The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,627 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  hermajtomomi 7 months, 2 weeks ago.

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  • PS. I forgot to say that I cannot maintain my best weight unless I fast two days a week. So 5:2 fasting is with me for life. If I fast 6:1 then I very gradually gain weight until I sit at 1 kg above lowest weight. 😉

    Bay, my weight would also creep up with 6:1 (haven’t tried it, but am sure that would be the case given that 5:2 keeps me honest).

    Lichtle, I’m back on the wine! Happy days 🙂 Alcohol-free two days, of course, on FDs.

    Hi All,

    Bay, I’m pretty much with you, though I normally fast once a week, but please see below for more.

    Just FYI, Monday of this week was a holiday here in the States (and in Canada too)–resulting in last weekend being a three-day weekend (well three and a half for me, since I only worked half a day last Friday–my birthday). Between it being my birthday AND a holiday weekend, I decided to have Friday and Saturday be refeed days (though the holiday fell on Monday). I normally refrain from back-to-back refeed days, and ALWAYS fast one day a week. However, because of the birthday/holiday weekend I decided to fast two days last week to get my weight down as much as possible before going overboard. I was thinking of fasting two days this week as well, but when I weighed in yesterday morning I was .6 pounds above the low end of my goal weight, so decided to reduce calories and do half an hour of HIT exercise yesterday instead–so only one fast day this week. I know that sounds excessive, but really, I had four days of nice eating, and don’t mind preparing for it beforehand and undoing damage afterward.

    As part of my preparation for the long weekend I increased my exercise. I generally strength train and do aerials thrice weekly (roughly 1 1/2-2 hours each time), and do half an hour of HIT exercise once weekly. I increased the latter to three times last week AND this (for a total of six exercise days last week and this). Also, the day after those back-to-back refeed days I reduced calories somewhat (though not as much as I will this week because last weekend was a holiday weekend).

    Had I been thinking about it, even though I was still below goal at the start of the long weekend, I would have increased my water intake last week and this to help with weight reduction, though apparently it wasn’t necessary.

    The beauty of all this though, is that even after really going overboard for FOUR days, the most I weighed was .1 pound over my goal weight (yes, over the HIGH end). That was because on the Friday at the start of the holiday weekend I weighed .1 pound over the LOW end of my goal weight–so I basically went from just above the low end of my weight range to just above the high end over the long weekend–not bad considering.

    Because I was strength training and doing aerials the day after the long weekend, I could only restrict calories so much (though I did), but the next day (two days after the long weekend) I did HIT exercise and a water/psyllium/supplements only fast. That did it and I was back on track again–only two days after the holiday weekend and the weight was going down once more. The morning of the third day after the weekend (the day after the HIT exercise and fast) I was DOWN more than 3.5 pounds/1.6 kilos/.26 stone from the HIGH end of my goal weight, and due to excessive calorie restriction plus exercise it’s dropped even more as the week went on.

    I’m really ready for another refeed day today, but someone from another 5:2 forum is visiting on Monday, so I feel the need to restrict calories tomorrow (along with workout and aerials) to ensure I’m close to the low end of goal by Monday morning’s weigh-in. Due to the visit we’ll be having dinner, so I’ll consider that a refeed day, but having only one refeed day this week instead of two should work well.

    Even without increasing water intake, just restricting calories on one or two NFD; having two fast days instead of one, and limiting them to water/psyllium/supplements only; exercising six times weekly instead of my usual four; and reducing my refeed days from two to one this week was enough to make this work. This is my third holiday since going on maintenance, and I finally seem to be getting the hang of it. This is good news indeed!

    Sorry to go on, but holiday eating really did me in as recently as last year this time (before starting 5:2). It used to be that I’d gain a significant amount of weight (and that while nowhere near goal weight and still trying to reduce) and would then spend probably a month getting back to the weight I’d been at before the holiday–no more of that! I can’t imagine not fasting at least once a week (and really, I only fast twice a week now in preparation for a holiday or something). Then again, at 4’10”, if I so much as look at food the wrong way I tend to become a human balloon! I hope this makes sense.


    I’m glad to see there are others who need to fast 2x a week for maintenance. I think it’s worth it so I can indulge a bit on the weekend 🙂 although all the gardening I did today – lovely Spring day – should count for something!

    Sorry, I missed your post Janey. Happy Birthday for last Friday! I always put on weight on my holidays too so this WOL is great for me. I went away for 4 weeks and didn’t put on weight. I’m so pleased about this!!

    Yes Judy,

    Many thanks for the birthday wishes. Isn’t it great!

    A few weeks ago I ended up going on an international business trip for five days (they sent me to Winnipeg). I only found out five days before that I was going, but I packed enough olive oil, protein powder, and psyllium/stevia mix for that time–in addition to the paper with the 30 minute HIT workout. Because the containers I got are so small, they hardly took up any room in the luggage. I even ended up getting a compact scale made by the same company that makes my regular scale, so I could still weigh daily.

    The morning of the trip I weighed exactly at the high end of goal. I really wanted to get below goal before the trip, but that just didn’t happen. By the time I arrived it was too late to do a proper workout, but I’d walked a lot, and worked out every day I was there except the day I flew back.

    My weight dipped significantly during the trip, but on the last day there was a special lunch, so I indulged. However, even with all that, I was still 1.5 pounds/.68 kilos/.11 stone BELOW goal. When you consider I left at the drop of a hat and had next to no time to plan, I’m quite chuffed at how well I did!

    Again, sorry to go on, but this WOL really works for me!

    @jayney a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me too – it’s great how you managed to find your way of maintaining even during holiday season – though my head is spinning a bit trying to follow your “system”. :-))

    I understand that at 4″10 your TDEE must be frustratingly low and your exercise must be very helpful to you. I am 5″3 and can get quite frustrated about my 1350 -1450 cals TDEE. It is so easy to go over TDEE so one to two fast days a week are extremely helpful.

    @judy Well done to you too for maintaining through 4 weeks of holiday – fantastic.

    @Bay, we are just doing a mini sugar challenge. The advent sugar challenge is still on. 🙂 Sorry I am speaking for myself here but I am pretty sure Fast would agree.

    Hi Lichtle,

    I’m with you re: Jayney’s complicated system.

    Jayney, I’m pleased it works for you; I’m pleased it’s not for me 🙂


    Thinking about sugar and carbs. I avoid them during the working week (when I’m deskbound 9-5), but indulge at weekends when I rarely sit down 9-9. So while I’ve been thinking of the weekends as refeed days (but only since Jayney introduced the concept 🙂 ), they aren’t really. They’re just different! And my increased activity offsets the increased sugars?

    Happy now Im the same. One of my work colleagues says her body is a ‘temple’ during the week and a ‘fun palace’ on the weekends lol

    Ha ha Judy, I’m not sure I’d go so far as to say my body was a fun palace!

    To be honest, I feel better in the ‘temple’ phase, but old habits (white carbs and wine) die hard…

    This weekend for a change I made rye soda bread. Too tasty. OH doesn’t like it, and its best fresh, so that’s my excuse for demolishing the whole thing in record time!

    @happy, Enjoy your rye-soda-bread-fest -:)). Sounds delicious…

    I don’t dare to make my own bread any more becaus I can’t stop eating it. Home made bread is the best….

    I agree that the temple phase feels better which makes me wonder why I don’t fast more often.

    Apart from skipping breakfast, I have only ever managed to fast properly at work so I have to keep working forever….well it seems like forever anyhow. :-))

    Lichtle: Many thanks for your birthday wishes, and sorry if my post was confusing.

    I understand that at 4″10 your TDEE must be frustratingly low and your exercise must be very helpful to you. I understand that you are 5″3 and can get quite frustrated about my 1350 -1450 cals TDEE. I actually use a similar TDEE to that when I’m severely restricting calories, so I can relate, and never go without one fast day a week.

    HappyNow, yes I see that my system is a bit complicated, but I never said it was for everyone. I just wanted to put it out there in case it’s helpful for someone other than me (not you, obviously ;-).

    BTW, someone from one of the other 5:2 forums (LoriPA) is visiting Seattle. She and her hubby arrive today and we’re having dinner tomorrow. They’re from Pennsylvania in the States. I’m really looking forward to meeting another 5:2 person (and her husband). Remember, if any of you finds his/her way out here to Seattle I volunteer to be at least a brief tour guide!


    @jayney …1350 when you are severly restricying?

    Hi Lichtle,

    Yes, when restricting (something I don’t do often, I might add) I have gone as low as 1350 calories. Yesterday I was trying to use a reduced TDEE of 1400 calories, but actually went to 1428 (didn’t think fewer than 30 calories over would matter so much since I’d exercised and done aerials as well, and my normal TDEE under such circumstances is 1650 calories). If I don’t exercise I generally fast on those days (either water/psyllium/supplements-only or a 500-calorie fast) or stick with a TDEE of 1500 calories. I hope that’s not too much information!

    Thank you @jayney, understood. Your exercise level is awesome giving you a much more comfortable TDEE. In the past I have been known to get very enthusiastic about certain exercise routines but usually given up after a certain time for various reasons. Sustainability is a major issue, so my daily walks are something I know I can keep up as it is part of my work day routine. Unfortunaely, with winter approaching, it is unlikely that I will be swept away by a wave of exercise resolutions like cycling or running until next spring. I am far too much of a wimp weather wise. Yes, @happy, I am a super soft southern Andrex puppy with regards to cold, wind or anything else uncomfortable. ;-))
    Oh, I still do Yoga but that is no use for increasing TDEE.

    No fast day for me today. Yesterday afternoon friends invited us for dinner tonight. If I’d had more notice I would’ve fasted yesterday. I don’t really want to do b2b fasts so I might try for wed and fri this week

    @judy, no worries that’s the beauty of this system that you can re-organise your plans. I had a good fast yesterday but will be fasting with you on Wednesday and Friday. I am still 1.5 lb above goal and have to go away on Saturday for 5 days with work eating hotel and cafe style food. Intermittent fasting will be the order of the day which won’t be so difficult as breakfast is not included in the hotel deal.

    Yes Lichtle, We can work it out to suit ourselves. Normally Im at work on a fast day but today I’m home doing housework. Ive just had a miso soup so that should last til my 4pm cravings!

    Hi Lichtle

    Fasting today, so no food for me until this evening, when I will have soup. Since coming back from my holiday, I find myself wanting to eat more, and to eat more frequently. Once I begin to eat, I keep on going. I know what to do, just have to do it twice a week. 😉 Looking forward to the advent sugar challenge as my sugar munchies are out of control again.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    @judyf, well done shifting the fast day to a day when you are only a few steps away from your fridge that probably has things in there that need eating. I bought miso once and I could not eat it. I prefer my normal vegetable stock which has only about 10 more cals.

    @Bay, you did so well in your lenten sugar challenge, What a shame we can’t keep it up permanently and need those challenges to put us straight.

    I also find it easier not to eat as once I start I want to keep going, too. It’s not that I eat huge amounts at any time or even particularly bad stuff (although some days I do) but I have a grazing tendency, a few nuts here, a couple of apples or grapes there, followed by a harmless yoghurt… you get me drift.

    I am fasting today and have already had a couple of apples which my colleague brought in from his garden as well as a few mixed nuts. I have a low calorie (250) leek and fish pie without the pie part waiting for me to be had early evening and I am looking forward to it even though I am not so keen on fish. My reasoning is that if I prepare something that I don’t fancy too much then I won’t eat more than absolutely necessary. 😉 Hey ho, must try all sort of self deception in this game.

    Well I’ve been grazing today, on corn cakes! Funny how I can still feel like a greedy pig, having overeaten mostly air!

    Lichtle, I like your thinking about preparing a meal you don’t like so you eat less. I’ll give that a go! Offal should ensure a water only fast…

    @happy, ha, ha. Definitely. Drastic measures… Has anyone else got a good 5:2 fast desperation recipe?
    I wouldn’t call my pie less fish pie delicious though edible but I didn’t eat it all and I felt a bit satisfied so my plan worked. The down or upside is that I made a whole batch last week (Hairy Bikers recipe) and froze them in 5 portions so 4 more fast days for me to look forward to. ??

    Oh, and I didn’t eat until 6pm. That’s how long I could wait (also didn’t want to subject my colleagues to fishy smell in office. ?

    Why not go the whole hog, ladies, and make something you know will make you sick? Or is that suggestion too close to an eating disorder to be funny? Sorry, if so – not my intention – it just seems surreal to be deliberately making stuff we dislike….I guess my desperation recipe might be tripe, or milk pudding – trouble is, there’s not a lot I don’t like. How inconvenient!

    How’s the sugar- fast going, Lichtle? I’m finding it hard because it’s a socialising-heavy month, but apart from the occasional slip from the wagon I’m doing reasonably ok. 10 days more to get properly back on! (Bay, do you want to join in? You don’t have to wait until Advent! And that one will be really tough, because so many people can’t wait for Christmas, so the mince pies start early – so we could probably do with the practice!)

    You ladies are so enterprising! It never entered my head to prepare an unpalatable meal for a FD! I actually prepare something that’s very simple but that I like ie egg, homemade soup. I look forward to the food and don’t know if I could do it if I had something I don’t really like for tea. Actually, now I think about it – don’t know I can think of food I don’t like! 🙂

    Honestly ladies ? what are you like.
    Seriously, I didn’t intentionally cook something just because I didn’t like it. It was more a matter of having to use up some smoked haddock. Because I would so very much like to like fish and seafood I periodically cook something hoping my tastes have “matured”. (olives is another example). When I decided to get more organised with my FD meals, saw the recipe and the “use-me-up” fish I knew what to do. ?

    The next time I will give my fish maturity test another try will be in 2018. ?

    @fast I am not doing badly with the sugar challenge. No cakes, biscuits or chocolates not eve jelly – only the occasional honey on toast and fruit. Oh and I was naughty and had a fruit yoghurt (normally I only get plain) last weekend. This and a few good fasts have resulted in a 2 lb loss in the last 10 days. I just need a good kick and fasting is ok again.
    How is the situation with your mother. Has she made up/agreed to stay or are you still waiting?

    Hi Lichtle and Fast

    Made it through yesterday FD with just two bowls of my homemade vegetable soup which I love. I added garlic and chilli to carrots, celery, zucchini, spring onions and a tin of tomatoes. In my recipe, I add whatever greens need using up in the fridge. 😉

    I will try to take up the sugar challenge with you. Because I permitted myself to have something sweet almost every day I was away, it is proving very hard to ignore the sugar withdrawal symptoms. I am trying to have 3 days a week with no sugar and no alcohol. If I could do the gradual reduction route, I wouldn’t need a sugar challenge. 😮 I’m afraid it’s all or nothing, which is why 5:2 suits me.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hi everyone
    We had some people over last night and I did have 2 sweet biscuits on my fast day. I was very low cal until then so I’ve still lost weight but I’ll do my 2nd fast day on Friday and with no socializing I should do better!
    I also only drink on weekends when socializing

    @Bay come and jump on the sugar challenge wagon. It seems that you just need an excuse or a nudge to start because as far as I remember once you get going you are awsome. Well done on a good fast. Soups are my 5:2 fast savers, too especially when it is cold – so most of the year.

    @judy, excellent resolve and save of a fast day. Well done.

    So with the sugar challenge, do you just not eat foods with added sugar? Do you eat fruit? Do you eat carbs?

    @judy, we keep it quite basic and simple – no added sugar but we allow ourselves fruit and ordinary carbs like bread, pasta, rice and potatoes. although as you know it is easier to stay off the sugar when we reduce carbs.

    Well folks I haven’t posted here for nearly a year I think… got in the way, but I am still maintaining well on 4:3 when I need to.

    I noticed the thread on the five day fast which is promoted by Dr Valter Longo for health reasons other than weight loss…longevity, cancer fighting etc and hubby and I are trying a modified version which means sticking to 750 cals or lower for five days. Now I don’t think I could have done that if I hadn’t been on 4:3 for so long (I started 5:2 in September 2013).

    I am very well and feeling fit and healthy and wish all of you on this thread happy fasting and good eating!

    It was nice to see that the thread is still going and that some of my old ‘pals’ are still here!


    Fantastic to hear from you after all this time! Hope you’re happy in the new(ish!) house? You’d just moved in when you last posted..

    Good to hear you’re still maintaining.

    So you’re trying the fasting mimicking diet then? I’ve been toying with how to maximize health benefits, although I haven’t quite got round to a longer fast yet! How often are you doing it?

    Hi Auriga! SO pleased to hear all is well with you. We’ve missed you 🙂
    You’ve pulled me back from forum retirement, temporarily, for a quick ‘hi’.
    It’s interesting how we “long termers” keep experimenting and reinventing our techniques. I guess we need to, to keep ahead of the game.
    As Happy said, I hope the move went well and life is going smoothly.
    Cheers from your Aussie maintaining mate Purple x

    Hi Auriga

    Great to hear from you. I always wonder about early adopters of 5:2 and how they are going. So happy to hear that you and OH are keeping on keeping on! I began in January 2014 and came to the forum after I had already lost 15 kg. I was looking for support to maintain the weight loss and Purple directed me to this thread. So thank you for starting the thread. 😆

    I have found it way easier to lose weight than to maintain the weight loss. In fact this Winter I put 3 kg back on and now I am fasting 2-3 days a week to lose that extra weight in time for Spring here in the other hemisphere.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    PS. I wonder how Elaine in Greece is going. Does anyone hear from her? Also, Luvtocook and others from the early days.

    It’s great to hear from everyone! I’ll try and post properly tomorrow.

    Hi Auriga, lively to hear from the lady who started this thread and especially pleased to hear you are still maintaining. Like Happy, I wonder if you do the five day fast and how frequently. Once a month?

    Good luck and do pop in again soon.

    Nice to meet you Auriga and see that you have maintained your weight with 5;2. Ive got to goal weight with 2 other ‘diets’ and even tho they had maintenance programs I put the weight on again. This WOL is so good as Im able to change my fast days if unexpected things come up. Yesterday I got an invitation to a restaurant for dinner that night for my friends birthday . Normally that would have been a fast day but I had to change my fast days for another unexpected dinner invitation I had on Tuesday -that never happens so often!!
    So its a fast day for me today. I have a big chicken and vegetable soup defrosting for tonights dinner and Ill try not to eat much during the day today as i went a bit overboard yesterday~sigh

    Hello everyone! Thanks for asking about the move Happy and Purple….my house move was successful, but we’ve been renovating ever since! They say if you can’t afford the best house in the area then buy the worst and do it up and that’s what we’re doing. I also became a doting grandma in February. I don’t see as much of my son, daughter-in-law and grandchild as I would like as they live quite far from me and when they move to Australia in November I shall be a Skype granny! Watch out PVE and Bay I may be heading your way for a hols sometime.

    I can’t say that I’ve been SO angelic that my weight has remained at it’s lowest, it hasn’t and I would say that I am 3kg heavier than at my best last year.

    After a recent holiday (stuffing self on French bread & wine) I knew it was time to take myself in hand and go back to 4:3 with a vengeance! I had read about the Fast Mimicking Diet which Dr.Longo has developed and shall post about that on the thread that discusses it I think. I have only just started the five day fast as a kick start to 4:3 and today is day five, but as my scales are broken I’m not sure what effect it has had in that direction…..note to self, must get a battery; although I tend to go by how tight my clothes are now. It would be a slippery slope indeed to buy the next size up.

    Let’s keep sharing our experiences because it IS motivating. Off to research a bit more now. Happy fasting!

    So many similarities still, Auriga. We spent years renovating the worst house in the street. I don’t think I could ever leave it now. Glad you are getting there with yours. 🙂
    Congratulations on becoming a grandparent! Some of my family have moved to the UK, so I am making regular visits there now. We will celebrate our first ever cold climate winter this year with them. We’ll welcome you when you visit Aus.; )
    I too am 2-3 kg heavier than my lowest weight last year. It is totally sustainable and well within healthy range, so I’m happy. My OH has stayed at his lowest point, and uses no drugs at all for his diabetes, so life’s good.
    We find we can easily maintain on 2 fasts maximum and mindful eating. Vigilance is definitely the answer.
    Keep us up to date on your experiments with the 5 day fasts. Cheers Purple

    Well I managed to complete five days of FMD on 750 calories a day. I thought it would be easy but actually by day five we found it hard going.

    Two days off….yippee!

    Because we both need to lose 3kg we are going to do FMD again next week. It’s not recommended but we’re up for it, then we’ll go back to 4:3.

    Reason for doing it twice in a month is because we’re going on holiday to France again in mid October. Otherwise I think we shall do it once a month as Dr. Longo says.

    I agree Happy that’s it’s easier to lose weight in the first place but maintaining that weight loss is not easy and it is well documented that very few are still at a lower weight after three years. I am determined not to get fat again. Obesity is as bad, if not worse, than smoking for your health so the medical fraternity say these days. Here’s to health then. Happy maintaining everyone. 🙂


    I hope next week isn’t too hard! That certainly is dedication.

    What was hard?

    I’m interested in doing the FMD at some point, but I think I’d want to gain a few lbs first, so I didn’t go too thin.

    Is it something that I could do while working full time/ in ‘normal’ life, or do you need to take it a bit easier?

    ‘What was hard?’, you ask Happy…..well I’d just come back from ten days in France eating and making merry so to go back to calorie restriction was a bit hard especially by day five. Hubby and I have discussed how we felt this week and we both agree we feel a lot better, less bloated and probably thinner. I say ‘probably’,because I need a new battery for the scales and forgot to get one ,but my trousers fit a great deal better than at the beginning of the week and I’ve always felt that the tape measure was mightier than the scales! One thing I can say which has been measured is the fact that my blood pressure has slowly reduced over the week and that can’t be a bad thing. You could put it down to the fact that I haven’t had any alcohol this week either, yet!

    As the calorie intake is higher on a daily basis than 5:2 I’d say it was doable for full time normal life….but if you’re going to exercise a lot then ‘no’.

    I am always on the look out for new information and maybe medical approval by the NHS of fasting. If it hadn’t been for Dr Mosley I wouldn’t have been told about its benefits, nor would I have looked it up on the internet. If something looks like an improvement then I’ll try it. Maybe Dr. M is working on that right now, who knows?

    From everything I have read it would appear that calorie restriction can prolong life and bio-markers in animals (well mice and rats): yet to be proven in humans. I think Dr.M.M. is working on himself from what I can tell, it was interesting to hear during a recent TV programme (I forget what it was, think it was Horizon) that he’s still doing 5:2, but took a quick break for an experiment.

    I don’t have his medical back-up, nor his TV success to help me (apart from what he’s done so far to copy), neither do I as a mere NHS patient have the resources to spend on myself in tests, because my doctor can’t afford to lavish such things on the general public: but I am trying my best in my own little experiment on myself.

    Hi Auriga,

    Interesting that you both feel better for it. One would hope that would be the case, but good to have it confirmed!

    On the subject of blood pressure, it will be interesting to see if there is any lasting effect. 5:2ers here seem to be reporting a reduction, but that after a year or so it’s back up. I wonder if the 5 days fasting would have a more lasting effect (until the next 5 day fast, ideally!).

    There is a history of breast and bowel cancers in my family. The bowel cancers have been caught early and treated successfully, the breast cancers not.

    I think I’m pretty healthy so lifestyle choices will hopefully not be a contributory factor, but can you dodge the genetic/ hereditary factor? I really ought to step up and be more proactive. Except for giving up my wine and occasional bacon buttie 🙂 , there’s probably not much else I could do different that would make a significant difference. Except for introducing longer fasting. I’ve been toying (dithering!) with this for months now. Someone needs to give me a big kick!

    Hello Happy! Big kick coming your way!

    Give the five day diet a go once a month, can’t hurt can it? It’s supposed to be good for mopping up pre-cancerous cells.

    We had wine last night and this morning my blood pressure was slightly raised….just a bit mind you. Since I’ve been on 4:3 though my doctor has reduced my blood pressure tablets to a minimum 25mg. I hope it stays that way. Felt a bit less than good though after a week’s abstinence.

    Hope you’re having a good day? The sun is out for once and I’ve tackled the Virginia creeper, which was threatening to take over the house.

    Happy Sunday to everyone fasting today too.

    Whilst trawling the internet I came across this e-book on Google. It might prove an interesting read if you have the time, chapter three is about fasting (p37)…….wouldn’t go to these extremes, but it certainly was interesting!

    Also slightly depressed myself by finding an article which said only 20% of dieters ever manage long term weight loss 🙁

    Hi All ( and especially Auriga – I arrived just as you ‘left’ so you may not remember me, but it’s good to have you back). I’m interested in the BP discussion as it’s just where I am at the moment. I’ve been on medication since the age of 31 – it rose during each pregnancy, returned to normal after the first 3 births but stayed stubbornly up after no 4 – and over the years has taken a lot of different drugs to keep it below the 150/95 mark. The last couple of years it has stabilised on a combination of 3 Meds, and the last few months it has dropped a bit. Two weeks ago the nurse at our surgery got a lower reading than I’ve had in 40 years, (I was lying down when she took it) and the GP suggested dropping the diuretic drug, while staying on the other two Sadly, it’s crept right back up (145/97 yesterday), and my ankles are swollen, so I suspect it’s back to the b/fluazide when I speak to him tomorrow. I was hoping the weight loss might have affected it, but it seems not – logical, I guess, since I’m now exactly the same weight I was when treatment started – and I don’t want it to get to the level where it’s a struggle to get it under control again. I’d be interested in others’ experiences

    Hi Fast

    Sorry to hear about your ankles. Very painful. There is a 5:2 thread about the impact of fasting on BP. Different people have reported different outcomes. Some have even given up fasting as the adverse effect was so pronounced.

    What happened to me was that about 2 years ago, my doc put me on 5 mg of drug plus diuretic, effectively 7.5 mg and a 50% increase in strength. After losing 15 kg in weight, my BP dropped so far that I went back to 5 mg of BP drug, no diuretic, about 12 months ago.

    About 9 months later, while still on 5:2 regular fasting, my BP was creeping up again and the doc wanted to put me back on the diuretic. Separately to all this, my mother’s doc suggested to her that she try taking her BP meds at night rather than in the morning. We both have the problem of waking up with relatively high BP, and then my BP drops as the day goes on. I believe it is related to physical activity.

    So I experimented by taking my 5 mg of BP meds at night and I can report a Eureka moment. I have now been doing this for 4 months and can report very acceptable BP measurements.

    I do think it is important to get your BP down into safe area. If I were still getting high readings, I would take the 7.5 mg (with diuretic) rather than risk stroke etc.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hi Auriga

    Doesn’t matter what the stats say, we are part of the 20% that are the successful losers. I believe this is because we are changing the way we approach food. We have taken back control over our food intake. A common thread of dieters is that they feel the food controls them. I have no sense of that on this thread, except for my sugar addiction. Hehe! 😆

    Well done for looking at this issue head on. It is too easy to shrug and give up. I don’t want to buy bigger clothes, so that is my incentive to stay slim. 😉

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

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