starting Monday 5/1/15

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  • Thanks loose jeans, just been reading all the tips from the top of the thread so I feel a little more prepared. ….but my tummy is rumbling

    I’m planning to start tomorrow Monday 5th Jan 2015. I have been a yo-yo dieter and can put weight back on easily. 12 years ago I tried weight watchers and dropped from 15st 10lb to 12 st 5lb in 25 weeks but within 2 years put it all back on. Haven’t tried this 5-2 diet before but have heard good reports and even professional sportsmen/women have used it to some extent. I am an active daily swimmer ( which makes me feel ravenous) and cyclist ( but only in dry weather!!). A northerner from Lancashire where dry days are a rarity.
    Starting weight now is 14st 6lb and target of 12st 7lb.
    So here goes, watch this space. Good luck to everyone starting. Hope 2015 is a good year

    I’m starting tomorrow. I’m not new to this but Christmas has pushed me over the edge. Looking forward to it. Selfhealth, something salty can help shakiness. Oxo cube, bouillon or even a little sea salt in water can work wonders.

    To all those starting Monday. Welcome to you all. I have been on the 5:2 on and off for two years now and having been a regular contributor to this forum in the past. I hope you will allow me a few comments. Look at the FAQ section. Check out simceoluv and his comments- excellent. There are many superb comments by regular posters and by many posters now long gone or who choose not to post now. We are all different, what works for me may not work for you. Many will have medical conditions, while it is ok to ask or seek advice on the 5:2 seek medical advice from your GP. There are very few Doctors on this forum however well meaning us posters may be.
    For me, I have done Mon, Wed fasts. Two consecutive day fasts. Mon,Wed,Friday fasts. All work for me. I have worked out on fast days quite easily with no adverse effects. It works for me. On a fast day I am lazy. I skip breakfast except for a cup of tea. Lunch is a low GI meal of home made porridge and fruit. Dinner around 6.30p, is a M&S “Fuller Longer” Ready Meal. They are very very good.
    Remember, this way of life is not just about losing weight but also aimed at inner health benefits. Do not forget that. Also do some research on the web. Check out Google Scholar for some in depth overviews on research into fasting and other food related research. It will add to your knowledge.
    Finally, and there is a lot more I could add (space limited) Good luck to you all.

    Hi everyone,

    I’m starting tomorrow as well. I’ve tried 5:2 a few times before but always fell off the wagon. This time I’m determined to succeed. I compete in triathlons and really want to shift a bit more weight to help on the bike and run sections. I’m London based but hail from Yorkshire!

    Good Luck to all for tomorrow 🙂

    Hello everyone, I am also planning to start tomorrow. I would love to loose at least a stone, I have tried 5-2 before and had some success but really need to get going again. Really hoping to succeed alongside you all. Good luck tomorrow.

    Thanks couscous brill advice ☺☺

    Wow never expected so many replies I’m thrilled. When I was last here there was lots of support and even a daily “I’m fasting today” thread where people popped in and reported how well or difficult it was that day. I must say I found it a great help to know that there were many others in the same boat as it were.
    Maybe I haven’t got to grips with the new look ( to me) sight and I might be missing it. Anyway good luck to everyone fasting tomorrow 5/1/15.

    Ditto! I have between 2 & 2.5 stone to lose. Really need this to work.

    Two stone for me Chrissy, good luck.

    I tried the 5:2 in September for a couple of weeks, not sure why I stopped. I did notice my weight fluctuated a lot in those 2 weeks.
    So now I have the same weight to lose after putting a couple of kilo’s on due to wine & pavlova 🙂
    today is a fast day & I have done an interval training session of my cross trainer, had a 2 egg omlette for brekky with capsicum & spring onion with a de-caf coffee.

    heres hoping I can stick to it this time….maybe alongside my NYResolution to cut back on the booze so I have 5 alcohol free days will increase my chances of success & maintenance…
    fingers crossed & good luck to everyone who has/is just starting.

    Just starting today .Have had a couple of false starts and didn’t really think that I could do this.
    I have had a bit of an attitude change just cause its TIME.
    Did a Glucose tolerance test today so this can be one of my fasting days.
    My results were a bit low.
    10 hours fast baseline 5.2 mmol/L
    1 hour later 5.1 mmol/L
    2 hours later 4.3 mmol/L
    The carbohydrate was 240 grams of potato.
    Age 52 year old female .Overweight … well obese have to lose 20 kg
    I know people cant give medical advice but someone may be able to provide an opinion …GOOD – BAD – wait and take another reading in two weeks
    Heres to a new 2015

    Hi everyone,

    I’m starting today as well, wanting to lose 7.5kg – 3 of them very recent so I’m hoping for an encouraging start. I’m planning for my restricted days to be (mainly) Tuesdays and Thursdays.

    Good luck to everyone else embarking on their lifestyle change today too. 🙂

    Morning everyone, well what alot of people we’ve accumulated on this thread! Everyone seems positive and determined to lose their extra lbs and I’m sure we’ll all encourage each other to do that over the next few weeks and months.

    Well I’m up to an all time high this morning and after last night’s wine (thought I’d share a bottle with hubby before I go hell for leather on 5:2), biscuits, hummous and things to dip into it I’m ready to start fasting properly again :). I’ve started the day with a cup of tea and a splash of skimmed milk and have a slim soup for lunch, water and a selection of fruit and camomile teas. Will be having a Weightwatchers meal with extra veg for my evening meal. Hopefully it won’t be too bad but knowing me I’ll have to reign myself in tonight when I get an attack of the munchies.

    Have a good Monday and good luck to all of us who are fasting today. x

    Good morning and good luck everyone! I’m starting with porridge too and then chicken and veg later. Had a weigh in just now and don’t plan to weigh myself again for a week.

    Thank you, I’ll definitely be making the soup. I have a family to cook for so avoiding the kitchen is difficult, but I’ll try. Here goes!!

    Hi everyone, good luck with today! I’d really like to join and get involved with this thread. My fast days are going to be Monday and Thursday 😀 I think its important to have support along the way, so I’m here for you all! x

    Ready, steady, GO?
    All set for a great start, just remember that tomorrow is a normal eating day. This is my last day at home before returning to work after the Christmas break, keeping busy with dismantling the tree and taking down the decorations. I will try to go for a run/trot/shuffle to get off to a positive start.

    I have just managed to set up My tracker (with Moogie’s help) and had homemade lentil and vegetable soup for lunch. Looking forward to meatballs and more veggies this evening. Raining here and I’m at home all day so my will power is on full alert!

    My first day today. Would like to lose a stone by end of June ready for my 50th birthday and a beach holiday. I would love to wear a bikini! I haven’t eaten anything today yet, saving calories for evening meal, pleased to say I feel ok at the moment, drinking hot water with lemon slice when I get hunger pangs, so far, so good.

    So far so good for me too 🙂 Had one egg plus egg white for breakfast and have been sipping herbal tea with no sugar all day. It was quite difficult to watch the rest of the family eating the meal I’d prepared them even though I was fine cooking it. I’m holding on for as long as possible before I eat my meal of homemade chicken and vegetable soup. It’s nearly five here so feel pleased with myself so far 🙂

    Hi everyone, i started the 5.2 last February with my husband I lost 26lbs but fell off the way on 🙁 my husband still does it he’s done great just maintaining now its a way of life to him. Starting my fasting tomorrow looking forward to it I have my 500 calories at tea time after work, I drink lots of water & black coffee, my husband drinks lots of green tea but I can’t stand it. Love this forum lost of useful advice & help.

    Keep positive everyone 🙂

    Hi everyone, i started the 5.2 last February with my husband I lost 26lbs but fell off the wagon 🙁 my husband still does it he’s done great just maintaining now its a way of life to him. Starting my fasting tomorrow looking forward to it I have my 500 calories at tea time after work, I drink lots of water & black coffee, my husband drinks lots of green tea but I can’t stand it. Love this forum lost of useful advice & help.

    Keep positive everyone 🙂

    Hi everyone hope we are all doing well today. I have just had a slim soup for lunch which tasted very good, although I must make some fresh soup for my next fast. I have a huge salad with mussels and prawns planned for dinner so I am looking forward to that. I do love a coffee and have a splash of milk so I have figured that in. I am trying to keep busy and not think too much about next fast day is Thursday although I intend to eat healtly on my other days. I feel I don’t want to undo the good I have achieved on my fast days by going too mad on other days although I will most certainly have a few glasses of wine at the weekend. Good luck folks.

    Well guys, I’ve almost made it through the day – a slim soup for lunch as planned, half a digestive and 2 haribo sweets (someone brought them into the staffroom but I counted them in) and a 2 egg omelette with mushrooms, tomato, spring onion plus a large salad and pickles. I’m stuffed but still got enough cals left for a hot drink later. Quite pleased with myself 🙂 How did everyone else do?

    Hello. Hope everyone who started today is getting on well.

    I lost 10 lbs with 5:2 last year but a holiday, exam stress and Christmas have all lead to me being the heaviest I have ever been.

    I’m aiming to lose 18 lbs and will be fasting tomorrow. I change my fast days each week according to my work and family commitments. Saturday is my weigh in day.

    Keep going everyone and looking forward to hearing how everyone is getting on.

    Another newbie here.
    Day one went ok although saying that, I have just taken myself off to bed (much to the amusement of my hubby and teenagers!).
    I think it’s going to take a few weeks to get into the swing of things. Hoping the forums ( and a few early, booze free nights) will help.

    Hi everyone i started the diet last week first fast day was 31st Dec, have done 3 fast days and just weighed today and the scales are down by 2kg.

    Got another 7kg to go. Going on a cruise in April so have an incentive to loose the flab.

    Good luck to everyone

    First fast has gone well although I am a bit peckish now, i still have 50 cals left so I may have a look to see if I can find anything I can have. The good thing is when I wake up tomorrow I can have a nice piece of toast.

    I’ve surprised myself today, don’t think I’ve ever been this strict in my life
    Chicken with fresh lemon and thyme, carefully measured veg and even half a 10 cal jelly and sprinkled mini meringue
    Looking forward to a nice healthy breakfast, time for bed to dream that bikini body I’m hoping to discover

    Well done guys, I’ve come in at a wee bit over 500, starving but going to bed shortly:-)

    We’ll done all you Monday fasters. I just about survived, I found I needed to keep really busy.
    Fizzy water helped, more exciting than still and it feels more filling?! Next fast Thursday or possibly Wednesday if I am feeling up to it.

    well yesterdays fast was easy….I guess it helped that I was buys with work (I work at home) and it was 44degrees – which always suppresses the appetite 🙂
    today I weighed myself again & down 1kilo from yesterday morning…..lets hope it keeps going in the right direction.

    Well done everyone. Agree the hot weather makes you eat a bit less. 38 degrees here in Adelaide today. On my non fast days trying to keep to 1200 calories as really on a mission to loose weight

    Hello All!

    My name is Michele–I am out of sunny Southern California; this 5:2 Fast Diet does not seem to be as popular (yet) here. Seems like most of you are from the UK–I actually only heard about 5:2 from a UK news website and I was very intrigued. Today is my first day, and first fast day! It’s harder than I thought… I am looking to lose about 35lbs (or what I am learning the Brits call 2 and a half stone, wink, wink!)

    I appreciate any help, words of wisdom, tips! Good luck to all!

    Hi thrive and welcome:

    Here are some tips:

    I’ll be in your fair state next month. Hope its not raining!

    Good Luck!

    Glinnie61, I found that I don’t like green tea either–but I try to drink it for the health benefits. I learned that they have green tea with other herbal flavors like black raspberry etc,. I just put that in cold water throughout the day and it tastes like a lightly flavored water. So good!

    Haha.. Welcome then, to California! It probably won’t be raining but we need it so badly. Don’t be surprised if we are celebrating rain!

    Hi thrive:

    I realize it never rains in southern California, but . . .

    I’ll be in Santa Rosa, where it rained 8 inches in a day on me last year.

    The beer was good, though!

    Morning everyone and a little smile from me:) Feeling good this morning and determined to stay within my TDEE today so I don’t undo yesterdays fast. Just going to eat a wee bit more today but not go mad and binge which sometimes happens (whoops)and the same tomorrow ready for my second fast of the week on Thursday.

    Happy Tuesday and good luck if you’re fasting x

    Hi all I too am starting again yesterday Monday 5th and aim to lose 2 lbs per week – really good idea to have a forum which we can share our joint progress and also happy to buddy up with anyone individually to share progress and also share most importantly those days (they will happen!) when things don’t go to plan – but I am already mentally prepared for that – not to fail you understand – but just to let the sun go down one one bad day and start again and not to let one bad day result in a weeks binge eating or throwing the towel in altogether which is what has happened in the past. I also want to lessen the hold food has on my life as I am an emotional eater.

    Oh and a happy new healthier 2015 to all!


    Hello thrive.and all those new to the forum, welcome to your new way of life. Remember 5:2 is not just about weight loss, inner health is a major factor also. Like all new challenges a positive mental attitude is required. The “Fasting” day is not hard, nor a challenge, nor is it impossible. It is simply an achievable adjustment to your every day life style.!!!!!. There are no absolutes to follow other than those guidelines for the 5:2. If on a fast day you find you eat more than your calorie target by a significant amount you have not “failed or fallen off the wagon, simply adjust and move onto another fast day. You are never hungry simply”comfortably empty”.
    Work out what works for you on your fast days. Read the book, the F.A.Q. section and research the previous comments made by posters under the various subject headings.
    For me, my approach uses the K.I.S.S. method. (Keep it simple stupid) for me that is, not you but it works – for me.
    Whatever your approach and experiences of this 5:2 life style good luck.

    Morning everyone 😀 My fast day went okay, although I did struggle a bit mid-afternoon. I had chicken and vegetable soup when I got home from work with some granary bread and felt SO full after! Enjoying a nice yoghurt for breakfast this morning, as its not a fast day today. Next one is Thursday, and hopefully it will be easier than yesterday. I was so tired last night, and freezing cold!

    Couscous … I love the K.I.S.S. method, like you say, keep it simple 😀

    Good luck everyone!

    Woke up after yesterdays first fast feeling great, at last I feel in control and positive. I’m jotting down my food at the moment just so I don’t kid myself I’m eating within my TDEE, its so easy to do.
    Once I feel confident in my eating habits I’ll relax but for now I am on guard. Good luck everyone.

    Good morning all!
    Lovely to read all the comments about being successful this morning! I too woke up feeling good as I managed from 8 Sunday evening till 11 Tuesday morning on under 500 cals so I feel pretty proud of myself 🙂 I mangaged to satiate myself with a cucumber/carrot yoghurt dip in the evening which was delicious!
    I am an emotional eater too and tend to overreact when I’m tired and as I work afternoon/evenings I don’t get in till tenish when I’m starving! I’ve also come to the uncomfortable conclusion that I drink too much, I realised I was having a glass or two of wine every evening and drinking far too much at the weekends! So it’s definitely going to be a dry January for me and then a drastic reduction in the quantity of alcohol I consume.
    Thank you so much for the advice and support from all the experienced members especially Couscous and Simcoeluv as your advice is invaluable.
    So I shall bid you all good day from sunny but cold Greece so that we can add that pin to the map of where we are all living, correct me if I’m wrong but I think I’ve seen England, Australia and the States mentioned so far?
    Here’s wishing you all a healthy below TDEE non fast Tuesday!

    Feeling good today and also slept well – I have read several other posts on here about folk not sleeping so well after a fast.
    Keeping an eye on what I am eating today but succumbed to a cappuccino this morning – lovely.
    Thank you for all the advise and support. I am in London – very grey and drizzly here today.
    Keep going everyone.

    Hi, welll done everyone;) I managed my first fast of year. I went from 8pm Sunday till 10am Tuesday, with 500cal. It actually went so well Im going 3:4.this week. Guess my body has so much fat stored after Christmas, its just not even hungry, running on reserves;)

    Well done everyone who fasted today. I didn’t but have stayed under TDEE . I’m sharing a bottle of red with Ron tonight but have decided to limit wine to tues evening ( its my day off on wed) and 1 weekend night if I can, therefore cutting cals and hopefully stopping me from eating rubbish to accompany it

    Hi guys glad to see so many positive first day fasts. My first day went well. For me it’s got to be no food till the evening because if I eat breakfast I’m starving a couple of hours later whereas I was able to stave off the hunger by not eating and drinking loads of water and camomile tea. We have all got to find our own best approach to this. Good luck all xx

    Everyones doing so well 🙂 On my fast days I’ve found that one small meal in the evening works best for me. I drink loads of water and green tea during the day, and have some glucose tablets with me, in case I need a boost. 9 cals per tablet and I very rarely need more than one. All is good with me. Good luck with the day everyone! Stay strong 😀 x

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