Sugar just how bad is it for you?

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Sugar just how bad is it for you?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Ricks200192117 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • A University of California Scientist discusses the devastating effects of sugar and it’s relationship to obesity. Worth watching,

    This film has just been released in Australia.


    Just watched it this morning – thanks for the post. Makes sense to me. In an effort to reach my summer fitness goal I’ve cut out almost all refined sugar and refined carbs in the last 6 days and can already feel and see a difference. I did this instinctively, not because of any particular diet. I’ve been using a small amount of fruit after dinner to curb sweet cravings. Pineapple is great for this. The only exception was a cupcake yesterday at a social event and I had to take a nap in the afternoon because I felt so sleepy and sluggish afterward. I think feeling better, for me, is going to finally trump the sugar taste buds (hopefully!).

    Cheers ! Have you seen the whole film or the trailer ?

    Even though i was very well aware of the obvious it’s changed my thinking about sugar +++++.
    Hidden sugar that is.
    WHO has released recommendations that women have no more than 6 teaspoons per day and men 9. Including hidden sugar. Not teaspoons of granulated sugar.
    The average 19 – 30 yo Australian has 40. The author days in some parts of the world it is 45 – 50.
    A very easy thing to do if BBQ sauce has 2 tsps of sugar in a Tblsp of sauce.
    Look at this !

    Recommended – University of California site : all reputable science.

    NB The creator of “That Sugar film” does NOT recommend “going cold turkey” off sugar.
    The film is about increasing knowledge and awareness so you are fully informed about how much hidden sugar you are ingesting and what the (potentially serious) consequences will be.
    Also FB Page for updates.

    I’m a former neuro-researcher and know the ins and outs of research. The obese pattern of brain activity in areas related to pleasure is atypical when a sweet stimulus is introduced. In other words people who are fat respond differently than those at a normal weight. There is a perseverative effect that is statistically significant and unusual. I think the Professor goes a little too far but not much too extreme in his attitude toward sugar. That notwithstanding, once one cuts a significant amount of sugar intake one will notice an immediate difference. Diet sodas can trigger the same atypical brain activation as sugar; therefore, the brain responds by craving the real thing. Once one drastically reduces sugar intake, eating a donut will cause ill effects. Most important, is stay away from high fructose corn syrup because the body becomes insulin resistant much more quickly as a result of the same processes mentioned above. Sugars, from an evolutionary point of view, are supposed to be difficult to access. A byproduct of its containing food. Glad you guys liked the video; I am trained to spot BS in research and I can tell you he’s right on the money.

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