The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,642 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Pollypenny 2 months, 1 week ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 701 through 750 (of 11,688 total)

  • What sin are you going to commit, B? I hope it’s gluttony for science!
    I was super tired because, 1) I didn’t sleep well last night and 2) I spent so long reading and replying to posts I didn’t have time for my usual vitamins. Oh and 3) I ran to the station and ran in the city to get there on time 🙁 Excellent exercise, mind you.
    Funny how I’m not hungry today 😉 P

    Hey gang, Bayleaf just posted our sevenhundredandoneth post (you can tell I used to teach little kids.) You could also call it seventy ten!!! Well done MCs!

    Well, the chocolate for starters! And not feel guilty for claiming under 60 kg, maybe just a wee bit too soon! And I will have a chicken laksa and a lager. 🙂 it’s impossible for me to indulge any more than that, or I won’t sleep.

    Last night we dismantled the contents of the kitchen, so I needed to unwind. I watched the Tour de France in the Pyrenees. Just happened to see Michael Rogers win his first stage. 🙂 Such an indulgence. Went to bed at 1.20 am and slept like a babe. Happy fasting Thursday, all. B

    B, none of those are sins. Enjoy the Thai and lager guilt free.

    Jee this is confusing. I’m reading received posts on the phone, replying on the computer and they all get jumbled up.

    Happy, I am also about 5’4″ and 59kg. I used to be 5’5 1/2″ but somehow I lost 1 1/2″, maybe when we converted to metric? 😉 P

    Fell asleep for a couple of hours and now I am late! Same thing with hubby you see.
    We have an appointment to view our new house with the present owner and then we’re off for lunch. I need food !
    Weight down to 56.4k! Sleep deprivation was useful 🙂
    Can’t believe you’re counting the posts PVE!
    Glad the tiles are up at last bayleafoz.
    Catch you later as got to fly now! Auri x

    Hi Auriga, are you in Canada or Eastern USA? Just curious. How did you hear about 5:2? I think most of us saw the documentary on public TV and then got the book. As soon as I read about only having to get through one day, I knew that IF would suit my all or nothing type of personality. 🙂 B

    Bayleafoz I am English! I live in Norfolk, England. I watched Dr M on the BBC when his programme went out in August 2012. I didn’t try it though for a year. Wish I’d done it sooner really but I was rather busy at the time.
    Auri x

    Hi all
    Gosh you are all so happy on this thread
    Good on you I say
    Auri my sleepers are a long term thing it’s no secret I suffer with PTSD from time on active service
    I don’t hide it cos it’s just a part of life (mentally extremely painful however)
    I am looking forward to getting to know you all better over the next few weeks
    Purple and Happy thanks for the welcome xx (that’s one each no squabbling) ha ha
    are any if you on facebook ?

    You must have had some quite harrowing experiences Ken to have PTSD. Things can’t be easy for you.
    You seem a very upbeat sort of person now so….. ‘Good on you’ too 🙂
    I am not a fan of Facebook Ken, sorry.

    Ha ha, Ken. I am on Facebook, but have no friends…! I spend too much time on computers and not enough time engaging with the real world as it is. Maybe when I retire…. if Facebook still exists in another 21 years….

    Re: being a happy bunch. I can’t speak for the others, but I know fasting has been positive mentally for me. And waking up every day, feeling slim and strong and fit for life definitely puts a smile on my face.

    Not sure I’ll be smiling after the post hols weigh in though…Too many puddings, too many carbs, too many breakfasts. Plenty of walking though, with some canoeing and running also. So hoping the exercise will have helped with damage limitation!

    Happy fasting to you all. I’ll be back in the fasting fold at the weekend.

    Hi Ken, Auri, Happy and Bay
    Just waking up to the sound of the weekly garbsge trucks emptying all the bins in the street 🙁
    Thanks for sharing your painful history, Ken. Our experiences are what have made us, happy and painful. I don’t do Facebook either. I spend too much time already on here!
    Had an excellent sleep last night after a normal day. That’s 1 fast and 1 normal good nights. 1 indulging bad night so far.
    Fasting now…..I am going to risk not taking my little ‘just in case’ stash with me today. Let’s see how good my resolve is to resist the food around me!
    We saw Eat Fast and Live longer in April 13 on public tv, bought the books, began the next day and have never looked back. I’ve lost 27kg, wear size 8 instead of 16 jeans, run everywhere and no longer have arthritis pain. Hubby has lost 31kg, gone down from xxl shirts to m, no longer uses insulin for diabetes and eyesight has measurably improved. Neither of us snore any more too;)
    Sleep well westerners. Happy fasting Thursday. Purple

    So the pluses are:-
    No snoring
    Loss of fat
    Lower blood pressure
    Better blood profiles
    Better body image
    Heightened well being
    A sense of well being
    I guess that’s a plus then !
    Happy days all!

    Ken have you tried EMDR?
    Eye movement desensitisation and processing therapy?
    I can’t say more but it works. Auri x

    Hi Auriga

    Totally support you and Purple with the list of benefits of intermittent fasting. Am on the fast wagon today, after two indulgent days. I wonder where I got the notion you were in the North American time zone. 🙂 B

    Hi bayleafoz!
    Who knows where you got the notion from……interesting!
    But I am English. Dark blonde hair and green eyes. Not your standard English maybe!

    Hello, Good-Day and as it’s just 3 mins after 12 midnight I may be here in UK on my own, So hi over the pond.
    My sleeping pattern has always been a bit iffy depending what I have on my mind and on a Monday night I do not seem to sleep well with frequent trips to the loo I can be awake most of the night. After telling my sister this her idea was it was because of my getting weighed Tuesday mornings at WW so she said wait for it, tell myself it is Tuesday night not Monday night mmm. Anyway since I started Nordic walking on Monday mornings I seem to be sleeping better, I will have to do NW everyday. LOL
    Hi Ken I don’t do Facebook either, with my bowling, walking and coming on this forum I don’t know where I found time to work and play, this is much more civilised. I think I told you some time ago your shape of ball is all wrong it should be oval and then I would know what you are talking about. Other half loves all sports he is an ex-marathon runner and still runs 5 times a week and goes to the swimming pool Monday to Friday and he is 70 next birthday. Nice to have a male influence on here.

    Auriga I am blonde/grey/highlighted and green eyes we could be twins separated at birth one to Wales. LOL
    Purple I do sympathise I have had migraines since 1979 Boxing Day, I started taking steroids about 4 years ago for poloymyalgia and now I may get one about every 8 to 10 weeks when they use to be ever very 10 days before. Hope you are better today.
    Happynow you are mere child. My son is older than you by the looks of things now I am feeling old.
    Purple I like your commitment to science. Keep up the good work, hope hubby looked after your baby on you way home from you lovely meal out.

    I sympathise with the up evil of house alterations my work started last October with a new extension and with things going wrong it was only completed two weeks ago. Thank God that is over, I think I aged 10 years now that makes me rear 80 than 70 I am getting old.
    Well I am going to call it a night or morning, so happy fasting or feasting. I am sure I had more to say mmmm. Have a good day everyone. JIP

    Turn that computer/ phone off and go to sleep JIP! Your little brain is working overtime.
    Sleep well little Welsh bunny 🙂 P

    Hi Jip

    Don’t you love the way that autocorrect messes with your type. I laughed over your “up evil” comment on renovations. 🙂 Don’t worry got the drift. Things can only get better here. Hehe. B

    Re the discussion on benefits of IF, my doctor has reduced my BP medication by one third since I began fasting six months ago. I suspect it’s the 17 kg lost that has made the difference. She was supportive but skeptical at the beginning, but is now seeing if I will stick with it. Little does she know that one of my earliest school report cards said that “this girl has tenacity”. I remember it because I had to ask my Mum what tenacity was. And I thought how accurate her assessment was given that tenacity is aka stubbornness and hanging in there! B

    Ah. You’re a tenacious little B, are you? 😉
    The run did me good. I’m working on lowering bp drugs too. Have started. More later.
    Hope the fast is going well…I’m rolling onto another 24 one. P

    Me too, 5ft 4ins, 58kgs and not on face book, well wasn’t on anything yesterday wifi was down all day:-(
    Well done Auriga for achieving 56kgs, it’s where I’m aiming to be but happy just maintaining at present – boy the cicadas are loud here this morning it’s gonna be a hot day today, off to the beach for a swim today:-)

    I’ve commented on it before, but it never ceases to amaze me how quick people are to comment, negatively, but probably enviously, on our weight lost – seeing as most of us seem to be around the 5ft 4in mark and weight about 59kgs, we certainly arn’t skinny an yet all seem to have experienced the “you don’t need to lose anymore” or “you’ve lost too much/enough”. I do like the “when RU going to start” remark, when my very overweight neighbour told me I’d “lost too much” I was embarrassed and mumbled a sheepish reply along the lines of having lost only “a few lbs”, her reply to that was “I didn’t have a few pounds to lose in the first place”, I am going to be much more robust next time “I feel great, look sensational, BP down, BMI down, energy up – and you”?

    Hi PVE, we all have too much in common here – like you my goal was under 60kgs, which I never ever thought I would be able to achieve but I did! Then I saw that 60kgs is only a couple of pounds away from being under130lbs so I aimed for 129lbs and achieved that, so now I’d like to be under 9 stone (our funny British imperial measurements) which is about 56.5 kgs I will, like Auriga has now achieved, aim for that but not at present, as I am happily maintaining, and becoming used to the new me, on a 16/8 regime. It might sound like I’m playing a numbers game but, and again like Auriga, I want some “wiggle room” and I think it’s not until we reach our goal weights that we know whether to stay there, go up a bit or go down a bit. I do know that statistically people who reach a “goal weight” have a higher success rate, than people who stop their diets before they achieve a goal weight – not sure where I read that but it impressed me enough to really aim for that “under 60kgs”, and sooooo very happy I did:-)

    Hi Elaine. Yes, man up! Be proud.

    I’m sorry if people are genuinely struggling with losing weight/maintaining a healthy weight (although I suspect very few have a physical reason). But I’ve taken control and I am slim and fit and healthy, and I’ve got nothing to be ashamed of! And I will stand in front of anyone (in fact I might prance!) and grin inanely and enjoy my success. When people say I’ve lost too much, I reply no I’m a healthy BMI, you’ve just never seen me at this weight. If they say I shouldn’t lose anymore, then I agree with them (I’m maintaining after all). And if I’m making them feel bad by being insanely pleased with myself on a daily basis, well tough! They know what they can do about it – start fasting.

    Hi JIP. Re: being a mere child. I certainly feel younger than I used to! I blame the fasting for that….

    Good morning buddies! What a lot of posts to read this morning, I love it!

    Cor blimey HappyNow, so glad we are on the same side – all that trudging and trekking has upped your testosterone levels! I did have another fat neighbour enquiring how’d I’d lost so much weight, she said she was going to run it by her doctor to see if he approved. She told me next time we met that her doctor told her he didn’t approve the 5:2 because of her high cholesterol or some such spurious negative reason – she then asked me if I was still on it and I told her only for maintainence because I don’t need to lose anymore weight – she seemed flummoxed by that remarked because I think the normal conversation between us women usually starts along the lines of “oh dear, I really wish I could lose some weight”, people don’t know how to respond when we tell them we don’t need to lose weight because we found a cure – thank you Dr M!

    Go girls! We must have been quads, separated at birth, years apart!

    I agree Elaine. I would also like to be below 9 stone some day. But am SO happy with where I am, I don’t push for more loss. If it happens it happens.
    You are quite correct Happy. Be loud and proud about our success. Bugger the nay sayers!

    I am one hour off my second 24 hour fast this week. No worries. I think this suits me. No food is SO much easier than a little, and I can eat what I like tonight as I know I would never eat more than 400 cal on a fast night (call it habit or shrunken stomach or simply a sensible girl).

    It still staggers me how people try to convince you to eat (“Oh, go on” .. a bit like Mrs Doyle in Father Ted!) when they know you are fasting. I choose who I spend my time with on fast days to avoid the pressure.

    Check out the recipes on the LOACA Recipe thread, add some as well. The more the merrier.

    Cheers all, Purple

    Hi Purple, Got me in one as my OH would say. A tenacious little B. Have just wiped down many very dusty surfaces. Having a moments respite watching Le Tour. Then ON and DW as Boo would say. Had my usual poached egg and coffee for breakfast, sloshed water all day, and now for the largest bowl of vegetable and chicken soup at 6.30. Doing a Christmas in July tomorrow night. 🙂 Happy fasting in Western Hemisphere ! Plagiarism is the greatest form of flattery, Purple 🙂

    Fascinating how we all came to be 5 ft 4 in. And aiming for under 60 kg. Today’s women all seem to be at least 2 inches taller. My goal is to sit under 60 kg, that is to vary between 58 to 59.5 kg depending on what I’m doing. Definitely quads:) Hehe! B

    Hi Auriga, I’m currently reading “The Big Fat. Surprise” recommended by FranFit (whereRu)? I think I remember u also read it? Some of the “causal relationships” within “scientific studies” that led ultimately to the low fat/high carb diet made me think that we could jump to some conclusions of our own here ie: women who arn’t on Facebook are successful dieters, or 5ft 4in women are successful dieters and so on and so forth! The book is an eye opener because it shows what spurious scientific data lies behind a lot of official nutritional advice and also how much influence the multinational food conglomerates have in providing funds for studies that they know will further their profits and I’m not adverse to making a profit but I am adverse to being told what’s good for me to eat based on shoddy science/evidence – the low fat even excluded olive oil, until the “experts” gave us the “Mediterranean diet”! OK I’m awaiting the fish and chip diet now…

    Also watching the tour, B. Great distraction. Gosh, the scenery is stunning…must book that French flight. P

    Hi Elaine, how could a doctor oppose it because she has too much cholesterol? Sounds crazy! I wonder what else we don’t know. Are we talking a Greek doc or an expat?

    Happy, How amazingly brazen of you. 🙂 out, loud and proud! Go, girl, go 🙂 B

    A Greek woman (there arn’t any expats here, apart from us)! I’m not sure of the doctors nationality but I have to say the Greek doctors are suburb. I suspect she didn’t even ask a doctor, just told me she did, not that I try to sell this diet to anybody but if somebody asks and seems genuinely interested then I will tell them about it, but you know most fat people procrastinate about starting any sort of weight loss regime – it’s too hot, too cold, wrong time of the month, once they’ve given up smoking, drinking etc etc as Yul Brynner would say ;-/

    G’day Ken
    Glad you’re keeping up your side with a fast today. Here in Aust, Bayleaf and I are finished our Thursday fasts. Bed on a couple of hours, to sleep, perchance to dream.
    I completed my 24 hour fast with the two of us chopping up any veg at hand (onion, garlic, carrot, celery, shallots, leek, basil leaves, Italian dried hetbs) and tossing in a hot wok. Added a small amount of passata, 100 gms smoked trout from down Bay’s way and tossed in rinsed Shiritaki noodles. Filling and delicious. Mmmmm… Watching a cookery show (Ausie/ Vietnamese chef in France. Great ideas! More after I fiddle with them.
    All the best with your fasts.
    Cheers gang P 😉

    My goodness Ken you are very trusting to put your mobile number out there on the internet! It’s not something I would do.
    I am sorry Ken but I won’t be texting you as I prefer to keep anonymous. I hope you won’t mind that I am just quite a private person.

    Hello everyone from sunny wonderful South Wales. I did sleep well Purple but tossed for bit thinking about you all and the 60 Club. Can I still in the club because I will never get there, I don’t think I want to because I am older even if I don’t feel it. I am concentrating on keeping under the 140 lbs because that keeps me in size 12 and in small size it still gives me wiggle room which for me is wonderful after a life time of dieting and never staying there for very long when I did reach my goal. This time I feel so different and I know I look good I like what I see in the mirror now for the last 3 years and when I am asked how much I have lost I am proud to say over 4 stone!!! I do get asked by fellow bowlers how much I weigh, I think this is very rude question don’t you. When I do tell them just under 10 sone I am not sure they believe me and say you look a lot smaller than that. I smile and thank them very much, it’s got to be my shape as changed. I also get, are you going to eat that I thought you where on a diet, you cannot win. Bowling this afternoon for the fourth time this week I/we have won all three games, so keep your fingers crossed for me everyone. Happy fasting or feasting as the case may be. You are all so positive I love you all and Ken. LOL JIP

    Yes Auri maybe I should of asked u first but that’s my problem I am too trusting . Never mind I respect your privacy no probs

    Hi JIP
    Glad you slept well. Of course you are still with us…we are the Maintenance Chatterboxers, aren’t we? We are all individual. Our goals are individual. We were just surprised how Auriga, Happy, Elaine, Bay and I are all 5’4″ and all but Auri are 58-59kg. Auri is even smaller. Just an odd coincidence!
    Enjoy your bowls and report back on how you went. We all KNOW you are a spunky little lady in your pink chinos. What more would you want? 😉 P

    Hi All you Chatterboxes

    Just read on the ‘recent posts’ about lancsken leaving his mobile on the thread; perhaps you could ask JJ to remove that post for you Ken? Just ‘report’ your own thread and leave a message for JJ in the box provided.
    You are obviously a very trusting person Ken and that is lovely but you should be a bit careful about your personal stuff.

    By the way; I left a lovely congratulatory message for you on the ‘My progress….’ thread – did you see it?


    Oh no! I’m not one of the 5ft4ers! We have been through this before, a lot of posts ago, and I don’t want to deceive… I’m a 5ft6 giantess! But I’ve kindly been allowed to stay, despite my unnatural height….

    And sorry if I scared you Elaine. It’s probably growing up with older brothers that’s knocked the soft edges off me. But women do need to stop apologizing for being successful. I guess it’s often because we can empathize with people, and worry about upsetting them, that we don’t crow more when we do something great (like taking control of our health). But we need to lead by example and spread the gospel according to Saint Michael of Mosley….

    I have not been able to write much today as I am only on my phone but just want to say how great it’s been reading all the posts!
    I am busy packing boxes for my move in three weeks time…’s creeping up on me.
    Do you know why we’ve been successful!? Because we are a determined bunch that’s why! Here’s to us regardless of size! 🙂

    Hi Auriga, Enjoy your packing! It’s a slog. 🙂 Use that determination! B

    thank you Boo Boo
    i have done just that x

    Good luck with the packing Auriga. Must be lovely in this heat! Apologies if you’ve already told us this, but are you moving far?

    HappyNow, believe me you didn’t scare me, but so glad we are fighting the same corner, luv u and what u bring to this forum – we definately need more strong women in this world…

    I am moving twenty mikes south to the heady heights of Norwich and city life, thanks for asking HappyNow. I am looking forward to going out to the theatre etc
    Did you win your bowls JIP?

    Sorry Happy
    So hard to remember the vital stats of all my mates. I used to be 5’5 1/2″ so I have almost reached your heady heights. But as an old woman (63), apparently I’ve shrunk down as well as in. My daughter, who used to be the same height, now looks down on me. My mum and aunt, who were the same size too, shrank to be very tiny in their old age. I am only going to get smaller ;(
    I understand having brothers and learning to stick up for yourself. Me too.

    Enjoy your packing and move, Auriga. I have done it lots of times, but not any more. I’m here for good. Although, moving forces you to get rid of the rubbish!

    Slept well after my 24 hour fast and am a new PB (58.3) today! Aussie girls are doing well…a World Record and gold for our girls in the pool too!
    Happy fasting all P 🙂

    Can’t see an earlier post from you, Boo 🙁

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