Starting Out…

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  sonia_b 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • 28 year old female Sheffielder living in Salford. Current weight 13 stone 3 lbs. A “Juicy Pear”. I think I’ve been in denial about my weight, which has crept up from 9 stone 6, steadily over the past 10 years. I thought I looked OK in the mirror, but then I caught sight of my reflection walking towards a glass door – thighs rubbing together, hips twisting just to get one leg in front of the other – no wonder my jeans never last (when I can get them to fit in the first place).

    Currently wearing a size 18 jean – from the section at the back of the shop for the “big girls” – but they’re designed with Apple shapes in mind, so there’s about 4 inches of fold in the crotch area, unless I hitch them right up to my ribs and belt firmly.

    I’ve been vegetarian for 2 years, listening to people tell me how much weight I must have lost (because we are all sooooo healthy). Constantly craving food, it’s all about chocolate and biscuits, but it’s just habit and boredom.

    Today was my first fast day. To take my mind off food I’ve made a spreadsheet totalling the calories of various meals so I can plan ahead (Queen of the Spreadsheet), then I came on here to read some tips for coping with the hunger and I’m actually sat here now with a cup of tea… I never drink tea, it’s awful (I only have it in the cupboard because my Mum said I have to, for you know, visitors), but it’s definitely keeping the hunger away.

    Do you all keep the same fast days every week? Or does it help to change it up a bit?

    I’m thinking of going with Saturday and Thursday, and spreading my meals throughout the day (little and often).

    We’ll see how it goes…

    Hi I just recently started and Im sure there will be alot more experienced people here to give you tips but I think this plan is very flexible and you can tailor it to what suits you. I have changed my fast days around and now will stick with Tuesdays and Thursdays unless I need to move them around. Im a fan of zero noodles from Holland and Barret which are like 24 cal + loads of veg and a sauce. Not a fan of tea either but found drinking lots of herbal tea keeps hunger at bay. Last week I thought I have a breakfast because I had a busy day instead of just generous evening meal and have really struggled!! So for me its better persisting during day and having a nice meal later on but again try and see what works best for you. There are some good ideas for meals on here:)

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