada in 2 days and food wise I’m so happy to be going!
    All the food we’ve eaten here is processed in some way or another. Seems a very different way to eating than what we do at home. Even drinks such as a cappuccino I’m sure have sugar in them, it can’t be real coffee!

    As a lot of our food has been provided for us there’s been a lot of wheat products which I’m not used to.

    To say the body has reacted is an understatement. I feel like a big fat slug. Although I’ve maintained my weekly fast and tried to cut back On other days I’d say I’ve probably put on a kg above highest trigger. One of the main things I’ve noticed is my eating has now become mindless instead of mindful as it is at home. Feels so weird and I can’t eait to get back to normal!

    Tricky when you aren’t in control, Carol, isn’t it?
    I hope the wedding went well. I’m sure you looked beautiful. 😊
    Very, very windy here today, stirring up bushfires,
    ..SA had it yesterday. I hope it settles before you fly in. P

    I’m sure you’ll be glad to get home, Carol. It’s awkward when you can’t be in control of food, isn’t it. Did you have a lovely day at the wedding?

    Looks like our glorious summer has ended, back to three seasons in one day, but dull and rainy today. I had a lovely day in Liverpool yesterday. On the train, then a walk up to the spectacular Catholic cathedral, tour of it – something I’ve been wanting to do for years. Then we crossed the toad for our prebooked tour of the Everyman theatre, followed by afternoon tea with prosecco. Of course, carbs were taken, but nothing like the amount I’d have eaten before 5:2. And it was the first time I ate that day.

    My lovely neighbour is moving today. Should have been both of them, but her husband – friend, colleague and neighbour died at the end of May. So now their new home is just for her. Feel so sad about it.

    Oh Polly, that is so sad about your neighbour. Hopefully it will turn out to be positive for her though, a new phase in her life rather than the same phase but with something missing.

    Carol, I sympathize with your holiday eating! I’ve never found the states or Canada to be the easiest places for healthy eating/ weight control.

    I’m fasting today, the first time in at least three months! Having hit a low of 56.x I have now managed to eat myself up into the 58s, so feel fat enough (πŸ˜€) to fast. I think I’m going to be blummin’ hungry though…

    Get back on that horse Happy πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

    Hi again.
    Second and last set of guests departed yesterday and we were a bit tired. Maybe foggy from poor eating. Our friends insisted on whipping up a batch of Pimms for us, which we drank. Not really a favorite and when I saw how much soda pop was in it I almost croaked. This on a Fast Day! Wife chided her husband that it wasn’t appropriate for a Fast Day but he pointed out all the vegetables and fruit he adds…. Sigh.

    Then neighbor ladies came over to invite me to walk with them, ‘down to the Park.’ OK, sounds good. 7 miles later we got back home again. It was wonderful to go for a full-clip walk, though, and to rack up the miles.

    Happy, you know you can do it and you know how happy you will be when you do.

    Carolann, it is true that there is a lot of starch in the Canadian diet. Blame it on the wheat fields of Saskatchewan, perhaps? Locals here eat tons of starch, but of course this is the land of the PEI Potato! Once you get back home and eat normally, you will feel so much better!
    One of our local friends has invited us to her annual buffet [read: ‘eat-a-thon’] this Saturday. She is a great cook and it will be hard not to sample. And then comes the massive strawberry shortcake, with cream and ice cream for dessert!

    PVE, hope your area avoids the peril of brush fires. That must be scary.

    Pol, I hope the new residents of the neighbor’s house will be very congenial. Is your widowed friend moving to a place near you so you can continue your friendship?
    “Summer has ended” ??? in mid-August? When does the snow start? Your day in Liverpool sounds delightful. Is ‘crossing the toad’ a Liverpudlian tradition? [sorry. couldn’t resist. :)]

    Cinque, what’s new?

    Well I’ve made it through my first fast since early May! I was very hungry at 11am, but a green tea took the edge off, and it helped that I was in the office and not working at home.

    Fasting_me, your 7 mile walk will have mitigated the Pimms I’m sure…!? Sounds like you’ll need all your willpower on Saturday too!

    Summer isn’t actually over yet, but the prolonged spell of hot dry weather we’d been experiencing has broken, at least away from London and the south east. It’s finally raining properly with us, such a relief as it looks to be enough to start refilling our private water supply, and should get the grass growing again for grazing animals. If we do get snow, we wouldn’t expect it until at least December, and it isn’t ever really like the Canadian/ USA snows you’ll be thinking of!

    The wedding was fabulous thankyou everyone. I do wish we could add photos on here! I thought I looked nice but haven’t seen the proper photos yet. Only down spot was it was so hot I had to take my jacket off and show my ‘old lady’ arms πŸ˜‚. I was all prim and proper for the ceremony though. The location was absolutely stunning! Canada sure can provide the beautiful views. We had 15 Aussies present altogether including both our sons and families and we all had a week together pre wedding which was lovely. Funny how we mothers like all our chicks in one place isn’t it 😊

    We’ve had crazy weather here due to smoke haze from bushfires in BC. Hard to believe how far it’s travelled and how thick it is! Keeps the sun covered so you’re not sure if it’s cool or warm and we experience both states during the day.

    Haven’t heard about strong winds purple but hope they’re gone by the time I leave tomorrow night. My eldest son flew from Brisbane to Vancouver and he said the seat belt sign was on for all of the trip bar an hour due to turbulence. I’m not a great flyer and hate turbulence.

    Well done Happy, you’ll be back in the saddle now!

    Fastingme, I think the 7 mile hike offset the Pimms!

    Polly, sounds like a lovely day you had in Liverpool 😊 I love the sound of the afternoon tea!

    Yes Carol, the wind has dropped, hopefully they will get the fires (here and BC) under control. Yesterday was the earliest they have ever issued a total fire ban. 😐 And it’s winter!
    Good work Happy! I’m fasting today…keeping busy πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰P

    Oops! Blinking fat fingers!

    We’re in a run of visitors, just washing bedding after daughter and before brother-in-law and girl friend arrive on Saturday ( not keen on her, false, always has a broad smile, which is very unWelsh! ). Then a good friend the following week.

    I’ve just been to view the new place of my widowed friend, it’s only round the corner. Will just miss seeing them randomly, you know.

    Oh, Carol, I sympathise with the old ladies’ arms bit. So glad you all had a good time as a whole family.

    Good to hear from you, happy. I think Cumbria and Wales will soon be back to normal with precipitation! Still it was good while it lasted. And I could almost see the little blades of grass stretch up and grow this week.

    Fast Day here — sort of. Watercress Baked Egg this a.m. But then the local ladies went out to lunch today. We are all neighbors but don’t know eachother. So one of the women schedules a lunch day when we can all get together at a restaurant. Always a nice occasion and this year I brought a friend from NH who has the cottage next door and needs to meet people. There went the Fasting. Had just a veggie wrap and a glass of White, but am still trying to lose the weight from the big buffet party last Saturday. {ODH and I each gained a pound — very abstemious.} Perhaps the early Linner will make up for the eating…? But enough about me.

    Carolann, glad you are out of BC. The entire province is now on emergency status — air contamination, fires. Happy though that you had a good time, especially since you had the whole family there.

    Pol, summer is a whirl of visitors, isn’t it? We will have no more this summer, so we’ve been planning dinners out and going to shows.

    PVE, I’ll keep fingers crossed that fires will not come your way but that some rain to put down the danger. Do you usually have a ‘rainy’ season and a ‘dry’ season?

    Happy, good job! Keep on Fasting.

    Hi FM
    The fires are in country areas. I live in the leafy subrbs. We get effected by the smoke, not the fires.
    As to rainy seasons? No such thing here. We are the driest continent in the world. We used to be able to expect some rain in early winter and thunder storms in November (early summer) but with the impacts of climate change, we are having long periods of drought interspersed with flooding rains. So far this year, though, its only been drought.
    Unfortunately by the time we get rain (and we don’t get gentle rain), the topsoil loss and erosion will be extensive as there is nothing much growing to protect the soil. There is a famous humorous poem “Said Hanrahan” by John O’Brien that discusses the weather patterns in Australia. Google it 😊😊


    Thanks for the poem!

    I took a woman on the supermarket checkout to task at the weekend. As I stood in the queue I heard her moaning to several people about the appalling weather we’ve been having. When I got to the front and she said ‘the rain is endless, isn’t it, will it ever stop?’ I had to point out that until that week we hadn’t had any rain to speak of for over 3 months, and we’d actually had several weeks of above average temperatures and wall-to-wall sunshine, and the few days rain we’ve now had is much needed and hardly interminable. She had the grace to agree that ‘we’ve’ been spoilt by the good weather. But she will no doubt have gone straight back to complaining about the rain to the next person… Because of course it always rains in Cumbria πŸ˜€

    I’m thinking about fasting today. My few weeks of finding it hard not to lose more weight appear to be well and truly over! Normal service resumed…

    Good morning, all. I’ll look up the poem shortly, PVE. It’s poetry group tomorrow and I’m doing Billy Collins, a former American laureate. One of his most famous is Forgetfulness, which certainly resonates.

    Very glad to hear you’re not at risk of fire, PVE. The pictures we see are terrifying. LAchubster hadnt posted on over60 for a long time, so I wonder about her, bless her.

    Happy, I had to smile about your queue story. There were so many people moaning about the heat, it doesn’t take long for the moaning about rain to start again! It’ll be the wind in a few weeks.

    Right, off to google Said Hanaran.
    Pol. πŸ™‹πŸΌ

    Fastingme, my son lives a 12 hour drive from where the fires are in BC and the smoke had made it all the way to his town. There were alerts on the news warning people with respiratory issues to stay indoors.
    The sky was a really pink colour, the sun appearing as just a small red ball and the sky and visibility was definitely diminished. There was no wind so I guess that’s why the smoke was able to hang around. I stayed on another 5 days after we got back from the wedding and it was like that all the time and advice was it wouldn’t be changing anytime soon. Quite eerie!

    The wedding was beautiful BTW although the stunning views affected by the smokey haze.

    Pleased to say at my first weigh in for my FD on Monday I was 400g below first trigger point! I couldn’t believe it after all the rubbish’ I had eaten! feels so good to be home and eating clean again ie no white flour or sugar.

    Purple, I’m having trouble with my kefir. I’m trying to re-start after being away and using grains that have been frozen. So far there’s a bit of fermentation but lots of separation in the mix. Do you know if it’s possible the kefir has been frozen too long?

    Persevere Carol. When I came back, I took up leaving it 36 hours
    .. Pit IS winter! 3 weeks later, ot is terrific!

    Wow, well done, Carol! You were probably running around everywhere during the wedding preparations and catching up with people. I was happily shocked to find that I had lost weight when the grandson were here in site of an ice cream every day! Made me realise how sedentary our lives have become in retirement. Yes, we do lots of things, but they mostly take place sitting on my backside – book group, poetry and going to the cinema to see Shelley tomorrow as an example

    Did the North Wales fires eve make international news? The biggest one, above Llangollen burned for four weeks. I smelled woodsmoke one evening from here , 20 mies away, not raising what it was until the news the following day. My friend in Bethesda was knocked up by the police and told to pack a bag and be ready to move. Luckily it didn’t come to that. Things weren’t helped by stupid people driving up to see the fires!

    Some good news on the OH front – he has discovered the step counter on his iPhone and is now consciously trying to boost it. It was very hot during our walk yesterday, but he resisted the temptation to have a beer afterwards.


    Just read Said Hanharan! Loved it! Thank you. πŸ‘πŸ‘

    All quiet here. Hope everyone is well and maintaining. We’ve had visitors so I’ve actually eaten some bread rolls. Back safely in wriggle room though.

    Just looked at my tracker. My BMI is 22.5. Waist to height ratio 0.46. It seems as if my BMI is only just safe. I woukd look grotesque if my BMI was 20 let alone 18!

    Pol, I would have said that BMI 22.5 is slap bang in the middle of normal. Well done you. πŸ™‚
    I’d kill for BMI 22.5, indeed I’d commit grievous bodily harm for anything under 25. Now in my 6th year on 5:2 I can’t get below 26, even on a very, very good day. I’m the original plateau queen. At one point, it took me a whole year to lose 1.5 kilos.
    Still, mustn’t grumble. I started off at BMI 35.

    Hiya Herm and Pol
    My BMI is currently 22.5. Like Barata, I’m on the heavier side at present. I’ll get serious when the weather warms up. I can currently cover the extra curves with bulky jumpers πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ It’s a lot harder on a swimsuit.
    Herm, we are all serial yoyoers, the important thing is not to have the upper level too far up!
    It’s good to hear you are still on the wagon with us. Seriously, this wol is a lifetime commitment, isn’t it? It would be really easy to just let go, but we all know where that leads. πŸ˜πŸ˜‘πŸ™„ P

    Hi, herm, I’ve been wondering about you as we haven’t heard from you for a long time. Hope Cambridge is all you hoped for none of my U3A friends has just moved there, too, to be near family. You’ve done well with your BMI, then.

    The thing is, I don’t have any curves to worry about or conceal with jumpers. I seem to have lost even more weight from bottom and backs of legs, so passed on a lovely pair of trousers to daughter. My stomach is flabby, two kids, overweight for ten years and a hysterectomy to blame for that, probably.

    Beautiful day here. Two beds changed, included mattress covers. Now I have to put the blighters back – the visitors’ bed can stay unmade! Need to sit down with OH and look,at our finances in a mo. Picking up new car tomorrow- automatic, because of his dodgy foot. I’m really nervous about driving it.

    Pol. πŸ™‹πŸΌ

    Yes, Pol. Cambridge, house and city, are living up to expectations and certainly showed their distinct advantages over London during the heat wave, although it got pretty hot in the city centre. It’s lovely to have a garden with nice shady spots, the house managed to stay fairly cool on the hottest days. Certainly, we’ve seen a lot more of family, especially now we don’t have to organise visits like the D-Day landings.

    The only downside was when the trains started playing silly so-and-soes a couple of months back, following the introduction of new timetables. The Cambridge-London journeys which normally took little more than an hour were lasting up to 3 1/2, sometimes with several unexpected changes.

    I did explore the local U3A. Lots of interesting things going on but most of them during the day. As I’m still working freelance I can’t always guarantee to show up regularly on any specific day, especially if I get an urgent job. What I might consider would be one or more of the short weekend courses at Cambridge Uni’s Institute of Further Education.

    Purple, it’s less about yo-yo-ing, it’s more about being stuck on yet another plateau. Thankfully, I’m not regaining, plus I’m looking more than presentable in smaller, closer-fitting gear, such a change from the billowing fat ladies refuges I used to be stuck with.

    Hello to All. Many comments to make.

    Last week, the sun was going down as a red ball in a grey sky — pretty to see, but odd. It was due to smoke from the BC fires all the way across Canada from us!! The next day was a little more clear, but still smoke-hazy. Carolann, glad your son and new wife did not have to evacuate.

    Pol, so glad your OH has discovered the incentive of a step-counter. My ODH has been trying to raise his step count, too. He used to do 2-3 miles regularly, but not any more. At least he still wants to do his exercises and walk some. Are those fires in Wales under control yet?

    Happy, isn’t it annoying to hear people wingeing about the weather with no thought to what is needed to balance the water table or the average temperature. I too take my friends to task when they do that. Keep it up!

    PVE, ‘Said Hanrahan’ was wonderful! I really enjoyed it. He’s quite an Eyeore, isn’t he? I’m happy to know that you are shielded and shaded from fire danger in the leafy suburbs.

    We are Fasting today, although it is Friday. Yesterday we returned from a trip to the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia, a beautiful, fertile farming area long known for its fruit and now increasingly for wines. We visited 4 wineries for tastings and returned with many bottles of wine, liqueur, and cidre. Although I tried my usual tricks at restaurants, I returned with an extra kg which must go. I’m only 1/2 pound over my target, but I do love being less than that. Most of the food was good — except the hotel breakfast: bread-stuffs [but no croissants or anything interesting] and very boring, under-ripe fruit, and sugary yogurt. Next time, I’ll bring some protein for breakfast and decent yogurt!
    Apples are ripening in our hedgerows and wild blueberries are still in the field. Will can some apple/berry juice, leaving some pulp in for fiber, for future breakfasts. Labor Day on Monday = ‘end of summer’ in US and Canada. But weather is still lovely, so maybe there will be more beach days.

    Hope Spring is beginning to spring up for you SH Girls.

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