The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 4 weeks ago.

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  • Re: fasting frequency and eating whatever.

    I do miss the discipline of 5:2, but am only just managing to do one fast (and that not at 500 cals) per week without further loss.

    I’m not counting calories on nf days, or depriving myself in any way though, I just don’t crave very calorific (or ’empty’ calorie) foods on a regular basis. And I can’t overeat. But I really enjoy my food, cook from scratch every night, and use high quality ingredients (many home produced). There’s a lot of Mediterranean/ middle eastern and Asian influences in my cooking (but OH is the Sunday roast specialist).

    What 5:2 has helped me realise is that enjoying my food doesn’t have to mean eating until I’m full to bursting or having seconds when I’m already full. It’s still the same food, just the correct portion size now!

    Good morning my lovely chatty buddies you all sound very good today! It looks like a marvellously sunny day today in Norfolk so going to make the most of being outside before it changes its mind!
    I too am fasting today after a bit of overindulgence yesterday……wiggle room here I come!
    I’ll get back to you all later… Enjoy yourselves!

    Good morning from a lovely sunny South Wales everyone,
    Happynow this for you! I swear by garlic capsules they are odourless and they do keep the foreign bugs away, it’s years since I have been to Scotland but I remember the little buggers well. I take my capsules every day because I play bowls and there are some bowling greens near rivers and trees and we get the little blighters too. They cost about £1 for 60 one a day.
    I hope you have a great holiday and the weather is kind to you.
    I love the new name for us, I am sure it will attract the new maintainers as well as 5-2 ers coming in to have a look how we are doing. I do think I will be doing this for life. 5-2 will be waiting when I get back from my holidays, (nothing booked yet) we do not go away in the bowling season usually from mid April to mid-early September. Then we tend to get 3 x 2 week holidays but we book on the spur of the moment when we see the right price or place advertised.
    Not fasting today bowls tea away game and you/we cannot but indulge when the other club have gone to all the trouble to put it on for us. It is going to be lovely day for it. Back later. JIP

    When I started 5:2 back in September 2013 I had to shift up a gear to 4:3 as I wasn’t losing weight initially and neither was hubby (it’s been good to have a partner on board!).
    I have realised that I don’t lose weight easily and never had, but 4:3 worked and I now do a modified 4:3 of between 500-800 cals on three days a week depending on what my weight is doing.
    I weigh everyday and take an average reading for the week which pretty much gives me a good idea how I am doing and whether to reign back on food intake or have a ball!
    I have progressed from eating a pretty mixed bag of food to mainly eating salads, vegetables, fruit, Greek yoghurt,full fat dairy and eggs, a little red meat and chicken (can’t eat fish/shellfish as am allergic to it).I only drink now on three days of the week and that’s red wine. 🙂
    I have been maintaining in the 56-57k zone now since February but I always wanted a bit more wiggle room as I say! I am going to try to get to 54k if I can… I am very fine boned with skinny legs and arms. I can still get a pretty big handful of fat from around my stomach and also mid midriff….which has to go! It’s where there was a HUGE apron of fat before. Yucky!!
    I shall endeavour to eat only 350 cals on fast day now and see what happens.This is the ONLY diet or way of eating that has ever worked for both myself and hubby and if you’re reading this and wondering whether to ‘give it a go’ I can tell you it IS worth the effort and also makes you a lot healthier……my blood results prove that, as I have had a significant drop in triglycerides and my HDL has gone up a bit too (which is good I am told).
    Good luck maintenance buddies and enjoy your day/night wherever you are 🙂

    Thanks for sharing that detail Auriga. Sounds not dissimilar to our experience. I’ll give more detail tomorrow. Good drama to watch.
    Happy fasting those who are just coming in to Thursday. P 🙂

    Have a great holiday in Scotland HappyNow….it’s stunningly beautiful on the west coast of Scotland….but yes those little blighters called midges are a real nuisance. When we were there some years ago we ended up one evening running inside to get away from them!! I think they found us quite tasty.

    Good night Purple. JIP

    JIP…Thanks mate 😉 P

    Have a fabulous time in Scotland HappyNow – wondering if the Scottish midges are anything like the Greek mosquitoes in that they do seem to prefer a nibble on people who’ve had a little tipple, but you gotta have a wee dram whilst in the land of whiskey. Wishing you a well earned rest:-)

    Good morning buddies, good afternoon Australia and good early hours of the night America!
    Where are you all today? It’s going to be Scorcio here in the UK so we are planning a barbecue for tonight….no fasting today!
    Take care buddies 🙂 Auri x

    Hello can i join your thread please ,
    my name is ken and i started 5:2 14 weeks ago i have lost 17lb and also 5 inches from my waist , my bmi has fallen from 28.6 to 25.8
    accorning to my GP for my age (i am 61) my target should be 12 st 3 lb
    this morning i am at 12st 2 lb
    So i hope this qualifies me to join your gang lol

    I post a lot in (my progress exciting ) and will continue on there as i have met some fantastic ppl and made some lovely friends and we all help each other
    ok thats enough for now

    ken x

    You’re very welcome lancsken to join our gang! Well done on reaching maintenance and we’re looking forward to hearing from you again. Maintenance doesn’t seem to come with a guidance book so were all playing it by ear! And supporting each other when we can. 🙂

    Hi Auriga and welcome Ken….glad you came over and well done on reaching your goal!
    I’ve been out and about all day today. Hubby had a day off, so we did some business, then took a long tour into the country, walked along beaches and lakes and ate in a very old pub (for Aust) by a river. Ended with pizza with the kids and grandkids. Heaven.
    Thank goodness I did a pretty good fast yesterday.
    See Ken, once you are maintaining, you really can enjoy the normal days. We still fast 2 times a week though.
    Been pretty quiet all round today, must be the UK heat and the sunny Friday here. Keep cool over there…
    Cheers all my maintenance buddies.

    Hi Maintenance Mates
    I have just gone back on my computer …sick of using the phone to type… and entered all sorts of data finally into my Fitbit thingy.
    The interesting thing is, in the three weeks odd I’ve been using it I have been religious (unusual for me) about entering all food I consume. It records my calories burned.
    Because of this WOL, I have obviously learnt again to listen properly to my body. I seem to be very closely balancing how many calories I consume relative to how active I’ve been on any particular day. Even when I have outings (like today) or go to parties, I now seem to stop eating at the right time for my calorie output. Amazing.
    I also have reawakened my understanding of how much exercise I need to feel healthy. I often drag my husband off for a walk because I now know intuitively that I have not burnt enough cals.
    Very interesting to have a machine to actually tell me what my brain is now doing automatically for the first time in many years.
    Food for thought indeed….
    Have a Happy Friday Auri, Happy, Elaine, JIP, Ken and Fran (wherever you are) and sleep well Bayleaf.
    P 🙂

    Well done, Purple
    Good to know thyself! You must be feeling satisfied with your WOE. Congratulations. I was too harsh yesterday on my fast day, not even getting to 400 calories. My body has reacted today and had a little indulgence, including dark chocolate and falafels. So I will try not to be that harsh again on a fast day 🙂
    It is taking a while to realise I am actually at target. 🙂
    I have finished all our online bookings for a trip to Rome and Ypres later this year.

    Ken, Welcome aboard the Maintenance wagon! We are all still learning what we can do. B

    Good night bayleafoz and PVE , sleep well buddies 🙂 It’s a lovely sunny day today , if a tad warm. See you tomorrow!

    Hi Ken, welcome aboard our maintenance link. Your weight loss of 17lbs is fantastic well done!. I’ve lost 21 lbs since Febuary and have been maintaining at 58 kgs for the past five weeks. I find this link invaluable, we are all different and we are all using many different methods to maintain – the most popular variations include 6:1 fasting one day a week, 16:8 fasting for 16 hours say from 7pm to 1pm (my method), and the back to back 2 day a month fasts (I have probably missed some out, but buddies will soon let us know)! I think what we all seem to struggle with the most is how to continue fasting, for the health benefits it gives us, without continuing to lose weight and this link is filling a gap in the 5:2 literature by providing us with information that’s not seemingly readily available. Good luck with maintaining your weight loss, it’s important for this link to have a man on board to encourage other men to share their findings on maintenance and the fasting way of eating.

    Hi PVE, Your findings are interesting because I’m finding pretty much the same. I’ve maintained at 58 kgs for the past five weeks, pretty much without effort. I am doing the odd fast day but probably have only done 3 of 500 calories over the past month. I continue with 16/8 but that’s a normal routine for me and I’m capable of gaining on that but I haven’t since having started the 5:2. I think the 5:2 retrains us – I enjoy all my food equally now be it a plate of greens or a plate of steak and chips – and I too seem to ‘know’ when to stop eating in a way I didn’t prior to the 5:2. I now know when I feel full and satisfied and I’m sure that’s down to the experience of fasting where we allow ourselves to experience hunger, conversely, I believe it also allows us to experience satiety, perhaps one of the main causes of obesity is that some people seem to have the ability, and the desire, to gorge endlessly on food without ever becoming satiated or satisfied and never ever allowing themselves to feel hungry. It’s early days for me on maintenance but the 5:2 has definately guided me onto an eating path that I’d never been down before! Happy Weekend everybody from sunny Greece:-))

    Thank you all for the very warm and kind welcome to your gang
    i will get to know you all over the next couple of week or so 🙂
    i am staying on the “My Progress Exciting” thread as i have found some really good friends and they are all such lovely people ,

    does that count as “multi Tasking” ? not bad for a man ha ha

    Purple = you mentioned a “Fitbit” thingy . can i ask what that is ?

    Elaine = same again hun , what is or are “Buddies”
    Well i will get off for now and tell u a bit about myself next time ok
    have a great Day

    While cooking cauliflower rice…..
    the Fitbit Ken is wearble technology. It measures your movement, day and night and sends the info via bluetooth to your phone and computer.
    If you enter your food and drink into it you can see accurately your calorie deficit (or not!)
    It has access to foods and their calorie count, but as they are US processed foods and I cook from scratch so I add custom foods I work out.
    I’ve used it for a few weeks to guide my maintenance but will lend it to others now as I don’t want to count cals. I have a hood handle on it now.
    It has been an interesting exercuse though.

    Hi Elaine. Greece sounds lovely as usual. As you say, we are a work in progress. ..trail blazers!
    Had better get back to the cooking.
    Cheers PVE

    Hi Ken – ‘buddies’ are mates/friends/chums 🙂

    Hello buddies!
    Come on Ken! Spill the beans and tell us more about yourself!
    PVE is the fitbit app easy to use? I was thinking of downloading it before Ken asked what it was, I know some people think they’re a really good aid.

    Hi Auriga
    Yes very easy. User friendly.
    Gotta go. Dinner’s on. P

    So nice to see there is a maintenance thread started! This is the end of my fist year on the Fast Diet. I used 4:3 at first…tapering off to 5:2 and after April have been doing 6:1. So excited that it really really does maintain the weight loss!

    Before and After Photos

    Will check back in to chat more often 🙂



    Welcome to the gang Carla and great pictures! I bet you’re pleased ….. you look really wonderful. Thanks for posting the link. It would be a big improvemt if we could post pictures on here though wouldn’t it? 🙂 You’re very clever to have your own blog page. Looking forward to hearing from you again.

    Hey Happy….I thought we’d lost you to the wilds of Scotland. Just saw you on another thread keeping someone’s spirit up. Still with us?

    Welcome Carla. Love your photos. You must be very proud of yourself.

    Hi to all the other Maintainance Mates…such a big happy band now.

    Had a relaxing Sunday eating up big before tomorrow…looked at the scales and in the mirror and decided I could go for it. VERY cold, drizzling and just plain grey here today, so what the heck! Homemade vegie and panchetta stack for brunch. Veg soup and beautiful stoneground wholemeal bread for a late lunch and planning on chicken, cashews and chilli jam with rice stick noodles for dinner. Then….Monday fast 😉
    Enjoy your Sunday western hemisphere. Sleep well those of us in the east. Happy fasting Monday. Purple

    Yummy, your food sounds amazing – you’ve made me hungry! So you don’t just eat purple veggies! We are meeting up with some friends for lunch and I will probably order squid but I’d much prefer chicken chashews and chilli jam – my next journey will be to your house;-)

    Hi Carla, welcome aboard. You look amazing well done – how much weight have you lost?

    You’d be most welcome, Elaine
    I LOVE cooking for people (especilly friends 🙂 )
    The vegie and pancetta stack were made with corn and zucchini, served with a dob of light sour cream, and, you’ll be proud of me, I only ate two of them and froze the rest. Clearly labelled: NOT FAST DAY! In the past I would have eaten the lot. That’s the trick we learn from FD, isn’t it? Stop early. Remove the rest. Purple

    PVE mmmm, stop it with the food – I’m salivating here! So right about the 5:2 teaching us self-control – I can’t believe the change its made to my eating habits – neither can my other half, he now gets to eat the nuts and crisps that accompany the drinks here in Greece – I don’t touch them now, I’m much more interested in preserving my new body:-))

    Good morning buddies! PVE it’s a fast day for me today and you’ve made me hungry with all that lovely food description 😉 serves me right as I ate far too much at the barbecue we had on Friday night. It was good though! I shall be round later for dinner with Elaine!
    Enjoy your day/evening…..Auri x

    Sorry Auri 🙁
    😉 P

    It’s a good job I have a will of iron now PVE! Still coming round later to your house though!! Sounds pretty good food to me…….now where’s that plane ticket……might make it by tomorrow P 🙂

    I’ll be at the airport to pick you up…..only a 23 hour flight from Heathrow. Good night. P

    Hello All!

    Nice to find a spot for everyone who is now maintaining the weight loss. Elaine, I lost 45 pounds in roughly 8 months. I have been on the maintenance 6:1 since April.

    When I started the Fast Diet, I heard all the negative chatter…even from MY doctor. I finally just stopped talking to “unbelievers” about it and started letting the results speak for themselves. Even my doctor finally had to agree there was something to it when my labs improved to the point of her saying they were all “perfect”. Lowering your cholesterol level while still eating bacon, pie crust made from lard and eggs (and not using medication to do it) seemed to get her attention.

    I love the “no deprivation” aspect of the 5:2 and think that is why it is so sucessful. It is sustainable 🙂 If I want a cupcake I eat a damn cupcake. I don’t eat it in addition to a 350+ meal…but sometimes you just want a cupcake.

    That’s an impressive weight loss Carla! I haven’t had to lose as much as that so well done you! I like your spirit Carla!
    Isn’t it marvellous that we’ve found a way of eating that not only makes us slim but healthy too and new research suggests that we might live longer eating this way! Wonderful stuff.

    Hi PVE.

    Yes, in the wilds of Scotland but with WiFi! Busy day travelling on Friday, long day walking (bagging a munro) yesterday. This morning had a brief quiet moment in bed, with slightly sore legs, gathering my strength before going out to face nephew and niece (3 and 2….).
    Now just sneaking another quiet moment away while the chimps eat… hopefully they’ll go to bed soon…. !

    Pleased to see new maintenance mates, although I don’t want to be sharing before and after photos… thanks Carla! I dived into Tesco toilets after the walk to try and dry out a bit under the hand dryer. Who was that bedraggled thin slightly flat chested woman in the mirror?! Definitely not a sex goddess! Hmmpphh.

    Good evening and good day to all of you and welcome Ken, I told hubby I had just been sent love on a post. LLOL.
    Purple, count me In on the get together. I did it on LOACA, it’s a bit further to travel but what the heck! It would be worth it, it’s my first day of a B2B and I am drooling too.
    It’s 9pm and I have been beach and coast walking again yesterday and today so I am very pleased with 18k + over 7 miles today. I love this 5-2 WOL and WOE.
    bayleafoz what is falafels please?
    Got to go ladies and ken, I still have 2 pints of water to drink before bed. Byeeee

    Hi all MCs
    Yes Carla! That’s the point, isn’t it? We’ve done the hard yards and continue to do so and, as it is a way of life, of course we can indulge now and then. We are here for life 🙂 Love your pics.
    Bagging a Monroe, Happy! You’re fitter than me. I’d better run 3 at a time up the station steps to keep up. Pleased you have wifi to give us a running commentary. Enjoy.
    Yes JIP, all MCs (Mainenance Chatters) will be welcome. I’ll get some rum in as well.
    Your turn to torment, Auri. My fast had started now. Mmmm…black tea for brekkie. P

    I guess PVE you’re up with the larks again! I have just finished my fast day and kept to less than 350cals. Good luck with your fast PVE. I am off to the land of nod now! Goodnight all 🙂

    Well done Auri. Such strength in the face of temptation! Sleep well. P

    Hi JIP

    Falafels are a little patty or ball made of ground chickpeas and cooked. These are part of a Turkish meal when eaten with salads, and flavoured with garlic and chili sauces. In Australia, we can also buy them in a Turkish wrap with salad and sauces. One of my favourite takeaway food. 🙂

    I’m telling you all this on a fast day 🙂

    Last time I kept under 350 calories, I had my first adverse reaction the next day. So today I intend to eat 400 calories. Lovely warm day here. 🙂

    Yes Bay. I can’t cope with 350 but hubby does easily. I prefer brunch of 100 odd and dinner of 250 to 300.
    Mmm…felafels with lettuce tomato and hummus. Quiet suitable on a fast day if you choose your felafels carefully. Give them a go JIP.
    Have a good fd. P

    Hi PVE (and all).
    I was pleasantly surprised by the munro day. I haven’t done that type of strenuous prolonged exercise for a long time. The rucksack weighed heavy at the start of the day, but more than offset by my 30ish lb weight loss! And the weight loss means I can now much more easily haul myself up steep slopes and steps, and better control descents. It was an eat whatever day, finished off with fish and chips and chocolate brownies.
    I did then sneak in an 18hr fast (skipped breakfast yesterday) as I knew we were lunching out (baked camembert followed by cajun salmon, with wine). In the past I would have gorged on breakfast also (‘I’m on holiday, why shouldn’t I?’), it wouldn’t have occurred to me to manage my calorie intake to maintain a healthy weight. Doh. How could I ever have thought it was a treat to overeat and be fat?! You know, if Michael Mosley wasn’t already married, I think I’d marry him myself!!

    Anyway, time to brave the zoo once more… No plan for today yet, but it’s warm and sunny again, so life feels good.

    Enjoy your day, all.

    Good to hear more of your adventure Happy.
    It certainly is easier lugging less weight around. SO embarrassing how dumb we were before. I too now skip breakfast to overeat later.
    Could you really put up with Dr M experimenting with his body all the time? He’s a sucker for punishment, but we are all grateful.

    Elaine, I’ve just watched an Aussie Greek boy (in his 20s 😉 ) in his documentary called Greeks of the Sea. Ah, the beautiful aqua seas and white buildings. I’ll have to catch the next episode.

    Good morning buddies and what a lovely lot of posts to read! As it’s not a fast day for me I am starting the day off with coffee and a slug of cream….
    I slept like a log last night as they say. Sometimes if I cut my calories down a lot I can’t get to sleep for ages, no other effects when I go as low as 350cals. I have never tried a longer fast, I might have a go another day. 🙂
    Enjoy the skinny life buddies. 🙂

    PVE, it’s not all cool breezes wafting through the olive groves here – I spent most of yesterday lounging by the “aqua sea” came home hot, red, sweaty and tired with sand in places I never knew I had – yeah, it can be a hard-knock life at times in the vally of the Greek gods!
    HappyNow, I love your one-liners “how cld I ever have thought it was a treat to over eat and be fat”, just about sums it all up in a nutshell. I admire your trudging and trekking – I’m more of a horizontal exerciser myself – turning a page whilst on a sun lounger counts as exercise don’t it…

    ‘Morning Auri and the other MCs waking up!
    I have trouble going to sleep on fast nights. It will be interesting tonight as, in 1 hour, I will eat all my fd calories after a 24 hour fast! Somehow it just happened today and was very easy. That’s what guilt from my feasting weekend does for me.
    Good for the soul. Happy days. P

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